Hi minna-chan!! Part two here! A couple of notes: Star Lights have NOT changed into their senshi formes yet...they will, just not yet ^_^ There is a VERY good reason I'm bringing Chibi-Usa back, so please, bare with me! And when you get confused (and you will) when it referrs to Sailor Venus killing Beryl...well I'm going by the manga info. which has Sailor Venus killing her with the stone sword they found on the moon. Usual disclaimers apply....yada, yada, yada...don't sue me! HUGE thanks to my editors!! *hugs* You guys are the best! Japanese Translations nani - what? shinji nai - I don't believe it ne - okay I think that's all I used.. ********************** From the Begining - Round Two Part Two ~ Beryl is back Rated: PG (language) Author: Bethany ^_^ Editors: Meara, Lunas Meow, Jesse, Aimee '....' - Indicates thought Author's email: Bethany212@aol.com ********************** "JUPITER OAK EVOLUTION!" Eternal Sailor Jupiter cursed at the Youma. The fight was NOT going well at all. For some reason they just couldn't kill this youma. And another reason this thing bothered Jupiter, as she slid out of the way of an energy blast, was how human the it looked. "SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!" Mercury called, sending her energy out. "Damn it, this is not working, now what?" Sailor Moon absently called out to anyone listening. "Move!" Pluto yelled, sending senshi running. "Dead Scream." "Son of a -" Tuxedo Kamen cursed as the energy suddenly came flying back toward Sailor Pluto. The bright yellow eyes stared at Sailor Moon. "Ahh, just who I was looking for. Here Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit," he called teasingly moving quickly to grab Sailor Moon's ankle. Before he had reached it however, Tuxedo Kamen grabbed her by the waist and jumped off to safety. Mercury typed on her computer in a frenzy, hoping for a weak spot. "If we can weaken it, Sailor Moon might have a chance," Mercury called out to the already weakened senshi. Venus nodded. "Surround, and prepare to attack." The strategy was interrupted by a loud piercing scream. "Sailor Moon?" almost all of the senshi called out in unison. About twenty feet from the fight Tuxedo Kamen was holding Sailor Moon, who was screaming in pain. "Where are you hurt?" he asked urgently looking her over. "I don't know, I hurt all over, please Mamo-chan, make it stop!" she cried brokenly. Tuxedo Kamen picked her up. "It's ok Usa, don't worry, I'm going to get you some help." "Wait!" Mars called. Tuxedo Kamen turned slightly. "We can't defeat this thing without her!" His face a mask of anger and worry, Tuxedo Kamen turned to face Mars. "Well you're going to have to, she is in a lot of pain and in no fighting condition." "But. . .but. . ." Mars stammered, now what were they going to do? She watched wretchedly as Tuxedo Kamen carried their leader, their princess, their only hope, away. "Mars, we could really use you right about now!" Saturn yelled. Mars was still standing, staring after Sailor Moon. "Please be ok," she whispered before going to help the others. ****** "It hurts so much. . ." Usagi cried out as Tuxedo Kamen pulled them in an alleyway to de-transform. He undid his own transformation and then picked Usagi back up. "Can you do it?" A tight pained expression came across her features and then she slid into unconsciousness. "Damn it Usako, not now, you have to wake up. I can't take you in there like this! Usako, wake up!" Nothing. "What's wrong?" Luna asked. She had seen him carrying Usagi and decided to follow to find out why Sailor Moon wasn't fighting. She knew it had to be bad for Mamoru to be taking her to the hospital. "She's hurt, but I don't know where. She says she hurts all over. And now she can't de-transform, what am I going to do? She needs a doctor now, but I can't carry Sailor Moon in there. Within minutes we would have every newspaper and magazine in Tokyo outside of her room." He felt like he was slowly going mad with helplessness. Luna nodded. "Well Mamoru-san, it's up to you, but if she's really bad off she needs to get in there now." Mamoru let out a deep breath and transformed into Tuxedo Kamen again. Picking Sailor Moon back up, they entered the hospital. As soon as they entered a group of people surrounded him. "Oh my God, that's Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen!" one girl shouted, making almost every head in the room look toward her, then start walking to the admittance counter. "Is she ok?" another girl asked. "What happened? Where's the other Sailor Senshi?" another one asked. They put Sailor Moon on a stretcher and started pushing her back to a room. Mamoru held her hand as long as he could before the nurses pushed her away. "I love you," he whispered in her hand then let go. He sat in the emergency room lobby, people everywhere were asking him questions, but he couldn't answer. His mind was on two things. One Usagi, and two hoping they don't take the crystal off her. He didn't know what it would do. "Tuxedo Kamen-sama?" A formal voice said, sounding different from everyone else in the room. He looked up to see a man in a doctor's jacket. "Yes? How is she?" The doctor scratched his head in a nervous way. "Sir, I understand she needs to keep that broach thing on, but we need to get it off her." Tux shook his head. "You can't, it would put her in a lot of danger." "Well sir," he said frustrated, "If you want us to help her, then we need to take that thing off." Tux stood up to glare at the man, putting all his worry and anger into the fire shooting from his eyes, "You WILL NOT take that broach from her chest! Do you understand?!" From all around the lobby, people were holding their breath. No one had seen Tuxedo Kamen yell at a human before, this was weird. But if anyone could understand why he was so upset, it was Luna. She purred and rubbed up against Mamoru's leg. "She don't have time for you to be silly over something like this, we need to help her, she could be dieing," the doctor said bluntly. "Dieing?" Tuxedo Kamen whispered. "Yes sir, from what we can get about her, she is struggling at this moment. I'm not sure what that youma did to her, but we're not sure how long she will be able to hold out in her current state." ***** "Fire Soul!" Sailor Mars screamed, pushing fire out of her finger tips. She happened to be standing behind the youma and he didn't see her until it was too late. He went down on one knee, but was still very much alive. "NOW!" Mercury screamed. From every angle attacks came flying at it. Everyone putting all they had into the attack, worry for their princess making them slightly stronger. "MARS FLAME SNIPER!" "MERCURY AQUA RHAPSODY!" "VENUS LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!" "JUPITER OAK EVOLUTION!" "Dead Scream." "WORLD SHAKING!" "DEEP SUBMERGE!" The Youma fought against it for a matter of minutes. "Die you piece of crap!" Jupiter yelled in frustration. Suddenly a diskette of energy came flying at it, giving the final edge they needed to turn it to dust. All the senshi fell back from using so much power. Venus looked up to see who their savior was. "Chibi-Usa?" she said in a disbelieving voice. All the senshi sat up to look for themselves. "Hi guys!" the much older Chibi-Usa, in a pink and white Sailor Moon uniform said, smiling happily at their bewildered faces. "What. . .how. . .when. . ?" Jupiter stuttered. Chibi-Usa giggled. "Let's see, that leaves out who, why, where. Doesn't it?" "But. . ." Mercury scanned the dust that the Youma had left behind. "How did you become so powerful?" Chibi-Usa became serious. "My mom gave me powers just like she had when she first became Sailor Moon. I am now Sailor Moon, just like Eternal Sailor Moon was once. By the way, where *is* Eternal Sailor Moon?" (AN: Okay, here's the low down on how I'm going to try and NOT confuse everyone, k? From here on in, Usagi will be referred to as Eternal Sailor Moon when she is transformed, and Chibi-Usa will be Sailor Moon.) At the mention of that, everyone got up and started toward Chibi-Usa. "Chibi-Usa-chan," Ami started, "something happened to her." All grew quiet. The tears silently running down the small girl's face. Suddenly she looked a lot like Usagi, only with pink hair instead of blonde. Chibi-Usa wiped her tears, trying her best not to break down, trying to act mature. "What. . .where is she?" her voice came in a small squeak. Everyone returned to their everyday form and Hotaru went up and hugged her friend. "Tuxedo Kamen took her to the hospital." Chibi-Usa again looked like she wanted to wail like a child, but fought the urge. "Is she ok?" Haruka came up and hugged Chibi-Usa, "Let's go see her, okay? I'm sure she's fine and having a cow about Mamoru over reacting and taking her to the doctor." 'I hope', she silently thought. ***** A woman walked silently down a long hallway. She had walked this path many times, but now she was older, wiser, and stronger. She would defeat those bothersome sailor senshi this time, and win Prince Endymion back. "Queen Beryl," a dark mist said. "You have done well, Sailor Moon is fighting for her life this very moment." Beryl bowed. "Thank you my queen." How many times has she bent down to this power of the Nega-verse? Too many to count. 'But not for long, she mused, it won't be long until I can rid of her and rule the universe by myself.' Not that she wasn't in debt to the great power of Metallia, she was. The forces of darkness had managed to bring her back to life after that air headed Senshi of Venus had stabbed her. But timing was everything or nothing. "Beryl, you must get that crystal." "Yes, my queen." ***** "Luna, what do I do?" Mamoru asked, hoping the usually idea filled cat had something. "I don't know" she replied, feeling as helpless as Tuxedo Kamen looked. The lobby doors opened and Minako came in. Mamoru seen her look at him in surprise and he rushed out the door before the rest of the senshi followed. They walked in a nearby ally, all looking at Tuxedo Kamen like he had gone nuts. "Why are you transformed?" Rei asked as soon as his attention was on them. Mamoru took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair nervously. "She fell unconscious before I got her to de-transform." "Nani? Sailor Moon is in there?!" Ami asked in a very shocked voice. Mamoru nodded. "I didn't know what else to do, I mean, she needed help and I didn't know how to de-transform her, I don't even think I can. But she fighting for her life, and the doctors want to take her broach off. I can't let them!" Mamoru looked down in dismay, only to be greeted by a young girl looking so much like Usagi he had to take a second look to make sure he wasn't seeing things. "Chibi-Usa?" he whispered. "Hi daddy," Chibi-Usa said sadly, hugging his waist. "Hey sweetheart, what are you doing here?" 'Was anything going to make sense today?' Mamoru wanted to say this, but knew that was not the best way to greet his daughter. Chibi-Usa sighed dejectedly and wiped away a few tears. "Mom wanted me to come back and learn how to use all my new powers, but when I got here I seen everyone fighting, and now. . .now. . ." she started crying uncontrollably. "It's okay, Usako will be fine." He said the words, but there was absolutely no confidence behind them. "Of course she'll be fine munchkin," Haruka assured her, "She's Sailor Moon, nothing can keep her down for long." Again she silently hoped that she wasn't lying to her. ***** Sailor Moon laid in a room with white walls. Smells of antiseptic filled her nose and she coughed - never liking that way too clean smell. She looked around trying to remember where she was, what had happened. The last thing she remembered was the Youma trying to grab her ankle and a sharp almost invisible pin coming out and hitting her leg before Tuxedo Kamen carried her off to safety. A man with a white jacket on came to the door, but didn't look in. He was talking to someone out side the door. Sailor Moon decided to pretend to still be asleep as she listened. "I'll get her for you, go on your break doctor." the man at the door said. "Ok, I'll see her this afternoon, remember not to take that broach thing off, I'd hate to have Tuxedo Kamen unleash his temper again like he did in the lobby." Sailor Moon smiled weakly at this. Her Mamo-chan, so protective of her. The door closed and foot steps drew nearer as the doctor came in the room. "Well, well Rabbit, seems that you still are out of it. I thought by now you would be awake. You'd better hurry up, that husband of yours is driving all people at this hospital crazy." Sailor Moon barely heard the last part, her mind preoccupied with what he said first. Why would he be calling her Rabbit? Something about the way this man spoke made her wonder if he was really a doctor. "I guess you just need another injection of this stuff the queen gave me. . .that should perk you up." Sailor Moon silently screamed, she hated needles! Her mind thought quickly trying to decide how to get out of this. ***** The girls thought it best if they seen Sailor Moon as senshi. Transformed, they went back in the lobby to wait for news. Tuxedo Kamen paced nervously back and forth in front of them. "Tux SIT!" Seiya ordered. Everyone was worried enough, they didn't need to watch him. All around, just as Tux had predicted, were people and reporters. It was nice in a way. People they didn't even know were bringing flowers and food for the group. It made Tuxedo Kamen think about what kind of impact their mission had on the people of Tokyo. About a hundred people surrounded them, waiting for news on the champion of justice. News crews and cameras were everywhere, new reporters talking to the rest of the city about Sailor Moon's injury. Suddenly someone tapped Tuxedo Mask on the shoulder, he looked up to see a woman in a business suit smiling at him. "Sir, can I have a moment with you?" It didn't take long for him to see that she was a reporter. "I have no comments," he replied simply and continued to pace. The woman seemed upset at his lack of interest. "Tuxedo Kamen, the people have a right to know things. And the most requested question is, well, isn't Sailor Moon a little young for you? I mean we all know you two are an item, do you think that maybe you should like ask her parents?" She obviously didn't notice how red Tux's face was getting the longer she talked. But the senshi did. Seiya and Yaten stood up, each grabbing one of Tux's arms. "Ignore her, she's only going to get you thrown out of here," Seiya said calmly. "How old is she? About sixteen or seventeen? You could still get in trouble about things like that." The woman kept on, hoping to get something out of him, even if it was just a scream. That really done it. Tuxedo Kamen tried pulling away from the men holding him, to the point that all eight senshi and three men were holding him back "Let's get something straight" Tux said through his teeth, "I love her and nothing else matters, but if you must know, she is eighteen and we are married, I think I have the right!" By the end of the sentence he was screaming. The woman seemed to thrive on his anger. "You're married? Well, let's see, I don't remember anyone saying anything about your marriage, where did you get married?" she asked in a very syrupy voice. "You leave my mom and dad alone!" Sailor Moon screamed, running toward the woman before being held back by Saturn. "Mom and dad. . ." the woman smiled, "Well, it seems there is more to your story cape boy." "DAMN YOU!!" Tuxedo Kamen yelled before Jupiter's hand came over his mouth. "Listen lady," Mars said in a very controlled tone, when she would much rather had burnt her to a crisp, "We are all under a lot of emotional strain, could you please leave? We are more worried about our friend than your questions, ne?" The woman smiled, remembering something she had heard on the senshi of Mars not so long ago. "Is it true you tried to take Tuxedo Kamen from Sailor Moon just a few years ago?" That was it, all hell broke lose in the once quiet hospital. Mars could no longer control her naturally hot temper. "Look, I don't think that is any of your damned business, but I can tell you that you had better LEAVE before I get ANGRY!" at this sentence, unwillingly fire started to dance at her fingertips. "Sailor Mars!" Mercury said, looking briefly at the fire in her hands. Mars looked down and then ran to the rest room to cool down, Venus and Mercury behind her. Jupiter, still holding one of Tuxedo Kamen's arms, glared at the girl. "You know we don't harm humans, but in my human form I could wipe that smirk off your face in an instant hotshot, you better watch your back and get the hell out of here." The woman, seeing that Jupiter was very determined and a lot bigger than herself, decided to leave. As she was walking away Tuxedo Kamen grabbed his head and screamed. Not a piercing scream, but a deep release of fear as he got out of Jupiter and all three Lights holds and flew down the halls toward Sailor Moon. Everyone took a second to rid themselves of the shock before following. ***** Sailor Moon screamed silently again as she could feel the needle drawing near her arm. 'Please, please, please I don't want a shot!' She thought over and over. The doctor was humming something to himself as he pulled the safety cap off the long needle to inject the fluid into the Moon Rabbit's arm. Behind him the door swung open. "Who are you? What the hell do you think your doing to her?" Tuxedo Kamen demanded. "Oh thank goodness," Sailor Moon mumbled, opening her eyes to see Tuxedo Kamen at the door, looking larger than life. Behind him was the sailor senshi and the Lights. The man turned and faced Tuxedo Kamen. "Sir, I am her doctor and I am giving her an injection to help her." he said calmly. Tux wasn't convinced, something was frightening Sailor Moon, he could feel it, and he was not going to buy this B.S. the so-called doctor was handing him. "You are not the doctor I spoke with earlier, who are you?" to emphasize the point he pulled out a rose, the sharp end pointed toward the doctor. The man starting backing up, unfortunately toward Sailor Moon, needle still in his hand. The room grew quiet with tension. "He's not human!" Ami declared, typing like lightening on her palmtop computer. At those words everyone entered the room, surrounding the man. He looked around at all the senshi in fighting stances and the three men looking ready to kill with their bare hands. Slowly he turned and grabbed Sailor Moon's arm, knowing she was too weak to fight. "Noo. . ." she whispered hoarsely. As the needle stuck in her arm and the fluid was pushed unwanted into her skin, Sailor Moon fainted. "That was from order of Queen Beryl, now she will get better." he said, knowing it was to be the last sentence he said before his death. A rose came flying at him, hitting his chest. All that remained was a pile of dust. Tuxedo Kamen went directly to the bedside, holding Sailor Moon against his chest. "Usako, please wake up. . ." he sobbed as he held her lifeless form tightly against him. Hoping that by some miracle he could take her place. Mercury silently scanned Sailor Moon also hoping for a miracle. Surprisingly that was just what she got. "Shinji nai!" she exclaimed happily. Everyone turned their shocked, but hopeful, eyes to Sailor Mercury as she again scanned Sailor Moon to be sure she was correct before telling the others. "According to my calculations she is completely cured and is simply resting now." It seemed as if the entire room breathed their relief at the same time. "Mamo-chan?. . ." a small voice squeaked out. Sailor Moon slowly opened her eyes to look up at his masked blue ones. Uranus pulled Neptune and Saturn toward the door, "We should leave" she said in a loud whisper to the rest of the senshi. Slowly they filed out the door to the hallway. "Mamo-chan? Why are you crying?" she asked as her vision cleared and she could see the tear stains on his face. He smiled and removed his mask and hat. "I thought you were going to leave me. . ." "Never." she stated and pulled his head down so their lips meet. ***** "What the hell did that mean? Beryl is dead! I killed her myself!" Venus exclaimed for the third time since they had came out into the hall to give Mamoru and Usagi and moment alone. "He could be bluffing," Mars said, trying to get the shrieking Venus to calm down, it wasn't working. Everyone else was silent in their own thoughts. "Hotaru-chan," Chibi-Usa began uncertainly. "Will Mom be okay?" "Of course," the sailor of Saturn replied easily. "How do you know?" Chibi-Usa continued on, worried. Jupiter had been listening with half an ear to the two young girls conversation. When she heard the uneasiness in Chibi-Usa's voice she decided that now was a good time for her to comfort the small princess. "Chibi-Usa-chan? Will you walk with me to the cafeteria?" Jupiter asked innocently enough. She looked up in surprise and then nodded, taking Sailor Jupiter's hand. They walked in silence for a few moments. Not only because Jupiter had no idea now that she had the child alone what to say, but also due to the fact that there was a reporter following them. Suddenly Jupiter turned. "Miss? Could you please leave us, I need to talk to her privately." The woman seemed mad at her request. "I'm not doing--" "I said please, don't make me say more," Jupiter said with an undertone that meant now, not later. The woman smiled and walked the other direction, mad that she couldn't find out exactly who the small girl was. They continued on. "Chibi-Usa-chan" Jupiter began in a mothering tone, "I know your worried about Usagi, but she will be fine. Mercury said so herself." "Yeah I know" Chibi-Usa said in a small voice. "But I can't help but wonder why she was hurt, and how come it was so easy for them to get to her. And even more, why did they heal her?" Jupiter thought those questions through for a minute. She had no completely correct answer, but knew that the child was waiting for something to make her feel better. The same questions haunted her and the rest of the senshi. This seemed so played out, a very well thought plan. "Gomen ne, Chibi-Usa-chan, I don't know why this happened or how, but the most important thing is that Sailor Moon is okay." "Uh huh," Chibi-Usa replied. "But you know what?" Jupiter asked, trying to lighten the subject somewhat. At Chibi-Usa's glance she continued, "I'm so proud of you, so is everyone else. Look at you! What, about twelve years old and already Sailor Moon, with powers and everything. And you are so mature for your age, nothing like Usagi was." Chibi-Usa smiled, remembering how whiny her mother was at fourteen. "But she was brave when it counted." she pointed out. "Yeah, she was, wasn't she?" Jupiter got lost in her own memories. ***** "Mamo-chan?" Usagi woke up to find the room empty. For some reason panic gripped her. It had been so easy for them to get to her, now she was scared for everyone's safety. "Mamo-chan?" she said louder. Outside the door she seen Sailor Venus and Sailor Uranus standing guard, but no sight of Mamoru. She tried to sit up, but her light weight suddenly felt like thousands of pounds. She simply didn't have the strength to sit up right. ***** Beryl looked up from her crystal ball to stare at the Youma that had just reported to her. "She's what?!" "Alive, your majesty, I do not know how, but some one has treated her." "One of MY soldiers?" The woman shifted uneasily. "Sector Nine's troop let out a soldier about half-hour ago, with orders from you to cure Sailor Moon." Beryl growled. "I done no such thing, who gave the orders?" "I do not know." Beryl pointed an accusing finger at her general. "I'm leaving it up to you to correct this little problem, NOW!" Lady turned on her heel and disappeared into thin air mumbling angrily to herself. She reappeared minutes later outside of the hospital room that held Sailor Moon. "Hmph, pretty soldier Sailor Moon, pretty soon will be dead." Pulling out a sword she changed her form to that of Tuxedo Kamen and opened the window. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seems like a good place to stop, ne? ^_^