Hello everyone! Here is another one of my exciting chapters. A big sorry goes out to all of you trying to keep up. I will try to come out with the chapters as fast as I can. All you fellow authors out there know how hard it is to get chapters out on time. I apologize for the confusion that my story may bring. It's just an alternate universe type story. Disclaimers: I don't own Sailor Moon. Whaaaaaa!!!!!! Why why why? Whaaaaaa!!!!!!!! I do, however, own David. That makes me feel a bit better. Now presenting (drum role please)? Why Serena Dumped Darien chapter 4 rated PG by Empress Earth (tee-hee-hee, that is me) @~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~ 'Bumping' into a couple of people here and there, I ran to the temple as fast as my legs could carry me. Great, I'm late again. I will not hear the end of it from Raye. It figures that this would happen when I'm having a pretty bad day. As I got to the temple gate I slowed down and tried to catch my breath. I dusted off and straightened up my clothes. They sure took a beating from all the falls I made on my way here. As I began to formulate excuses in my head, I bumped into the one person I was dreading to bump into. Raye angrily looked down on me. I cowered down by raising my arms over my head afraid that she might strike me. "Sereeeeeena!!!!!!!!" Raye bellowed. "You're late again! Some princess you are! It's a wonder that Darien hasn't broken up with you yet because your lack of responsibility!" True tears sprung out of my eyes as they did several times today. Why did she have to mention Darien? I felt bad about him already and now Raye has to rub it in my face. Some friend she is. "Raye, that is enough," Lita said glaring at Raye through her emerald green eyes. She used her height and towered over Raye placing her hands on her hips. Raye sweat-dropped and backed off of me. Thanks Lita, I thought as I began to wipe the tears from my eyes. "You of all people know how Serena is. When she's late, she's late and no one can change that. It's one of her qualities." "Not one of her more charming ones," Raye said under her breath. Oh, I couldn't do anything right. New tears sprung from my eyes falling from my long lashes. My body rocked with sobs as I realized what a failure I was to my scouts. I was never on time, I was a coward when it came to battles, and I could never do anything right. No wonder why Darien didn't keep in touch with me. Once he got a taste of freedom, he forgot about little old' me. "What's wrong, Serena?" Mina asked as she made her way over to me. Her long blond hair moved elegantly with her. Her blue eyes wore a mask of concern. She put her arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a hug to comfort me. "You can trust us," Raye said as the angry look disappeared from her chocolate brown eyes. She nervously ran her hand through her shiny black hair. With the comfort of all my friends around me, I decided that I should tell them. "Darien hasn't gotten in touch with me ever since he left," I wailed. "Serena, there is only one logical reason why he hasn't written to you. He's too busy with all of his medical classes," Amy stated logically. Her blue eyes narrowed in thought. "Unless he found someone more compatible to him than you in the states." "AMY!!!!!" everyone shouted. My sobs became more intense. "It was just a thought," Amy said as she blushed from her thought. "Everyone knows that Serena and Darien are meant to be," Lita said with a dreamy look in her brown eyes. She unconsciously played with her wavy brown hair. That took the cake. My body shook involuntarily with sobs. All of my friends ran to comfort me. I was in the middle of a big bear hug being smashed. "No, that's the problem," I mustered between my sobs. "I feel like we are not meant to be. Our destiny is built on lies. I don't even believe in destiny any more." Everyone gasped. They were too speechless for words. "That is why I feel I have to break-up with him." There, I said it. Not surprisingly, everyone gasped again. "Why live out the past while the future is way ahead of you?" "You can't mean that!" Mina stated. "Your love for each other was undying." "Sure, I still love him." I said as my tears began to fade. Talking about it really helped me. "But, I am beginning to love him as I love all of you. Like a friend and not romantically." "What will happen to Rini? Without you and Darien together, she will not exist!" Amy said pleading in her own way for me to change my mind. "If Rini was really meant to be born, she will," I said with an air of intelligence that came from nowhere. "She will have different parents, one of them being me." "What about Darien's feelings? Don't you think he'll take it pretty hard?" Raye asked in Darien's defense. "If Darien remotely had any feelings for me, he would have written to me by now," I said angrily. "At least once a week. His precious schooling is more important to him right now, and I'm left here while he expects me to wait four years for him. A caring boyfriend would at least write once a week. That is not much to ask." "What about you and his future ruling over the Earth?" Lita asked. "There is a chance that you will not be the ruler of the Earth at all if you change your destiny," Mina said. "Well, that is a chance I have to take," I said nonchalantly. "I don't believe in destiny any more. All it has brought me is heartache and hurt." "Well, you can't possibly expect us to support you one hundred percent," Amy said as her blue hair swayed with the motion of her face. "We'll be here for you, however. We'll follow you and be there for you when you need it." "Yes," everyone said agreeing with Amy. "Do me a favor," Lita said turning my face towards hers. "At least give Darien a week or so. Maybe he'll write you." "I guess it wouldn't hurt," I said. "I don't see how it would change anything, though." "You never know," Raye said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. "A lot could change between now and then." Raye didn't know how right she was. @~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~>~~>@~~ Did you ever wonder what would happen if Serena and Darien would break- up? Read on and you'll find out what would happen in my eyes. Stay tuned for chapter 5. As always, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my pathetic story. E-mail me with flames, complement, or idea at EmpEarth@sailormoon.com . Thank you bunches.