Well, this is it! I'm finally finished. LOL! You all thought it would never happen, didn't you?? Well I gotcha! Well, I'd like to thank everyone who e-mailed me and gave me tips, and my friend Guine-chan, who was with me the whole way!! Thanks girl, and good luck with Wain! Please read her story, "Ami's Diaries"!! She's going to finish it eventually!! Also, I'd like to thank Bettina, who has also stuck by me! And finally, Nankypoo, who got me to post this with her comments. Thanks, and I hope you write me some more! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding Faith- Epilogue By Acacia Aben --------------------------------------------------------------------- Epilogue Faye seemed to be floating in lights. She had her eyes closed, but she could still see them. "Faye? Is that you?" She opened her eyes, and saw Kyle. "Kyle? We're dead, aren't we?" He looked confused, in the middle of the bright white light. "I thought we were. The last thing I remember is you. I remember looking at you, right before-" His voice cut off, a frown on his face. "I remember looking at you." She was suddenly right beside him. "I remember seeing you, and that's it," she announced, looking around with curiousity. Now that she knew she was awake, she wanted to know what was going on. He rolled his eyes at her apparent disinterest in him, then took her face in his hands and kissed her. "Well, I know we were fighting Harden and Jade, so I guess we are dead." She stopped looking around. "Well, this is going to be boring," she scowled. "I don't think I like it." He looked around. "I don't think I will either," he agreed. "But I don't think we have much choice," he continued. "Actually, this isn't exactly death," a voice explained. Faye spun around. "Mother?" Queen Serenity smiled at her youngest daughter. "Yes, Faith, it is me. Hello, Prince Kyle. It is nice to see you both again." Kyle nodded, then looked down to see himself in his old armor. He was Prince Kyle again. Faye was startled to see herself in her violet princess dress. She looked up. "Mother, what's going on? If we aren't dead, then what is happening?" "You weren't supposed to die." "I know that," Faith said, "But what is this about? I chose to fight Jade, I knew what would happen." Queen Serenity shook her head, "no, not that time. As Princess Faith, you weren't supposed to die then. You were supposed to marry Prince Kyle, and although you would have fought Jade and Harden, and then died, Tiranita would have lived. As it is now, Tiranita is gone. After your death, you would have been reborn as Faye Tsukino, and separated at birth with your twin sister, Serena. And you would have met the same way, and you would have met Kyle. You would not have met Jade and Harden, because you had already defeated them. And you would have lived." Princess Faith of the the Moon, Second-born, heir to the power of light, the power of the sun and moon combined, Sailor Moon Eclipse, realized the enormity of her mistake. "I'm sorry. All I wanted was to be with Sere. I had never been without her, anytime in my life. Even though I was on a different planet, even though we hadn't talked since I had left, she was still with me, in my mind. I could talk to her there, I could feel her. I have always been able to feel her. It was the first time I couldn't." Queen Serenity lifted Faith's chin. "It is all right. You made a mistake. All people make mistakes. But now you get a chance to correct it." Faith blinked. "What?" Kyle's eyes widened. "It was not my decision, but I agree with it. Sailor Pluto made the choice, as it is her job to fix mistakes in time. You are to be sent back, to the instant before you touched the Silver Crystal, Faith. You will remember what has happened, for a moment afterwards. When Kyle arrives, to take you home, as soon as you get into the ship, you will forget it ever happened. And all will be as it should be." Kyle swallowed hard. "Will I remember, at all?" "No. It is not necessary for you to remember. All will be as it should have been. Pluto tells me that this is necessary," Queen Serenity said gently. Faith smiled, a wobbly, sad smile, because she wouldn't be able to run away anymore. When she had touched that crystal, she had known exactly what she was doing, and why she was doing it. So she could run away from what was supposed to happen in her life. And she had been running from the truth her entire life. Now, faced with it, she didn't feel trapped. She felt. . . . . relief. True, Serenity would be lost to her, for a time. But she would have another chance. A chance to have a life, with Kyle. "Can you tell us what will happen to us once were are reborn, and meet again?" Kyle asked softly. "After all, it isn't like we'll remember." She smiled. "I can tell you that. You will meet in a different place, in a different way, but since Faye Tsukino will have had dreams about you, dreams about her life on the Moon, she will know you, and although Itrinata doesn't show up in the same way, she shows up, and you will remember her. You get married, and when Serenity begins to rule Crystal Tokyo, nobles of Tiranita come to visit, and find the two of you, the King and Queen of Tiranita. You go back with them, and your reign is restored. You have a son and a daughter, twins, who are very close to their cousin, Princess Small Lady Serenity, also known as Reni." Faith smiled. "I could handle that, as long as I still get to play jokes on all the stupid airheads who think they can flirt with Kyle." Queen Serenity's eyes opened wide, but then she smiled. "It will be your choice, my dear. Good-bye." And then Faith and Kyle found themselves gone. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Faith was reaching to open the pouch she was holding that was carrying the Silver Crystal. Then, a shudder went through her, and she was motionless. Slwoly, ever so slowly, she set the pouch down at her mother's side, a sorrowful look on her face. A tear trickled down her cheek, and she stood up and backed away. Still in her fuku, she ran back to her sister's body. Seeing the bloody stain in her sister's stomach, the sword her sister was still holding, she knew the she had taken her own life, unable to live without her Endymion. Faith reached down and wiped the mud off Serenity's face, gently put the strands of hair that had fallen loose back in their binds. She gave her dignity in death. She backed away, turning to look at the man Serenity had loved with all her heart. and would again. Faith had never seen him before. . . . . but Faye had. "Darien," she began, "you were right, about how I should have told Serena. I wish I had. But I guess that's just silly now, because I don't have to worry about that. And I know it had to have hurt you to see her so upset. I know how Kyle reacted when he saw how I was when Serenity died. I'm sorry I put you through that." She blushed. "I can't believe I'm talking to a body, especially about things he wouldn't understand for more than a thousand years, even if he was alive! But I won't ever get to tell you how sorry I was, when I knew what I had done. And I guess that you tried to help me, more than anyone else, because you could tell I was running, from all sorts of things," she stumbled. "Anyway, I suppose I just wanted to say that I won't run anymore." She laughed. "I guess I can't run anymore. So, I guess, thanks." "Faith?" She turned, "Hello Kyle." He ran over. "Faith, I'm so sorry. I never should have took you home. We should have stayed to have the wedding here, and then you could have helped, and everything would have been all right." She wiped away the tears that had somehow appeared on her face. "No, everything happened like it was supposed to. And one day I'll see them again. I'll see them all again, and I'll get to meet Endymion." Kyle frowned, but he didn't argue. "I suppose you will." She smiled past her tears, the ones that kept on coming, despite the fact the she knew, without a doubt, Serenity was okay. Serenity would be okay, in another life, in another time. She broke down sobbing, and Kyle took her back to the ship. She started up the walkway, and when she got inside, Kyle moved to close the door. The instant it was closed, Faith felt a chill go through her, and she ran into Kyle's arms. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (One thousand years, and a whole lifetime away) Faye, Mina and Lita talked excitedly at a table in the mall. "We were trying on dresses, and I'm telling you, Faye looks perfect in violet. It's like, the color meant for her." Mina laughed. "You mean, like you look good in green, and I look good in yellow and orange? It's an obvious thing!" Faye din't say anything, just stared up at the ceiling with a strange expression on her face. "Faye? Are you okay?" Lita asked, shooting a worried look at Mina. Faye shook her head. "Yeah, I just, uh, I had the wierdest feeling. Like something was supposed to happen, and then it didn't." Mina shrugged. "I have that feeling all the time. My mother tells me to clean my room, and then I don't. It's so not fun when she remembers." Faye smiled. "That could be it." In a few minutes, they were laughing, and it was forgotten. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere, a woman in white smiled. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The End! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh!! I almost forgot!! I changed my e-mail addy a little while ago, so if you wrote me, I probably didn't get it. It's jenaque_13@hotmail.com. So write me there! O' { y d } = S y < V ! qqjjj jjjjjjjjjj ! ! D A \ W Y I y _ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx " a- k- ?- H O ! 8" i" " # # # 5$ $ E% % % & V& & xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx & M' O' x O' O ! ? ? & O' P Q R S Times New Roman ? = / ? = / ? d C o m p O b j U