Memories: Mermaid of the Sea by Elements of Desire ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The sea is endless and deep, memories float within it as it has watched lands give and lands rise from its embrace… Never forget the sea, where enchantment and magik live on forever, Where the tears of sadness fills its hunger and loneliness, For the sea is forever and nothing live as it has lived Or seen as it has seen, It was the first, and maybe the last to live… I would like to thank Chaos-kun and Naoko Takeuchi's wonderful stories And the many other wonderful authors and artists. Without Naoko-chan where would we be? And Chaos-kun is always writing such wonderful and exotic stories! Domo arigato everyone! --Elements of Desire ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wide sea, that one continuous murmur breeds Along the pebbled shore of memory! -John Keats Endymion There's a small hotel With a wishing well; I wish that we were there together. There's a bridal suite; One room bright and neat, Complete for us to share together. Looking through the window you can see a distant steeple; Not a sign of people, Who wants people? When the steeple bell says, "Goodnight, sleep well," we'll thank the small hotel together. We'll creep into our little shell And we will thank the small hotel together. -Lorenz Hart There's A Small Hotel (From "On Your Toes") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gates of Crystal Tokyo were as beautiful as the city itself, but it was not the only thing that made the traveler stop and gape at it, for before the gate, every now and then beautiful women was spotted standing there watching the horizon. The marbles, offset by clear crystals mixed with silver and gold, cut and shining in a multitude of colors gleamed under the sun, while the ocean, a few miles away, yet still insight, seemed to whisper soft sounding notes in the air. The air salty and sweet, wrapped with beauty and mystery left many new comers, as well as the city dwellers themselves speechless and gaping when they first reach the its gates, the city itself was no less beautiful; if all possible it was more, but what of the young women spotted there? It has been said that they who wait at the gates of Crystal Tokyo are always waiting for something beyond Paradise, but what are they waiting for that Paradise cannot offer? Who are they waiting for? The young woman had hair the color of a placid lake, buried at the bottom of a mountain by trees and stone, and always somewhere far away. It was cut short, but even so, it flowed gracefully in the sea breeze, curling softly around her face. Her eyes were that of oceans, deep and cool, yet not without a hint of romantic notions that oceans always seemed to have. Her skin, baring no wrinkles, seemed flawless and pale, with a hint of a blush the color of rose-petals if provoked enough. Yet even so she bared a smile pensive and sad, as if haunted by memories of happier times, of places far away and long ago. Many say that she has been there for thousands of years, waiting for someone, but whom? Tales seemed to pass that perhaps she was a mermaid from the sea that had fallen in love with a prince, but her immortality outlasted his mortal body and now she waits at the gates of paradise, waiting for her prince to come again. Others report that there are more like her, for sometimes other young women are found there with this mysterious girl, all beautiful, yet all seemed to be waiting for something, someone, in the distant horizon. Soon it was whispered that to see them was a blessing on the souls of travelers, that they would bring lovers together and other superstitious beliefs, but in this paradise it is rumored that its ruler, Neo-Queen Serenity knows why these young women waits and who it is that they are waiting for, but who knows what secrets lurks beneath the waters of the sea? And what memories lay there as well. * * * "Ami-chan! Wait up!" A voice called out from behind, startling the blue-haired girl to turn around to greet the face of the dark-haired young woman running to catch-up with her. She smiled softly and bowed in greeting, as the other slowed in her pursuit when she neared. "Ami-chan!" The young woman scolded her, "Stop being so polite! We've known each other for at least a few thousand years to stop with the protocols of court you know." But ended up grinning while Ami blushed. "Rei-chan, I thought you were on duty." Ami said, desperately trying to change the subject from herself. Rei sighed in exasperation, you can't change Ami, and no matter how long she waited, the blue-haired genius was still the same shy bookworm that Rei first encountered the day when Ami and Usagi arrived at her temple. "Nah, that can wait." Was all Rei said to Ami's question, Ami started to protest but Rei shot her a look, they both knew what she was about to say, and they also knew what Rei's response to that was going to be, no use wasting any breath over it. Silence settled over the two, not the uncomfortable type over strangers who doesn't know what to say to each other, but a silence that did not intrude over the old friends, but there for the simple fact that the two had nothing to say, though liked each others company nonetheless; it was only expected that Rei would be the one to break it. "Do you think we'd find them today?" She asked, and for the few times during the thousands of years Ami had come to know Rei, there was a hint of uncertainty, not a confidence that had became a trademark for Rei. "I-I'm not sure." Ami replied hesitantly, for she was never sure how to react to Rei when she was in such a mood. "Hmmm." And the silence returned as they ventured for the gates of the city, the guards there said nothing as the two senshi, now civilian dressed, walked by; they were expected there now, and when they were not there, then would the soldiers worry. That of course did not stop some newly recruited officer from gawking, for the two were beautiful, time did not touch them, at least not physically. Rei stopped before the pillars of the gates and gently rested her hand against it as she turned and smiled at Ami, again it was she who broke the silence. "So many memories, huh, Ami-chan?" She turned back to the pillars and walked through without hastening as Ami did, and with a flip, jumped onto the top. Ami smiled, it was expected that Rei still haven't lost the need to show off, even if it was to someone that known her through at least a few life times. She followed more leisurely , resting her hand where Rei had a few moments ago and sighed, yes, she replied in her mind, so many memories. Her eyes watered, but she quickly cleared them with a shake of her head and stepped through, only she leaned against the marble column instead of sitting on the torii like top, as Rei so preferred. So many memories, she thought… Silver Millennium… "Ami-chan! Snap out of it! Didn't you hear a word I said?" The exasperated, red-haired Martian princess asked halfway through her ranting, as the rest of the inner planetary princess grimaced, the other seemed not to have noticed, but even if she did she would naturally have ignored it, expected of the fiery Martian princess nonetheless. "Of course she did Rei-chan, you said it so loud that the dead would've heard you." The Venician princess signed, sarcasm laced with her words. Rei turned her wrath onto the other princess, which allowed Mercurian princess a sigh of relief, as all attention were now directed away from her. She glanced back out the window, and allowed herself to shut off the bickering within, something she had learned to do after hours of reading in the noisy surroundings of the Moon Kingdom, especially in the presence of her princess friends. Soon that peace was shattered again, as the princess of Jupiter slowly crept from the war of the other two princesses and reached Ami, a safe distance away from the fight. The Jupiter princess laid her hand onto Ami's shoulder, gently shaking her out of her daydreaming. "Daijobu, Ami-chan?" She asked in a low voice, trying not to attract any attention toward them and Ami was quite grateful for that. "Hai, Mako-chan, you could say so." She replied with a weak smile as she glanced over at the commotion on the other side of the room. "Don't worry about me Mako-chan." Makoto frowned, and Ami knew she couldn't fool her friend, though an unexpected grin came over the other princess's face and Ami begin to dread what was coming up next. "Is it a boy?" Makoto asked slyly, the smile never leaving her face. Ami blushed profusely, "Mako-chan!" She cried out in shock, unfortunately that caught Rei and the Venician princess's attentions from their bickering as well as the Moon Princess who was trying to break them up. "Daijobu Ami-chan?" The Moon Princess asked, concern in her face, but Ami was definitely dreading the outcome of this whole situation now. "Ami-chan's mooning over a boy!" Makoto replied, quite loudly too, so much so that Ami blushed again against her will, as everyone else gaped in shock and that brought all the curious stares to her. The Venician princess gaped as while but was the first to recover, unfortunately, for soon her expression changed to that of Makoto's, only worse, if that was possible! "Ami-chan!" She screeched, "I can't believe you didn't tell me! Don't you remember your good friend Minako, goddess of Love, warrior of Victory?" The Venician princess posed, and then winked at Ami. Rei sighed in exasperation, "Some goddess of Love Minako-chan." She said, rolling her eyes, and soon the two exchanged glares, but this too was too interesting for Rei to pass up. "So Ami-chan," She said causally, but that didn't stop her from cringing knowing what was coming up. "Whose this mystery man of yours that you have been keeping from us?" All eyes turned to Ami, but before she could answer the Moon Princess cut in. "Come on Ami-chan!" She said with pleading eyes, she's almost as bad as Minako, thought Ami. "Don't you trust us?" "I do." Ami finally said, "It's just that there is no one like that in my life right now." She shrugged, but that didn't stop the whole room from bursting into activity as they all spoke at once. "Sure Ami-chan-" "Come on, tell the truth-" "You're lying through your teeth-" "I bet it's that Urawa that's always hanging around-" Ami sighed, and looked down at her lap, blushing redder and redder as the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach rose, but the room suddenly went silent, Ami surprised looked up to see that one of the Lunar Guardians walked in, Luna I love you! Ami thought relief written on her face. "What's going on girls?" The woman before them asked questioningly, dark chestnut hair or tumbling waves that fell to her knees flowed with her every movement, deep sky-blue eyes demanded an answer, for a moment they all stood awed at Luna's beauty, it still struck them as peculiar that she could turn into a cat. "We were just-" Makoto began, but the Moon Princess soon intervened. "We were just discussing a new theory with Ami-chan." She piped up, while the others tried hard not to sigh in exasperation at the minute chances of them getting away with a lie like that. "That is certainly unexpected." Luna finally said, but before they could all let out a sigh of relief, she continued. "But I didn't expect you to lie to me either about it." Was all she said before turning around to leave, "You are needed it at the meeting room so please be there in a few hours, and dress properly, we are greeting ambassadors." The doors closed with a thud, but in no time flat Rei was onto the Moon Princess's tail, and this time no one stopped her for they all thought that this was something she definitely deserved. "Odango-atama!" Rei screeched, nearly everyone winced at that. "I can't believe you did that! Couldn't you at least find a better excuse or is that not comprehendible enough inside that spaghetti brain of yours?" The Moon Princess looked for help, but everyone turned away from her pleading look, and she was left alone to fend for herself against the Martian princess, so she did the only thing she could think of at the moment. "Here it comes." Muttered Makoto, as the wails of the Moon Princess was heard down the hall. Luna grimaced; I guess I'm lucky I have Rei to do all the scorning for me, she thought as she turned towards her room to get dressed. Ami herself was not enjoying this and for once was fed up, "Usagi-chan!" She said impatiently, "If you and Rei-chan can stop your fighting for a moment, I would like to remind you that we must get dressed to greet the ambassadors." She rose, "I'm going to get ready." Was all she said, as she turned and left the now silent room. Makoto whistled, but when she glanced back at the shocked expression of Rei and Usagi, interrupted in their tongue war and decided that she didn't want to be there anymore than Ami did. "Ami-chan, wait for me!" She said as she quickly exited out of the room, leaving Minako, Usagi and Rei. "I better go and change now." Minako said as she hurried out as well. "I guess the meeting's now adjourned." Usagi said at last. "No kidding Odango-atama." Rei said, and with a flip of her long fire colored hair left Usagi glaring at her back. "Stop calling me that Rei-chan!" She screamed after the Martian Princess, only to have mocking laughter drift back to her as she closed the doors to the meeting room and stomped to her own chambers to change, trying to plot up some kind of revenge against the Martian princess. Crystal Tokyo, Crystal Palace… "See anyone today Ami-chan?" Makoto asked eagerly. "Komban wa Mako-chan." Rei said sarcastically, but then soften her expression and gently laid her hand on her friend's shoulder and glanced behind to Ami. "Gomen nasai, Mako-chan." Ami said, a sad smile over her face as she shook her head. Makoto's hopeful smile faded, "I guess it is only to be expected." She said as she started to turn away, but she felt Rei's hand on her shoulder tightened. "Daijobu, Rei-chan?" She asked, turning back to her dark-haired friend. "Mako-chan don't ever say things like that." Rei said, and looked up to her with a fierceness that caught Makoto off guard. "If you give up now-" She paused turning away to regain her emotions, but resumed again as she turned back to face Makoto head on. "Don't you dare give up, ever!" She said vehemently. Makoto smiled, as understanding dawned, leaning over she gave Rei a hug. "Arigato, Rei-chan." Ami watched as the two friends embraced and silently smiled, trust Rei to get to the heart of the problem. She turned and left, not saying a word, as she headed for her room. "Ami-chan!" A golden voice screeched for her attention, sighing she turned to greet the senshi of Love. "Ami-chan! Did you see them today?" Eagerness shone on the face of Venus as hope glistened in her starry blue eyes. "Gomen nasai, Minako-chan. Not today." Ami apologized for the second time that day, only the crest fallen look on Minako's face was even worse then Makoto, wishing Rei or Usagi was there to deal with it, Ami apologized again and gave her friend a clumsy hug. Perhaps, not as graceful as Rei would've done, nor as comforting as would've been Usagi's, but from the grateful look on Minako's face, she was glade she did not haste in such a task. "Well tomorrow is another day." Minako said brightly, "Maybe they'd be here tomorrow." Dreamily, Minako left Ami at her door, smiling she turned and entered. Minako could always brighten anyone's day, Ami thought, even if she's not as happy as she used to be, but still she's as boy crazy as the first time I've met her. Ami grinned at the fond memories of the past, and sat down at her desk. A picture of Urawa and her sat beside her computer, her smile faded away. I wonder why I still keep that even when it makes me so sad, she pondered, but decided it was for the best, like she always did, for she didn't want to ever forget her first love in this life and probably the one in her last life as well. "Urawa…" She whispered to herself, as she traced her fingers along the glass of the frame. Tokyo Train Station, 1999… "Urawa!" She shouted over the heads of the people, waving to the young man who had just got off the train. His face brightened as he caught a glimpse of hers, pushing through the crowd to reach her with his travel bag slung over one shoulder. Usagi would've been jumping up and down now if she was here, but today Usagi was not here, though Ami was especially happy, and felt like doing exactly that, only she refrained herself from it, as always. "Ami-chan!" He said happily, as he enveloped her in a hug. He's grown, Ami thought in surprise at how much taller he was now compared to her, he nearly swept her off her feet, as he laughingly set her down. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, she blushed, "Still the same old Ami-chan, I see." He said with a grin. "You've grown." She said, then berated herself for stating the obvious, but he just grinned down at her. Taking her chin in his hand, he lifted her face to look into her eyes. "Hai. I see you have grown too, Ami-chan." He said. "From the beautiful young girl I used to know, to an even more beautiful young woman. If that's possible." He said softly, and then abruptly let go of her chin and blushed himself. "I see we both are the same inside." She replied with a laugh, which put them both to ease. "I'm glade you didn't change that much Urawa, and if you did, I can see it was for the better." She smiled warmly at him as the two headed for the exit, he shyly took her hand with his, and when she looked over to him startled, he blushed. Smiling she let go, startling him, but then he too smiled as the two laced their fingers together and headed for home. Present times, Crystal Tokyo Palace… She smiled, a little bitterly now as she held their picture in her hands. Urawa, she thought, I never regretted knowing you, but sometimes I regretted loving you as much as I did. A tear slipped through. "I don't think we should see each other anymore." The memory of her voice echoed through her room. "But Ami-chan, why?" He asked desperately. "Because…because I just don't love you anymore." She had told him the lie softly and ran, ran away from that park bench where she had first found out his crush on her, the first time she had let him into her world and into her heart. It was there, ironically, where she broke both their hearts. It was better this way, she would always say to herself when she wakes up shivering in the dark, no one beside her to hold her and make her forget the cold, the nightmares, and the memories. He would've hated me in the end; him trapped in a mortal body and I in an immortal one. She didn't want him to live like that, with a woman who could not grow old with him, to die with him, to be reborn again and find each other again. No it was for the best, she thought, as the tears fell down onto the glass, she set it aside, and quickly wiped away her tears. "Zoi-chan where are you?" She asked into the empty room, the empty bed, the empty castle, and her empty heart. Silver Millennium, the throne room… "Do you have any idea who we're meeting Minako-chan?" Rei whispered into Minako's ear, Minako looked puzzled, then shrugged her shoulders. "We'll find out soon enough." She whispered back as the room was basked in a glow of white, mixed with blue, red, green, and gold. There, standing before them was five men, five very handsome men. They heard Makoto whistle under her breath, "What hunks!" Minako whispered to Rei who had stiffened slightly. "That guy looks like my old boyfriend." Makoto said, while the rest of the princesses refrained themselves from falling over. "Princes of Earth." Queen Serenity's voice quickly snapped them into focus. "Princes?" Usagi breathed out in surprise to the others. "We welcome you to our kingdom of the Moon." Queen Serenity went on about their kingdom. "Earth Princes?" Rei asked in shock under her breath, and Ami shook her head to signal the Martian princess to not get too excited about it now, there'll be time later for questions that we can ask the Queen herself, she seemed to say to all of them, that shut them all up. "We hope that this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship as well as allegiance between our long estranged kingdoms. May I introduce to you the inner planetary princess of our great kingdoms of allegiances, Princess Venus." Minako stepped forward and bowed politely, seeming to let her eyes linger on each prince before stepping back. "Princess Mars." Rei stepped forward and bowed, before straightening and proudly stepping back, even though she done it somewhat stiffer than her usual grace. "Princess Jupiter." Makoto stepped forward, smiling sweetly as she bowed before the arrivals, glancing over to the brown hair prince. "Princess Mercury." Shyly, the blue-haired genius stepped forward and bowed, hearing a gasp in the crowd she looked up to meet emerald eyes; brightly shining in curiosity, blushing she quickly stepped back into the shadows, while the rest of the princesses grinned. "And my daughter, Princess Serenity, the Moon Princess." Upon call, Usagi stepped forward and bowed, they all seemed to let out a sigh of relief as she stepped forward with grace, and didn't trip. Rei muttered under her breath how thankful to the Gods she was for Usagi's grace in public. Grateful it didn't reflect her less than elegant actions behind the scenes. "If only she could always be like this." She grinned, and so did the rest of the princesses, excluding Usagi herself, knowing that they were all truly glade that Usagi was the way she was, even more glade that she wouldn't change for anything, sometime. "Thank you girls, you may return to your rooms now, I will now speak to the ambassadors in the conference room with our Lunar Counselors, Luna and Artemis, you are dismissed till dinner time." The princesses bowed once more to the ambassadors before turning and leaving for their own conference room. When finally safe in their conference room, Minako was the first to scream out. "Oh by the Gods, they are all so handsome!" She said, and faked a faint by dropping onto the nearest couch, which happened to be where Makoto was sitting. "Hey! Get off of me!" Makoto said in surprise at the appearance Minako's head suddenly on her lap and pushed the Venician princess off, unfortunately for Minako, it happened to be the floor that she landed on this time. They all winced as Minako's face connected with the carpet floor. "Ow!" Minako groaned from the floor. Usagi ran to her friend's aid and tripped over her squirt, sending her body hurtling onto the Minako's. Now there were two groans of pain. "Be thankful this room is carpeted because of you two and not bare marble." Rei sighed at the hopelessness of the situation, while Makoto tried hard not to laugh out-loud, though her eyes spoke otherwise. Ami gracefully walked over and helped the two princesses onto their feet and checked to see if there were no major injuries to the two. "Why couldn't you two be graceful like Ami-chan?" Rei asked, Ami blushed at the complement. "Look who's talking Rei-chan!" Usagi fought back. "At least I never trip over my own skirt." Rei said with bemusement in her voice. "Guys, let's stop before this gets any farther." Ami intervened. Rei smiled, and ruffled Usagi's hair, "Gomen min'na, we are getting a little old for this don't you agree Odango-atama?" Usagi laughed, as they all sat down. "That guy sure was dreamy." Makoto said, starry-eyed as she looked down at her hands. "Which guy are you talking about Mako-chan?" Rei asked slyly. "They are all very handsome." Ami said absentmindedly; all the princesses stared at her in shock for a moment, "Na ni?" Ami whispered in despair, wondering why she even opened her mouth in the first place. "So who do you have in mind Ami-chan?" Minako asked, leaning over, and using Rei's head as the support. "Minako!" Rei exploded and shoved the blonde off her head. "If you weren't the commander of the senshi, I'd swear I'd mistake you to be exactly like Usagi." Turning back to Ami expectantly, who had hoped too much for them to leave her alone. "I bet it's that blond haired prince with emerald eyes." Usagi said, ignoring Rei's previously comment. "I bet it's that brown haired prince." Rei said, only to have Makoto glare at her. "Oh but be careful not to steal him, or Mako-chan would surely kill whoever dares to try." Rei grinned, and Makoto, seeing through the ploy and softened her look. But that didn't stop the Jupiter princess from throwing a pillow over to Rei in hopes of revenge, but Rei ducked just in time for it to smack Minako over the head, and soon, a pillow fight ensued. After a while, they settled down. "I forgot what it was like to relax." Rei said, and they all agreed, after the years of training they've been through, it had been a while since they let go of protocol and enjoyed a day of doing simple things, like pillow fights, things that had brought them together in the first place. "So Minako-chan, who do you like?" Rei asked after a few moments of silence. "The guy with the white hair!" She said enthusiastically, "He looks so exotic!" They all sighed, but smiled nonetheless. "I don't know he looks pretty serious to me." Rei said skeptically. "Usagi-chan?" "Did you see that guy with the dark black hair?" Usagi starry-eyed almost forgot all of her friends were still in the room, Rei smiled at this, almost seemed like she approved, but turned away. "So Rei-chan that leaves you with that cute guy with the short blond hair." Rei stiffened and her eyes for a moment wavered, the look disappeared as quickly as it had came, when she looked up at them she only shook her head in silence and once again turned away. "I don't think I want a prince right now, I don't need him, I can stand on my own." They should've expected this from Rei, Ami thought, always independent, so much like her, yet so different. Rei, for all her pride, and spirit, always came through, but she was a loner, like herself. The meeting was soon adjourned as they headed to their rooms to once again get ready, this time for dinner. Rei on the way sarcastically said that by the dresses that she's been going through, she'd be amazed if she hadn't worn them all in a weeks time and need a whole new wardrobe just because of it, not that she minded, but she still find it a pain to go to the dress makers, no matter how great she looked afterwards. She caught up with Ami as they were heading for their quarters. "Rei, do you think any man can really like me?" Ami asked, unsure if this was a good idea. Rei was silent for a moment, and just before Ami regretted ever having asked and started to apologize, Rei stopped her, almost in her tracks, with what she said. "How can you say such a silly thing Ami-chan? What man cannot love you for who you are?" Smiling reassuringly, Rei gave her a hug, "Ami-chan, never doubt yourself, all of the senshi, and especially Minako-chan admires you, and we all wish that we could be as smart as you at one time or another, you complete the team, never doubt how important you are in all our lives. Know that, and if you do, you'll know that any boy will be lucky to have you accept his heart." But then shook her head as Ami begins to reply to the tears in her eyes. "Gomen Ami-chan, I guess I'm getting too soft, been hanging around Usagi way too much." Rei grinned as she reached her door, "See you at dinner Ami-chan!" She waved before she disappeared into her room. Ami stood there uncertain for a moment if what just happened was even reality, I guess it is a side of Rei that she doesn't like to show much. She smiled brighter now, feeling better then she did for days, she walked towards her room to prepare for dinner. Dinner was wonderful, the head prince had apologized for not introducing his friends earlier and everyone learned of everyone else's names. Through it all Makoto was thoroughly fascinated by Prince Nephrite, Minako couldn't seem to stop flirting with Prince Kunzite, and Usagi was giggling and smiling dreamily at the high-prince Endymion. That left only Rei and Ami to talk to the last two princes, Ami immediately found comfort in knowing that someone liked to debate as much as she did, on theories and such, with Prince Zoisite, but Rei seemed unusually quiet, avoiding the other prince, who in turn avoided her. This behavior did not go unnoticed, but no one said anything, Kunzite though shot Prince Jadeite a warning look before turning back and smiling to Minako, who babbled over things excitedly and even got the stern looking man to laugh a few times and kept him smiling through the whole feast. After dinner Rei quickly excused herself and left the room, after awhile Jadeite himself left as well, strange Ami thought but then turned her attention back to her own Prince, someone she was beginning to like. "Dinner was wonderful Princess Mercury." He said politely and bowed, but his smile though a little cold, had a hint of warmth within his eyes that she didn't miss. "Thank you my Prince, or would you prefer my Lord to Prince?" She asked, questioningly raising one brow. "But please call me Ami." "Princess Ami, it is my pleasure to-" "No, just Ami please." She said with a smile. "Alright, Ami-chan, you can call me Zoisite, or Zoi, if you it so pleases you." He smiled back, the ice beginning to melt a little. "Thank you, Zoi-chan." She said, uncertain of what she had gotten herself into as her confidence started to fade. He picked up on of her gloved hands and gently kissed it. "Goodnight, my Ice Princess." He said with a soft smile, as she blushed and turned away into her room, he in turn left for his own, but she did not close her door until he was out of sight, sighing she closed it at last and leaned her head against its cool frame and turned, gasping in surprise to find that the rest of the Princesses had assembled there, only Rei was missing. Strange she thought, Rei was always there, but tonight she was missing, and she did not join them at all. "Where's Rei-chan?" Ami asked worriedly. "I'm not sure Ami-chan." Usagi said, and frowned. "I'm sure she's with that cute Prince Jadeite!" Minako piped up. "I'm not sure about that." Ami said. "Why not Ami-chan?" Makoto asked. "I'm just not sure, but she was unusually quiet during dinner today." "Why don't we ask her tomorrow?" Minako suggested, "But tonight, let us hear about this Prince Zoisite of yours!" Usagi and Makoto leaned forward with Minako, all grinning, while Ami felt cornered, and grinned nervously, feeling like a sheep for slaughter. Crystal Tokyo, at the pillar gates… "Zoisite, where are you?" She asked into the breeze and drew her knees up to her chin as she glanced out towards the darkening sun, she saw no one that she recognized today, and leapt down onto the ground. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever see them again, and in the end I don't know, if they were punished, who would suffer more, them of torture or us of loneliness. She shook her head in despair, but then quickly suppressed the feeling of hopelessness. Rei would kill me if she knew that I was thinking these things, Usagi would be worried, and the rest of the Senshi would just begin to feel miserable. Rei was right, if we give up there is no hope for us. Strange to think that one-day it would be Rei who would point her in the right direction, not levelheaded Ami this time, but Ami was glade that for once it was not her job to find the source of all their problems and solve it. Turning, she headed for her home, but then decided to got get something to eat, and act normal for once, perhaps, a desire to be away from richness, just a homely feeling that she had forgotten. Mother, she thought, I miss you. She arrived at a nearby diner, and sat in a stool, "May I take your order little lady?" A man's voice reached her as she glanced up, startled, and met a pair of friendly eyes, grinning at her. He looked to be about in his late twenties, curly gold hair was swept back in a short ponytail, green eyes shining brightly at her, she almost caught her breath. He looks so much like Zoisite, only Zoisite wore his hair a little longer! She thought. "Are you alright?" He asked when she didn't reply right away, concern in his voice. "I'm fine, just a little surprised that's all." She quickly replied nervously, and blushed. "I thought you looked like someone I knew." "I don't mind having a beautiful woman stare at me, if that's what you're worried about." He grinned, "It's not everyday, someone that looks like you walks into some place like this." "Oh, no, this is quite nice." Ami said. "What, this? It sure isn't your typical fancy restaurant or beautiful palaces, someplace where you seemed to fit in more." She grimaced at the comment, but that didn't escape him. "Oh, gomen nasai pretty lady, I didn't mean it like that." It was his turn to blush. "It's okay." She said, and watched him carefully, no he's not Zoisite, he seems more like Urawa this one, and I could fall in love with him if I let myself, but I can't, I'm still waiting for Zoi-chan. "Gomen, gomen." He smiled apologetically, obviously still feeling guilty over the whole incident, "What do you wish for, let it be on the house for my rudeness, pretty lady." He said and smiled such a charming smile that she couldn't help but smile back. "I can't take that." She said with a blush. "I'll just have some coffee if you don't allow me to pay." "Oh you're no fun!" He said exasperatedly, which made her giggle. "Fine, if you are so intent on starving yourself because of my offer I promise I'll not put it on the house, I'll just give you a discount, and don't you argue with me, pretty lady." She smiled and stuck out her hand; he took it and shook it as if they were making some elaborate business deal that finally struck both their fancies. Ami laughed again, she felt so young with him, and it felt like she was shedding off thousands of years, being with him that few moments. She ordered a sandwich and a cup of coffee, drinking and laughing, she talked with him till most of the customers were gone. "Oh dear!" She said, as she glanced down at her watch, "I didn't realize it was so late already." "You don't have a boyfriend or husband to run home to, do you?" He asked jokingly, but it seemed that he honestly wished to know. She laughed again, "No, unfortunately I'm not so lucky as to find someone like that who would want to spend time with me." "Then that someone is a fool to not want to." He scowled. "Arigato." She said softly, as another blush spread across her cheeks, and that made him smile, perhaps it was because she meant it. Taking her hand in his he raised it to his lips and kissed it, memories flashed through her mind, but she pushed them away. "Anything for you pretty lady." He said huskily, and cleared his throat before he blushed again, but there was genuine gladness in his eyes that she did not pull away. "Anyone ever tell you that you have the most eye catching hair?" He asked, quickly changing the subject as he let go of her hand. "Yes, a very long time ago." She said after a stretch of silence, ones that she had with her friends, only this one was a little tenser than she was used to. "I've better go, by the way what is your name?" She asked, realizing that she never asked him that, being so comfortable with him she had forgotten, as she was getting off the stool. "Don't laugh, my mother named me Zoisite, I always wondered why she'd name me after a stone but she did, I prefer it if you call me Zoi, like all my friends do." He said with a grin, she gasped, face going completely pale. "Are you alright pretty lady?" He asked concern in his voice. "No it can't be!" She said in disbelief and ran out of the diner. "What's wrong pretty lady? What did I do? Can't you even tell me your name?" He called after her desperately, not knowing what he'd done wrong. But the darkness had already swallowed her whole, as she ran towards the castle in tears of disbelief, I didn't ever think I'd react this way, she thought, I'd never thought that someday I would find him, only hoped that…perhaps Rei was right after all, we are all hopeless when we stop believing.