Sailor Moon Z - Chapter 2 Anya Note: References to Alex, Michelle, Christine, and Susan actually mean Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru, and Setsuna, in that order. I don't know why I'm using them, but I kinda like the Dic'd version, otherwise I never would've gotten hooked. Also, this is an alternative series to Sailor Moon Stars, and I don't know when Sailor Moon got her Eternal form, so she has it in this. If it didn't occur in Sailor Moon Super S, than pretend it did. Copyright: We know who the characters of Naoko Takeuchi are, and I don't claim any of them. However, I do claim any other characters, including the Seven Stars, so if you want to use them, please get permission from me first. Okay. Now that that is over with, let's get on with it. ************************************************************ " Oh thanks, Soleil," Anya replied and froze. She turned to find Soleil's green-eyed gaze on her. " S-S-S-Soleil?" " A-A-A-Anya," Soleil answered. " Holy shit!" Anya fell back into the chair. She took a deep breath. " Okay, Soleil can talk. I can deal. I CAN handle this......NO, I CAN'T!! How'd you learn to talk?!" " Years of practice," Soleil replied, dryly. " Oh, really? Don't answer that. So, exactly, what do you mean by ' its time'?" Anya asked. " Its time for me to tell you who you really are," Soleil took a comfortable(for a cat)pose. " As far as I know, I'm Anya Romanov. Are you here to tell me different?" Anya eyed her cautiously. " Why else would I tell you that I'm here to tell you who you really are?" Soleil muttered. " Anyway, your other identity." " I have multiple personalities now? Greeaaat." " Shut up, and let me explain," Soleil ordered. " Now, put this on." A small band with 2 long " arms" dropped onto the patio table. Anya picked it up. It was silver. The top part was raised, and had an arrow with a jewel in the center on it. " This is the sign of Sagittarius, isn't it?" Anya slipped it on her left middle finger. The " arms" curved from the ring, down and around to grasp her palm(think Devil Hunter Yohko). " Yes," Soleil nodded. " You are Sailor Sagittarius, the leader of the Sailor Zodiac. Our mission is to find the Moon Princess, the Sun Princess, and the Seven Stars." " Oh? Well that explains a lot," Anya said, sarcastically. " If you'd shut up, I'd explain in detail," Soleil retorted. " I'm listening to orders being given by a cat. I must be mad," Anya sat back to listen. " Now, the Moon Princess and the Sun Princess are very important, but the Seven Stars are our main priority, at the moment. The Seven Stars will come together to form the olden Imperium Crystal, and reveal the Sun Princess and the Moon Princess, whom we are sworn to protect," Soleil explained. " So, what's the catch?" Anya asked. " I don't know where or what form the Seven Stars will be I," Soleil admitted. " And our enemy may already have them." " Great! And I'm supposed to take on the enemy myself?" Anya asked in disbelief. " Of course not! I'm just not sure who the other Sailors are quite yet." " Ohhhhh, so until you know, I have to fight alone. Perfect!" Anya's eyes blazed. " Calm down, you are very powerful," Soleil rolled her eyes. " Now, transform, so we can get on with the mission." " I believe you forgot something." " What?" " What precisely am I supposed to say or do?" Anya looked bored. " Oh, right. Make a fist, bend it toward your face, and say ' Sagittarius Zodiac Power,' Soleil sounded embarrassed. " Sagittarius Zodiac Power," Anya made a fist and bent it toward her. The jewel in the arrow of her ring flashed, and a lightning arrow came out. It snaked between her breasts, and a transparent jewel with black veins and the light green sign of Sagittarius appeared. A light green silhouetted centaur formed, and shot an arrow, which, when it hit the brooch, exploded into a burst of lightning, and evaporated into a bodysuit. The bodysuit was black with a metallic silver collar, and a light green bow. The brooch was in the center of the bow. The centaur shot another arrow, which wrapped down from her waist to her mid-thigh. The lightning erupted into a metallic silver sailor skirt. The next arrow shot her brooch, and black gloves with silver edging, and light green ankle boots with silver laces were created. Another arrow shot her brooch, and a light green choker with a 3d silver centaur and 3d silver centaur earrings took shape. The last arrow shot her on her forehead, and a diadem with 2 strands of light green tinted stones, with a space between them, came together where the diadem arced, to form a light green star-shaped gem with the silver sign of Sagittarius in it, materialized. She opened her eyes, did a backflip, and posed, one hand on hip, the other flexed in a fist toward her face, legs shoulder-width apart. A light green centaur glowed behind her. " Tight," Sagittarius looked down at herself, then at Soleil. " But bows?" " I didn't order the outfits," Soleil defended. " Uh-huh. So, now what, dear guardian?" Sagittarius asked. " Go someplace deserted. Anyplace I guess since the sky was acting up," Soleil suggested. " Right," Sagittarius raised her gloved hand in the air, and a sphere of lightning crackled. She threw it to the ground and disappeared in a detonation of lightning. * * * Mina was eating with one of her many dates, when she saw a silver pillar of light fill the sky. Excusing herself, Mina got up and went into the restroom. Making sure no one else was in there, she activated her wrist communicator. " Lita? Its Mina. There was a pillar...You saw it?...I'm afraid there might be trouble...What do you mean?...Lita, I'm on a date...I know I'm a Sailor Scout...But...Fine," Mina turned it off. She went back into the dining room. " Eric, I need to go," Mina told him. Eric shrugged. Insulted, Mina ran out the door leaving Eric with the bill. She ducked into a nearby alley. " Venus Crystal Power!" * * * " Finally, the home of the Seven Stars," a tall woman sneered. " Doesn't look like they'll put up much of a fight, if any," the other woman hissed. The tall woman turned to a tall, handsome man. " Well, Arsenicu, whom do you think we should send?" " Yes, Arsenicu, what do you think?" the other woman mimicked. " Send Cyanidia. She can test the defenses, if there are any," Arsenicu grinned, smugly. Not that she can do much else, Arsenicu thought. " Oh, what a perfect suggestion," the tall woman gushed. " Nothing is as perfect as you, Miasma," Arsenicu bowed. " Excuse me, when I gag," the other woman rolled her eyes. " Oh, Baneia, you have no romantic feelings in you," Miasma shook her head. " Not for him," Baneia glared at Arsenicu. " Now, summon Cyanidia, and get out of my sight." Yes, my Princess," Arsenicu disappeared. * * * " Hello? Jupiter, Mercury? Anybody?" Venus looked around. Hmmmm, that's a loaded question, Sagittarius leaned against the tree trunk, but said nothing. " Venus? Is that you?" a girl with short blue hair came running up, followed by a blond girl with pigtail and wings. " Hi, Mercury. Where are Jupiter and Mars?" Venus asked. " Right here," a black haired girl with a purple sheen said, following a tall, chestnut-haired girl. Much better, Sagittarius jumped down. " Hey, who's she?" Mars pointed to Sagittarius. " I don't know," Venus shrugged. " Lightning Archer Decimate!" Sagittarius raised a hand in the air. She thrust her arm forward, and lightning came shooting out. It took the form of a giant centaur. The centaur pulled an arrow out of thin air, and fired. The arrow divided into 5, and headed for each Sailor. All of the scouts jumped out of the way, except for Sailor Moon, who'd gotten her feet tangled. She fell. The arrow was directed at her head. " Sailor Moon!" Jupiter lunged forward, and pulled Sailor Moon out of the way, just as the arrow hit the ground, where Sailor Moon had been sitting. There was a huge hole, and steam rising from it. " Damn!" Mars looked from the hole to Sagittarius. " Almost got your wings singed, Sailor Moon," Venus tried to smile. " Whoever she is, she's no friend," Jupiter declared, and stood, letting Mercury take over massaging Sailor Moon's ankle. " I might be. It depends on the info you give me," Sagittarius took a casual pose. " Why should we should give you info if you just attacked us?" Jupiter demanded. " Silver Arrow Strike!" Sagittarius formed a silver bow and arrow and shot the arrow at the sky. 5 forks of lightning fell from the sky. Mars was caught by one, and, frozen in mid-air, was electrocuted and tossed aside, unconscious. " That's why." " Mars!" Venus exclaimed. She ran over to Mars' still body. Jupiter took a fighting stance. So did Sagittarius. " You don't stand a chance, Jupiter," Mercury told her. " That's encouragement for you," Jupiter muttered. " Jupiter Oak Evolution!" " Silver Arrow Strike!" The arrow stayed one, directed right at Jupiter. The arrow missed, but the oak hit Sagittarius on the shoulder. She fell to the ground. Jupiter ran over to Sagittarius, and pinned her to the ground. " Who are you, and why are you attacking us?" Jupiter wanted to know. The hard green eyes stared back," I told you. I need info, and you were available." Sagittarius suddenly flipped Jupiter over her head with her legs, and did a back somersault on the ground to pin Jupiter. " Now, who is the Moon Princess, who is the Sun Princess, and where are the Seven Stars?" she demanded. " If you're our enemy, why should I tell you?" Jupiter asked. Sagittarius looked up. " World Shaking!" " Deep Submerge!" Sagittarius yanked Jupiter out of the way, and flipped into a tree. She got ready to run. When the light and water disappeared, and 2 girls stepped forward, Sagittarius took off running down the tree branch. " Uranus, Neptune, watch-." Jupiter was cut off as Uranus got a kick in the stomach, and flew back into Neptune. "-out." Sagittarius looked around , and , cursing, raised her hand in the air. Everyone watched as a ball of lightning appeared, and she slammed it into the ground, disappearing in the crackle. Uranus got up and walked forward. " Who was that?" she asked. " Sorry. We didn't catch her name," Jupiter said, sarcastically. She turned. " Sailor Moon, contact Luna. Maybe she can tell us about the Seven Stars." Sailor Moon nodded, and activated the communicator. " Luna? Yeah, we need you here right away." Luna appeared moments later, along with Artemis. " What's the matter?" Luna asked. " We need to know about the Seven Stars," Mercury answered. " Maybe I should tell you," a soft voice came from the shadows. " Pluto?" Venus asked. The green-haired girl stepped out of the shadows, followed by a short, violet-haired girl. " Saturn!" Jupiter exclaimed, and thought, This has to be serious or they wouldn't come. " What are the Seven Stars?" Neptune asked. " The Seven Stars are what come together to form the Golden Imperium Crystal, which will reveal the Moon Princess and the-" Pluto was caught off by Uranus. " But we already know who the Moon Princess is." " We do, but our enemies don't," Saturn replied coldly, startling everyone else. " Will reveal the Moon Princess and the Sun Princess," Pluto continued. " Sun Princess?" " Yes. The Sun Princess was the Moon Princess' cousin. She was more powerful than every other planet and the Moon Kingdom put together, and since it was, they kept it a secret from the Negaverse. If the Sun Kingdom had been destroyed, we would not be here now." Pluto explained. " Mmmmmm," Jupiter replied. " But WHAT are the Seven Stars?" " 3 are the Talismans. Uranus' sword, Neptune's mirror, and Pluto's orb," Saturn answered," but that is all we know. Sagittarius smiled from a nearby tree, and disappeared, unnoticed. " Know this: Who your enemy really is," Pluto warned, and with the silence of a whisper, Saturn and Pluto disappeared. * * * That's the end for now! Hope you like it! Please e-mail me with flames or comments or whatever. I read them all and answer them all. Please e-mail me, cause I really need feedback, as this is my first attempt at writing a fanfic, so I need to know what I should change or keep, etc. Thanks!!!!