Title: The Chakram flies at Moonlight Part: Chapter 1 Name: Eike (josecar@erols.com) and Jagz (lunacyo@hotmail.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story was written as a crossover. Each chapter is written from a specific point of view. For instance, all of my esteemed partner, Eike's chapters are written from Xena's party's pov. All of my chapters were written from Usagi's pov of one of her group. Beginning with the prologue, Mareike wrote all of the even chapters, and I wrote all of the odd chapters, beginning with chapter one. Disclaimer: Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei, and a lot of other companies. Xena: Warrior Princess belongs to USA studios and lots of other companies. Eike has put together this useful list of the Roman/Greek gods/goddesses Jupiter/Zeus: King of the gods, God of the Sky Mars/Aries: God of War Mercury/Hermes: God of travelers, inventor of the lyre Venus/Aphrodite: Goddess of love Pluto/Hades: God of the dead Neptune/Poseidon: God of the Seas Saturn/Cronus: Ruled Italy, ruler of the Golden Age; God of sowing and seed. Mostly only worshipped by Romans Uranus: God of the Heavens; worshipped by early Greeks, later never worshipped Diana/Artemis (tee hee;): Goddess of Hunt and the Moon Selene: Goddess of the moon; she fell in love with Endymion, a shepherd (or prince) E-mail us your comments at lunacyo@hotmail.com (Jagz) and josecar@erols.com (Eike) ******************************************************** * The Chakram flies at Moonlight * * Chapter 1 * * by Jagz and Eike * ******************************************************** Xena and Usagi stared at each other for a moment in shock. Neither quite knew what to say next. They both heard Athena chuckling and they turned to see her image had appeared once again among the water. "Well, my dears, it seems you are both in a rather strange situation. I cannot - WILL not tell you much about it, except that both your worlds are in grave danger and only by working TOGETHER can you save them." Athena faded slowly away leaving two very confused, and VERY bewildered young warriors to wonder just what had happened. --------- Usagi and Xena had thought their problem had been solved when Athena had granted them the ability to talk to each other. Unfortunately they were wrong. Xena had told Usagi that she had always suspected Athena had a cruel streak in her, and this new revelation seemed to confirm that accusation. They had first discovered it when they had gone back to camp. Xena had gone ahead and started setting up the camp arrangements while Gabrielle was busy cooking the food. No one had said anything for awhile. Xena and Gabrielle had both been busy, and Usagi was still shocked and upset by her situation. Plus she felt sort of... weird; she wasn't sure how to explain it. So no one had particularly spoken to each other until they sat down to eat. They had eaten in silence for a little while, Usagi ravenously gulping down the food like she hadn't been fed for years, and Xena and Gabrielle watching in silent amazement and finally eating themselves. Xena had been the first one to speak, telling Gabrielle what Athena had done for them and that now they could communicate. Gabrielle had just mumbled an incomprehensible reply with her mouth full. Xena had smiled fondly at her and explained that Usagi had come from a land called Toe-kee-yoh. Gabrielle had mumbled a garbled question through her mouthful of mutten that only Xena's trained ears could decipher. Xena had smiled again and said, "I don't know, Gabrielle, I'll ask her." She had turned back to the blond haired girl, who had finished her meal and was now staring pensively out at the mountains. "Usagi!" Xena had said sharply, drawing Usagi out of herself, "You said you come from Toe-kee-yoh. Where is that?" Usagi's forehead creased in thought. She frowned. "I... I'm not sure," she said, "I remember... I think... well it's in Japan...." She trailed off at the shocked look on Gabrielle's face. She started to turn a little red, thinking Gabrielle was shocked that Usagi wasn't sure where Tokyo was. That was the case at all. "Xena," Gabrielle said, "I thought you said she could communicate now!" Usagi stared at her in shock. Xena looked at her strangely, "She CAN communicate. Didn't you just hear her talking?" "But she was speaking the same language as when she first got here," Gabrielle protested, "You said she could talk ours." "She CAN," Xena insisted. "Wait, does this mean that you can't understand her?" "EU!" Gabrielle confirmed. Xena thought this over. "Xena," Usagi said, "I can't understand a word Gabrielle is saying." "You can't understand her either?" Xena said. Usagi shook her head. Gabrielle asked what Usagi had said and Xena translated. Gabrielle's eyes got wide and she gave a startled exclamation. "Do you know what this means? Athena made it so that you two can only talk to each other! Noone else will be able to understand her!" Gabrielle cried in horror. Xena cursed roundly for a few moments, saying things that made both Usagi and Gabrielle blush. After a moment, Gabrielle made a disapproving sound and Xena stopped cursing, but shook her head and gave a wry laugh. "The next time I see you Athena...." She sighed. Gabrielle said something soothingly. Usagi, VERY hesitantly, asked Xena what was going on. "Athena made it so that we could understand each other - and ONLY each other. That means that no one beside myself will be able to understand you. Even Gabrielle cannot. That means that now you will HAVE to stay with us, no matter what!" Xena gave a barely suppressed groan as she explained to Usagi what was happening. "This is going to be a major pain in the........." "Xena!" Gabrielle reprimanded sharply. Xena gave her a warning smile but backed off with a hiss. Usagi giggled. Which earned her a glare from both Xena and Gabrielle. Usagi instantly backed off and tried to hold in her laughter, and was successful for the most part, but she couldn't help the one chortle that forced its way from her mouth... Usagi saw what was coming before it hit her and tried to duck. Unfortunately, she just wasn't fast enough. She screamed as she turned around and was hit... by a giant glob of food. Xena just stood there, smiling a superior, yet almost feral smile. Gabrielle turned back to Xena and gave her a triumphant, satisfied smile, and said something to her. Usagi looked on in curiosity as Xena shook her head, her grin widening ominously. Xena said, "Well it does look like fun..." Usagi gasped and tried to duck, but wasn't able to avoid the large, juicy looking fruit that came hurtling toward her from Xena's hand. She gasped again as the fruit hit her and exploded, soaking her with big, sticky juices. Gabrielle made a grab for some more food and she and Xena got ready to pelt a helpless Usagi with it -- when suddenly a blast of pure energy came out of nowhere and struck the tree where Usagi was standing. Usagi shrieked in terror and jumped back away from the smoldering remains of the tree. She had been lucky, the blast had not hit her, but she had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, three more blasts shot out directly at her.... She was shoved violently out of the way of the blasts by Xena, who immediately stood up and fired her chakram back in the direction of the blasts. "Run!" She shouted at her, "Hurry... Run and hide!" "But you..." Usagi started to protest. "Just DO it! There's nothing you can do to help, now GO!" Usagi turned and did as she was told, thinking what Xena said was true. But then, why did it feel so wrong to be running instead of fighting? She ran out as far as she could before stumbling to a halt behind a grove of trees. Looking back, she could faintly see Xena and Gabrielle surrounded on all sides by strange creatures who looked faintly human - but weren't. Usagi KNEW she had seen these creatures before - but she just couldn't remember.... Usagi's eyes went wide as she realized what she had just discovered. She desperately searched her memory for anything about these creatures and came up blank. That wasn't the thing that scared her, though. What scared her, more than anything else she had ever known in her life, was the fact that she couldn't search her memory for these creatures or anything else because it wasn't there. Her mind was completely blank, there was nothing there at all. Her eyes widened to their full limit as she realized with inexorable horror the full extent of her condition; except for the name Tsukino Usagi, she had completely lost her memory! Tears sprang to her eyes and a shudder rent it's way though her body as she felt, suddenly, and for the first time, the complete aloneness and utter emptiness that comes from remembering absolutely nothing at all. She was suddenly ripped out of herself and her thoughts by a piercing scream from Gabrielle, who had just been shot in the shoulder by one of the creatures' blasts. She dropped back a little and Xena immediately sprang forward to cover her. Usagi watched with a desperate, but futile hope as Xena and Gabrielle battled fiercely against hopeless odds. Xena and Gabrielle were painfully outnumbered, they'd never seen much less fought anything like this before, and Gabrielle was hurt. Usagi wanted to run, desperately, and as far as she could. But she couldn't. As much as she wanted to get away from the fighting, she couldn't. It didn't feel right. She needed to go back and help. It was her job..... Now where had THAT come from? She suddenly had the odd feeling that she'd fought these creatures before, though she still couldn't remember their name. Her hand unconsciously went to her broach she wore on her chest. As she touched it, A strange tingling feeling came over her and before she could stop herself, she was shouting out the words "Moon Eternal Power, Make-Up!" And then, in Tsukino Usagi's place stood a young and very powerful warrior named Sailor Moon. It was then that her fighting instincts took over and she was off and running back toward the fight. She got there just in time. Five of the creatures had finally knocked the weapons out of Xena and Gabrielle's hands and were slowly bearing down on them. One of the creatures had struck out and grabbed Xena, and was trying to steal her energy, when something flew by and sliced off the creature's arm. The creature gasped and all five of them turned and looked up as the weapon returned to its owner, who replaced it to its original position on her forehead. As they all (including Xena and Gabrielle) gaped at her in shock, the figure leaped down out of the tree and landed dramatically on the ground. Before any of them had a chance to ask, the figure launched herself into a battle speech. "For love and justice, the Sailor Suit Beautiful Fighter -- SAILOR MOON! You have destroyed the peace where it should not have been disturbed! In place of the moon, I will punish you!" Xena and Gabrielle gawked up at the newcomer as she started her speech, but quickly shook themselves and used this distraction to gather their weapons back to them. Sailor Moon saw them do this and as soon as she saw they were ready, she ended her speech and launched herself into battle. It was over quickly. Sailor Moon dispatched three of the five creatures (who had been surprisingly easy to beat) with her Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss attack, Gabrielle managed to finish one off and Xena took out the last one. Xena and Gabrielle turned to thank this mysterious stranger, but she had already disappeared. Sailor Moon made her way back to the grove of trees where she had hidden herself and detransformed. Usagi was extremely scared and gave way to tears and shudders of fear and unhappiness. She realized that she must be this warrior, Sailor Moon, and that scared her because she remembered nothing about it, and didn't really know what she was doing. From the moment she had transformed she had been going entirely on instincts. Even the words she had said had been instinctual, they had just been there and she had said them, but now, when she tried to recall what she had said and why, there was nothing. Just an empty, expectant feeling. Her transformation had triggered no memories at all, in fact she suspected it might have taken the few memories she had had. She didn't know how, she didn't know why, all she knew was that she had done what she had just done, and that scared the heck out of her. Usagi made the mistake of slumping in anguish against an old, rotted tree, which had taken a blast from one of the creatures. The thump her body made as it hit the tree shook the entire thing over onto her. Before she could move, or even scream for help, the humongous tree crashed down onto her, crushing her. Colors exploded before her eyes and pain was her last conscious thought, before slipping, mercifully, into unconsciousness.