Yay! Chapter 2 reading for viewing! Umm.. short author's notes here since there are more at the bottom.. HUGE thanks to Meara!! **HUGS** My editor who without, this would look like.... ahem, let's not go there, ne? Also like to say if you all want to read a REALLY good story, I mean, puts me to shame kinda story - go read Sailor Jes' "The Way" it touches everything from comedy, romance makes you sit on the edge of your seat (litterally) and I cried! It's sooooooo good! It's on mine and Sere's web page at http://www.geocites.com/Tokyo/9333 in the alternate reality fics ^_^ HUGE thanks to everyone who emailed me about chapter 1 - *HUGS* - you guys are SO sweet to me! Yeah... Yeah... disclaimers... I don't own much of nothing, but what I do own is mine! Mine I tell you!! But I don't mind shareing! ^_~ Unfortunatly... this doesn't include Sailor Moon ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mistakes - A Usagi and Mamoru Romance Chapter: 2 By: Bethany ^_^ Rated: umm.. PG? yeah, that sounds right Edited by: Meara *hugs* All comments, suggestions and Tiggers to go(pure, undaunted hint inserted here) Bethany212@aol.com All cows go to Serenity Raye ^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~*~ Keiko's P.O.V. ~*~ It never occurred to me even once that I'd be doing this. Sure, I'm the offspring of the goddess of Love and Beauty, but this is different. For pity's sake, this is the future King and Queen we are talking about! What if I mess up? I could alter the entire future! I may not be born! Sitting across from me, in the shadows of the time and space, is a small child that I will always recognize. She has been my best friend for all my nineteen years, and even though this is the past child I see before me, her fears are the same. "It will work out," I assure her. She smiles up at me and nods her head. "I know Keiko-chan, I know. But that doesn't stop me from worrying." She is so smart for her age; sad really - she never had a *normal* childhood. Always attending political meetings with other planets, sitting up straight and always being kind. Reminds me of Rose in that old American movie from the nineties-'Titanic.' Surprised I even know of such an old movie? Well, my mother -with every right- is a romantic and she still watches the thing. Millennium old movies do nothing for me, however. Suddenly Sailor Pluto appears before me. "It is time," she informs and I leave in a flash of daisy petals and hearts. @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- My entrance into the Jyuban mall on that sunny Friday afternoon, is one I'm sure the King or Queen will never forget; no matter how long they live. With a quick change in thoughts I appear in the middle of the mall in a flash of yellow fire with daisies blowing around it. I believe I seen Lady Mercury among the crowd, I'm sure by now she has her computer out and is typing like a madwoman with a new, unsuspecting subject. "Greetings ladies and gentlemen," I say, demanding everyone's attention. If there is one thing my mother taught me, it was to *always* be the center of attention. I see Usagi and grab her from behind. She makes a startled gasp and tries to wiggle free. She knew something would happen, but had no idea what or when. "Let her go," the deep voice of our future king demands, his fist clenched in anger. "Hush mortal, I will not listen to you." It feels unimaginably odd to talk to my King that way. Geez am I gonna get it when I go home. He growls, a deep rumbling heard by many around him. "Let her go." He repeats as if his saying so will make me change my mind. "No," I reply simply. I rise into the air with Usagi and turn towards the group of girls gathered around my feet. Among them is my mother, as beautiful as I have ever remembered her being. She looks happy; I have not seen her happy for months - since my father died. But I also note that she looks ready to kill someone right about now - namely, me. I pull a sharp knife out of my pocket and bring it to Usagi's neck. Instantly there is more than one loud intake of breath. "Now, unless you want to end her pretty little life, you'll let me go in peace." No one moves, the only sound being my own racing heart and Mamoru's soft, menacing growls. @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- ~*~ Pluto's P.O.V. ~*~ The time portal closes before me, right on que. The fog moves to the side, allowing my visitor through. His face is one of stone and pain. The cape he wears flows behind him, the winds of time causing it to lift and move even though he stands still. "Yes Endymion, what is it I can do for you?" I inquire, idly cleaning a dirt speck off my time staff. Silence. He doesn't know what to say. He knows, I'm sure, what I've done, but he can't come right out and yell at me. I know more about the time currents than he, and he will not demand I stop the events I've laid out. "Why?" he finally chokes out. I know this is painful, I know how much he hurts now. But there is nothing I can do. What's done is done. And I will not stop what is happening now - it is needed. "Gomen nasai my King, but do you have any idea - any at all - how much you are, and have hurt the Queen?" He doesn't want to face reality. With reality comes bitter truth - truth of just how much he has put Serenity through in both their lifetimes. When he has to face that, he faces failure. He has, in a way, failed Serenity. He failed to protect her, failed to love without reason or cause. I pity him. But not so much that I will comfort him now, not when this is his doings. "How can I help?" Does my ears hear right?! Is he actually going to help right the wrongs he has committed? Thank Selene and Kami! "Stop this," I answer shortly. "Stop the dreams, stop feeling sorry for yourself and think about her." I hear it, the message he sends to his past self. It is a part of time when he releases it and therefore I can hear every word. Every sound that will help the past Mamoru save his one and only. A small smile plays on my lips, for once, he's listening. @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- ~*~ Keiko's P.O.V. ~*~ I disappear out the door with the knife at Usagi's back. She is trembling with fear. "Please..." she sobs. Once we are out of hearing range, I pull her around to face me. "Your Highness, please don't be frightened." She gasps. "How am I not suppose to be? You just kidnapped me and have a knife to my back!" I laugh lightly before answering her. "Princess, allow me to introduce myself. I am Keiko, future daughter of one Minako and Kunzite." "Minako..." she says, her eyes lighting up. "You DO look like her!" My voice nothing but a whisper, I smile at her. "Thank you, to say I resemble my beautiful mother is an honor." "So what is happening? Why is this necessary?" Why is it? Why must Endymion have been so foolish to begin with? I agree wholeheartedly with Pluto's opinion of his actions?; they are stupid. Especially coming from such a normally smart and levelheaded man. But then I remember something. He is only levelheaded when dealing with something besides his soul mate. When it comes to her, he never could think straight. "I do only what I'm instructed, and I have been told to kidnap you. So let's go," I bring the knife back up to her throat. My newly assumed cold tone is confusing her. But I can't risk Mamoru hearing me talk to her with so much respect. And if she truly is scared, then it will be all for the better. "STOP!" Ahh, yes. Speaking of the devil... Mamoru comes closer to us and rolls his eyes. "Okay Keiko, you've played and had your fun. Let her go." "Excuse me Cape Boy?" Oh yeah, did I ever just piss him off big time. "Keiko, daughter of Love and Protection, move your ass away from her." Didn't I tell you he's mad? "No." He's shocked at my tone - lifeless, sad. If Pluto is right, and this mission will help my future mother, not even the King himself will stand in my way. "Move!" he growls. Suddenly another player joins our little fight. Usagi steps towards Mamoru. "What do you want?" Whoa there girl! What's up with you?! "Usako, please move away from her," he pleads. He actually thinks me capable of hurting my Queen! The nerve! "No," she replies softly. Hmm, ever felt like your caught in a rip tide and your going to sea, like it or not? "Usako, I love you. I'm so sorry about everything... these dreams..." The princess cuts him off with a wave of her hand. "Don't bother Mamoru-san." Umm... is it hot? Or is it me? "Usako, I love you! Please, give me another chance!" "No." What?!?!?! @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- ~*~ Pluto's P.O.V. ~*~ HUH?! "What is the meaning of this?" I ask myself, as well as my companion. Endymion stares in complete disbelief at the time portal in front of us. "What does she mean 'no'? Why?" he cries, as if her refusing him in the past is taking her away from him in the here and now. Everything went as it was suppose to... everything happened... but what is this?! That princess has got some explaining to do! Wasn't it her that just last night was crying her eyes out for him? Begging to know if he loved her? And now... now she has managed to surprise me?! No one ever surprises me! Ummm, take that back. Not until a certain Moon Princess and her Prince came along that is. I look over and find that I'm alone. Even Chibi-Usa has left the time gate now. Through the portal, I see Keiko in the same shape I am in. Keiko pulls out a piece of paper and glasses. "Umm, Usagi-chan - this is the part that you smile, cry and hug him for all your worth," she whispers, holding the paper like a script. "Usako...?" Mamoru asks, disbelief clouding his features, pain coursing through every part of him. "I said no," she answers him shortly. I'm going to ring her royal neck! @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- ~*~ Usagi's P.O.V. ~*~ I walk slowly over to where Mamo-chan is sitting, his head in his hands. It's a pitiful sight, my love sitting there like that. Like his world has just left him. Darkness, I can feel it taking over inside of him. "Why?" he chokes. My heart and mind are pulling me in different directions. My mind wants to throw myself in his arms and never let go again. But my heart reminds me of my pain, of my recent heartbreak; all because of him. "Think about it, Mamoru-san." He flinches. "Think about it for a moment... you have hurt me. Badly. I can't forget and forgive that easily." He looks up. I avoid his eyes. I can't allow him to see the tears in my own eyes, the hope that is still there. "Please Usako, please. Oh Kami, I love you so much." I'm starting to falter, I can feel it. I have to get out of here, get out of his presence. Another moment and I'll give in. Minako and Makoto show up out of nowhere. "Come on Usagi-chan, let's get out of here," I hear Minako say, pulling my elbow towards her. I nod and they lead me out of the park, Keiko on my heels. @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- ~*~ King Endymion's P.O.V. ~*~ Soft footfalls make noises on the red carpet under my feet as I descend to the room where my Queen sleeps. Her beauty never diminishes, no matter how long she stays in that hated crystal. "Usako..." I call. Nothing. As always, her eyes never move, she never comes back to me. At least she's here. At least I know that I have her, and that no matter what I may be going through in the past, she does love me. But it hurt so badly to see her walk away from my past self that way. So badly. I know I've hurt her. No one knows how badly it hurt *me* to hurt her. But I shouldn't be thinking of such things now. I shouldn't be so selfish. And I couldn't have been that way when I sent the dreams in the first place. Why had I done that? I know. Deep in my heart, I know the truth. No man should have to feel as I do at this moment. But, I deserve it after all I done to her. I can't live without her. This is not an under statement, it's no lie. I literally would DIE without her. And in order to live through this time, with her being locked in the crystal, I sent the dreams to my younger self. With the small amount of strength I gathered from that time away from her, I am able to live each day until this crystal breaks and my angel; my reason for life - is in my arms once more. You see, even then, back on that fateful day I broke up with her - I knew I couldn't live without her. That even though I had really only been officially dating her for about a week, I still needed her so very badly. So damned badly that it killed me when we were apart. My heart was nothing without her. My arms ached to reach around her, hold her close, kiss her hair, her cheeks, her lips; anything. Her tears, everyone burned into my heart and soul. So why repeat the past, you ask? Because without my past strength, I wouldn't live through this time. What good would it do for me to be happy in the past, when I knew without her in the future, I would die anyways? And that is why, dear readers, that I done what I done. Kami help me, but I love her too much to be apart from her. I love her so much that even now, her body reaches out to me. The crystal keeps her from my arms, but not from my heart. I know she'll come back. I know she will. "But what if she doesn't?" a voice from behind me asks, and I turn. Sailor Pluto, in all her glory, stands in the doorway, eyeing me strangely. "She will," I assure her. She's here now, so she has to come back. It amazes me that Pluto can hear my every thought, every thing that goes through my mind, can be read by the Senshi of time. Some nonsense about thoughts traveling through time, and she is one with time, that she can hear all. Bullshit is what I say. "Endymion, I do not approve of such language." Struck again. Oh well... "I love her. She loves me. She will return." She shakes her head solemnly, "Foolish thinking Endymion, foolish. Your sureness about every situation is what makes you a good king, but not a good husband." "And what does that mean?!" I ask. "Take it as you need to," and she disappears. Amazing how she can always do that. "I'm a good husband," I mumbled under my breath. "Of course you are... but she's right." What the hell?! "Usa...ko... Usako?!" My queen stands on wobbling legs and moves towards me. I take her in my arms and hug her so tight that I may break her fragile bones. Every inch of her that is near my lips is kissed over and over. Sweet... oh Usako... "I love you... Usako, I love you..." She smiles under me. "I know Love, I know... but did I know it in the past?" "You know about that?" She smiles her all-knowing smile. God how I love her... "Hai, Endy, you didn't really think that I didn't know what was going on, did you?" That's my beautiful angel, always knows what I'm doing. "But... why? Why did you leave me there that day? I can't remember." "Come," she beckons me to the door. @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- ~*~ Keiko's P.O.V. ~*~ I'm wondering where I lost control here. Let's see... I did the whole scare-Mamoru-into-thinking-he'll-lose-Usagi-and-tell-her- how-much-he-loves-her plan. And it worked; he said how much he loves her. But then... hmm, I'm lost at how Usagi could so straight faced say she doesn't forgive him. And now she's crying again? Oh brother. "Usagi, are you alright?" Rei asks in a soft, caring voice. She really is Usagi's best friend, even if they fight like cats and dogs. "Hai..." she sobs. Hmm, sounds all right to me. My mother is eyeing me with a strange glint in her eyes. I'm still trying to figure if she knows who I am. Of course, she has said nothing to me, or about me since we arrived at the temple. Ami watches the scene from afar, a weird look in her eyes. I wished I had Pluto's ability to hear thoughts at times like this. But haven't we all wished for things like that at least once in our lives? But for Pluto, I often think she wishes she *couldn't* hear thoughts. "And you?re right, Keiko-chan." I proved my point. Everyone looks up at the new voice. Sailor Pluto, staff at her side, steps towards us. "May I ask what happened Princess?" Before Usagi can answer, however, we have ole' faithful coming in. "And just who are you?!" Makoto demands. Yep... you?re right. She will never change. Always in control, Pluto turns to the Senshi of Jupiter. "I am Sailor Pluto, guardian of the time gate. And, yes, Sailor Jupiter - I know who you all are." Sometimes it *must* be fun to read minds though. "H..how?" she stutters. I do believe that is the first time I've seen Jupiter do that. Smiling slightly, and trying her damnedest to hide it, Pluto gives one of those I-know-more-than-you'll-ever-know looks. "I see, hear and know - almost - all." She'd have to say almost - I know for a fact that Usagi and Mamoru, in all life times, have managed to give her more than a few surprises. "Almost?" my mother questions. "No one knows *everything*," she replies. She's got that right. In fact, right now is a perfect example of how Setsuna doesn't know everything. She wouldn't be asking if she did. Usagi lifts her head up and stares at all of us. "I... can't. It's not right. Mamoru doesn't *want* to come back to me, Endymion is making him." If she knew how wrong she is. Kami, I've never seen the King break down like he did in that portal less than two hours ago. He loves her so much that he is a wreck without her. "Usagi-chan, you doubt his love?" Luna asks. Where'd she come from? Shaking her head no, then yes slightly - Usagi buries her head in her hands. "I don't know!" she cries. "He broke my heart! My spirit! How can I forget that?! That he was so easily persuaded to break-up with me? A dream, damn it! A dream! And he instantly leaves me?! How do I know he won't repeat the same actions again? I... I can't go through that again.... I can't." Her final words were a whisper as she broke down into uncontrollable sobs. Pluto's eyes darken. Boy is she pissed. I know she has been keeping a reasonable tone through out this whole situation. She has been very even tempered in every action she has taken. But now, well for Endymion's sake, I hope he's hiding in a really deep dungeon. A black portal appears at the wave of Pluto's time staff. And Chibi-Usa steps through. Her small red eyes survey the room before she throws herself next to Usagi on the bed and hugs her for all her small body is worth. "Don't cry Mommy, please don't." I cringe. Chibi-Usa knows she's not supposed to tell Usagi her future. But Pluto ignores the scene and steps through the portal - the only trace left of her presence being the cloud of smoke lingering in the air. "Please Mommy," Chibi-Usa cries, her own tears mixing with Usagi's. That's when everyone realizes what she said. Artemis (where'd he come from?!)moves his head to the left, an ear perked up. Luna is having a similar reaction. Usagi sits up slowly, her tears lessening as she looks down at the small child in her lap. "What did you call me?" Chibi-Usa gasps. Obviously she hadn't intended to call her that. But an upset child, seeing her mother cry, is not a particularly rational one. "Mommy," she answers quietly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Ta-Da! Let's hear it for Chapter 2!!!! Email!Email!Email!Email!! I need it!! Without it I shall.... ummm.. and then.. get really upset! Yeah! ^_^ You mean to tell me your still reading??!! I'm impressed! Either you all really like me (*blushes*) or your bored... Well, while your here - *waves* Hi Sere-ittsuichan!! And PLEASE go visit our web page! http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/9333 All comments, suggestions and Tiggers come to me! Bethany212@aol.com All cows to go Sere ^_^ luvs -n- hugz minna! <3 Bethany