Title: The Chakram flies at Moonlight Part: Chapter 2 Authors: Eike (josecar@erols.com) and Jagz (lunacyo@hotmail.com) --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story was written as a crossover. Each chapter is written from a specific point of view. For instance, all of my esteemed partner, Jagz's chapters are written from Usagi's party's pov. All of my chapters were written from Xena's pov of one of her group. Beginning with the prologue, I wrote all of the even chapters, and Jagz wrote all of the odd chapters, beginning with chapter one. Disclaimer: Sailor Moon belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei, and a lot of other companies. Xena: Warrior Princess belongs to USA studios and lots of other companies. I've put together this useful list of the Roman/Greek gods/goddesses Jupiter/Zeus: King of the gods, God of the Sky Mars/Aries: God of War Mercury/Hermes: God of travelers, inventor of the lyre Venus/Aphrodite: Goddess of love Pluto/Hades: God of the dead Neptune/Poseidon: God of the Seas Saturn/Cronus: Ruled Italy, ruler of the Golden Age; God of sowing and seed. Mostly only worshipped by Romans Uranus: God of the Heavens; worshipped by early Greeks, later never worshipped Diana/Artemis (tee hee;): Goddess of Hunt and the Moon Selene: Goddess of the moon; she fell in love with Endymion, a shepherd (or prince) E-mail us your comments at lunacyo@hotmail.com (Jagz) and josecar@erols.com (Eike) ******************************************************** * The Chakram Flies at Moonlight * * Chapter 2 * * by Eike and Jagz * ******************************************************** "Where did that angel go?" Gabrielle asked. Xena raised an eyebrow. "Angel?" "Well, she had wings, and she was really pretty. I don't know what to call her if not an angel," Gabrielle reasoned. "I don't know any angels wearing skirts that short. So far I've only seen you, me, and concubines in those types of dresses," Xena retorted. She didn't feel like having an angel helping her, especially after that trick Athena played on her. "I wonder what she meant. I mean, she said 'fighting for love and justice'. Does it get any cornier than that?" Gabrielle wondered. "Love and justice.... she doesn't know where she is, does she?" Xena suddenly remembered something. "Where's Usagi?" "I don't know." "We told her to run...." They suddenly heard a loud crack, like something large snapping in half. "Come on, we have to find Usagi. If that tree fell near her, it might have brought down the neighboring ones as well!" Xena started to run, Gabrielle right behind her. It would do no good for Usagi to get killed, especially since they still had to figure some stuff out about her. They ran for a while, until Xena spotted something golden streaming out from under an old tree.... Usagi's hair! "Come on, help me lift it up!" Xena grabbed the tree, and with Gabrielle's help, lifted it off of Usagi. She lay unconscious, and several spots on her body had turned blue, and there was a huge red gash under her chin where a branch had cut it. Xena was alarmed. That tree was too much weight for a small girl like Usagi! "Quick, we have to tend to her!" Xena started shouting out orders at Gabrielle, who complied. After several hours, Gabrielle had managed to set up camp, start a fire, make tea, and help Xena mix herbs for Usagi, who wasn't doing all too good. Gabrielle silently watched Xena care for Usagi's wounds. They were healing pretty fast. She must have a good defensive system. Still.... nobody could actually heal that quick, could they? The cut under her chin had stopped bleeding, but that was about it for a while. A day later, when Xena was going to apply the stitches, she noticed something else. The cut was smaller. And it seemed to be getting smaller. As soon as she put the needle away, it slowed down, but the cut continued shrinking. This girl was a mystery. There was definitely something strange about her. --- Xena watched Usagi stir. She sat up, and looked around confused. 'She's up already? How is that possible? A tree that size should have kept her out for weeks!' Xena noticed Usagi eyeing the fire curiously, muttering: "...it reminds me of something..... fire....." "Oh, you're finally awake. I thought you were going to be unconscious for weeks! Of course, at the speed you were healing, I guess it's only natural for you to wake up after only a couple of days," Xena greeted her. "A tree fell on me.... an old oak, right...?" she asked. Xena looked at her weirdly. "How did you know it was an oak? Not many people can tell what tree is which, especially at this time of year," Xena said. "I don't know.... oak.... there's something important about that.... I know there is...." "Perhaps it's from where ever it is you come from?" "Maybe... but I think it's more than that.... " Usagi started to sniffle a little. Xena looked concerned (or as concerned as Xena can look) and asked: "What's the matter?" "Xena, I can't remember ANYTHING! It's a blank. My mind is a complete blank. I don't remember my family, my friends, my boyfriend... if I even had a boyfriend I want to remember!!!!!!!!!" "Well, come sit by the fire, and I'll try to help you. Amnesia can be cured," Xena ordered. Usagi obeyed, eyeing the fire again. She asked a question that surprised Xena: "What does fire remind you of Xena?" Xena blinked, thinking hard.... fire.... what did she think of when she heard fire... "I've got it! Ares. Ares is always messing around with fire, and he has this strange obsession.... then again, he is the god of war, so I shouldn't be too surprised. Why do you ask?" "Oh, no reason.... does he have a roman name? Maybe I know him then...." "Yes. The Romans call him Mars. They named a planet after him, and I'm sure it boosted his already big ego even higher..." Xena trailed off, noticing Usagi wasn't paying attention. "Mars....fire reminds me of Mars.... I'm sure she was a good friend.... if I could only remember her...." "Usagi, that makes no sense. Mars is male, for one. And second, he does not make friends unless he gets something out of it," Xena was getting tired, and cranky. What was up with this girl? "No.... not that Mars.... a better Mars.... she...." Usagi was interrupted by a roll of thunder. "AIIII!!!!!!!!! HELLLLLPPPPPPPP!!!!!" "Usagi, it's only a little storm," Xena pointed out, trying to remain calm. It must not have worked, because Usagi started to sniffle. "I'm sorry. Thunder and lightning scares me. It's not my fault. I'm used to Mamo- chan protecting me ." "Usagi, you remembered something! Who is 'Mamo-chan'?" 'Maybe this'll keep her from screeching.' Usagi stared blankly. "I...I don't know. I'm sure he was someone very importaaaaaaaa!!!!" A flash of lightning was seen, closely followed by thunder. And it started to pour. The fire went out soon afterward, leaving Usagi and Xena in the dark..... "Well. I guess Zeus is angry with us. I wonder what we did to get him mad?" Gabrielle's voice came from the tent. Xena rolled her eyes, though no one saw it in the dark. "Zeus is not angry, it's just that the world needs a little rain anyway," Xena was getting sick of gods, and preferred to think that they weren't meddling with her affairs. "Zeus's' roman name, please," Usagi's voice was heard. Xena sighed. "Jupiter!" she called into the dark. "Jupiter...oak, lightning, they remind me of Jupiter....." as soon as she mumbled those words, the storm stopped. Completely stopped, leaving a starry night to be seen, and a clear full moon. --- "That storm last night was strange. Why did it stop so suddenly? Does that happen a lot around here?" Usagi rambled on. Xena decided to just ignore her, perhaps she would quiet down. "Xena, you were saying the gods didn't have anything to do with this. What about that storm yesterday? Care to explain that?" Gabrielle nagged Xena. Xena sighed. This was going to be a LONG day. A rustle brought Xena to attention. "Quiet!" she told her two companions. She drew her sword, ready to defend from bandits. The rustling grew louder, and some voices were heard. "...sure about this? .... dangerous, ... Xena...." "..calm down.... no danger..." was all Xena could make out. So, this attack was planned. Xena made sure to spoil their plans. Nobody messes with the warrior princess. "Ayiyiyiyiyi!" she cried, jumping towards the voices. "Oww! Xena, please, stop!" Gabrielle tried to remember where she heard that voice before, but didn't need to, as Hercules, Iolas, and Xena came out of the bushes. "Oh, hello, Hercules, Iolas. What're you doing here?" Gabrielle asked. "Ohayo gozaimas," Usagi greeted and bowed. Hercules and Iolas looked at her strangely. "What's with her? Hasn't she ever heard of part gods?" Hercules asked Xena. She sighed, and explained: "She just said hello. Unfortunately, only I can understand her, as Athena has played a cruel joke on me. She has part amnesia, and I get the feeling as soon as she remembers, a lot of mystery will be uncovered. Also, we were attacked by strange creatures, perhaps from the underworld, and a girl in an extremely short skirt with wings helped destroy them." At the mention of the Sailor Suited Fighter, Usagi's face twisted into an unreadable expression. Everyone just ignored her, not caring to wonder what was wrong with her. "Have you heard of that new warlord, Endymion? He's supposed to have enslaved helpless people, and is ruining the lives of many, destroying villages and farms for no reason." Usagi's eyes widened. "Xena, what did he say? I just understood one word, Endymion. It's a name, right? Endymion sounds so familiar, Xena!" Xena looked troubled. "Well, I guess we have to pay the warlord a visit, Hercules. Usagi says she knows someone named Endymion, or at least the name reminds her of someone. Besides, we can't just let him do something like that to the civilians, can we?" Xena had a point. All of them nodded. "Alright, we leave tomorrow at dawn," Xena said. --- "Usagi, wake up!" Xena pushed Usagi, but she kept sleeping. "Mamo-chan.... aishiteru...." Usagi mumbled. "Wake up!" Xena said. Usagi rolled to the other side. "Just five more minutes, mom. Five more min...." Xena sighed. This was a last resort, but she had to do it. She took a bucket of water, making sure none of the others wanted some first. She dumped the cold water on Usagi, who sat straight up, drenched and cold. "What did you do that for!" she demanded. "It's dawn. Time to leave and 'visit' Endymion. By the way, you mumbled something in your sleep... it might interest you," Xena said in a mysterious voice. "What did I say? I had the best dream, before you drenched me back to reality!" "You said: 'Mamo-chan, I love you.' So.... does your dream fit in with that?" "Don't call him Mamo-chan. His name is Mamoru. And I guess.... if Mamo-chan was that handsome man with me......" Usagi's eyes glazed over, a dreamy smile on her face. Xena rolled her eyes. "Come on you two, we have to get going!" Hercules called. Xena nodded, and dragged Usagi to the horses. --- "Look what I found Usagi!" Gabrielle handed Usagi a pure red rose, in full bloom. She knew Usagi did understand what she had said, but the girl gladly took the rose anyway. She wasn't careful enough, and cut her finger on a thorn. "Ouch! Since when do roses have thorns?" Xena had to laugh. "Usagi, roses always have thorns!" Hercules asked: "What's so funny?" Xena managed to calm down a little and explain: "She forgot roses have thorns!" Iolas had to smile. You had to be pretty dumb to forget something like that. "Don't laugh! Mamo-chan's roses don't have thorns!" Xena calmed down. "You remembered some more! Mamo-ch.... Mamoru and roses are tied together somehow, aren't they?" Usagi was about to reply, when another voice interrupted. "Jupiter Oak Evolution!!!!" A powerful attack of lightning erupted from the ground, shocking every- one. "By the Gods! What is this?" Hercules shouted. Looking up, he saw a brown haired girl in a green mini skirt standing on a tree. "I am Sailor Jupiter! On behalf Jupiter, I will destroy you!" She shouted. She jumped down, eyeing all the travelers. Perhaps this would be a worthy kill.... YES! With Xena, Hercules, Iolas, and Gabrielle out of the way, nothing would be in the way of her masters domination of the world! Xena grabbed her Chakram, ready to attack. This girl looked a lot like Gabrielle's "angel" but obviously wasn't of the same kind. She was out to destroy. "NOOOOO!!!" Usagi yelled. All of them were surprised, although only two people understood her. "Jupiter, stop! Please! I know you're better! I don't remember you, but I know you're better than that!!" Jupiter looked surprised. Hercules wondered what Usagi had said, to make the enemy so startled. Would have to ask Xena later. He realized too late that Jupiter was planning another attack. "Supreme Thunder!" the attack was heading straight for Usagi, who had no way of dodging.....