Eien no Rekka - Chapter Three (Eternal Fire) by Angel Eternal email: angel_eternal_01@yahoo.com Disclaimer: I don't own Sailormoon, I never will!!!! The others turned to Rei, with curious expressions. "Rei-chan, why did you de-transform?" Moon asked, clearly puzzled. Rei shook her head, staring at her naked hands. She looked down and was shocked to see herself wearing her short red teddy. "Masaka..." she whispered. Neptune shook her head, and de-transformed. Michiru removed the jacket she was wearing, and placed it around the shivering Rei. "Here you go Rei-chan." Mercury and Moon de-transformed. Ami shook her head, "Rei-chan why didn't you get dressed first?" Rei glared at her, "Gomen Ami-chan, I thought that this was a life and death situation. You know, the thing that you can't dawdle with?" Ami blushed, Usagi sighed, "Alright, come on Rei-chan. Let's figure this out somewhere warm." Michiru nodded, "My place?" Usagi nodded, "Hai, Setsuna might be able to help." Rei remained silent, staring at her hands. She was utterly numb. What is happening with her? How could she let her attack get out of control like that? The questions whirled around her head. They finally reached Michiru's house. A curious Setsuna walked out to greet them. "Usagi-tachi...what's wrong?" Usagi glanced at Rei, "Can we come inside to talk about it?" Gravelly, Setsuna nodded, and gestured for them to precede her. Once inside, everyone sat down. Rei, still silent. Usagi glanced up at the stairs. "Hotaru is sleeping well?" Setsuna nodded. Michiru sighed, "She's down with the flu. We thought it best to let her have her rest." Usagi nodded, understandingly. "Now," Setsuna took the seat next to Michiru. "What's happened? Where is Haruka, Minako, Makoto and Mamoru?" Usagi sighed, "Mako-chan was injured, Haruka, Minako and Mamo-chan took her to the hospital." Setsuna gasped softly, "What happened?" "I did it." They turned, Rei sat with her head bowed, her hands clasped. She looked up at them, her once bright violet eyes dimmed with unconcealed sorrow. "I hurt Mako-chan...it's all my fault." Usagi stood up and kneeled in front of Rei. She took Rei's cold hands in her own. "Rei-chan! Don't say that! It wasn't your fault!" Rei shook her head, "Iie! You weren't there! You don't know! I felt it...I should've stopped! But I didn't...you don't know!" Rei was becoming frantic, tears welled up in her eyes. She began to shake uncontrollably. Ami got up and came back with a blanket, which she drapped over Rei's shaking form. Setsuna met Usagi's eye. "What happened Usa-chan?" Usagi shook her head, "Like she said, I didn't see what happened." Ami looked up. "I did." slowly she told them what she saw. Mars forming her Soul Bird, the attack soaring towards the youma, then something happened. The bird of fire, whirled around and was headed straight for Mars. "That was when Jupiter pushed her aside, and got hit." Ami finished. Rei was still shaking, her eyes had become glazed. Usagi hugged her harder, trying to get her stop shaking. "And then all of a sudden she de-transformed. She said that she didn't de-transform on purpose." Michiru added. Setsuna sat silent, staring at Rei. Usagi sighed, "Ami-chan, do you think you can scan her? Maybe we can figure out what happened to her." Ami nodded and slipped out her computer. She looked up at them. "Her power is at an all time low. Which is odd. As Mars she did not use that much power. It just can't be. The planet Mars is at a peak of its orbit, thus, theoratically, the senshi of Mars should be at a power high as well. I don't see how she could be drained already." "Don't talk about me as if I'm not here." They turned to Rei, who had managed to gain control of herself. She was still very pale. Setsuna rose, and returned with a glass of water. "Here." she pressed the glass into Rei's hand. "Drink." Mechanically, Rei took a sip. "Daijaibu da Rei-chan?" Rei turned to Usagi. "Usa-chan, I'm scared. The visions... the dreams...this...I..." "Ssshhh...slowly Rei-chan." Obeying, Rei told them everything. How she could no longer see visions in the great fire. How her connection with the flames seemed severed. How at night she was haunted with longing for something she can never have. Everything. Patiently, they sat and listened. At the end, Rei sipped the cold water again. Setsuna shook her head. "I don't know...I have avoided looking at Time. I don't want to see anymore..." Usagi nodded. "We understand completely Setsuna. We're not asking you to look into the future." Rei suddenly stood up and thrust her hand in the air. "Mars Crystal Power, Make-up!" Nothing. Defeated, she sank down to her chair again. She buried her face in her hands. Ami looked up. "Usagi I..." Usagi interrupted her. "I think we should all get some rest." she turned to Rei. "Come on Rei-chan. We'll figure this out." Michiru stood up. "I'll drive everyone home." Usagi and Ami said their farewell to Setsuna and follwed Michiru and Rei out. The trip was one of silence -very much like their trip to Michiru's house. They dropped Rei at the jinja; they watched as she slowly trudged up the steps. They watched as she walked out of sight. "We have to talk about this." Michiru and Ami nodded. "We have to talk, without Rei-chan there. She'll just be more upset." Ami said slowly. "We can meet tomorrow at my place." Michiru and Usagi nodded. Okay that's it for now...what does everyone think? Please, please let me know! Email me!!!! I really do want some feedback - the more feedback, the faster the chapters get written! I can take criticism!!! Which reminds me - thank you Simone! Just to sort a couple of things out. This is set after Galaxia, they're older, all of that is past. The other things that are unexplained will be explained later.