1/31/01 Hey minna. How is everyone. This is a Silver Millenium time placed fic. There is a small summary about what this is about. I don't want to be giving this chapter away though. Summary: Princess Serenity is being chased and she makes a wish. This wish turns her life around, and she finds herself in a whold new world with a whole new life. Title: Someone Else's Life Prolouge Rated PG-13 (for now its really G but it will make it to PG-13 rating.) By: Earth Angel/ Angel of Earth Email: Earth_Angel_001@sailormoon.com @->---------------------------------- Serenity ran down the steps, her slippers not making a sound on the cold stone steps. Unspeakable terror filled her sky blue eyes. Her movements where timid as a rabbit. She came to the end of the steps looking for the hiding place that would keep her safe from those that chased her. Her dress swirled around her as she came to a halt and a cool draft blew threw her wild, golden hair, lose from its trade mark style. "Hurry, you go that way and I'll go this way." She heard the mummer of a voice. She could hear the tap of footsteps on the stone stairs. On the walls were long hanging cloths, she quickly dodged behind and held her breath waiting for the person to pass her by. She leaned up against the wall but felt nothing behind her and she was falling into a dark void. She dare not let out a scream, she rather face what she was falling into then those that where chasing her. If only I was someone else, some where else, she wished as she fell to the ground. She felt herself hit the ground and the pain of her head hitting stone, then there was nothing. @->-------------------------------------------- "I'm sorry, but we could not find Princess Serenity anywhere, your highness." Sailor Mercury stood before Queen Serenity. "She's been gone for two hours." The queen sighed. "I'm sure she will turn up Mercury. You know how she is, always running off, looking for adventure." "Yes, Queen Serenity, I just wish that Serena had come to her lesson today I was going to explain to her all about physics." Mercury stated, disappointed that she never got to her lecture. The queen held back a giggle. That was the reason the Serena had run off in the first place. Serenity had a brillant mind, almost as bright as Mercury herself. But she never liked to stay around and listen to long, she found it pure torture, "She'll be home in time for dinner." Queen Serenity told the senshi, but the sunset and the dawn of a new day came and Princess Serenity was still not home. @->--------------------------------------------- "Get up. You can't sleep the day away you lazy girl." a female voice half woke Serenity. "Alright, I'm up." she yelled to the person. She threw back the covers and placed her bare feet on wooden floor boards. Wooden boards?! No slippers sat next to the bed. She suddenly felt wide awake and she looked around the room. It was a plain wooden room with a wooden chest, mirror, and a bed. She didn't know where she was. She got off the bed and walked over to the mirror and looked in. Staring back was herself, only she was different. She seemed taller, her hair no longer touched the floor but reached only to her mid back, and it was three shades darker, and on her chin was a small scar hardely visable. She wore not her long flowing gown but a raggedy old white night gown that had seen much better days. Her eyes widened. Maybe its all just a dream she thought, trying to convince herself that was all it was. The only thing that she recongized about herself where her sky blue eyes. The windows to her soul.