HI! I've finally gotten enough time to write part eight. I'm sorry it took me so long but with term paper and all the other stuff the teachers like to give me at the end of the year. And sailor moon is not mine it belongs to its owners. And this is rated pg-13 = = = = = = = = Alison and Ryoko sat at the caf頴hat Michiru and Haruka frequented. They sat at the same table with Alison sitting where Michiru usually did and with Ryoko sitting where Haruka usually did. About two or three minuets after Ryoko and Alison sat down Michiru came in with Haruka. They went to the table they usually sat at and were quiet surprised to see Alison and Ryoko in their seats. "Hello." Michiru said. "Hi!" Alison cheerfully replied. "You're in our seat." Haruka said; it sounded like she still had a cold. Alison moved over for Michiru and Ryoko just looked up at Haruka, sighed and moved over. "So" Michiru started, "how are you two?" "I'm fine." Alison replied. "Eh." Ryoko said "We'll it good we found you." Haruka commented, "We need to ask you some things." "Like..." Alison said. "First of all." Haruka said, "do you like my Michiru?" Alison went bright red and stuttered out, "well... I just think she's pretty that's all." "Well. Good." Haruka said with a smile on her face, "I think your girlfriend is pretty too." "I AM NOT HER GIRLFRIEND!" Ryoko protested as she got up and slammed her fist on the table. "I..." Haruka was unable to get her apology out because Ryoko left the caf鮍 "I didn't mean to upset her." Haruka apologized to Alison. "It's okay." Alison said with a sigh, "she's been very adgitated lately since her grandmother passed way." Alison did not look up at the other girls be sighed yet again and stood up. Haruka and Michiru looked at each other a bit confused and also stood up. "I think we need a more private place to talk." Alison suggested. "Oh?" Michiru questioned. "Yes we need to talk about Erika, scarlet and everything." Alison told the two. Alison left the caf鍊with Michiru right behind her and Haruka behind her. On the roof of a tall skyscraper Alison sat at the edge with Michiru and Haruka in front of her standing with their arms crossed. "I asked you here because I want to explain to why were here and why we need your help." Alison told the two. "May I ask something?" Haruka asked. "You just did. But okay go a head." Alison said. "About that other senshi, sailor X. do you know her?" Haruka asked. "Yes I do. Ryoko does also." Alison answered. "How?" Michiru asked. "She was an ally of ours." Alison answered and a sad expression crossed her face, "we can no longer trust her." "Why?" Michiru inquired. "Because..." Alison started then stopped and started again, "because she would not listen to us about the inner senshi." Alison looked up for their response. "Oh...well." Michiru said as she tried to think of something to say. "Why? I know the inner senshi aren't as strong as we are but what's wrong with them?" Haruka asked. "I know the inners mean well but..." Alison started to trail of and her appearance became more dismal, "one of the inners will betray the rest of us if they come into contact with us." Haruka and Michiru looked at each other and then back at Alison; sad expressions crossed their faces. "Why would they?" Haruka asked not believing Alison. "It will not be of their choice." Alison answered. Haruka would have said something but something inside her told her that Alison would be trustworthy and she was not lying to her. "Who will betray us then?" Michiru asked. "I don't know." Alison said. "Alison." Michiru said, "would you please tell us about you and Ryoko and maybe Erica?" Alison nodded in agreement and started; "well Erica was with us from the beginning. She is the weakest of us. Erica's attacks are x invisibility and light slice." "What about you?" Haruka asked. "My attacks are a thousand diamond blast and my more power full attack Virgo blue." Alison answered. "And Ryoko?" Michiru asked. "Ryoko's attacks are silence stop and purple night." Alison answered. "Thank you." Michiru said then smiled at Alison. Alison cheered up a little and said, "your welcome. I think it'd be good if we left here." "I agree." Haruka said. Michiru just smiled in agreement and followed the other two out. As the three senshi walked down the long staircase they had a conversation about Alison. "So you were a part of our kingdom." Haruka repeated. "Yes I was sailor mercury's cousin. Erica was princess of the planet X and her family died first since they were on the outer most part the solar system." "I see." Haruka said. "Think I remember hearing about zodiac senshi." Michiru told Alison. "Really?" Alison was shocked that Michiru remembered something. "Yes and about Erica's family. Setsuna was good friends with Erica's mother. When ever I asked about them she would well up with tears so I never really talked about it with her." Michiru said. "I could understand that. It was a very emotional time." Alison explained. After walking down what seemed to be the worlds longest flight of stairs and then walking back to Haruka and michiru's house they finally found Ryoko. Ryoko was sitting out side the outers house with Hotaru. When Hotaru saw the three returning she ran over to Haruka and jumped on her hugging her and shouted, "Haruka-papa!" "Hi." Ryoko plainly said then stood up. "What are you doing here?" Michiru asked. "Well..." Ryoko started, "I was walking around by an elementary school and this little one." Hotaru walks over to her and Ryoko smiles at her and pats her head, "so she kept following me and I decided it'd be best if I went here that way she'd be safe here. We've been waiting for you ever since." "Oh." Haruka and Michiru said together. "Well..." Michiru said, "thank you for taking her and watching her." Haruka took out her keys and opened the door to the house. All of them went in and took their shoes off and continued to go inside. Michiru went into the kitchen and Haruka sat down with Hotaru on the couch. Alison and Ryoko just stood in the doorway to the living room and did not know what to do. Haruka turned around to face the two girls, "wouldn't you like to sit down? "Okay. Thanks." Alison said. "Ryoko!" Michiru called out from the kitchen, "could you help me?" "Sure thing!" Ryoko nervously replied. Ryoko went into the kitchen to help Michiru. There was a knock at the door and Haruka open the door to see who it was. In the doorway Setsuna stood there soaking wet and very angry. "I'll explain later." She said as she entered the house. "Welcome home...?" Haruka's voice trailed off as Setsuna walked past her. Hotaru ran up to Setsuna and hugged her even though she was wet and said trying to cheer Setsuna up, "I'm happy you're home! Welcome back!" Hotaru's kind gesture made Setsuna smile and feel better. Alison stood up from the couch and walked over to Setsuna. "Hello." Alison said beginning her introduction. Setsuna's eyes opened wide and it looked as if she saw the worst possible thing a person could ever see. "You're...you're...you're a senshi! You're sailor Virgo!" Setsuna said with great difficulty. "Yes I am. How did you know?" Alison confirmed and then asked. "I remember you before everything happened." Setsuna explained, "You and Erica...and the other zodiac senshi...even the one who wasn't even related to a sailor...Capricorn I think." Alison smiled and then frowned as she saw Setsuna's face grow melancholy. "Setsuna-mama? What is wrong?" Hotaru asked. "Nothing...I'm not sad." Setsuna said, " I'm happy." At that time Michiru and Ryoko came out of the kitchen to the living room. "You're crying?" Michiru said in disbelief. Ryoko looked at Setsuna and Setsuna began to cry more. Ryoko looked at Michiru "is it something I did?" Ryoko said. "I'm not sad." Setsuna repeated then went on, "I'm so happy you survived! Our other outers finally came back to us." Setsuna hugged both of the zodiac senshi; Ryoko wasn't happy but went along anyways. = = = = = = This is the end of part 8 please tell me what you think. Send all comments to shinjichan@hotmail.com