Welcome to my fourth Sailor Moon fanfic. This story takes place during the prologue to Sailor Moon DBZ, and is a rewrite of the Doom Tree series. This story tells how the Sailor Scouts defeated Allen and Ann, without Sailor Moon. For those of you who are reading this at A Sailor Moon Romance (ASMR), I won?t be able to update this story on a regular basis, due to school, and another story I?m working on called Legend of the Excaliber, that?s posted only at my web site for right now. If you don?t know my web address it?s www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/2058. Disclaimers: I don?t own Sailor Moon. Someone else does, so don?t sue me please. Enjoy!! By Gregory Bess - Rated PG Sailor Scouts R: Chapter 1 - The Return of the Sailor Scouts A thousand years ago, our moon was home to a great civilization, ruled by Queen Serenity. Unfortunately, forces from another dimension, called the Negaverse, attacked with a vengeance. The only way left, after a valiant fight, to defeat them was for Queen Serenity to use the Silver Crystal and the Crescent Moon Wand. Her power lost, she sent all the survivors, Nega-creeps included, to the future on Earth. Then the Negaverse attacked Earth a thousand years after the Moon?s destruction, but the Sailor Scouts fought valiantly. When they defeated Queen Beryl, all five scouts had their memories erased of being Sailor Scouts, and sent back to Tokyo. Unfortunately, Princess Serena wasn?t sent back to Tokyo. Now it?s been two months, and forces from the Negaverse are fast approaching Earth. And so our story begins...... It was night time in the city of Tokyo. Luna and Artemis, the guardians of the Sailor Scouts, were having a private conversation on the roof tops of the Cherry Hill Temple. This is where Luna was giving Artemis some upsetting news, "Are you sure you heard right, Luna. Maybe you misheard them." Luna sadly said, "I heard the police officer perfectly clear, Artemis. A few weeks ago, there was a fire at an abandoned warehouse, and a body was found. The police think it was Serena?s body, but the body was too badly burnt for a DNA test to confirm it, not to mention Molly didn?t take it lightly when she came over to hear the bad news." Artemis didn?t like to ask this next question, but felt he had to know, "Why didn?t you tell me this when you learned of it, never mind. You wanted to grieve for her loss, first, right," at Luna?s yes, he also asked, "So, when are the Tsukinos holding the funeral?" "They?re not. By what I heard, they said they wont give up till they see hard evidence that Serena is dead. In other words, they don?t believe the police," was Luna?s reply. Just then, there was a flash of light. The cats looked up into the sky to what looked like a meteor falling down, and crashed in a parking lot in the distance with a loud BANG, followed by an explosion. They were about to go investigate it when they heard Ray shout, "What was that?" Ray left the temple with her Grandfather to investigate, Chad decided to stay. Luna and Artemis followed from the roof tops. When the cats got to the scene, they took a look around. They caught glimpses of Amy, Lita, Ray, and Mina, not to mention a lot of other people, surrounding a big hole in the ground, but no meteor. Artemis had an idea what it might be, but decided to talk to Luna to confirm what it most likely wasn?t, "Do you think it was a meteor?" Luna answered, "I don?t think so. I got a really bad feeling about this." So did Artemis, but he didn?t want to voice it. In an apartment complex, just across the street, two figures watched the show from their balcony. One was female, the other male, and they definitely were not human. The female had a pink suit on her in different shades of pink, plus she had bright pink hair. The male was similar, but in shades of blue instead, and both had green skin. The male spoke up, "Beryl was right about the energy here, now we just have to find the right kind to give the Doom Tree, Ann. We should enroll in a local junior high school as brother and sister." Ann said, "Allen your right, by these humans? standards we?re still kids." The two spent the rest of the night trying to perfect their disguises to look human. Meanwhile in the potted parking lot, Lita spotted Amy and said, "So, the school genius decided to do some rubbernecking, huh?" Amy said, "Ya, the blast woke me up, so I decided to investigate. Big hole, isn?t it?" Just then, the two had a wave of Desha vui, and both thought, but brushed it off and used each other?s school reputations as the reason. The next day, Amy and Lita got to school when an assemble was called. Two new students just joined the school. Melvin, the school geek and gossip reporter, couldn?t dig up anything on them, as if they were never on the face of the Earth before today. Ms. Haruna introduced them, "This is Allen and Ann Granger. They are brother and sister. Allen?s in grade 10, and Ann in grade 9." Melvin began to think of ways to get to learn about these two, "Maybe they?ll decide to join the dissection club." Molly, who had hearts in her eyes over Allen, over heard this, "Dissect yourself, Melvin." Molly, and Melvin have been an item for some time now, but Molly couldn?t help having a crush on Allen, just like Serena would. Molly got a depressed look on her face at remembering about her best friend, who she believed died fighting the enemy. Molly never said anything to any one, and Serena never told her, but Molly knew from the first time Sailor Moon rescued her, that Serena was Sailor Moon. She couldn?t explain how she knew, but she did. Since the enemy was defeated, Serena?s friends have been acting like they never met each other, and couldn?t figure out why. During class, everyone gathered around Ann and talked to her, and Melvin asked, "Did you ever join an Internet club?" "No," was Ann?s reply. "See, I told she wasn?t interested, Melvin," Molly said, "Hay, Ann, say something in French." Ann, and Allen put into the records that they were from France, and the students automatically assumed they knew French. So, Ann said something in a tong no one could understand, before a flute melody began to play, and Ann went into a jealous rage. She found Allen, playing a flute, with a bunch of, mostly, girls around him. Allen noticed Ann and the two walked off together. On the way home from school, the two were having a heated discussion, "Allen, what were you thinking, playing for all those girls?" "Lighten up Ann," Allen said as a guy with black hair walked by, "I have absolutely no interest in those girls. You know your my one and....... Ann?" Allen had been so in grossed in talking he didn?t noticed that he lost Ann a ways back. He ran back to see Ann, on her knees in pain. He picked her up and took her home, totally clue less to the fact that Ann developed a crush on the black haired man that walked by earlier. After Allen got Ann to the Doom Tree, in their apartment, and got her energy replenished, the tree began to wither away, "Allen what will we do? If the tree dies we die." Allen had a calm expression on his face, and took out what looked like a stack of cards, "We choose a cardien to collect energy from these humans and replenish the tree," He opened the stack as if he were playing poker, "Choose a Cardien, Ann." Ann selected a card, and Allen threw it. It stopped in mid air, and grew to human size, before a picture of a plant creature appeared. Allen took his flute, and said, "Cardien Vampeel, I summon you. Come forward." He played a flute melody, and the giant card stretched out and formed the plant creature that was printed on the card, "We?ll send it later tonight. Right now, you could use some rest." Ann agreed and went to bed. Allen decided to take a stroll through the park before the sunset. He had his mind on several things, about how to get all the energy they would need to heal the tree. He was about to start back to his apartment, when his eye caught something, or someone on a park bench. Allen couldn?t help but feel some attraction to this girls. She had blond hair, tied in a red ribbon, that went to her hips. She was petting a white cat with a crescent moon on its forehead when Allen walked up to this girl, "Nice day in the park isn?t it?" Mina was startled by a voice from behind her and saw a boy close to her age. he had reddish brown hair, blue eyes and was a tad taller then Mina, "Yes it is. You startled me for a sec. By the way, my name is Mina." was all Mina could think about. "My name?s Allen I go to Crossroads Junior High," Allen said. " Oh. Well I go to a different school nearby. Listen, love to chat, but I got to go. Bye Allen," With that, Mina got up and ran for home. Allen got up, and did the same. When he got home, he and Ann sent the cardien. Some time later, Artemis managed to meet up with Luna so they could try to investigate last night?s event. Instead of an answer, they found a girl screaming from an ally way, followed by someone or something saying, "Vampeel." The two cats got to the alley in time to see a monster running off, and a women on the ground, almost totally drained of her energy. "Luna this looks serious. We must awaken the scouts." Artemis said. Luna didn?t like this idea, "I don?t know Artemis. Do we have to? They all look so happy living normal lives." "I don?t know. Maybe we can stop this our selves," the two agreed and took chase of the monster. By the time they caught up with it, it was draining another victim, right outside Molly?s house, and all of a sudden, stopped, and jumped up to Molly?s bedroom to attack Molly, who watched the attack from her window. The last thing Molly thought about before she lost consciousness was By this time, Luna and Artemis jumped through the open window, and got a good look and the monster, before Artemis asked, "Is that a plant?" The plant monster turned, and noticed the two talking cats as Luna said, "It looks like a plant. More like a noxious weed sucking the life right out of Molly." Artemis jumped to attack, "This weed?s getting eradicated. Ahhhhhhh." The monster just pushed Artemis aside. "Artemis," shouted Luna, then jumped at the monster herself, "Your cram bust pal." But Vampeel just pushed her aside as well. Luna got up as Artemis got to her side, and Luna said, "This is tuff." "Ya, weeds are hard to get rid of," Artemis said. "Artemis, this one?s way too strong. You must keep it busy till Sailor Mars gets here." "What do you mean Luna," but Luna already went out the widow to the Cherry Hill Temple. Artemis followed, but went a different way once he was on the ground, "Come on weed breath." The Cardien wasted no time, and went after Artemis. Luna got to the temple in no time, and found Ray meditating at the great fire, "Great fire. I sense a battle is taking place what can I do to help?" Instead of the fire answering, someone else did, "Sailor Mars wake up." Ray turned around to see a black cat with a crescent moon on her forehead. Before Ray could ask what?s going on, a beam shot from the cat's head and Ray was put into a trance when Luna said, "The Luna Mind Meld." Memories began flooding Ray?s head. Memories of the Moon kingdom, meeting Serena, becoming Sailor Mars, and defeating Beryl. Ray came out of her trance with a snap, and looked at Luna, "Luna, what?s going on?" "No time to explain, Ray. The Negaverse is back. Transform, and go help Artemis." Ray wasted no time. "MARS POWER" In a flash of fire, Ray was once again Sailor Mars. She used her senses to find the new enemy, but not before Luna said, "When you get there, tell Artemis to go revive Mina?s memories too." Artemis had been able to keep the monster busy, which identified itself as a cardien called Vampeel, but the cardien got the best of Artemis and knocked him off his paws, "Vampeel, your cat fertilizer food now, cat, Vampeel." two vines came from Vampeel?s right arm, caught Artemis, and started draining his energy. Artemis was now weak, and almost gave up when someone shouted. "MARS FIRE IGNITE." The flames snapped the vines loose from Artemis, and Ray shouted, "Artemis, go wake up Venus." The cat didn?t waste time, and took off to Mina?s. "Alright Weed breath, I?m Sailor Mars. In the name of Mars I?ll punish you. Another voice shouted. "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH." Electricity came from no where, and Vampeel hit the ground, Lita showed up and said, "I?m Sailor Jupiter and your going to the compost heap." Ray turned to Lita, "Excellent timing Jupiter." The surprises didn?t end there for someone else shouted her attack also. "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST." A fog covered the Cardien?s view as the same voice said, "I?m Sailor Mercury, and your plans just got fogged up." When the fog cleared up, the Cardien saw the three attackers, the two cats it?s been chasing all this time, and a new figure, who stood next to them all. This new figure said, "I?m Sailor Venus, and if your looking for trouble. Here it comes right back at you." Everyone attacks at once. "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST." "MARS FIRE IGNITE." "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH." "VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH." Vampeel took all four attacks, and turned into a burned out playing card. After the battle was over, everyone went to the Cherry Hill Temple before asking questions, starting with Ray, "Luna, obviously, you didn?t wake up Serena, so I got one question." She waited to make sure everyone could hear, "Luna, why didn?t you wake up Serena?s memories?" Before the cat could answer, Sailor Mercury decided to give the bad news, "Serena has been missing for two months, Ray. Not even her parents know where she is." Amy, and Lita had this sad look on both their faces when Amy said this. Everyone but Lita and the cats were shocked. Mina spoke up, "What? What do you mean she disappeared? Didn?t she come back with us to Tokyo after we dusted Beryl?" Luna hung her head, "I?m afraid not Mina. You girls, and Darien, were the only ones that made it back." All the girls were now very sad. Their best friend, the one that started the Sailor Scouts, was missing. Luna spoke up, this time even more upset, "She was declared dead only a few weeks ago, by the police after they found a badly burnt body matching Serena?s description." Ray asked, "What about Darien? Are his memories back too?" Artemis answered that one, "No not yet. But he is fine. Luna told me she tried to give him back his memories, but failed. Darien has to get his memories back on his own." After Luna and Artemis made sure the scouts were updated on the current situation, the meeting was dismissed, and everyone went home. Ray went to the great fire room, and decided to meditate, "Oh great fire. Help me in my quest. Tell me what really happened to Serena." But got nothing. Ray retired to her room, and just after she left the fire room, the fire flared to life and showed an image of someone who looked similar to Serena, but the hair was up differently, and had an orange and blue work out uniform on. That?s chapter 1. Stay tuned for the next chapter - 'So you want to be in Pictures.' Send all comments to gbess@iname.com. Visit my web site at www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/2058. Again, I apologize for not being able to update this story regularly. In fact there is a chance this story will not be updated again till mid or late May, if not before the end of January. Enjoy the new Millennium!!!