The following story includes characters from BishoujoSenshi Sailor Moon, copyright Takeuchi Naoko, Kodansha and Toei, all rights reserved. All other characters and situations are copyright E. Friedman, 1999. Author's notes follow the final chapter of this story. Warp and Weft E.L.F. Rated R Chapter 1 Sailor Pluto looked up from the screen, turning her head to identify the computer console that had beeped. She had been back in Charon Castle for a few weeks now, but there seemed a never-ending stream of temporal anomalies, erratum, and conundrums to deal with. Enough to keep her busy for years, it seemed. Which was a problem, as she had every intention of returning to Crystal Tokyo tonight. She huffed in annoyance as she read the monitor. Another anomaly. Sailor Pluto rolled her head gently from side to side to release the tension gathering in her shoulders. Another anomaly, nothing there, just shadows. "I really despise temporal anomalies." her voice echoed in the empty chamber and bounced back to her, ghost-like. "Princess Pluto," a deep, sonorous voice responded. "Please allow me the opportunity of serving you. I will investigate the anomaly if it would please you." Sailor Pluto looked over her shoulder at the unkempt, bearded and wizened figure that stood behind her. She smiled at him. "Thank you Charon, but I'll check this one out myself." "Please, Princess, you have been working too hard since you returned. Allow me to do this for you. After all...," if Charon had been human, his voice might have been described as obliging, "that is my function." Turning, Sailor Pluto confronted the holographic personification of her computer system. He looked exactly as if he would be likely to leap on you, steal your purse and run away, cackling. On a recent visit, Usagi had labeled Charon "creepy," while Minako had called her "morbid." Sailor Pluto smiled inwardly at her little joke. She had insisted that Charon look the part of the infernal ferryman. Despite his appearance, Charon was as good a partner to her as she could have wished for. Better perhaps, as his existence gave her the freedom to spend time with her family and friends in Crystal Tokyo. She inclined her head towards Charon. "But please, Charon. Call me Setsuna." "Yes, Mistress. Although," his voice now became slightly petulant, "I cannot understand why you prefer the name you used in the 20th century. It is a human name..." Setsuna turned back to the computers and entered a few corrections. "You can never have enough humanity, Charon." "Yes, Mistress." He clearly did not agree. Setsuna laughed at his discomfiture. "And Charon, before you go...can you find me that black gown? I want to wear it for the ball tonight." "Then you are planning to return to Crystal Tokyo?" "Yes, for a little while." "You have just returned to Pluto..." Charon sounded more than a little whiny and Setsuna had a few uncharitable thoughts about the personality algorithm she had Ami create for the castle's computer. "Missed me, Charon?" "No, of course not, Mistress. I am only a computer program." "Of course." You old faker. "There are some people I am planning on visiting, as well. I may be gone for a few days." "Yes, Mistress." "Setsuna." Setsuna prodded. "Setsuna-sama." Charon's voice made it plain that no future concessions would be forthcoming. Setsuna smiled to herself as the program faded from the room. Her smile softened as she thought of those she would be visiting tonight. All the Senshi were gathering for the party at the Palace. This would be the first time they had all been together in Crystal Tokyo since immediately after the defeat of Nemesis, and the return of peace to the Crystal Millenium. "Haruka, Michiru, will be good to see you again." she whispered, and turned to another computer that beeped insistently. Her fingers moved rapidly over the keyboard, calling up data from both spatial and temporal sources. "Damn!" Setsuna muttered as she took in the reports. "Idiots!" Paradox. She moved quickly around the room, trying to get a fix on the information. Paradox never works. The energy signature looked vaguely familiar, though. An old enemy? No, the signature was a new one, it matched none of the computer's records. A new enemy, then, one more attempt at a temporal attack. But paradox...really, when would their enemies realize the futility of a paradox? Setsuna thought of calling Charon to assist her, but he was busy with the earlier anomaly. It wasn't fair to make him bear the brunt of her duty. Taking one last look at the report, Setsuna grabbed her Staff, and marched out of the control room. As she walked down the corridors of Charon Castle, she thought about the readings she had received. If they were not incorrect, someone was attempting to create a paradox in the past - attempting to change the time-stream. I have never understood why so many people find the idea of a temporal paradox appealing. Setsuna admitted silently. Paradox can never work, it is like a self-fulfilling prophecy, destined to cancel itself out. But so many of our enemies have tried to change what was.... Time cannot change, it has already happened. Setsuna laughed grimly as she headed for her personal chamber, it seemed so obvious - on this side of Time. Her laughter faded as she thought back to many of the battles she had fought to protect the Moon Kingdom. So many of them were victories, but when would one end in defeat? Sailor Pluto gripped her Staff firmly, as she thought of the few opponents that had challenged her solitary abilities. She remembered then, the one enemy who had nearly defeated her. The energy signature had been similar...could it be? No, its impossible, she thought. Sailor Pluto turned the corner, and headed for the teleport chamber. This had been installed for the convenience of the other Senshi. Her castle was very far away from the center of the kingdom, and it was a hard trip, for the Inner Senshi particularly, unless they were accompanied by the Queen. And she had wanted them to visit, especially after her first return to her castle, a thousand years ago. Minako and she had become quite close after their battle with Neherenia's clones and Setsuna had wanted to see all she could of the girl. This chamber had become a favorite method of communicating with Charon, as well. By routing herself through it, Setsuna found that there was always a record of when and where she had been headed. Charon could quietly keep tabs on her without nagging, and she could save energy that might be needed later. It was an unorthodox partnership she had with Charon, she'd admit, nothing like that between Michiru and Haruka, but it worked for her. Setsuna smiled at the thought of her teammates and programmed the chamber to the coordinates that the readouts had given her. "Setsuna." The voice, soft, almost sad, came from immediately behind her. Setsuna whirled around, the Staff moving up to protect her, but it was too late. All she saw was a single blurred motion, heard herself grunt in pain, then blackness engulfed her. Chapter 2 The alarm rang, piercing the thick veil of sleep that wrapped itself about her. Setsuna reached out groggily and hit the button. Without moving from the bed, or even opening her eyes, she did a mental appraisal of her situation. Alarm clock...electricity...that means the twentieth century - late twentieth century. She cracked one eye opened and ran it reluctantly around the room. She shut it again with a groan. The furnishings and patterns of the room were horrendous. She cringed at the sight that had greeted her. "1978. Ugh," she moaned, "I hated the 70's. The clothes alone will kill me." With a sudden thought, she sprang out of bed and looked desperately for a mirror, as if merely existing in the 1970s would have given her bad hair. She fell backwards as excruciating pain pounded into her eyes. She felt as if she had an incredible hangover. But that was impossible - she had never made it to the party. "Idiot!" she grunted, as another needle pierced her left eye. She laid down quickly, willing herself to relax. She knew very well that in her Senshi form she did not get headaches, or other symptoms of excess. Therefore, she concluded, she was currently in her human form. It was hard to think around the pain. I was forcibly detransformed...what happened? Setsuna briefly thought of transforming to get rid of the headache, but passed that off as a weak moment. She remembered a blur, a voice.... "Who was it?" she thought, and lapsed into a miserable silence. Almost immediately, she fell asleep once more. When she awoke for the second time, her head no longer ached, but she wouldn't be operating any heavy machinery any time soon, either. Setsuna indulged in a long, luxurious stretch and felt for the alarm clock at the bedside. Nearly noon. That meant nothing, of course. The concept of time had so little to do with clocks that she almost giggled. The sun coming in through the window was cheery, casting shadows and lines all over the apartment. Setsuna sat up. She knew this apartment well enough. It was one of her own, one of the several she rented in various places and times, under assumed names, through agents, managers and lawyers. This was a nice place in Central Tokyo, small, just enough space for herself and a few meager belongings. She winced at the wallpaper, a cacophony of color and remembered her earlier assessment. "1978." She repeated to the empty apartment. "Why am I here?" First things first. Setsuna rose, not resisting the temptation to complete an earlier motion. Her hand touching her hair, she looked into the mirror and smiled. "Timeless," she quipped, then stopped. Her hair style was intact. Which was odd. She usually released it from its tight bun before going to sleep. The smile faded from her lips. Reaching her arm forward, the Time Staff appeared in her grasp, its heft comforting as always. Setsuna thumbed a small panel, sliding it aside to reveal a set of buttons. She keyed in a code and spoke to the air. "Charon, come in." Silence. Frowning, she programmed in a new code and called to her Castle once more. No answer was forthcoming. While it was true that Charon was looking into that anomaly, he should have been present to answer her. Either communications had been cut off on her end..or his. She needed to think this through, and her head still felt as if, well as if she had been hit with the obligatory blunt instrument. A bath would settle her nerves and soothe her body, she decided, as she willed the Staff away. Efficiently, she moved around the small apartment, gathering accouterments for a bath. There was a public bath just down the block, one of the selling points of the apartment. Her head, while no longer pounding, did not feel right, and there was a distinct stiffness in her shoulders and back. A bath would give her time to think, and reflect on exactly why she was here, in the twentieth century...against her will. * The attendant at the bath looked askance at the tall, stately woman with dark green hair that entered. It was so rare to see a young person here at midday, especially one so striking. She nodded to Setsuna, who smiled pleasantly and greeted her politely, but refused any assistance. After washing, Setsuna lowered herself into the hot water with a sigh of relief. She closed her eyes and pretended not to notice the old women who were not quite openly staring at her. She had other things on her mind at the moment, let them talk. She let the women's gossip waft over her as she relaxed her body, then allowed her mind to worry at the problem that faced her. When she had punched in the code to contact Charon, she had also activated an internal alarm. It would register where and when the message had been received from. If she did not deactivate the alarm, in 48 hours it would contact the Queen...she paused. Contact the Queen! If she could find Usagi now...suddenly the significance of the year hit her. The calendar in her apartment had read March 1978. Tsukino Usagi would not be born for another 3 months. She was completely alone here. Yes, the Prince, and Haruka and Michiru were alive, but what were they, 2, 3, 4 years old? No, she'd have to figure this out on her own. She wiped the sweat off of her face with a towel. Now she knew why she had been sent to this time. But was it a decoy, or was she here for some other purpose? Was she here to fight an enemy, or for an enemy? Setsuna thought about the last readings she had gotten from the computer before leaving the control room. They had indicated a paradox coming from somewhere near her planet, in the immediate present. Had she been shanghaied to the past to keep her away from a closer threat? And that energy signature still bothered her, as well. It was so like his...but that could not be possible. She shook her head angrily, drawing attention to herself once more. The old women smiled toothlessly at her as she rose and left the bath. She had to get back to the future...something was about to happen and she needed to be there. She left the bathhouse, and with a purposeful step headed back to her apartment. From across the street, a figure clad in jeans and a leather jacket watched casually as Setsuna walked past him and up the street. When she turned the corner, the figure stepped up to a motorcycle parked at the curb, started it, kicked it into gear and pulled away. He headed around the same corner at a slow pace, keeping her just within sight. Chapter 3 Standing in her small apartment, Setsuna called to her hand the henshin wand that she had held so many times. She gazed at it, marveling at its still-bright color, the shine that had never faded. Filled with anticipation, she held it over her head and called upon her guardian planet to once again make her Sailor Pluto. The rush of adrenaline was fantastic, as it always was. She felt alive, her nerves thrumming, her hearing and eyesight sharpened. Each heartbeat seemed pregnant with possibility and she spent one single moment simply reveling in the feeling. For thousands of years she had been doing this, and it never once felt boring or wrong. Sailor Pluto called her Staff to her hands, marshaled her power and focused on her home, on the loneliest planet in the far-distant future. Power coalesced around her, the very air glowed with it. Her hair rose in the cosmic wind and in a sudden rush, the power exploded outwards...and dissipated, leaving her standing alone in her apartment. "Well, that solves that." Setsuna said philosophically, as she willed her Staff away, and detransformed. "I had better come up with a plan 'B.'" Meioh Setsuna grabbed her purse off the chair, and walked briskly out the door. * She sat in the hotel bar, sipping a glass of white wine, surrounded by leisure-suited salarymen. None of them had yet dared approach her, and she willed them away until she finished her drink. One lushly garrulous man at the end of the bar, joked with his friends loudly, and was encouraged to try and chat with her, but she intensified the aura of coldness about her, and he did not come over. Why she had come here, she could not say. It had been a bad choice, and she knew it. There were too many memories here and so few of them good ones. Time heals all wounds, she thought bitterly. How much time is needed to heal this one? Time passed, as it does in places like hotel bars, and Setsuna was nearly done with her wine. She contemplated dinner and found it held no appeal for her. She was feeling frustrated and confused and wished she could figure out why she was here. What was she here to do - or not do? For every moment she wasted here, a plot of some kind was being formed against her Queen, her home, her family. Setsuna was beginning to lose her temper. "Hello, Pu." the voice, soft and a little sad came from immediately behind her. Setsuna managed not to jump, not to cry out, not to scream. In tones as smooth and cold as a glacier she responded, without turning. "Hello, Margaret." A pause for just one beat then, "I wish you wouldn't call me that." She paused for a beat more, then, just as evenly, not stressing any of the syllables, "Mar-ga-rite, then. And please do not call me Pu." "Pluto then." Setsuna had still not turned around. Her heart sank everytimehe spoke to her. All the clues had been there, she hadn't wanted to see them. With every ounce of discipline she could muster she simply said, "Setsuna." "Marcas." Pause. "Aren't you going to ask me to sit?" His voice was plaintive. She whirled on him, anger darkening her face, her voice now raised just a bit, just enough to draw the attention of those around her. "Ask you to sit? Are you kidding? You're dead! I killed you!" she stood, her fists clenched, her body shaking with emotion. She gritted her teeth and hissed, "What are you doing here, Margarite?" He did not speak for a time, until the short attention spans of their audience forced them to turn away from the tableau. Setsuna took the opportunity to regain her composure and measure up her companion. He had not changed at all, he was exactly as she remembered him on the day she had killed him. His hair was shoulder length, medium brown, pulled back into a pony tail. He wore, of course, twentieth century clothing, a brown leather jacket over a T-shirt, jeans, boots. His brown eyes were solemn, and he had grown a bushy mustache. She found it hard not to stare at him, so she dropped her eyes. Margarite spent a moment sizing Setsuna up, but found that it hurt to look at her. She was exactly the same as he remembered her, cold, remote and beautiful. Her hair shimmered, even in the poorly lit bar. There was a place in his chest that would not stop aching as he watched her drop her eyes and unclench her hands. "Why are you here?" she repeated, her eyes closed. "I need your help, Pu...Pl...Setsuna." She raised her head, incredulous. "You have got to be kidding." "I'm serious...Setsuna, I want, I need your help." Setsuna wasn't sure whether to cry or to laugh. This ghost from the past had come to her, the man she had killed, the man she had loved...she felt light-headed. "Come on...Marcas, I need some fresh air and food." She grabbed her purse and without turning to see if he followed, left the bar. Chapter 4 Setsuna faced Marcas across and linen draped table. Food sat on plates in front of them, untouched. Scraps of bread and glasses of wine seemed to be the only casualties on this battlefield. "Tell me again why you need my help?" Setsuna refused to believe what she had heard. "Wait, first, tell me how you came to be alive." Marcas stared out the window on a twilit Tokyo. "Beryl resurrected me, almost immediately after you killed me. She renamed me Marcasite, so if rumor came to you, you would not recognize that it was me. I did not want to return, Setsuna, I swear it. It was a relief when you killed me in the battle over the Moon Kingdom. I thought I would have peace at last, but Beryl wanted control over Time and she brought me back. When Queen Serenity sealed Beryl away and sent her to the future, I was sealed away with her." It was a relief when you killed me. Setsuna thought of that final battle in front of the Doors of Time. Margarite, one of the Generals of the Dark Kingdom, her nemesis and her lover of many years, had finally fallen to her. She could feel herself slipping quietly into insanity. She saw him, a general of Earth, accompanying his Prince to the Moon Kingdom on a visit... Pluto stood, along with other Senshi, arrayed behind their Queen and Princess. The younger Senshi were dressed in finery, as befitted princesses of their respective planets and giggled and flirted with the handsome soldiers of the Earth. Princess Serenity, of course, had eyes for no one but her beloved Endymion. Pluto smiled to see the two so in love. Pluto, Uranus and Neptune stood at attention, arrayed in their fuku, as they had agreed earlier. It would not do to be completely unprotected, even if this was a friendly visit. In a spirit of friendship none of them held their Talisman, although Pluto felt somewhat at a loss without it. She began to fidget with her hands and Neptune had smiled reassuringly at her. Pluto smiled back and turned to see the ranks of Earth nobility walk by. Later that evening would be a party, but now the formalities had to be seen to. Eventually Endymion came to collect his beloved, accompanied by 8 of his closest counselors and generals. Each asked one of the Senshi to accompany him into the Palace. Setsuna, as the oldest, and representative of the most distant planet, was last. The young man who took her arm was her own height, his warm, brown eyes regarding her in a friendly, but not overly familiar fashion. Margarite, he said his name was, and he was extremely interested in Time. He had, he told her, actually requested the position of her escort, having heard so much about her. But not, he hastened to add, how beautiful she was... Pluto had laughed at him, then. And together they had smiled at the couples that preceded them, Uranus and Neptune had been paired with Kunzite and Zoisite, respectively, a fitting pairing, as the latter were are well know as lovers as the former. It amused them all to escort each other, and they were bantering and flirting between themselves. Pluto and Margarite joined in the banter as they entered the palace.... He had been so gallant, so charming. She had danced with him all night then, and walked with him, talking until the dawn broke. A tear broke free of her eye and slid down her face. She wiped it away impatiently. Marcas was still talking. "And she wants me to fight you again. She told me to attack you in your time, where you wouldn't expect it. I told her it was foolish, that Serenity and the other Senshi are stronger than they've ever she told me to do whatever seemed best...." Marcas stopped. "She?" Setsuna asked, confused. "Queen Opal." "Who is she?" "We don't know, but she is marshaling the forces of the Dark Kingdom again - and she's unlikely to make the same mistakes Beryl did. She's much smarter." "Marcas? Why are you telling me this? Why did you bring me here?" Setsuna stared him directly in the eyes for the first time since she had seen him. He did not look away, his eyes softened and he reached across the table to touch her hand with his own. "She wants me to prevent Queen Serenity from ever being born. Setsuna, I want out, I want to leave...and we both know there is only one way. You have to defeat me. Please, in the name of what we had together, please defeat me once again." He was pleading, and she thought her heart would break at the sadness in his voice. "In the name of what we had? The betrayal? The bitterness?" She couldn't help herself, the words slipped out before she had a chance to supress them. Marcas lowered his head and did not respond. She felt anger again. "You betrayed your planet, your Prince and me, Margarite. Why should I help you?" He lifted his head and met her gaze. His eyes became hard and dark. "Because if you don't defeat me, Sailor Moon will never be born." The word sat between them, hovering, filling the space around them....paradox. Chapter 5 If anyone had been able to see past the lights shining out from Tokyo Tower, they probably would still not have been able to see the figure who now stood upon it, her long hair blowing free in the wind that buffeted the tall structure. She leaned heavily upon an ornate staff, her face outwards, feeling the night air on her face, listening to the sounds of the city, sounds so familiar and yet made foreign by distance of time. She thought of the sad face with soft brown hair, the voice that had whispered in her ear and she shivered, but not from the wind. Her eyes closed as she remembered his hands on her body, his lips on her neck, mouth, breasts. A small whimper forced its way past her lips and she clamped them shut against the emotion that threatened to choke her. The wind grew fiercer, echoing her mood. The Tower began to sway and moan in the wind, keening as she could not have, mourning for a love so old, so powerful and, once, so bitter. Sailor Pluto thought of the rest of their conversation, aborted as it had been. Marcas had admitted to hitting her over the head and bringing her physically back to this time to deceive Queen Opal. Twice a traitor, she had screamed at him as she threw her wine in his face, running out of the restaurant, running away from him, running anywhere but near where he was. Sailor Pluto threw her arms wide and head back as the wind took on a shriller note, filling her ears with its banshee wail. She knew what she had had to do. He had brought her here for a purpose and until that was completed, she could not leave. Her powers appeared to be intact, but she could not leave the 20th century. She had tried, more than once, the last time just a few minutes ago. She had tried to contact Charon, her Queen, any of the Senshi, but she was blocked, once again leaving a coded message, if only it could be seen. Marcas had brought her here to fight him? He'd get the fight he wanted. She grinned ferally, lips pulling back from her teeth and she leered into the city. "Marcas." she spoke without rancor. "I'll do what you want me to do." She put both hands on her Staff and slowly, still unseen by any lifeform or surveillance device, she faded from the top of Tokyo Tower. * A young couple sat at dinner. They looked impossibly happy. The woman was clearly several months pregnant, the bulge of her belly very visible on her slight frame. The man's eyes shone as they sat and talked and laughed. They each had a book in their hands, and they clearly were trying to pick a name for the child. Setsuna watched them from a distance. She sat alone at a table, hidden from the couple's sight by a pillar, but a mirror on the opposite wall gave her a clear view of them. It was a prudent idea to be aware of the location of Tsukino Kenji and Ikuko at this point in Time. Setsuna took another bite of her meal, chewing and swallowing automatically, trying not to taste the food. Once again she thought of the idiotic paradox Margarite had propelled her into. To fool Opal into believing she was fighting his shadow paradox, Margarite had actually knocked her unconscious and brought her back, so Opal would not be able to trace her energy signature. Her records all pointed to the shadow paradox, so cleverly set up as a blind. In the meantime she was stuck here, in her least favorite decade of all Time, eating mediocre food in a not very posh restaurant. She smiled inwardly at her own petulance. And now her lover, her ex-lover, a man she still missed every day of her long life, wanted her to kill him...again. Her thoughts wandered to their final confrontation during the original Queen Serenity's reign...during the last days of the Silver Millenium. Pluto was standing before the Gates of Time, her Staff held ready, fighting off an advance attack of Beryl's. She knew the Dark Queen had not yet attacked the Moon Kingdom - if only she could beat off this attack, she could get there, assist the other Senshi...another wave of Dark Kingdom warriors threw themselves at her and were forced back by the power of her Dead Scream. The attacks were fewer now, and she thought she might be able to get back to the Queen's side, if they would only retreat. The smoke and mist seemed to close in for a moment, blinding Pluto. She saw a figure approach and her heart froze in her chest. She knew that figure too well. Pluto could feel bile in her throat as she beheld Margarite, clad in the livery of the Dark Kingdom, approaching her openly. The gray cloak billowed out behind him, the neat, gray uniform trimmed with dark green, his hair bound as always. Pluto gripped her Staff until her knuckles whitened, but stood firm. He faced her and bowed formally. She did not return the courtesy. "Why?" was all she said, hissing through a clenched jaw. "Because I believe that this is for the best." He didn't believe it, she could see that, at least not any more. Maybe he had, before Beryl had given herself to Metallia and called the Darkness down onto them, but now, she could see that he hated what he had become. She remembered the two of them, walking through the gardens, hand in hand, speaking of the future they would share... "Coward!" she cried and lifted her Staff. He sidestepped and threw an attack at her, which she parried neatly, deflecting it into his own troops, who scattered. They circled for a few, each trying not to look at their opponent, or admit who it was that they now attempted to defeat, trying not to remember the feel of each other in passion, the sight of other in repose and peace. Margarite lifted a hand and Pluto swung her weapon once again. As he reeled from the blow, Pluto let go of her Staff, commanded it to come to attack position and in a cold, unemotional voice, declared her attack.... "Dead Scream...." His cries were short, ending abruptly, as he faded from the field, dissipating like the mist that now closed in upon her. His troops ran, then, and in a moment, she was alone. Setsuna shuddered with the memory and turned her attention back to the couple at the center table. They were getting ready to leave, so she signaled to her waitress. She paid her bill and almost invisibly, followed them out of the building. As she turned to look down the block, she could see a dark figure, cloaked and booted, turn the corner in the opposite direction. She had been right - he would make his attack tonight. The Tsukinos were headed for the park and Setsuna could feel a slight headache beginning behind her left eye. Didn't these people ever watch horror or monster movies? They were just *asking* to be attacked by a supernatural phenomenon! She sighed with exasperation and followed them at a distance. Chapter 6 Setsuna did not yet transform. It might be that Margarite was not going to attack if he knew she was here. Why press his luck? They both knew she was capable of defeating him.... Setsuna strolled through the park, as lost in her thoughts as the couple she shadowed were lost in each other. Their voices occasionally drifted back to her and she smiled to hear them talk of their "little bunny." It is no wonder the Queen is so warm-hearted and loving, with parents like these, she thought. Setsuna sat on a bench, while the couple fed crumbs to the carp in the pond. She thought of their conversation, when she had asked Marcas, just before she had run out on him. "Why don't you just leave then - just tell Opal "no?" " and he had answered "Because I am still a coward, Setsuna. Because I am afraid." They were walking again. She felt a chill run up her spine and stood behind a tree, waiting for a moment. A dark shadow passed her, booted feet making no sound on the ground, cloak drifting lazily behind him. She shook her head sadly and called her henshin wand to her hand. Once again she held her hand high as she called to her guardian planet. "Pluto Planet Power make-up!" Her Staff came to her hand as naturally as an instrument to a musician's. She stepped out from the tree and called sharply. "Margarite! I will not let you hurt them." The figure turned slowly. "I wasn't sure you'd come." he said. There was no sadness now in his voice, only harshness and purpose. "I'm sorry Pluto. I was wrong to have brought you here." "No." she interrupted. "You were more right than you knew. What you are trying to do is *so* wrong, Hell alone is not good enough for you. I *will* stop you Margarite, and then I will stop your Queen." "No, you were right, Pluto. I am a coward and a traitor. I don't deserve to live, but at least once in my life I will carry something through to the end before I die." and he spun around to follow the couple who had now passed beyond hearing. "Not this, you won't." Sailor Pluto said and leveled the Staff at Margarite. "Dead Scream." Her voice echoed coldly in the night, the Staff moved into position and she whirled, launching the ringed, violet sphere at Margarite. He turned, waved a hand and the light simply...vanished. He smiled at Sailor Pluto. "I'm sorry Pluto. You can't stop me now." and he turned away, leaving her, for a moment stunned into paralysis. "My god, that attack never even reached him..." she hissed. It didn't matter. If she died for it, she would stop him. Her face became resolute and she took off after him, her feet pounding the turfed path. Sailor Pluto accelerated, running to catch up to the couple, now far ahead and in grave danger. There was no help for it, they had to be warned. Just then she heard a scream. "Dammit!" she cursed and picked up the pace. She came around a bend in the path and could see Margarite, his cloak thrown back, his hands held out towards the cowering couple before him. Sailor Pluto threw herself at him, turning and shouting to the man and woman as she dove, "Run! Don't look back and don't stop! Run!" Apparently they *had* seen enough horror movies, because they took her advice and ran as fast as they could, while she rolled on the ground, trying not to let Margarite get a grip on her throat. She elbowed him in the ribs and struck at his face. A gash began to bleed on his cheek, where her nails raked him. Sailor Pluto heard him curse and her head snapped back as he struck her in the jaw. She hit the ground hard with his weight upon her and he pulled back for another strike. A voice cried out "Over here!" and Sailor Pluto could hear footsteps on the pathway. Margarite stood up quickly and looked down at her, his face unreadable. He turned and walked into the darkness, silent and ghost-like, fading from sight. Laying back in the grass, Sailor Pluto detransformed, allowing Meioh Setsuna to be found, dazed and breathless, helped to stand, and taken to a bench to rest. Her head still rung from the blow Margarite had given her, but aside from a few cuts and bruises, she was fine. She declined to be taken to the hospital or police station, insisting she could make her way back home. As soon as her rescuers left her, she transformed once again, the cuts and bruises disappearing immediately. Sailor Pluto called her Staff into her hand, and she disappeared from the park, praying fervently that the Tsukinos had made it home safely. Chapter 7 Setsuna stood naked in front of a mirror, regarding herself objectively. She was unscathed, all signs of the earlier battle gone with her transformation. Satisfied that she had no wounds that needed treatment, she stared openly into her own eyes, which regarded her seriously in return, but gave away no secrets. A door clicked open softly and Setsuna turned to glance over her shoulder, as Marcas came out the bathroom towards her. He shed a robe onto the floor as he walked, his body as naked as her own, his hair loose, wet from the shower. He stood behind her, wrapped his arms around her and pressed his face into her hair, breathing in her scent. She could feel him, muscled and strong, press his body against hers and she sighed, leaning back into him. Marcas kissed her neck through her hair and rumbled his pleasure at the contact.. Setsuna closed her eyes, just feeling the warmth of him flow through her. At last, reluctantly, he broke their embrace and sat on the bed. She turned, running her fingers through his dampened hair. "Do you think it worked?" she asked him quietly, as she kneeled before him. "Were you followed?" Marcas took her face in his hands, kissed her gently and smiled softly at her. "I was being followed, yes. As for our idea working...I can't say. Opal isn't stupid, Setsuna, but some of her lieutenants are. I wasn't followed here, if that's what you mean. But then" he paused for a moment, "I didn't think they'd figure out that I was the one who brought you back. Opal doesn't trust me and she is going to trust me less, now." Setsuna said nothing, but pulled him to her, crushing their lips together. When they pulled reluctantly away from each other, Setsuna laid his hand against her cheek. "I don't want to lose you again, Marcas." Marcas said nothing, but leaned into her, kissing her firmly. He let his hands drop to her shoulders and she returned his kisses, giving him her neck and moaning softly, as his lips brushed the soft skin of her throat. His hands slid down, and cupping her breasts, began to knead them gently. Setsuna held him to her, kissing him hard, opening her mouth to lick at him, draw his tongue into her. She grabbed onto his soft hair holding him firm, while one hand scratched softly at his chest, parting the brown curls on it. Setsuna smiled as they kissed, and her body fell into old patterns, so long forgotten. She stroked his chest, feeling the muscles tense and relax. She laid one hand over his heart, and felt for the reassuring rhythm. Her eyes closed as Marcas moved his head lower, kissing her softly between her breasts. "Marcas," Setsuna whispered, as his tongue traveled in lazy circles around her nipples. "Mmmm?" He did not break contact with her skin. "Promise me one thing." "Mmmmm." he closed his mouth on her nipple, drawing it in, sucking at it, flicking it with his tongue. Setsuna lost all power of speech for a few moments. He pulled his mouth away and watched her, his eyes twinkling with humor. "You were asking me to promise you something?" Setsuna opened her eyes and looked at him, his hair spilling softly around his shoulders, his mouth soft and inviting. "Later." she said firmly and drew him in for a long kiss. When they broke apart she could see his excitement and she was overwhelmed with the need to feel it. Her hand slipped softly down his chest, running through the thinning fur of his stomach, and down further, until she could feel him, hard and warm in her hand. Now he drew close to her, nibbling on her earlobe and she laughed, his mustache tickling her. Setsuna pushed him away, laughing, and kissed her way down his chest, pausing to lick his nipples, while he moaned almost piteously. Smiling, she continued her way down, kissing, licking, teasing, until her mouth joined her hand on his hardness. His moans became more urgent then, while her tongue made light of his need, licking him in slow, firm strokes that forced even more desperate moans from him. She could feel him tensing and he pulled her away from him, stood, bringing her to her feet. Kissing her, he laid her back on the bed. Marcas could no longer hold himself back and she did not try to stop him. Her body ached for him to fill her and she told him so, which made him groan with desire. Her hands in his hair, she pulled him close and he entered her, his thighs pressed against her own, her moans joined to his, creating one rhythm, one purpose. It had been too long since she had felt another's touch, since she had been intimate with anyone and her body was all too ready. Setsuna arched her back as she came, holding him in her, wrapping her long legs around him. Marcas pressed his lips into her neck and joined her in climax. She did not feel him come, so lost was she in her own sensations. The lay there, still entwined, as their breathing steadied and deepened, as their eyes and ears returned to their normal functioning. She ran her hands though Marcas's fine hair, spreading it over his shoulders, combing it. He lay with his head on her chest, eyes half-closed, a small smile on his lips. She pushed at him and he rolled over reluctantly, groaning at the unfairness of her action. She covered him with a blanket, and then herself, laying her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. His arm crossed his chest and, meeting with her lips, was kissed quickly and quietly. The kiss captured, the hand rose to her nose, and with a small, playful gesture, he rubbed the tip lightly, as if to tell her how cute it was, then a quick "kiss" from the hand, and it dropped to his side. He fell asleep almost immediately, while Setsuna lay there, listening to him breathe. Softly, so she would not wake him she looked up at his face and spoke. "Promise me, that when we defeat Opal and free you, you'll shave off that mustache." And smiling to herself, she closed her eyes and slept. Chapter 8 Setsuna felt Margarite leave the bed, but she did not open her eyes. There were to be no good-byes this time, as there were none the last. They each knew what they had to do, there was nothing left to discuss. She lay in the growing silence, feeling the bed cool, trying to remember how she lived without him in her life. She refused to shed tears for him, or herself. None of this was even happening, she knew, it was all a paradox. Tsukino Usagi would be born, and would defeat Beryl, Nemesis, Neherenia, Galaxia and yes, even Opal. A beautiful new world would be created, and all she had to do was to return to that world and live the life she had chosen. Setsuna sighed and pushed the covers back. Her body felt light, translucent, as it had after her rebirth when Galaxia had taken her star seed. When this was all over, with the reformation of Margarite, she could have a life she had never before allowed herself to contemplate. Family, friends and a lover. A normal life, she admitted, reluctant to even think the words, lest she jinx herself. She glanced at herself in the mirror and blushed. Her normally impeccable hair was a mess, her skin flushed and her crimson eyes sparkled. There was no mistaking that look - and that thought heightened the blush in her cheeks. Turning away from the mirror, she considered the plans she and Margarite had formed to draw out Opal's lieutenants. If he was to escape Opal's influence, his watchers would have to be destroyed. Margarite would attack the Tsukino household, and she would defend it, forcing him back. Margarite would have to call on reinforcements. Together they would defeat these minions of the new Dark Kingdom, then released from immediate surveillance, they would make their escape together and return to the 30th century, where they could join the other Senshi and defeat Opal. It sounded so simple. And if anyone knows that life was not simple, it would have to be me. She did not smile, not now. She showered, and dressed, knowing that it would not matter what she wore. Nothing except her strength mattered now. If she could not defeat these new, stronger enemies, she would never see any of her family again. Nor would she redeem Margarite. Life without Margarite, now that she had once again felt his touch, heard his voice.... she shivered although the apartment was warm. She ate breakfast, not tasting the food, and straightened the apartment. It wouldn't do to leave a mess. She arranged the tastelessly decorated coverlet, smoothing it and at that, smiled. Whatever came this day, she would not miss this decade. The thought made her laugh, and laughing, she transformed one last time into Sailor Pluto. * On the roof of the building overlooking the Tsukino house, unseen by any watchers, Sailor Pluto took up her position. She could keep watch from here, and join the fight when it became necessary. The afternoon was passing quickly, it would soon be evening, time for an aspiring journalist to return home to his wife. If Margarite would attack, it would have to be soon. Sailor Pluto watched the passage of cars, trucks and pedestrians, with the look of one who had seen them all pass this way before, and would again. A small inconsistency was all it took to gain her attention, just one thing out of the ordinary. She watched the yard around the house, but could not see what had caught her eye. She scanned the streets around it and suddenly saw what she had instinctively known to be there. A field of energy, visible only at an oblique angle, had been drawn around the Tsukino house. Was it to keep something in, or out? Sailor Pluto left her lookout, and floated above the field, feeling it stress and heat the air around it. She tested the field with the Staff, but it resisted both slow and fast motion attacks, and no energy could penetrate. It was meant to keep her out, then. She surveyed it, looking for flaws, or any sign of weakness, but found none. If Margarite had put the barrier up, he had done it too well. She floated towards the ground, not wanting to commit to any course of action, but she knew that confrontation was inevitable. Her boot touched the ground almost gingerly. Nothing happened and she lowered her second foot, until she stood before the Tsukino residence, tense and alert. A second passed, and another one, the air was heavy with anticipation - even the birdsong was quieted. Sailor Pluto, her Staff held tightly, moved forward, one step, then two. Her foot lifted for the third step, when suddenly the ground beneath her erupted and two hands tore free their earthly moorings and grabbed at her. Sailor Pluto tried to pull away, but the hands clung to her, followed by another and another, which rent her fuku and tried to pry the Staff from her hand. Stabbing downward, Sailor Pluto forced her way free and loosened the Staff to strike. Her monotone "Dead Scream" was followed by the piercing screams of the hands' owners, as they burnt away into mist. Behind her, Sailor Pluto heard a rumbling noise, as the ground shrieked with pain and ripped open. She whirled in time to behold one large, clawed hand appear, followed by another. They sunk into the ground and flexed, pulling up a not quite human body. The monster's eyes were not visible, nor were ears, but the gaping maw spoke eloquently. Fangs glittered, but its voice was smooth and cultured. "I have been promised a fine meal, Sailor Pluto." The creature spoke directly to her, its muscles rippling unnaturally. "Would you prefer to be the appetizer, or the main course?" Sailor Pluto did not respond. She wished Sailor Mercury stood beside her, with her computer, to let her know where the creature's weak point was. Or her beloved friends, Sailors Uranus and Neptune, with their strong attacks and stronger faith. Her jaw clenched as she thought of them. "This is for you, all of you." she whispered and closed her eyes for a brief second. When they opened her face was calm, almost peaceful. "Dead Scream." her voice echoed in the small yard. She released the Staff, it spun into attack position, the violet light forming at its end. After a minute pause she whirled and launched her deadly sphere. It hit the monster, which fell back gasping and croaking almost comically before it collapsed where it stood. "It seems that my pet is fighting above his station." Sailor Pluto spun around at the words. Margarite stood a small distance behind her, floating slightly in the air. His arms were crossed and his cape swum gracefully around him, every inch a General of the Dark Kingdom. She found her eyes smarting at the sight of him, her body aching for his touch. But there was a charade to be played out.... "You'll have to do better than that, Margarite." She pointed her Staff at him and he pointed his hand at her. She managed to get an attack off just before he did, and his body wavered where it stood, then flew backwards, landing hard on the ground. He got up shakily, hands clenched. "Damn you, Pluto." Margarite's voice was tight. "Chikaro! Ueru! Come to me!" The monstrous form, that had until now, lain still, stirred, lifting itself to its legs. It shuffled forward, and was joined by another figure, pliant, hard to see, that made a clanking, jangling sound. It was like a living chain, slinking along the ground, its arms lengthening, surrounding her, and cutting off movement. This was what had attacked her at first. Now the same creature, or another like it, slithered closer, trying to cut off her retreat. For Pluto, this was the crucial moment. She could not fail to destroy these creatures, for her own sake and for his. Her movements took on a dream-like quality. She breathed deeply, and drawing on the calm only experience and time gives a soldier she attacked. The chain creature sought to inhibit her movement, while the ungainly mouth simply thought to crush her, or bite her. She launched attack after attack at them, beating them back, denying them the delight of her capture and defeat. At last she saw an opening and launched the strongest possible attack at Chikaro, cutting its very links at several places. As the creature tried to reconnect itself, she threw the pieces at the embodied mouth. Automatically, it began to devour the object in its maw. As the chain reconnected, it began to squeeze and bind Ueru, who destroyed it with his sharp teeth. In morbid fascination, Sailor Pluto watched as they turned on each other, each destroying one another, until all that was left was the ruined carcasses of two wretched entities, that shriveled up, and disappeared on the breeze. Pluto leaned heavily on her Staff, catching her breath. She whirled around looking for Margarite, her eyes a bit wild, her face full of concern that he might have been wounded. Anxiety that she had hurt him in her attack was plainly visible on her usually placid countenance. She found him leaning against a tree, arms still crossed, that sad look once again on his face. He stood upright and brought his hands to his side. She looked at him and it was equally apparent that she now comprehended what his true plan had been. Understanding of his second betrayal was legible in her tensed mouth, her narrowed eyes. Unshed tears stung her, but she did not acknowledge them. Sailor Pluto stood, torn fuku skirt moving gently in the breeze, her hair stirred by the same force. She stood erect and strong. Her Staff came once again to her hand and she faced Margarite, ready for whatever treachery he would bring to her this day. "I'm sorry, Pluto. I really am. But I needed to rid myself of those two and this was the only way to do it." Sailor Pluto did not answer, but simply stood balanced lightly on both feet, ready for what he would throw at her. "Please don't resist me. You don't have the strength for it. Your Dead Scream can't hurt me now." He stepped forward, one hand open, palm facing up, the offer unspoken. She did not even look at his hand, but stared, hard and cold as stone, at the man she had once, no, twice loved. "I want to remember you, Pluto, the way I left you this morning." She felt her color rise in her face, betraying her thoughts to him. His voice was soft and cruel now, the more so as he was being entirely sincere. "If you join me, we need never be parted again." Sailor Pluto continued to watch him, her body betraying her with every breath she took, desire for him in very heartbeat. She longed to go to him, but stayed firm. Margarite faced his palms towards her, still hesitating, still offering. She did not move. Margarite closed his eyes and nodded. A beam of odious dark green light shot out from his hands towards Pluto, who simply stood and let it hit her. For a moment she stood firm, then the beam lifted her off her feet. She fell heavily, her body slamming into the ground with a loud thud. Margarite let the beam decrease, then die off. Slowly, Sailor Pluto stood, Staff still in hand. "Please, Setsuna. Don't make me do this." Margarite said, walking towards her. Still she said nothing, but the Staff began to move, it floated in a curved trajectory, then settled into her hands comfortably. Power began to build within it. A violet sphere, bright and piercing, appeared at its end. Margarite held both hands forward towards Sailor Pluto, dark energy building in his palms. Sailor Pluto spun around and her voice, cold and deadly came "Dead..." Margarite slapped his hands together, his voice victorious, cried "Lodestone..." "...Scream!" "....Paralysis!" Green energy hurled itself at the ringed sphere. For a moment they crackled together, each holding fast, then suddenly the violet light gave way and exploded, allowing the green energy to penetrate. Sailor Pluto was immediately lifted off of her feet and thrown across the yard, where she lay motionless, her body lying draped across gnarled roots that had broken through the soft turf. The sizzling energy dissipated and Margarite gazed at his lover with a calm countenance. "I really am sorry Pluto." He walked towards the motionless body, crossing over the broken Time Staff, kicking the pieces away with his booted feet. Sailor Pluto, her fuku torn, her body battered, and at least one leg broken, lay there breathing shallowly. Her eyes rolled towards the shards of her Staff. Margarite followed her gaze. "I know you have no other attack, Pluto. If you join me now, I can convince Opal to let you live. Please, Pluto, it would be so easy to let you live..." Whether to gloat, or to apologize, Margarite himself did not know, but he moved closer to Sailor Pluto, touching her gently on the face. "I tried to warn you, you know. I told you I was a coward and a traitor. And I told you, Opal is much smarter than Beryl. She gives her generals far more power than Beryl ever did. More even than the Senshi." "I can't let you kill Sailor Mo...." Sailor Pluto's voice was faint, and Margarite cut her off with a short, barking laugh. "After all this, still thinking of your Queen? Don't you understand? This was never about Sailor Moon. I was sent here to kill *you.*" His voice was colder than space. She closed her eyes, her face tight with hopelessness. Twice betrayed by the same man, she had lost. There was only one thing left to do. Sailor Pluto's eyes opened, fluttered, then fixed on his. He leaned in to her as her mouth moved, sound forcing its way past cracked lips. She gripped his collar in one hand and pulled him close. Looking into his face Sailor Pluto gathered what energy she could and rasped, "I could let you live too, but it's easier just to kill you." Her free hand forced its way upward, directly into Margarite's solar plexus, releasing a direct beam of energy into his body as she cried out "Stygian Tide!" With a look of shock and confusion, Margarite released his grip on her. His cry was swallowed by the sound of his destruction. The force lifted him off the ground into the air and then, as if he had been sucked into space, he seemed to implode with a final gasp. Sailor Pluto fell back against the tree, then slipped downwards, onto the ground and into unconsciousness. Chapter 9 Sailor Pluto opened her eyes and tentatively moved her limbs. Legs, feet, arms, hands, all seemed to be working properly. She looked around her room. Crisp white sheets draped her body and were pulled tightly into the bed. The light in the room was artificial, clinical and thoroughly life draining. She glanced at the arm in front of her and made a face at the greenish cast it presented to her vision. Charon's been changing the defaults again, she thought with a grimace. She sat up and swung her legs off the bed, calling out as she did so. "Charon! Where are you, you lazy good-for-nothing program!" Setsuna called her henshin wand to her and transformed as she left the room behind her. "Yes Setsuna-sama?" The voice came, as she had expected, from immediately behind her, slightly too close for comfort. She smiled and kept walking. He was getting predictable. "Did you get him?" "It would be more correct to say that Queen Serenity has got him. I simply facilitated his transmission." "Is he here?" Sailor Pluto's voice was harsher than she had meant it to be. "I mean," she softened her tone, "did he get through to this time safely?" "It appears so. But please, Setsuna-sama, before you go rushing off, please let me examine you. Your wounds were very severe. You shouldn't even be up yet." "I'm fine Charon - you just want to play dirty old man." The computer program said nothing, but his silence was disapproving. Sailor Pluto laughed and entered the control room. She stood in front of the communications board and established a link with the Palace at Crystal Tokyo. The face that greeted hers was Ami's, she noted, with a distinct feeling of relief. The Senshi of Mercury was often to be found in the Palace's Communications Center when she was not on active duty. "Pluto!" Ami said, noting the Senshi was in uniform. "We hadn't heard that you had regained consciousness. Are you well?" Sailor Pluto nodded. "I'm fine, thank you, Ami. I've just gotten up." Ami frowned. "Then you shouldn't be up and about. Why don't I come over and examine you?" Pluto waved her concern away. "I'm fine, Ami. I need to speak to Serenity, is she around?" "She's with our guest right now. Pluto...Setsuna..." Ami hesitated. Sailor Pluto waited while the younger Senshi gathered her thoughts, "she hasn't told us much of what went on. Who is he? And why did you want him brought directly to the Palace?" Her voice dropped, "And is he really a Dark Kingdom general?" There was a silence, then Sailor Pluto spoke, a bit hesitantly. "He *was* a general of the Dark Kingdom, yes. And before that, he was one of Endymion's advisors. And my lover." She could hear Ami's intake of breath. "I killed him in Beryl's attack at the end of the Silver Millenium. But now, apparently, there is an heir to Beryl's throne and a much stronger opponent than Beryl ever was. She sent him to kill me." "But, then, why...?" Ami's eyes were clouded with concern for her friend and her face paler than usual. "Because he did not want to do it. We worked out a plan, one so full of betrayals and backstabbing that the twisted mind of the new queen would never suspect it for a fraud." Sailor Pluto felt herself tiring rapidly. She needed to stay on her feet. Her Staff appeared in her hand to support her. She didn't wonder at the new Talisman. As long as there existed a Sailor Pluto, there existed a Time Staff. Ami's voice was full of reproach now. "You shouldn't have done this alone, Setsuna. You could have been killed." "I wasn't alone. I knew that Charon was receiving my transmissions and forwarding them to the Queen." she ignored the look on Ami's face and continued, "And I knew that whatever we did, it had to look as real as possible, or Opal would never be fooled." "Really," Ami said with some peevishness, "that has got to be the stupidest idea I have heard in years. After all this time..." Ami cut off her lecture abruptly, turning to her right. She looked back at the screen quickly. "Serenity's here." In a moment Pluto found herself facing their Queen, Her hair, now white, glowed with an incandescent light, but she was otherwise unchanged from the young woman Setsuna had met so long ago. A mischievous light still lit her face and her smile was still radiant enough to set a room aglow. Sailor Pluto made a slight curtsey, which was waved off by the Queen with a laugh. Her face grew serious almost immediately. "How are you, Setsuna? Charon told us that you had several broken bones and some major internal damage...." There was no need to state that everyone in the capital had been worried, her eyes spoke so eloquently. "I am recovering, Serenity-sama." She knew the reaction that name would get and was not disappointed. The Queen made a face at her, sticking out her tongue briefly. Pluto could just make out Ami's giggle in the background. Sailor Pluto got down to business. "Where you able to find Opal's headquarters?" "Yes. Would you believe, she used the same entry point as Beryl did? So much for creativity. She wasn't terribly strong yet, though, and Uranus and Neptune made short work of her so-called generals." Sailor Pluto smiled at the vision of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune cutting down the pompous generals of the self-proclaimed New Dark Kingdom. Serenity continued, "It would have been a good idea, too. Taking us out one at a time. Starting with the Senshi most likely to predict an attack...Setsuna...?" Serenity's voice was a little teasing. "Why didn't you know this was coming?" Sailor Pluto looked away from the screen for a moment. When she looked back, her face held grudging admiration. "That was the genius of Opal's plan. While I guard the Doors of Time, my own personal timeline lies forever forwards, just as your does. I would never think to look into my past for my death. And neither would you." Serenity sighed heavily. "I still am not clear on temporal physics, I'll admit, but I think I understand." A silence fell. "Aren't you going to ask about him?" Serenity inquired gently. Sailor Pluto said nothing. "He asked about you, you know." "Is he..." Sailor Pluto hesitated. "Is he alright?" Serenity smiled beatifically. "He is. And as far as we can tell, untainted by any kind of Dark Energy. Endymion is thrilled to have one of his generals back. And he gave me a message for you." "Which is?" Sailor Pluto felt relief wash over her. Margarite would be fine. "He requests the first dance at the party." Sailor Pluto threw her head back and laughed giddily. "Tell him I'll try not to be too late." Serenity laughed with her. "Go get some sleep - we'll see you later. Hotaru says "Hi," by the way." She turned her head and called over her shoulder, "Ami, can you turn this thing off? I never can figure out which button it is..." her voice trailed away as the transmission cut out. Feeling light in body and spirit, Sailor Pluto returned to her room, recalibrated the defaults in her lighting and detransformed. She fell heavily on the bed and was asleep before she even covered herself with a blanket. Chapter 10 Setsuna awoke when the tone announcing "morning" on Pluto chimed. She yawned and stretched, grimacing as her muscles complained of their recent abuse. She arose, and slipping into a black yukata, stepped over to the screen that acted as a window in her bedroom. She sat before the screen, staring out into the eternal night, finding the Moon's location unerringly, although it was an invisible pinpoint of light, lost among the infinite pinpoints of space. "Would you like some tea, Setsuna-sama?" It was more of a statement than a question, and Setsuna gave no more than a nod in answer. Charon brought her a tray, a fresh pot of tea and two cups, along with a pleasant arrangement of flowers. Setsuna smiled at this simple touch. "You know me well, old friend." Charon's smile would have caused a stranger to cringe and worry for his own welfare. "I know some things that will please you. Flowers always please you." She nodded and poured tea into both cups. Charon sat and took one cup between his hands. He would not drink, of course, but Setsuna preferred to include him in her daily rituals. This was one of them. "Are you sure you are well enough to leave again, Setsuna-sama?" Charon was solicitous and she was touched. "I'm really fine, Charon, thank you. And thank you for acting so promptly on my messages. It must have been frustrating, knowing your messages were not getting through." Charon nodded. "If you had not set up that flower code years ago, this might have turned out quite differently. But then, you always seem to have a contingency plan." Setsuna smiled as she sipped her tea. "One of the advantages of having lived for such a long time. Actually," she giggled at some memory, "I can't claim the idea as my own. The concept of a flower code is almost as old as I am. Someone in Tokugawa Ieyasu's court used it, I know." She paused. "Oh, wait, that was me." Charon smiled at his creator's humor, but in all honesty, thought her a bit childish. "Thankfully, palms are simple enough to find at that time of year. I was more concerned that the florist would not be able to deliver it promptly." "Yes, I noticed your response was "victory." And I thought it appropriate." She paused, then grinned. "It was a lovely arrangement, as well." They sat in silence as Setsuna finished her tea and stared out into, very literally, space. She sighed. "What a blessing it was that Opal did not jam all communications to 20th century, just those to the Time Staff. Margarite was wrong. Opal is, was, no stronger or smarter than any of our other enemies. And for that, I am eternally grateful." Charon rose and began to clear the teacups. As he lifted the tray, he paused, a creepy, uncomfortable smile crossing his face. "Before I forget, Setsuna-sama, I wanted to remind you that I did get the black dress out for you." Setsuna looked up sharply at Charon. "If it makes you feel better, I won't be staying long this time in the capital." "I think," Charon spoke slowly as he headed towards the door, "That you should plan on staying a while. You need to recover and for that, you need your family." The door slid open and he took one step then stopped. "Maybe, if it would not be too inconvenient for them, they can return here with you and stay for a while." Setsuna looked at the old man, considering his words. "Charon, if I haven't yet told you this, you are a good friend to me. Thank you." His voice sounded complacent and happy, as the door began to shut, "You have told me." The door slid shut with a click. * Setsuna was, in fact, late to the party. After Charon had left her, she had intended to bathe, dress and travel once again to the capital. When an hour had passed without her summons, Charon had investigated, only to find Setsuna asleep in the bathtub. He had put her back to bed without waking her and had not allowed anything to disturb her, even though she later scolded him. He replied that she had needed the sleep more and stood firm. Setsuna gave way grudgingly and thanked him for his concern. She was now grossly late, however. Her entrance was, therefore, less subtle and more widely noted than she would have liked. The rumor of her coming spread out before her like a wave, and there were few in the hall who did not await her, when her name was finally announced. To her chagrin, applause met the pronunciation of her name, and all eyes turned as she entered. She squared her shoulders and stepped forward briskly, knowing that she would not be embarrassed, whatever passed this evening, with her appearance. The dress she wore was her own design, a relic of the days when she pretended to have a career as a normal woman of Earth. It was long and sleek, black and sleeveless, with delicate chains serving as sleeves, belt and ornament. The chains gathered at her neck and abdomen in two ornate brooches, each set with stones that complemented her eyes. Setsuna could hear the whisper follow her into the ballroom and through it. She smiled internally, but did no more than acknowledge greetings given her by the many denizens of Crystal Tokyo. Setsuna made her way across the room to a small knot of brightly dressed figures. They turned and greeted her with a variety of hails and salutations, but none more welcome than two slightly smaller figures whom attached themselves to her with near violence. She smiled down into the faces of the Princess Small Lady and Hotaru, her beloved daughter and fellow Senshi. Setsuna returned their embraces with enthusiasm. She was then subjected to the pleasant task of greeting the other Senshi and receiving hugs from many of them. All were decked out in their finest clothing, and they had, in all her years of knowing them, never looked better. Finally she was freed to greet her Queen and she did so formally, making a deep curtsey. She pretended not to see the smirks on the faces of the other Senshi as Queen Serenity acknowledged her gesture with a formal nod. The Queen of the Crystal Millenium might have formal duties, but to the members of this group, she would always be Usagi, their friend. Serenity spoke quickly and softly, for Setsuna's ears only. "He is in my office. Shall I have him brought to you or...?" She left the possibilities open. Setsuna flushed. "If it isn't a problem, I'd like to go to him." Setsuna heard Haruka snort with suppressed laughter. She shot her friend a look and smiled ruefully at Michiru, who was giggling. "Oh just go to him, already!" Haruka shot back at her. "Really, Setsuna," Michiru said, "don't delay. I think Minako is already trying to figure out a way to sneak in there." Setsuna laughed at this and she turned away from the room, hearing behind her Minako's voice, raised slightly, "Hey - I heard that, Michiru!" Setsuna's footsteps echoed loudly in the empty corridor as she approached the Queen's office. The elegantly carved doors stood closed, a final barrier between herself and him. Pausing, Setsuna faced them and wondered what futures her choices now might bring...she could turn away, return to her old life and continue as she had been, or she could open this door, both figuratively and literally and step boldly into a new life. There really was no question of choices, she thought. Setsuna put her hands to the door, only to find it jerked away from her in one hurried motion. Hands reached out for her, pulling her into a warm, solid embrace. She felt herself lifted off her feet, spun and placed firmly once again upon the floor. Lips, full and inviting, touched her own and she melted into Margarite's embrace. When they parted, Setsuna stood back to admire Margarite, now dressed in a uniform of black, with dark green trim. His uniform perfectly complemented her dress and, she noted with some pleasure, her Senshi fuku. He smiled at her as she sized him up and returned her gaze levelly. "Am I fit for duty?" he asked with a grin. "You'll do." she replied and placed her hand in his. Without another spoken word, they walked back into the main hall, just in time for a waltz. They took their places on the dance floor where they remained for some time, uninterrupted by talk of war, politics, or anything but what the next dance might bring them. The first intermission brought them once again to the attention of the other Senshi. Haruka and Michiru were just leaving the dance floor as well, and the four found themselves in a lively conversation about Opal's forces and defeat thereof. Haruka, dressed smartly in a black tuxedo, looked over at Margarite and her eyes narrowed. "What do you think about the concentration of Dark Energy at..." her mouth was muffled by Michiru's gloved hand. The aqua-haired Senshi gave a slight laugh and apologized to Margarite. "We don't let her out often enough, I'm afraid." Margarite and Setsuna laughed at the look on Haruka's face, and the tall Senshi smiled ruefully, apologizing for her lack of tact. The rest of the evening was uneventful, save for a lively row between two minor dignitaries. Setsuna found herself wandering in the gardens with Margarite, ending up on a stone bench in one of the private gardens in the Palace. Fatigue set in and Setsuna slumped against an unresisting Margarite. He held her to him with one arm, the other holding her hand for comfort. The sat like that, lost in each other's presence, for hours. Finally, Setsuna roused herself and looked at Margarite. His hair flamed golden in the torchlight, as he turned to regard her with dancing eyes. "There's so much we should talk about," he began, but she put a finger to his lips, punctuating her action with a kiss. Slow and lingering, the kiss became more passionate, until the two would have missed a war beginning immediately behind them. When they parted, she put her head on his shoulder and sighed. "We have all the time in the world to talk. Tonight, I just want to sit here with you and watch the sun rise." And so they sat, as they had done so long ago, and watched the sun rise over the new Millenium. END Author's Notes: I want to thank Adam Jones and Matt Burns and all the folks on the hauthor list for their help, advice and spellchecking. This story is dedicated, once again, to Elena, because she wanted me to write a Sailor Pluto story. I hope you're happy with it, amica mia, because it nearly wore me out! The flower code mentioned in the final chapter is not my creation, although it might be Pluto's, you never can tell. There are several excellent websites on the "language of flowers", feel free to search and learn. Come visit "The Fanfic Revolution" for more Sailormoon Fanfic that doesn't suck at - Erica's Greatest Hits, home of "World Shaking" fanfic.