TRUE LOVE A Usagi and Mamoru Romance ~Eyes are the windows to the soul~ Konnichiwa minna! Well here is part five of my story. Hopefully it is doing ok so far. I'm still not sure how long this story is going to be, pretty pathetic huh. Umm the romantic intent in this story is not suppose to be a ecchi/hentai. I just wanted to show the romantic feelings that Usagi and Mamoru have for each other. I feel like in the in the show that they lack romantic feelinngs for each other. I did not intend to offend anyone with the actions displayed by Usagi and Mamoru. You know I'm the author of this story but I still do not have a clue who this mystery man is. Hopefully his identity comes to me in a vision. Thank you to all those great readers out there who took the time to read my story and send me their comments. I love you all!!!! Please keep your emails coming. Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or the characters. Tauski is a character name from Fushigi Yugi, but his personality and looks are all mine. Thanks to Darien-chan, Yuri9, and Lianne who read some of my story and gave me feedback. Go read her storys and visit her page at ARIGATO ~asia~ ~Before you start the story, please take the time to read this. A very good friend of mine wrote it. It protrays all her feelings that she was feeling at one time. It is very inspiring and I'm proud to know her. I would like to dedicate part 5 of this story to my friend who I cherish like a sister. I am posting her email address and feel free to email her about it. She would love to hear from you. I love you with all my heart but I cannot survive the pain of your world. The emotional abuse is too much to take. I cannot survive I will not survive and that?s why I?m leaving you. An angel came along one day and showed me the path. I love this angel with all my heart for he has saved me from the path of disaster. The pain the torture the abuse the drugs. I cannot take it any more. The emotion I went through hoping you would change for me some day. Waiting and waiting for you to change for me. But I?ve realized that you?re never going to change. You think it?s normal to joke and call me a bitch. But deep down inside of me I feel the pain of your words. And you don?t even realize it. You think its funny and start laughing. And so I try to talk to you and tell you it hurts me. You start telling me I?m bitching. But really I?m not. I?m just trying to tell you about my pain. I?ve tried so hard to make his relationship work. Iv even changed my self. Doing things I didn?t want to do to make you happy. I did so many bad things for you but you where never satisfied. You wanted more and more of my time. And I gave it to you. I lied to my parent?s face for you. I never spent time with any of my other friends just so I could spend all my time with you. My best friend and I almost broke up because I never spent time with her. I gave you all my time but you still weren?t satisfied. You?d make me feel like I was at fault for everything. And when I accidentally did something wrong you made me feel like I was the most stupid person in the world. I thought everything was my fault. I kept thinking what should I do. I cried at night praying to god to help me. To make me feel better. I really truly love you but the emotional abuse from you is unbearable. I cannot take the yelling the screaming the fighting the hurting any more. So I must leave now before it?s to late. You are a great friend and a great person inside but we cannot be together any longer. I truly truly love you but love Comes in a package and you do Not complete the package. ~Brandie Roehl~ 99 Part 5 PG-13-)for mild language and romantic stuff :) Fears Motoki stood in shock as he watch Mamoru fall abrubtly to his knees. What confused him more was that his friend was mumbling Usagi's name and that she was in danger. He came out of his shock when he saw Mamoru blackout once again. He rushed to his friends side and began to shake him gently. "Mamoru snap out of it!" Still not recieving a response, Motoki began to hit Mamoru's cheeks. (Hey it works in the movies, ne?) Motoki decided to try some water. He got went to the kitchen and came back with a towel and bowl. "You got a lot of explaining dude when you wakeup." Motoki mumbled at the unconscience figure on the ground. Motoki took that towel and placed it on his forehead. Then he dabbed his fingers in the bowl of water and began to sprinkle drops of water on Mamoru's face. Motoki noticed that Mamoru's eye begin to flutter. "Thats it buddy, its time to wakeup sunshine!" Mamoru began to cough and his eyes snapped open. His vison was hazy at first but he started to make out his surroundings. A concerned face was looking down at him. Motoki was looking at him anxiously. Finding his voice and wanted to relieve the tension on Motoki's face, Mamoru said with a smirk, "Motoki you don't have to hover over me like a mother hen." Motoki obviously relieved to hear his friend speak, and was even happy yo hear the usually sarcastic remarks that Mamoru was famous for. "Well I wouldn't have to hover over you like a mother hen, if you didn't faint like damn princess........but actually I guess its ok since its very clear to see that there is whole another side of you I have never seen. I have a picture as evidence." Mamoru began to chuckle and began to sit up. He winced slightly causing Motoki to immediately come to his aid. Mamoru smiled his thanks and Motoki helped him to the couch. Once Mamoru was settled, Motoki bagan to pelt him with questions. Mamoru held up his hand in mock deafeat and Motoki settled down. "Motoki I apreciate everything you have done for me so far, but I just can't answer any of your questions right now." Mamoru could see that Motoki was about to open his mouth to protest, but Mamoru continued. "I know thats not what you want to hear, but I'm not even sure whats wrong yet. I promise I will explain everything soon." Motoki sighed in defeat but knew Mamoru would tell him in good time. "I'm holding you to that Mamoru" Mamoru only nodded and asked Motoki to do him one more favor. "Motoki will you drive me to the temple?" Motoki began to say that Mamoru should get some rest, but seeing the determined look on Mamoru's face he knew Mamoru would not be denied. Loud laughter rang out at the temple. People passing smiled at the young girls voices they heard that were filled with such happiness. Elderly women sighed and remembered how much fun they had when they were young. Rei's grandpa was meditating when a ball came through the window of the temple hitting him in the head and breaking his concentration. 'Reeeiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!" he roared. The girls laughter stopped abrutly when they heard a certain voice ring out. They looked over at the temple to see Rei's grandpa storming out and huffing over to the girls. Minako began to giggle but was elbowed hard by Rei. Minako quickly shutup and looked down as she rubbed her throbbing arm. Rei's grandpa stopped in front of them with his breath coming out in loud puffs. "Rei, do you think you and the girls could be just a tad bit louder?" Rei hid a smile at her grandpa's sarcasm. "Gomen grandpa, we'll settle down." After saying she was sorry, Rei's grandpa turned around and began to walk briskly back to the temple. He turned around and yelled to Yuchiro. Yuchiro got up quickly and gave the girls a bad look. He was not looking forward to face Rei's grandpa's wrath. Once he was inside the girls laughter broke out. Even Usagi who hadn't smiled at all, cracked a grin. Minako turned around to see Usagi's grin and in a exagerrated voice said, "Why the iceprincess finally allowed us humble servants one of those rare sunny smiles of hers." Cupping her hands around her mouth, she started to pretend that she was one of those sportcastors. Minako began to hop around the garden yelling loudly. "And the crowd goes wild!" She screamed. Usagi couldn't help but let out a giggle as she watched her blonde friend dance around making crowd noises. Finally Rei stepped in worried that her grandpa would come out again. As the girls resumed their gardening and chattering, Darien and Motoki pulled up to the temple. As they were walking up the stairs they could hear happy girl laughter. Knowing that Usagi was probably with them, Mamoru paused. "Ummm maybe this was a bad idea, I can always go see Rei-chan later." Mamoru began to turn around. "Mamoru-chan, we're here anyway, and besides I hear Usagi's voice. You should talk to her. She's probably worried sick about you." Mamoru could see no way out of it and sighed. They continued to climb the stairs. As they reached the top, they didn't see anyone at first. "They must be around back." Motoki concluded. They headed toward the gardens. As the rounded the corner they saw the girls pulling up weeds and planting new flowers in the garden. "Hey girls, mind if we join the party?" "Motoki-san, Mamoru-san!" The girls looked up at the guys and happy grins lit their faces. Usagi smiled at Mokoki but her eyes never left Mamoru. Mamoru could feel her eyes and could not help but stare back. 'God, shes so beautiful! What the hell is wrong with me?' Usagi held a questioning look in her eyes and Mamoru was forced to look away. When he glanced back he saw the hurt on her face but still she did not say anything. Motoki was happily chatting away with the other girls so Mamoru went to join him. Usagi joined the group but her silence continued. The whole group was sitting under the cherry trees enjoying the peace and beauty. Ami looked at Usagi and noticed that she was not smiling or talking like she usually was. In fact Ami thought she looked utterly lost. "Usagi-chan, is anything wrong." "Nothing Ami-chan, just thinking." Usagi glanced at Mamrou but quickly looked away. She tried to manage a smile but it quickly wilted. Rei noticed the glance but decided not to say anything to the other girls. The other girls looked worriedly at each other but Rei looked at Mamoru. He shook his head slightly and looked away. He didn't want to deal with a bunch of questioning girls right now, so it was better to deny that he knew what was wrong. Rei decided to consult the fire when everyone left. The girls tried to get Usagi to cheer up and Motoki was trying to tell jokes, but Usagi did not laugh. She managed small smiles to please her friends but they faded when they turned away. Usagi decide to take a walk around the temple. She got up but shook her head at her friends when they tried to join her. They understood that she wanted to be alone. Usagi looked over at Mamoru but he avoided her gaze. Usagi felt like she was going to cry and she quickly turned and walked away. Usagi found walking around the temple beneath the cherry trees was very soothing. She began to hum to herself. Then she felt a presence come up behind her. She turned around thinking it was Mamoru, but instead she found herself staring into a beautiful pair of sparkling blue eyes, but these eyes were beyond description and as Usagi stared into them she began to drown. Blue filled her vision. No one should have that color of eyes she thought. "Excuse me...are you ok?" a soft voice asked. "Hai." Usagi whispered. Her heart began to beat harder and butterflies began to flutter in her stomach. Why did she feel so nervous she asked herself. This man made her feel like Mamoru, but he wasn't Mamoru. The man continued to stare at Usagi with a fierce intensity. Usagi could not help but stare back. Suddenly a smile broke out on his face. "Ahhh I remember you. I met you this morning, or actually I ran into you this morning, literally." Usagi mind went blank for a minute but her mind began to replay the scene that went on that morning. A blush crept into her cheeks. She looked down at her feet. "Ohhh gomen nasai," she murmured. "I wasn't watching where I was going." "Oh no thats quite alright, it was my fault to. And being able to talk to you now I'm glad I bumped into you this morning." Usagi's blush became brighter as she tried to hide a smile at the obvious compliment. Then remembering her manners she introduced herself. Bowing slightly and then holding out her hand she said, "My name is Tsukino Usagi, its nice to meet you." "Same here Usagi-chan, oh its ok if I call you chan right?" "Hai." Usagi smiled. "My name is Takahashi Tauski." Usagi heard her friends calling out her name. "Come on Tauski-san, I'll introduce you to my friends. I'm sure they'll like you." She added with a giggle. Minako came rushing up to Usagi when she saw her. She began to began to scold her. "There you are Usagi-chan, you scared us when you didn't come back." "Gomen Minako-chan, gomen minna." she called to the people coming up behind her. Usagi looked at Mamoru and could see the worry creased on his forehead and in his eyes, but when he saw Usagi looking at him he forced himself to wipe any emotion off his faceand out of his eyes. Usagi dropped her head sadly but noticed that her friends were looking at Tauski with appreciative eyes. "Oh minna I would like to introduce you to Takahashi Tauski." The group bowed to him and he returned their bow. Motoki, Mamoru, and the girls began to introduce themselves. Usagi took this time to take a better look at Tauski. He was very good looking. He had a tall frame like Mamoru and broad shoulders. You could tell that he was muscluar, but not overdone. His face was very well sculptured, but his eyes were what drew your attention. They were a odd shade of blue and Usagi got that sensation of falling again. She had to look away. Mamoru studied the young man as the rest of the group introduced themselves. He was around his own age and had an equal build. Mamoru began to feel an instant rivilry with Tauski. He had to squash the urge to grab Usagi and bundle her off to somewhere other then here. When his turn came to introduce himself to Tauski, he simply stared. Tauski stared back. Tension began to fill the air between them. The rest of the group could feel the tension build between the two men. Usagi looked worriedly at Mamoru. Tauski broke the silence with a friendly smile but his eyes continued to hold Mamoru's. He held out his hand but Mamoru just nodded and turned away Tauski's smile faded for a minute and he dropped his hand. He chuckled softly like he found Mamoru's behavior amusing. He looked at Usagi and smiled. She smiled back but she was confused over Mamoru's behavior and tried to convey her apologies to Tauski in her eyes. Understanding what she was trying to say Tauski mouthed that it was ok. Rei asked if everyone to some inside for some tea. Agreeing, they all followed her into the temple. They settled comfortably around the table as Rei made the tea. Minako with love struck eyes began to ask Tauski questions. "So Tauski-san...tell us a little about yourself." "Well I was born in America, if your wondering why I can speak Japanese its because my parents were very strict about remembering where we we're truly from. I lived in America for 19 years. My parents decided that it was time for me to visit our homeland. So here I am. I'm staying with some relatives now, but I'll be going to Tokyo University. so I'm hoping to get my own apartment soon." Rei came in with the tea and began to serve every- one. Usagi was listening with half her attention. When he mentioned Tokyo University she added that, that was where Motoki and Mamoru went. Mamoru began to fidget. 'Great' he thought, 'now I'll probably see more of him.' Motoki smiled and offered to show him around. Tauski agreed and continued to sip his tea. The room was quiet for a moment. Usagi broke the silence when she began to giggle. Everyone was shocked but the girls were glad to hear their friend laugh "Gomen minna, but you all look so serious." She continued to giggle and it soon became catching. The whole room began to crack up. Everyone was laughing with the exception of Mamoru, and they had no idea what they were laughing about. The laughter began to quiet down and silence began to take over again. Tauski studied each person under his eyelashes. He wondered what the relationship between Mamoru and Usagi was, but he would find out sooner or later. He studied each person in turn but he looked at Usagi the longest. He found her beauty blinding but he could not force himself to look away. He could see that she had a pure heart. What made her beauty blinding was that she seemed to shine from the inside out. "Could she love me?' Mamrou cleared his voice and when Tauski looked up at him he knew that Mamoru had caught him looking at Usagi. Tauski looked back, a challenge in his eyes. Mamoru looked back with a answering stare. Tension in the air was thick as a blanket. The moment was interrupted when Motoki cleared his voice and said, "Phew is it hot in here or what." The others nodded in agreement eager to distract Mamoru and Tauski. Motoki continued to speak. "Minna, I have to go, umm Mamoru are you getting a ride with me?" "Hai." Mamoru replied. "I think Usagi should be getting home to. Your mom is probably worried about you." he added. 'There is no wa in hell, that I'm leaving her here for that guy to gawk at her.' Mamoru thought. Usagi was about to voice her opinion that Mamoru had no right bossing her around but knew that he was probably right. She got up slowly. As she passed Tauski he gently grabbed her hand. Usagi started. Mamoru moved forward but Motoki put up a hand to keep him from doing anything rash. Tauski stood up but continued to hold Usagi's hand. He looked down at Usagi and stared into her eyes. He began to whisper and the others in the room had to strain to hear what he was saying. "It was very nice meeting you. I hope to see you again in the future," he paused and then added in a quieter tone. "I usually get what I want." Usagi gasped and her eyes widened when she heard what he said. Before he dropped her hand he bowed over her hand and kissed her palm. Such a innocence kiss sent shivers down her spine. Usagi stood there in shock. No one had ever kissed her hand besides Mamoru and Mamoru had only done it when he was a prince. Mamoru began to seethe. 'Who the hell did this guy think he was?' he thought. "Like hell you're going to see her again. Not if I have anything to do with it." He muttered. Tauski turned and asked, "Did you say something Mamorusan?" Mamoru glared back but shook his head no. Tauski smirked so Mamoru would know that he heard what he said. Mamoru turned and grabbed Usagi possesively by the arm. He pushed Motoki, who was standing in the doorway out and pulled Usagi along behind him. Usagi waved bye and the girls and Tauski waved back. "Call me minna!" Usagi yelled Mamoru continued to pull her. Usagi ripped her arm from Mamoru's grasp, and walked away from him with her head held high. Mamoru sighed trying to figure out what he should do. Coming to a decision he called out, "Usako, Matte!" ********************************************************** Ok well its finally done. This part is kinda long and boring. Its from all the late nights. I have writers block, oh no! Don't be mad at me for this part. Who is this guy, hmmmmm looks like Mamoru is getting jealous. Good I think he takes Usagi for granted sometimes. A little competition should spice things up don't you think? If you notice, I used Tauski's name from Fushigi Yugi. It's one of my other favorite anime. The guys in it, are pretty hunky, ne? Please email your comments!