--------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! Welcome to my humble universe. I am *so* sorry for not writing for a month or so (eek!) but I had the worst time coming up with a plot for this thing. I also had finals (, I hopefully passed my French, Chemistry, and World History finals!) and a recital to prepare for. A quick thanks to ninx - who is a totally wicked writer - for keeping me entertained, and to Lianne, who needs no introductions, for the same reason, and to all the *fabulous* people who have e-mailed me about ?Her Choice', it really means a lot to me, thank-you!!! One more thing, before you read this story, it would be a good idea to read ?Her Choice', otherwise, this isn't going to make a whole lot of sense. Really. DISCLAIMERS: . . .Then filling their hands with gold and jewels, she had Zephyr bear them back to the hill. They went willingly enough, but their hears were on fire with jealousy. . .oh, are you *reading* this? You know that Sailor Moon is owned by Naoko Takeuchi, and if you actually thought that I did, why would I be writing this disclaimer? Pretty solders Chapter 1 by Annie-chan Rated PG-13 (sexual reference, kinda) "Darien!" The woman ran through the crowd trying to get to him. Her long chestnut hair flowed in an odd, sensual way down her back. The green dress she wore showed every curve unmercifully, not that she was the kind of woman that would hide anything from you. Hazel beacons shone from two large almond-shaped eyes that looked as if they could burn through you, if need be. Her spiked heels made an annoying clicking sound as she ran (attempted to run) towards her desired one, Darien Chiba. His steel-blue eyes shot supreme annoyance to her as she forcefully turned him around by his shoulder. "Darien, why didn't you answer me?" "Darien? I'm *not* Darien. You're very lucky I'm not punching you in the face right now, you know!" "Geez, you don't have to get pissy!" the woman yelled as she took her had off his shoulder. After a pause she added, "So, you obviously know Darien, right?" She ran her fingers up his shirt and began playing with the collar. "Do you know where can I find him?" "Why? What is it to you?" He said, slapping her hand away. "Well, I'm his fiancee from back home." "Fiancee?! Oh - that's great!" He was lucky to be laughing so hard that he didn't see the look Darien's ?fiancee' was giving him. "Fiancee," he said to himself, "Sure I know where he is! I'll even take you there myself. So, uh, what's your name, anyway?" "Beryl Hera. And you are?" "James Easton." Walking into her favorite library, Ami scanned the place. ?Who is that?' she asked herself, ?Odd how familiar he seems. . .' Quickly dismissing the thought, she went over to the text section. She had registered for all her classes before the previous school year was out, and, in preparation for them, decided to catch up on her studies, even though it was still July. After spending a while looking for the 17 books on her list, and being empty handed, she went to the front desk, a little put off to say the least. "Excuse me, but I'm looking for these books," she said, thrusting forward her list, "do you have *any* of them?" she asked the old woman. "Let me check sweetie," she said, typing furiously on her computer. A few minutes later, she looked up. "I'm sorry, but no. Hmm, that's strange. . ." "What?" "Oh, they've all been checked out by the same person." "Really? Who?" "I really shouldn't tell you, you know." "Please? I really need those books to stay on top in my classes -" After a pause, the woman gave in. "All right sweetie. You know, you're the only one I would do this for. . ." Ami smiled with delight as the woman wrote down the person's name. Handed the slip of paper, Ami looked at the name. "Zander Rand. What an odd name. . ." A man across the room looked up, his intelligent eyes noting a *very* attractive young woman standing near the front desk. Was he crazy or did she just say his name? He decided to make sure. Getting up, he wandered towards her. "Excuse me miss, but. . .uh. . .did you say you're looking for Zander Rand?" "Yes, I am - Why, do you know where I can find him?" This man - he was the same one she had noted in her mind from before. "Yeah, he's standing right in front of you." She blushed a little, as the librarian chuckled. "So, what did you want . . .?" "Oh, you checked out some books?" "Yeah. . ." "Well, I kind of need some of them." "Which ones?" "All of them," she said, pointing to her list. "Oh, I see. Well, you're welcome to them after I'm done -" "That's all right," she said quickly, "I'll just go to a different library, thank-you." She briskly turned around and left, leaving Zander standing there to wonder about her. Now she was frustrated. After going to every library in town, and that's a lot of them, she still didn't have the books she desired. Sure, she had found a few, but her thoughts kept going back to Zander. Why was she thinking about him so much? Why was he so familiar?! Deciding to attempt to take her mind off of it, she stepped into a coffee house - and stopped dead in her tracks. It was him. She quickly turned around to step back out the door, but she had already been spotted. "Hey!" he called to her. Snorting, she turned back around. He was getting up, he was coming over to her. . .she was trying not to scream. "It's nice seeing you again, miss. . ." "Ami." "Ami. Such a beautiful name, for such a beautiful woman." She blushed. He smiled. "So, do you want to sit with me? I have my books with me, if you'd like to study here, I wouldn't mind at all in the least. In fact, I'd like the company. . ." "No, thanks anyway. I think I'd better go. . ." she said, turning around. She hated this man, she didn't know why. Maybe it was because, deep down, she didn't hate him. Maybe it was because she actually liked him, a lot. . .she wished he wouldn't let her leave. He grabbed her arm gently and she let out a sigh. "Please?" She looked at him, and at the table full of books, and deliberated. "Oh, I suppose, but I can only stay a little while." He smiled. She blushed. Touching her on the arm, he directed her towards the table. She nodded, and, taking her seat, put her books on the table, which was already saturated with them. "What would you like?" he asked her. "Oh, some tea. . .peppermint?" "Great. I'll go get it for you." "Thank-you, that's very nice. Here's some money. . ." she said taking out a wad of bills. He put his hand over hers and closed her hand over the money. "Keep it, I'll pay," he said patting her hand. "Oh, th. . .thank-you," she said. He smiled at her. This time, she smiled back. When he turned away, she banged her head on the table. ?What am I doing?!' she asked herself. ?What are you doing? You're falling in love - that's what you're doing!' She gently pounded her head on the table a few more times. Looking up, she saw Zander coming back with tea in hand. "Thanks," she said, taking the tea from him. "It's the least I can do for ruining your day." "Oh, that's all right. You didn't ruin it." "No, I can tell. When I told you who I was, you got this look in your eye -" he faked a shudder. She laughed, for the first time in a *very* long time. It made her feel good. That made her feel bad. She really liked this guy, but she wasn't ready for a relationship, not now anyway. "No, really. It's all right. I was just - oh I don't know. But you're making up for it now, aren't you?" "Yeah, I suppose so." He paused as she took a drink. "So, what do you want with these books? I mean, you don't look like the kind of girl to spend a Saturday in a library. . ." "Well, you don't seem like the kind of guy to spend a Saturday in a library either, Zander." "Oh, please, just call me Zan, everyone does." She nodded and took another sip of tea. ?Zan - so unique, just like the man that bears the name.' He picked up an already open book, (An Invitation to Environmental Sociology,) and resumed his reading. Finally she was safe to study him - his green eyes, his dark blonde hair, his handsome face, and well-formed body - it was almost too much for her. She sighed and he looked up, giving her an inquisitive look. Quickly she looked down, pretending she had been doing something. Her eyes grazed her watch, and, seeing what time it was began gathering her books on the table. "I'm sorry, but I really have to go, I promised my friend I'd be at her apartment at 5:00, I'll be late as it is. . ." "Oh, I understand. Listen, can I call you sometime? Maybe we could study together?" She smiled, pleased with the thought. "Sure, I'd like that. I'm sorry to cut this short," she said, getting out a piece of paper and pencil, "but I'm supposed to be helping her screen potential room-mates, and I really shouldn't be late, you know how it is." Finished writing, she handed the paper to Zan. "Well, I guess I'll see you later?" He nodded his head. She picked up her books, and her purse, and, with one last smile, walked out the doors. "Serena, are you ready to go?" "Yeah, I'm ready." She turned to her boyfriend, and gave him a quick smile. Picking up her purse from the table near the door, she followed close behind him and shut the door. She took his offered arm while out in the crisply lit hallway. "Gosh I miss Mina. I know this is going to be horrible, she's only been gone for two days, and I'm already bored out of my mind! How do you stay sane living alone like you do?" "Oh, you get used to it," he said as they reached the elevators. He pushed the button with the arrowhead pointing down. "Besides, she'll only be gone a year or so. Maybe not even that. It could just be a semester, it all depends on how much she likes London." "Yeah, but you were only supposed to be gone a year too, and now you're getting started on your second year." "Yeah, but that's only because I fell in love," he said, flicking her nose with his finger. "If Mina falls in love as hard as we did, I'll be so surprised she'll have to come back for my funeral," he said laughing. Serena gave him a ?how-dare-you' look and hit him with her purse as he continued to laugh. One of the elevator doors finally opened and they stepped on. Sounds of Darien's laughter bounced off the walls as Serena continued to hit him playfully until he started tickling her. The doors began to close just as the doors of the other elevator began to open, and Beryl and James stepped out. They were too late to see who was in the other elevator, but not too late to hear them. "How can my Darien stand to live in a place as noisy as this?!" Beryl asked mortified. At the mention of ?my Darien', James stifled a laugh. He had been doing that a lot the past hour since they met. Everything she spoke of had something to do with ?my Darien' or ?Dari-pooh' and such. He learned quickly, after the first time she punched him, not to laugh at her. "Well, this is it," he said as they reached Serena's apartment. He rang the bell, but after a few minutes of waiting, they got the clue. James was a little disappointed, he was sure Darien would be with Serena, but since he didn't know where Darien's apartment was exactly, he was hoping to catch them together at hers so Beryl could break them up. It had been several months since the whole ?incident', and he was itching to get Serena back. He figured Darien's fiancee would solve that problem quickly. "So what do we do now?!" Beryl asked belligerently. "We knock next door," he answered coolly as he rang Lita's bell, which she promptly answered. "Could you be any more late, Ami?. . .oh my god, James! What are you doing here?!" "Lita, what's going on?" a voice asked from inside. "Nothing Rei, I can handle this by myself. James, if you go away now, I won't hurt you." "Lita, cool it. I'm not here for Serena, I'm here for Darien." "Actually," Beryl said, pushing herself between James and Lita, "*I'm* here for Darien." "Oh really? And who might you be?" "I happen to be his fiancee, Beryl." Lita looked like someone just punched her in the gut. "Fiancee?! Hey, wait a minute. If you're his fiancee, then why aren't you wearing a ring or something?" "Uh, well. . .he promised to get me a ring later," she answered. "Yeah, right. Nice try. Why don't you go away and leave the two of them alone?" she said slamming the door in their faces. Beryl looked beyond mad - she was contemplating whether or not to bash down Lita's door. "I came all the way from New York for THIS?!" "Now, now, don't get excited, I'm sure we'll find them eventually. . .they've got to come back here sometime, ya' know." "Are you telling me I have to sit on the floor and wait?! LET ME REPEAT MYSELF!!! Are *you* telling *me* I have to sit on the *floor* and *wait*?!!" "Hey, what's going on here?" a meager voice asked them from behind. "Oh Ami!" said James happily. He knew he could get Serena's location out of her, she was always a softie. "Ami, Ami, Ami. How are you doing?" he asked with false concern. "James, long time no see. You caught me in a good mood - lucky you - who's this? A lady friend of yours, perhaps?" "Ami, I would like you to meet Beryl. Beryl, Ami." Ami bowed politely to her, but Beryl just looked down on the girl with a bored eye. "Ami, Beryl is here to see Darien. You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would you?" "Actually, I do. He's on a date with Serena." Beryl let out a snort. "I think they're going to see a movie on campus, but I don't remember what it's called. Oh well, I know it's an American film anyway. They'll probably be gone a while, because they always go shoot pool or something to that effect afterwards." "Thanks Ami, you've been a real help!" James said as he was being pulled down the hallway to the elevators by Beryl. "No problem James, it was nice to meet you Beryl - I'll see you guys later!" she called down the hall. "You can count on that," Beryl whispered to herself, as she drug James into the elevator. "You can count on that." It was really late by the time Darien and Serena got home, just as Ami had predicted. James and Beryl never did catch up with them, because Ami didn't say which campus they were going to. They went to every one of the 750,000 campuses in Tokyo, (or so it seemed to them,) and by the time they got to the one playing an American movie, it was over. Sick of each other, they agreed to meet the next day in Serena's apartment's lobby at noon and ?surprise' them. However, as Serena and Darien were standing at her door, they noticed a curious looking black cat staring at them. Serena knew the cat well, it had been following her for the past week. It was a very unmistakable cat, because it had unique reddish eyes and a crescent moon spot on its forehead. "Well, hello kitty," Serena said. Darien looked at her funny. "You know this cat?" "Yeah, we're old friends," she said laughing. When Serena opened her door, the cat shot in. She sighed, aware of the physical exertion that goes into finding a cat that doesn't want to be found. "Come on in," she said. "Goodie," he said sarcastically as she shot him a mean look. "Well," she said, turning on the lights, "let's get started. It's going to take a while to find the stupid thing." She set her purse back down on the table and she and Darien proceeded to overturn the entire apartment looking for the little black cat. After an hour, they were both exhausted, and collapsed on the couch together. They had yet to find the cat, but at 1:30, neither of them really cared. Serena decided to pop in a movie, and turned on the TV while she decided on what to watch. After a few minutes of deliberation, ?The Little Mermaid' was chosen. "What are we going to watch?" asked Darien, almost dreading the response. "It's a surprise," she answered with a smile on her face while turning off the lights. She quickly picked up the remote to the VCR, and, snuggling in Darien's arms, she grabbed a handful of M&M's out of the candy dish on the coffee table before finally hitting the ?play' button. When opening shot came on, Darien knew what it was, but didn't really care anymore, because he was completely content anytime Serena was in his arms. "You know, I chose this movie because that guy Eric looks like you. Blue eyes, black hair, and totally gorgeous." "You're only saying that because it's true," he said laughing. She quickly took the opportunity to throw a few M&M's at his head. After they settled down, it didn't take very long for the two to fall asleep and the black cat to emerge. The cat contemplated how to wake up Serena, and not wake up Darien. Jumping on the slumbering girl, she lightly began licking her hand. When that didn't work, she licked her face. "But mommy, I don't want to go to school. . ." she mumbled in her sleep. Frustrated, the cat gently bit her arm, and succeeded in getting smacked across the room by a still sleeping Serena. ?All right,' she thought to herself, ?you asked for it. . .' and promptly bit Serena as hard as she could on the leg. She shot up and screamed her head off, yelling, "OWWW!!! Darien, something bit me!!" He, being a *much* lighter sleeper than she was, woke up immediately. "Wha - ?" he asked wobbly. Serena only got up off the couch and went to the bathroom to examine her leg. Not getting a response, Darien easily went back to sleep. ?Here's my chance!' thought the cat as she sneaked into the bathroom where Serena was doctoring herself. The cat quickly shut the door with her paw. "So it was *you*!" Serena exclaimed as she saw the cat walk up to her. "Yes, I'm sorry, it was me. But I had to do it to get you alone!" she answered. Serena just stared at her for a while. "Uh, Serena, are you ok?" "Perfect - I'm just having a weird dream. Aren't I?" "I'm afraid not." "But you're talking," she said as calmly as possible. "Yes, I realize that. So are you." "But, cat's DON'T TALK!!!" she screamed. "Well, GET USED TO IT!!!" she screamed back. Serena flinched at the cat's loud voice. "Now, Serena, I have something important to tell you. You are Sailor Moon, the champion of justice." "Sailor, moon? Uh, cat, what is a sailor moon?" "Another thing. My name is not ?cat', it's Luna. What is a Sailor Moon? *You*, my dear child, are a Sailor Moon. Here," she said. Doing a back-flip in the air, a broach appeared. "Now take this, and put it on." Serena did as she was told. "Ok, now say, ?moon prism power'!" "Whatever you say. Moon prism, power!" Serena said, thrusting her hand into the air. A tingling sensation covered her entire body, and in a few seconds, she stood in her ?sailor scout' uniform. "Well, how do you feel?" asked Luna. "I feel like I got hit by a bold of lightning or something! It feels like, oh how can I describe it, like every muscle I move is capable of doing 100 times more than it could before!" "Yeah, they probably can. All right, are you satisfied now, Sailor Moon?" "Um, not quite. *Why* is there a Sailor Moon, anyway? I mean, what do I do?" The scream of a woman vibrated inside Serena's head as a woman was attacked by a youma. "Ah! Luna, where did that come from?!" "Where did what come from?" "That scream!" "Scream? Oh! It must be part of your powers! Now - hey wait! Where are you going?!" she yelled after Sailor Moon as she bolted out of the bathroom, and onto the balcony. "I'm going where they need my help!" she called as she jumped off the balcony. She hit the street running. ?Crap! I just lost her! Now what am I going to do?!' Luna cursed at herself. Looking back inside the dimly lit apartment, she saw a sudden shimmery light, and ran inside. She noticed that Darien no longer wore the pants and shirt he had been earlier, but instead wore a black tuxedo, (complete with cape,) top hat, domino mask, and held a cane in his hand. ?Oh my god, what just happened?! Central control never told me anything about this!!' Poor Luna was almost run over by the converted Darien as he rushed out to the balcony, then over the balcony, then wherever it was Sailor Moon ran off to. ?This is going to be a *long* night!!!' Luna sighed to herself as she ran back out to the balcony. It didn't take Sailor Moon very long to get to the scene of the crime. A huge tree-like youma stood over a couple, a married man and woman, who had taken their dog for a midnight stroll in the park. They had been wrapped in leaves that were still attached to branches coming from the tree youma, and strange black clouds were emanating from them. The clouds were being absorbed by the tree thing. "Hold it right there, nega-creep!" The youma looked over from it's prey to watch the young woman's speech. "I'm Sailor Moon, champion of love and justice!! I will right wrongs, and triumph over all evil - and that means you! On behalf of the moon, I will punish you!" "That's a new one!" the youma said as it began shooting razor sharp leaves at Sailor Moon, who easily flipped away. Going completely on instinct, Sailor Moon ran towards the youma as fast as she could, then jumped yelling, "Sailor Moon KICK!!" She kicked the youma as hard as she could in the trunk, and caused it enough pain to let the two already unconscious people fall out of it's leafy grasp. "Ow! Now you've gotten me *mad* Sailor Brat! Branch-OUT!" Sailor Moon watched horrified as more and more branches shot out of the tree's trunk. The branches kept hitting her over and over. They really stung, and soon she had little red welts wherever she had been hit. Suddenly, a red flash shot past her, and the assault upon her stopped. Looking at the tree's ?face' she noticed a beautiful red rose sticking out between its ?eyes'. (They were more like rotting holes then eyes.) "Attacking people going for walks is wrong. Shame on you for taking advantage of their trusting ways. A park should be a sanctuary, not a war-zone! I, Tuxedo Mask, will not allow you to take advantage of people like that." Finishing his speech, Tuxedo Mask jumped from his place on a high tree branch down to the ground next to Sailor Moon. "Sailor Moon, do what you have to do - I'll keep this thing distracted, ok?" "Right!" By this time, Luna had finally caught up with them. "Sailor Moon!" Luna called. "Luna! I'm so glad you're here, what do I do!?" "Touch your tiara and said, ?moon tiara magic', got it?" "Yeah, moon tiara, MAGIC!!" The tiara started to spin and eventually to glow. It made a lethal discus and easily eliminated the tree youma when it hit its trunk. "Hah, moon dusted!" she squealed happily. "Good fight, Sailor Moon. Until next time. . ." Tuxedo Mask said before vanishing into the night. "Oh my gosh, what a dream boat. Throwing roses into a battle, oh, how romantic. . .I wonder if I'll ever get to know the guy behind the mask. . .but what about Darien? Oh Luna, what am I going to do?! How can I keep something like this from him? He's probably sitting at home, worried to death -" "Sailor Moon, relax! Darien's Tuxedo Mask." "WHAT?!" Then, after she thought about it a little, she added, "Maybe it's better that way. Oh Luna, I'm so tired. Can I go home now?" "Not before you check up on the victims." "But they're waking up, doesn't that mean they're all right?" "Well, I guess you can let it go this time. But only because I'm so tired too," Luna said as she jumped into Sailor Moon's arms. "Carry me?" "Yeah," she said sighing. "I'll carry you." The knock on the door came at 12:05. Darien, who had woken up all of 15 minutes before, was scrounging around Serena's kitchen for something to eat. He was still letting Serena's news of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask sink in - he remembered very little of the previous night. It all seemed like some weird psychotic dream to him. So, seeing how Serena was taking a shower, Darien had to answer the door. "Yes?" he said sharply. "Hello Darien," James said smugly. "James, I swear to god I'm going to break your face in if you don't leave right now. . ." "Now, now, is that anyway to speak to an old friend?" James asked sweetly. Seeing that Darien was *not* impressed, he quickly went on. "Actually, Darien, I brought someone to see you." Darien's expression went from anger to shock as Beryl pushed her way through James. "Hello Darling, happy to see me?" She didn't even bother to look at Darien as she let herself into the apartment. Sitting down, she noted a very unhappy looking black cat sitting on the opposite end of the couch. "What a mangy feline you have, Darien. I never thought you were the type to just take home animals off the street." "Uh, Beryl, I think you'd better leave right now. Before you overstay your welcome, I mean," Darien said, while trying to keep Luna subdued. (Smothering her is more like it!) "Oh how silly, I've only been here a minute!" she said. Darien let out a yelp as Luna bit him. "Exactly," Darien muttered under his breath as he released her. James strolled into the living room and sat down in the chair next to the couch. Finally, after sitting in silence for a few minutes, Serena came out of the bathroom, with one towel wrapped around her head, and another tightly wrapped around her body. "Oh Darien!" she called as she walked blindly from the bathroom to the kitchen. He got up and went towards the kitchen, where she was. "Could you get a cup for me?" "Uh, Serena -" he started, getting out a cup. "These damn eye drops - I can't see a thing! I *hate* getting shampoo in my eyes." "Serena -" "Thank-you sweetie. You know, I think last night was just about the most *amazing* night of my life! Wouldn't you agree?" "Serena, I-" "But man am I sore -" Darien stopped trying. "I'm sore in places I didn't even know I had!" she said laughing as she left the kitchen, cup in hand, back towards the waiting bathroom. Opening her still blurry eyes, she caught sight of two blurbs of people sitting in the living room. "Darien!" "What?!" "Why didn't you tell me there were people here?!!" He didn't say anything. She quickly grew beat red as she realized she was only wearing a towel and ran into her bedroom as fast as she could slamming the door behind her. Darien grew red as well, but only because of the looks of complete shock and supreme hatred and anger coming from Beryl and James. "What was *that*?!" Beryl demanded. "*That* was Serena, my girlfriend," he answered annoyed. "I don't believe it! You're engaged to me! I refuse to believe this." "Uh, excuse me? You actually thought we were engaged?" Darien began to laugh. "You poor, poor misguided woman. Don't tell me you came all the way to Tokyo just to see me too?" She nodded her head yes, which only made him laugh harder. "Well, I don't see what's so funny about this. You made it perfectly clear to my father that you were going to marry me." "No, no. You told your father, who told my father that he thought it would be nice if we got married. I told him ?not a chance' ,in no uncertain terms," Darien said. "Now both of you had better leave before you embarrass Serena anymore. She already has enough stress in her life without you two!" "Oh, no. I'm not done here," James said. "Now I want to talk to her - ask her a few things if you don't mind." "So do I," interjected Beryl. The sound of a door opening signaled to everyone that Serena was coming back out. It took all the will power Beryl had not to jump up and rip out her throat right then and there. Serena emerged into the main-room and stood right next to Darien, looking at her feet. She looked adorable in her pink long-sleeved shirt and jeans. Her hair was still wet and down, not up like it usually was. As Serena finally looked at her guests, she grew red again. "James, wh. . .what are you doing here?" she asked agitated. "Just wanted to introduce you to Darien's fiancee, that's all." "Darien's *fiancee*? That's impossible. He never told me he had a fiancee!" She looked at Darien with hurt eyes. "It's not true, is it?" she asked him quietly. She looked like she was going to burst into tears. "Of course not, love. How can you believe that?" he asked as he pulled her into an embrace. She flinched as his hands touched a sore. He noticed her flinch and quickly let her go. "Oh, I'm so sorry - I forgot. . ." "That's all right," she said softly. "Forgot what?" James asked. "None of your damn business!" Darien retorted. "Serena, honey, what are you hiding under all that clothing?" James asked her. "Nothing, James," she answered hotly. "You can't tell me it's nothing. I saw all the marks when you came out here earlier. So did Beryl, didn't you?" Beryl shook her head yes. "So what are you two hiding? You don't beat her - do you? So help me god, for every time you've hit her, I'll give you 20. . ." "*Beats* me?! Good lord James! No, of course he doesn't *beat* me. But he will be beating you *very* soon if you don't get out of here RIGHT NOW!!" "All right, all right. I can take a hint. Come on Beryl - we're obviously not welcome here." They got up and were quickly shoved out the door by Darien. He slammed the door shut as hard as he could, then leaned against it. Serena ran over to him and threw herself on him, crying as he held her. When James and Beryl entered the elevator, neither said a word, not that anything needed to be said. Both were furiously working on a plan in their own minds on how to get their desired ones back. Suddenly, between the 5th and 4th floors, the elevator jarred to a stop. "What the hell just happened?!" Beryl yelled furiously as the lights struggled to stay on. "How should I know?!" "Well you got me into this!" "You should have known that Darien doesn't want you!" "How *dare* you say that to me!" She pulled her hand back to slap him in the face, but before she could go through the action, the lights shut off completely. "Oh great, now I'm stuck in a pitch black elevator with you. That's just what I wanted!" "BERYL!!!!!" a voice boomed. It was enough to send both her and James quivering on the floor. "That wasn't you, was it James?" she whispered to his black outline. She could see him shake his head no. "Of course not, you fool. It was me, Queen Metilla! I rule over the entire nega-verse. I am the most powerful being in the universe!!!" James opened his mouth to scream, but immediately some of the darkness began to form a human-like shape and clamped its hand over his mouth. "Oh, don't try to scream - my evil drones are everywhere." "What do you want with us?" asked Beryl meagerly. "Ah yes. I have been watching you for quite some time now, Beryl, James. You both have such passion and hatred in your hearts, and I can use that. I want you to rule over my legions. I need leaders with strength and will power, who will not be easily swayed to the, ?wrong side'. I will give you overwhelming power, beauty, wealth, anything you would like! Just say you will accept my offer." "What if we refuse?" asked James. "So you *want* to die?" "Oh. And our families?" "Don't bother me with insignificant questions, fool!" "I would love to accept your offer, Queen Metilla!" Beryl said without hesitation. "Wonderful!! You will now be known and worshiped as Queen Beryl! Once we're back in the nega-verse, I'll give you such power. . ." "I, too, will accept you offer," James said after a little deliberation. He really didn't want to, but what choice did he have? ?Besides,' he thought, ?she said she'd give us anything, and I assume that includes people. . .' "Excellent. You will take the command of High General." "High General," he whined, "but you made her the queen. . ." "SHUT-UP!!!" screamed Beryl. "I will not have such insolence in my court!" "Hmm. . .you might do a better job than I expected, Beryl. Good one." "My most humble thanks, your majesty." And with that, both James and Beryl vanished, and the elevator was left in perfect working order. It was as if neither of them had even been there at all. . . I would like to thank my yujin (friend) & henshu-sha (editor) Lauri! Aishite, Tiffany-chan! And, as always, if you have a comment, or a suggestion, just e-mail me at Don't be shy, it only takes a second, but don't do it if you don't mean it, k? All right, until next time. Annie-chan