Title: Growing Author: Aiko E-mail: Silver-Usako@webtv.net Season: All five and beyond Genere: Romance, Drama Rating: PG +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* I'm sure that, as fans of Sailormoon, we've all read stories of how our favorite 'Odango Atama' and 'Concieted Jerk' met. Interestingly enough, they are all different. Oh, sure we all know how they really met, but fan-fiction writers have a privilage. This privilage is to change things a bit, make them more interesting, different, funny, romantic, annoying, what ever. So, today I am going to tell you my version of how Tsukino Usagi and Chiba Mamoru met. I'd like to say 'thank you VERY much' to Time Guardian. She's my editor. With out her this story would probably sound really weird. Thanks so much Time Guardian! +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* Disclaimer: "Alright children, time for a pop quiz. I hope you did your home work." Ms. Haruna says as all the students groan. "Alright, now first question: Who owns the anime/manga Sailormoon?" The students write down thier answers. "Last question: Who thinks that Tsukino-san will get this quiz correct?" Once again the students write down thier answers and pass the papers up front. The next day at the bullitian board! "WHAT, Usagi-san is the only one to ace the quiz?!!" A series of thumps are heard. Quiz Answers: Question 1: Naoko Takeuchi owns the anime/manga Sailormoon Question 2: Nobody but Usagi got the right answer here. She did get ace the quiz! *giggles* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* It was, in truth, a glorious day, the sky was clear, the sun was shining, and Tsukino Usagi was skipping happily home from school. It was quite chilly, as winter had arrived in Tokyo 'I aced the test, again, but I gotta say, I'm really of tired of hiding my true abilities.' she thought to herself. Usagi was unique, ever since she was a very young child she had these abilities. It wasn't just school work, it was telepathy and telekinisis. Or even stranger, her ability to make things appear from thin air. Something in her had told her to hide these abilities, never show them to any ordinary person... 'Ordinary person, could there be others like me, other people to whom I could tell these things too. People who would understand, and not shun me, or think me odd.' she thought to herself as she walked home, deep in thought. Since she learned of her abilities she purposely made herself look bad. She got bad grades, klutzed and ditzed out. Made her self look and act like a dumb blonde. The only thing she could not hide was her caring heart. It shone through, she simply did not have the ability to hurt a person. Truth be told, she was tired of hiding. Her ditzy-ness was little more than a mask, and she loathed that mask. She wanted to help people with her abilities, not just keep them hidden, as though a person might hide a sore under a band-aid. Unconciously she began to hum 'This little light of mine.' to herself. Now, I suppose you are wondering how she could say she aced the test when just a few moments ago I told you that she made herself look and act like an air-head. Many years ago she had told her teachers that, for personal reasons, she 'needed' people to believe that she was a ditz, when in reality she was a top student. She told them that her life was already overloaded and if people knew she was capable of the grades she made, they would expect more out of her, and it would be a circut overload. Her teachers understood and respected her wishes. During her detention she got her real report cards and grades. She kept all of those important documents in a small, locked, box under her bed. She kept the key in an inter-dementional pocket that she found that she had. If she hadn't her little, rather abhorable, brother, Shingo, was sure to see them, and show her parents, then she'd have to explain... This train of thoughts led her to another song she had heard, this one was in English, a country music song, who's author she was unsure of, called "Welcome to the Earth". "Cause and effect, chain of events, all of this chaos makes perfect sense.." she sang to herself. Oh yes, Tsukino Usagi knew English. Fact is she spoke many different languages. Her secret dream, besides to become a good wife for a loving husband, was to be a translator so that maybe she could help create peace in the world. Or at least a small part of it. Soon she was home. She walked in the door and kicked off her shoes, her fake test paper in her hand, and her real one in her 'pocket'. She was sorely tempted to give her mother the real one. Alas, she did not though. "Tsukino Serena Usagi!! (AN: Uh oh, full and legal name! She's in trouble!) I've had it up to here with these bad grades of yours!!" Ikuko screeched gesturing to an inch above her head. "You get to your room, get in some after-school clothes, then get your self to your Tutor's!" she told her cringing daughter, pointing up stairs. Usagi visibably paled, this wasn't good. "Tutor? What tutor?" she asked, respectfully. Any kid knows not to use any thing but the most respectful voice when speaking to an angry parent. 'Or in Mom's case: rabid.' "Just get up there and change, I'll give you the address when you get back down. AND HURRY UP!!!" Ikuko screeched as Usagi scampered up stairs to change. She quickly changed into a pair of jeans (AN: I forgot to tell you, it's winter in this first part of the story), a pink turtleneck, and a white sweater on over that with comfy, thick, socks to complete the ensamble. "It's gonna snow today." she said to herself, even though to any one else they would have seen it as wonderful, if chilly weather. Usagi had felt the slightly damp wind that came from the north, and could almost 'feel' the clouds slowly forming thoughout the day. She knew, however, that before her tutoring session was over it would be bad. Once downstairs she got the address to her tutors. "Chiba Mamoru, 777 Azabu Drive. Apt. 1414." she read out loud, just to make sure she got it right. "That's right Usagi, please try to understand the work." her mother said having chilled out considerably. Usagi nodded and smiled sweetly at her mother as she walked out, as she put on her shoes she looked at her mother. "Mom, perhaps it would be wise to have Dad bring in some extra wood." she said as she walked out the door. Before she shut the door behind her she stuck her head back in and smiled. "Bye Mama!" she chirped and started on her eway. While walking there something crossed her mind. Why didn't she see this coming, this struk her as really strange. Usually she knew something before it happened. 'I have this feeling, something, good or bad I do not know, will happen today.' she thought to herself. Soon she arrived at the apartment building. Looking up at it she frowned. 'Chiba Mamoru lives on the 14th floor. So in I go.' she thought to herself and rode the elevator to the 14th floor. Outside it was already snowing. Back at the Tsukino Residence, at about the same time as Usagi entered the elevator Ikuko watched the news. The weather was on. "...forcasts the worst blizzard in Tokyo's records. We advise that you stock up on firewood, and stay in unless of extreme emergencies..." Ikuko turned the TV off. "Usagi, how did you know? Usagi! She's out there!" Ikuko realized abruptly. Usagi knocked on door 1414 and waited for Chiba-san to open the door. He soon did. "Hello, can I help you miss?" he asked taking note of her really familiar hair style. 'Odango Atama!' the thought to his self recognizing her. "Yes sir, my name is Tsukino Usagi, my mother Tsukino Ikuko arranged for you to be my..tutor." she told him, almost choking on that last word as she finally recognized the gentleman. 'HIM! That..conceited jerk!' she said in her mind forcing a smile on her face. Suddenly the smile wasn't so forced as he had on a worried look. "Usagi-san, I really didn't...oh, my manners, please come in. I really didn't think you would come today. What with the weather as it's supposed to be." he said. "Okaa-san would not have been pleased if I had tried to use the weather as an excuse. She did not know about the coming weather." she explained, feeling oddly comfortable around him. *Usagi, this is no ordinary person, you have seen him only twice, look how comfortable you feel with him.* her inner voice exclaimed. 'I know, is it possible...he is the one, the who I can confide in?' she asked herself. *Possibly, possibly.* "Oh, I see." he said. "Well, would you like a cup of hot chocolate before we get started?" he asked. He was strangely delighted to see Usagi's eyes light up at the mention of hot chocolate. "Oh, yes please!" she told him. "Oh, and no need for calling me 'Usagi-san' Usagi or Usagi-chan is fine.' she told him, her eyes still bright. Usagi watched him as he fixed thier hot chocolate, then blinking, she realized that she had not put her test paper in her secret box. 'Perhaps I did know of this, unconciously, why else would I have not put the paper up?' she asked herself, and quickly used her telekinisis to put the paper in her bag. "Ok, Usagi-chan, call me Mamrou if you'd like." he told her then went to fix the hot chocolate. 'She looks so familiar. I feel so comfortable with her, and I also feel as though she is hiding something. Something..important.' the thought to himself. Later on, completely obvlivious to the rapidly decreasing conditions of the weather outside, Usagi and Mamoru started the tutoring. Usagi made a concious decision to come clean about her real grades. "So, Usagi-chan, what subject are you lagging behind in, so we know where to start? Math?" he asked. She shook her head. "Nope." "English?" "Aceing it." "Kanji?" "Simple stuff." "Literature?" "Nuh-uh." "Biology?" "I'm doing 12th grade science, history, and government." she told him. "Though...chemistry has been giving me fits." she finished grinning. "Your mother led me to believe that you were failing all your subjects." he hold her honestly. Usagi sighed a little. "She thinks I am. Every body but my teachers think I am, and she explained her problem, not completely of course, but the school work part of it. "Oh, I see. I'll keep your secret, I have to admit though. I can't help but be quite surprized that you are taking chemistry, I never took that until the 12th grade." "Courses like chemistry are un-official, it's on my records, but not on my fake report cards, just my real ones." she explained. "Usagi-chan, what do you want to be, when you get out of school?" Mamoru asked, suddenly very curious. Usagi blushed, suddenly feeling unsure. "I want to major in government, debate, I want to let people see my views on the world, I want to help bring peace to warring nations." she whispered, for the first time in her life telling any body about her most secret dreams. "But, I'd also like to be a good wife to a husband who will love me." she told him. "Those are wonderful dreams." Mamoru told her smiling. "What's your dream Mamo-chan?" she asked, not even realizing what she had called him. He noticed though and his eyes crincled as he smiled. "Interestingly enough, I've always wanted to help bring peace as well, and maybe, if any girl would have me, be a devoted husband." he told her blushing slightly as a lock of ebony hair fell into his eyes. Usagi blushed and reached out to brush the lock of hair out of his eyes, her warm touch warming his entire body. (AN: Get your mind out of the gutter, *grins* this is a completely clean story). They looked into each other's eyes. "Mamo-chan.." she whispered Much to both of their surprises they were slowly falling in love. It scared, overjoyed, humbled, and excited both of them. "Usako.." he whispered as they both leaned in forward and thier lips met in an innocent kiss that sent sparks flying though thier system. Small and innocent as the kiss was it had cemented a relationship that neither had expected when they got up that morning. "Do you believe in love at first site?" Usagi asked quietly, love clearly shining in her skyblue eyes. "Before this, I didn't, but now, I believe in it with all my heart." he answered just as quietly. All the walls that he had built up around his heart and soul breaking down. Usagi and Mamoru sat there for hours, Chemistry not even touching the conversation. They told of thier hopes and dreams, secret fears, and in that short amount of time a love that had, though they knew it not, been waiting a thousand years to rekindle. Soon it was getting late. "Perhaps it's time I took you home." Mamoru told her, having no intention of letting his Usako walk home in the bad weather. Usagi looked out to the balcony. Already over a foot of snow had fallen. "Mamo-chan, I don't think it's going to be possible." she told him. "Look out side Mamo-chan." And look out side he did, he stood up his arm still around Usagi's waist, having no intention of letting her go soon. "There's got to be over a foot of snow out there, going out would be suicide." he exclaimed. "I know." Usagi said. "Um, well, can I stay with you, I can sleep on the couch." she shyly asked. Mamoru looked at her and pasted a serious look on his face. "You'll do no such thing!" he told her. She looked up at him worriedly. Mamoru's face softened. "I'll sleep on the couch." he finished chuckling a little. "Mamo-chan!" she said giggling. "It's your apartment, you should be able to have your bed." she told him. "Nothing doing, I'll be fine on the couch. I sleep there half the time any way." he told her and at her confused look he elaborated. "Studying in colledge can be exausting." Usagi smiled and kissed his cheek. "Mind if I call my mother? She should know." she asked. "Go ahead." he told her kissing her small nose. Usagi giggled and skipped over to the phone picked it up, suddenly fear gripped her heart. Mamoru, who was watching her, saw her tense up. "Usako?" "The line is dead." she said and yelped in fear as the electrisity crackled and went out completely. "Mamo-chan! I'm scared!" she said, not liking this darkness one little bit. +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* End Chapter 1 *dodges flying objects* I know, I know. It was mean of me to end it there. Don't worry though! I have every intention of finishing this story. Stay tuned for Chapter 2 of Growing. Oh, yeah..um..E-mail is good. *hint hint*