Okay, I owe a lot of you major apologies for my delays in finishing my fanfics. Here are my pathetic excuses: I just moved across the country for college, I have a ridiculous amount of homework (did I mention that I'm double majoring?), and the college ethernet people took forever to install my ethernet access. Hopefully I will be writing more often (and posting more often as well). Please know that I am really trying not to disappoint you, but situations make such commitments difficult. Also, my sincere apologies to all who emailed me within the few weeks. I was unable to check my email for the past three weeks, and there were so many unread messages in there that Hotmail decided to delete them all. ^_^; So, in short, you won't be getting a response! I'm sooo sorry! Quick note: I have no clue what the order of ages of the four sisters is, so I guessed. Sorry if the info is incorrect. (Man, I'm doing a lot of apologizing...) Resist or Submit--Chapter Four by Aimee sailor_moon89@hotmail.com *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Serena's eyes fluttered as she fought against fatigue to open them. She attempted to sit up from her laying position on some sort of bed but failed miserably. "Why am I so tired?" she mumbled, hardly audible. "Because you've just received your first dose of energy from the dark crystal," said a feminine voice from the far side of the room. Serena's eyes were slow to focus on the figure of a woman, not too tall, vaguely familiar. "It's a bit ironic, isn't it?" the woman mused. "That receiving energy could drain you so much, but it does. The side effects will fade in time and will be easier to handle with each additional dose." Serena couldn't really understand what she was saying--too many words, and she was so, so very tired. Still, she fought against the gravitational pull that was doing merciless things to her eyelids, and attempted to question the woman who stood before her. Why did she look so familiar? "Who are you?" Serena managed to say. She found she could do little more than whisper. "I am Avery--youngest of the four sisters," the woman stated proudly, straightening her posture so that she stood a bit taller. "I am also Rubeus's second ranking officer." 'Avery...' Serena thought groggily. 'Why didn't I remember that? And who is Rubeus?' Serena's thoughts were short-lived, however, as two more indivi- duals stepped into the small room that had become her prison. "She has regained conscousness, I see," the man with the red hair said. What was his name again? Ruby? Rubber? Rubeus... yes, that was it. Rubeus. Serena fought to remember that name but found concentrating on anything was quite difficult. Rubeus spoke to the woman who he had arrived with, "You administered the treatment well, Prisma." "Thank you, Rubeus," said the woman, her tone of voice revealing a less than thrilled attitude. "I am surprised she woke up so soon. The dosage was heavy." "She's strong," Rubeus remarked with a smirk. "Increase the dosage, and administer it within the hour." "So soon?" Avery remarked, obviously surprised by the command. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" "Are you questioning my orders?" Rubeus seethed, taking a step toward Avery. She shrank back behind Prisma. "N-no, sir," she stuttered nervously. "Let me remind you ladies that we do not have much time," Rubeus explained hastily. "Diamond is growing impatient, and we are running out of options. This girl will be able to help us fulfill his wishes, and I want her ready within the week. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" "Yes, sir," Prisma and Avery answered in unison. "Good. Now, let us begin," he said, sitting down next to where Serena lay helpless and completely confused. His voice immediately became gentle. "What is your name, child?" 'Don't tell him...don't tell him...don't tell him,' Serena's mind urged. But she was so confused. Where was she? Who were these people? Could they be trusted? Rubeus noted her hesitation, and leaned in closer. "Come on, little one. You can trust me. Now what is your name?" Prisma and Avery watched in silence while Serena struggled to decide whether he was trustworthy or not. Prisma secretly began to hope she would not give in to Rubeus, as she had unwittingly done in her youth. Look at her now--angry and bitter, and she had lost two of her sisters. This was no way to live. 'Don't give in to him,' she urged the confused girl with her mind. 'Don't trust him.' "S-Serena," whispered the girl. "My name is Serena." "My my, Serena," Rubeus said slyly. "What a beautiful name." Prisma shook her head, sighing. The girl stood no chance against Rubeus's charms--not with the persuasion of the dark crystal working against her. She was as good as corrupted now--and Prisma wasn't about to watch the rest of the process. She spun on her heels quickly, leaving the room as fast as her legs could carry her, not caring one bit of what Rubeus would think or how he would react. "Prisma," called Avery, following her older sister. "Where are you going? Hey, Prisma! Wait up!" Soon Rubeus was alone with Serena. "Don't mind them, little one. They're weak...not like us. We're strong, aren't we?" Serena's head nodded slightly, her eyes unable to leave his. Rubeus smiled slyly, leaning closer to her. "You looked so sad when I found you. All alone and abandoned. Do you remember what happened?" he asked innocently. She shook her head and whispered, "I can't remember much. I don't know why..." The dark crystal was doing a number on her memories, unknown to Serena. Soon Rubeus would be able to twist them, and mold them into what he wanted. "I'm sure you'll remember very soon. I'll even help you out. What do you say? You *do* trust me, don't you, Serena?" "I want to trust you," she whispered, growing more and more tired by the minute. "Then we'll be able to get many things accomplished, I hope." He rose and closed the door Prisma and Avery had left open after their departure. He turned to the girl, soon to be his obedient apprentice, smiled, and said, "Shall we begin?" *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Four days later "That's enough for today, Serena. You may go rest now," Rubeus announced to his exhausted prot駩. "Thank you," she said simply, before trudging toward her quarters. Rubeus watched her disappear, a slight smile on his lips. She was more powerful than he could have ever thought possible. More powerful than him, perhaps even more than Emerald, or the great Prince Diamond, himself. And the best part of it was--she was completely and utterly devoted to him and his purpose. The Sailor Scouts wouldn't stand a chance. The Rabbit was as good as his. It was simply too easy. Regular doses of the dark crystal had effectively poisoned the girl's mind. It erased all of the negative qualities she had once held. Her klutziness was a thing of the past, and her fighting skills had increased ten-fold with the absence of her previous hesitations and fear. Her brain was quick and she was able to analyze situations and determine the best solution efficiently. Too easy. Much too easy--and that made Rubeus very uncomfortable. If, for some reason, Serena was turned against him once again, he didn't stand a chance...not with her new training. Better not to take chances. "Prisma!" he bellowed to his first officer. She emerged a few moments later. "You called?" she said, her voice tired and displeased. "Administer another dose of dark energy to the girl," he ordered her. "She was asking about her mother today. Her *mother*, of all things. She shouldn't give a damn about her family at this point. Can you think of a reason the treatment might be losing it's effect." "I can't think of a thing," Prisma lied--a nice, little trick she had picked up from Rubeus, himself. "Raise the dosage," he told her, not even having the curtsey to look at her as he spoke. "I want her ready by tomorrow." Prisma smiled sweetly. "Of course, Rubeus," she said, successfully hiding the sarcasm in her voice. "Anything for you." She rolled her eyes, completely disgusted by the man. Prisma returned to her quarters, realizing only after she had arrived that she had forgotten to give Serena her dosage of dark energy. But then again, she had con- veniently forgotten to administer the treatment several times in the past few days. No wonder the child had begun to question Rubeus about her family. "A pity," she said, smiling. "Without that energy, Serena won't be feeling very loyal to her precious Rubeus." Maybe then, Prisma would be free. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Serena stared at her hands, wondering if they looked like her mother's hands. She wished she could remember her. She remembered only blurs--shadows. Did she even have a mother? Not that she needed one, of course. Rubeus was all she needed. He would always be there for her. But she still wondered... She sighed and stretched out on her bed, resting her tired muscles. Today's training had been hard, but she wouldn't complain. Rubeus needed her, he had told her. She could help him in a way no one else could, and she was more than ready to do just that for the man who had helped her in so many ways. Yes, she was more than ready. Her mission was simple. Eliminate the Sailor Scouts. She knew nothing of the Scouts except what Rubeus told her--they were his enemies, and they were not to be trusted. They held a child captive--a child which belonged to Rubeus. To think--stealing a child from someone so kind as Rubeus. They must be awful people. And she, Sailor Moon, would not stand for such injustice. Serena was certain that she would be able to defeat them, and rescue the poor "rabbit" from the clutches of the enemy. It was the least she could do. Funny though--it seems like she had heard something about "Sailor Scouts" a while back--maybe it was some more of her memories that were so fuzzy and mixed up. They hadn't seemed like bad people. Why did Rubeus hate them so? Serena was certain he had his reasons, though. After all, he could do no wrong in her eyes. He had saved her... taken care of her when no one else was there. Serena shifted in her bed, wondering if Prisma would be around to give her some of the energy she had been taking since her arrival. Funny, she hadn't seemed to be given much of it in the past few days. Perhaps she didn't need it. She shrugged off the idea and decided to get some rest. Tomorrow's training would no doubt be more intense than today's, and she needed all the strength she could muster. She knew she was almost ready to complete her first mission: eliminate the Sailor Scouts. Serena closed her tired eyes, and fell asleep shortly thereafter, dreaming of her mother, whom she couldn't seem to see clearly, and of a dark, masked man, whose name she couldn't seem to remember. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* That's a wrap for chapter four. Hope you liked it. Email me! I love hearing from you! sailor_moon89@hotmail.com