Special Thanks: "Tuxedo" Will Wolfshohl for editing, good ideas and comments, and providing me with Sailor Moon stories to enjoy! Thanks Will! Disclaimer: Sailor Moon, Sailor Senshi and all terms, names etc associated with the series are copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. The Guardians and everything pertaining to the Star Kingdoms are MINE! Sailor Moon: Guardians of the Star Chapter Two: Rise of the Shining Star Syrypus turns to his companions, grinning tightly, "OK, who wants to go first?" Kaylen moved up. "Since I must cast the Shield, I suppose the first to cross should be me!" He cautiously stepped across the threshold and found himself, for the first time, in a park area, on an alien world. He glanced around, marked the placement of the bespelled Senshi, and set about casting the Shield. He pointed his hand at the far side of the park and moved it in an arc, over his head and down until he was pointing in the opposite direction. The glowing shield followed his pointing finger and soon encased the entire area. Kaylen turned to the Gate and nodded, but kept his main concentration on holding the shield. Kreigh and Ivee stepped through the gate next, followed by Greywolf and Lynn. Ivee studied the Senshi carefully. "This will be difficult!" she said, looking at Greywolf, "We may not have enough strength to teleport them all!" "Do what you can," he replied, "We'll carry the last ones through, if we have to!" Ivee nodded and moved to Pluto, who was the closest. She looked for Kreigh and found her moving to the next in line, Sailor Mars. Ivee turned back to the task at hand. She concentrated and her hands began to glow. She placed her glowing hands on each side of Pluto's head and imaged in her mind, the far wall of the Star Chamber, opposite the Gate. She felt a rush of power leaving her body and heard the pop of displaced air as Pluto was teleported away. There was another pop and Ivee looked up to see Mars disappear. Kreigh looked up to give Ivee a strained smile and continued to the next. Ivee thought worriedly as she moved to her next Senshi, Mercury. "LOOK!" Kaylen cried, pointing up. Everyone looked up to see a cloud of intense blackness forming outside Kaylen's shield. "THE SOUL EATER!" Greywolf exclaimed, "Damn it! We're out of time!" He glanced at Ivee. Both Kreigh and Ivee were leaning against each other. They were sweat streaked and trembling. There was one Senshi left to teleport -- Venus. Ivee shook her head wearily. "Sorry Greywolf!" she said sadly, "I'm tapped out. Neither of us has enough power left to teleport a fly!" "Then drag her through the Gate!" Greywolf urgently replied, "Hurry! It's almost upon us!" The two girls placed their arms around Venus and began to drag her towards the portal as fast as their wearied bodies could. The Soul Eater, now fully formed, snarled and cast its black lightning at Kaylen's shield. Kaylen grunted in pain as the bolts struck, but the shield held. They could see that it was, however, being forced lower with each impact. "Hurry!" Kaylen gasped, "I can't hold it much longer!" Lynn's star began to glow as she turned to her lifemate. "Beloved," she said, "I will form my Soul Gem out of the Aether. Cast your light bolts at it and I'll magnify their power!" "It's worth a try, dear," he replied dubiously. Lynn smiled at his doubt even as her Soul Gem was forming above her. "The Soul Eater is Darkness and the antithesis of Life!" she explained hurriedly, "Our powers united are Light and Life. We may not kill it, but we should wound it enough to drive it off! Hurry, Wolf!!" Greywolf glanced at the others. Kreigh and Ivee were almost to the Gate, while Kaylen was on his knees, arms over his head, struggling to hold the shield. With a snarl, Greywolf turned and cast twin bolts of light at the Soul Gem. The Gem glowed brightly when the bolts struck and it absorbed them, magnified them, and emitted a single blast of pure white light. The powerful blast passed through the shield without harming it and struck the Soul Eater. It shrieked in agony as the bolt hit and bits of the darkness that made up its substance began to bleed off and dissipate. Morgoth screamed curses at the Guardians as his creature unraveled. There was a blinding flash and the Soul Eater was gone. With a gasp, Kaylen dropped his shield. Greywolf and Lynn staggered to him, and supporting each other, they passed through the Gate as Ivee and Kreigh had already done. When they came through, Syrypus collapsed the Gate behind them. As soon as Greywolf and Lynn passed through the Gate, they collapsed to their knees. The whooshing sound behind them told them that Syrypus had closed the Gate. Greywolf looked around. Ivee and Kreigh were on their knees, being attended to by Nonja. Kaylen was on the floor, out cold, with Soloman in attendance. "Ivee?" Greywolf said inquiringly. She looked up. She had dark circles under her eyes and was trembling with weariness. Kreigh was pretty much in the same shape. "I'm intact, Greywolf", Ivee replied weakly, "But neither Kreigh nor myself can so much as light a candle until we get some sleep." He nodded and glanced at Soloman. "How is he?" he asked, nodding at Kaylen. "He's all right." Soloman answered without looking up from his patient, "Nothing a good night's sleep won't cure." Greywolf felt a rushing surge of relief. They did it! And they managed to spit in Morgoth's eye as well! "There's something you all should know," Lynn stated, "The Soul Eater is not dead. Morgoth teleported it away when he realized that our blast had seriously wounded it. Not only that, but since Morgoth was controlling the thing at the time, the bolt indirectly wounded him as well! It will take him time to recover from the defeat we dealt him." Greywolf looked pleased at that. "So, we needed time to decide what to do next and now we have it." Greywolf turned to look at the statues lining the wall. "Well," he said, "I know Ami, Minako, Makoto, and Rei. Lynn, do you know the names of the other five from your mindlink with Usagi?" Lynn got to her feet and walked to the first of the Outer Senshi. "Yes I do. This is Setsuna or Sailor Pluto. And this is Michiru or Sailor Neptune. Over here is Haruka or Sailor Uranus. And then here is Hotaru known as Sailor Saturn," she answered as she walked down the line, stopping at the last and smallest of the Senshi. "And this is Chibi-Usa or Sailor Chibi-Moon! The others are known as the Outer Senshi, Guardians of their Silver Millennium. But this one is Usagi's daughter who has come from their future to be trained as a Senshi!" "In that case, we better make sure they have a future!" Greywolf stated, looking grim. "Another thing," he continued, "Where is Prince Endymion? You know from the last visit that he is never far from the Princess when there's danger about, so where is he?" "Hmmmm," Lynn mused, looking thoughtful, "I got the impression from Usagi's mind that he was around. She didn't see him though, she only sensed him. But her senses are very sharp where he's concerned, so it's possible that he was able to make it through Morgoth's gate before it closed." Greywolf turned to Ashe and ordered, "Get the Border Legion Patrols out looking for him. Morgoth's Gates are a hellish way to travel, so he will be wearied and disoriented. Since Usagi came out near Caladon, it's likely Mamoru is nearby as well." Ashe nodded curtly and left to implement the search. Needing to sense the nature of the spell binding the Senshi, Lynn approached Sailor Mercury and gently placed a hand on her forehead. Closing her eyes, she concentrated. The star on her forehead began to glow brightly. She gasped and turned pale almost immediately. Greywolf leapt forward and grasped her shoulders. "What's wrong?" he asked urgently. She turned her face to him, a face that was pale with shock, her eyes filled with horror and revulsion. "The spell that turned them to stone also bound their souls to the statues," she answered with a violent shudder. "Only with the statues intact, can they be freed. Shattered, their souls would be bound to the rubble forever! Their minds are also trapped in the moment, which means, to them, each second lasts an eternity!" Kreigh snarled and pounded her fist on the floor as she cursed softly. Ivee, although pale, was already thinking of ways to free them. The other Guardians were also in various stages of anger over this. "We MUST free them!" Greywolf stated grimly. Lynn looked anguished, a tear sliding down her cheek. "I don't know if we can!" she cried with a sob, "It will take a great deal of power! We may need Usagi and the Ginzuishou and you KNOW we can't! In her present state, it would kill her to use it!" "Not so!" Ivee stated, rising determinedly to her feet, "Only if she uses the Ginzuishou's power is she endangered. If we were to let the Ginzuishou use our power and then cast that at your Soul Gem, it may free them WITHOUT using the Ginzuishou's own power!" Lynn wiped her tears and nodded. "You're right," she sighed wearily, "And I'm not thinking clearly or I would have thought of that." Ivee walked over and placed an arm around her shoulders. "That's because you, of all of us, know what Morgoth is capable of!" she said, smiling wryly, "The horror our friends are trapped in is more immediate to you because you suffered similarly during your captivity two years past." Lynn shuddered and agreed. "However, we can't free them now," she continued, "We're all exhausted and depleted. We also need Usagi and she won't wake until tomorrow." Anguish sparked in Lynn's eyes while Kreigh's were full of fury. The others were in varying states between, but all knew that Ivee was right. They had NO choice. They needed rest before beginning what was going to be a very difficult magic counter-spell. Greywolf sat alone at the great table in the Star Chamber. Outside, it was dark, night being well advanced. He had given orders that the candles in the room were to be kept lit all night since he didn't want to leave the Senshi in a darkened room. The other Guardians were all in their beds, recouping their strength for tomorrow's effort. All except Lynn that is. She was sitting with Usagi, watching over her while she slept restlessly, despite a snoot full of prime sleeping potion. Greywolf looked up as the doors opened. "He's in there waiting for you, My Lord Prince," he heard the guard at the door say. A weary looking man in armor entered the chamber, the doors closing behind him. "Mamoru!" Greywolf exclaimed, jumping up. He clasped Mamoru's forearms in the Shaelite border fashion and led him to a chair. Despite the fact that he sat down, Greywolf could see that Mamoru was very agitated. "My Usako is out there somewhere!" Mamoru whispered hoarsely, pointing out beyond the city walls, "She's out there and hurt! Can you help me find her?" Greywolf smiled. Mamoru obviously loved his Usako as much as he loved his Aisllynnia. It would be a pleasure to tell him that all was well. "Look behind you," Greywolf said in reply, still smiling. Mamoru turned to look and gasped at the sight of the statues along the wall. "How did..." he started, then paused. "Is Usako here?" he questioned, eyes full of hope. Greywolf nodded and smiled again. "Come with me." He got up and walked to the door with Mamoru right behind. Within moments, they had come to a guarded door in the guest area of the Palace. Greywolf opened the door and entered, Mamoru following. Lynn rose from the chair she had been sitting in. "Mamoru!" she cried happily, "Oh I'm so glad they found you before she woke up!" Remembering his manners, he moved forward and gave Lynn an affectionate hug and kiss, but they could see that his mind was on Usagi. "How is she?" he asked without taking his eyes from the pale girl lying in the bed. Greywolf looked grave. "Her injuries are healed," he replied grimly, "But she has an injury to her soul that will require specialized healing!" Mamoru froze on hearing this. "Rei was right," he whispered, pale faced. Lynn hastened to reassure him. "Yes she was, but Haeth will arrive tomorrow to heal her and until she does, the Ginzuishou is keeping her alive." Mamoru felt relief overwhelm him. "I'm going to sleep in that chair tonight," he told them, "I want to be there when she wakes up." Greywolf and his lifemate smiled in understanding and left the room, closing the door behind them. Mamoru slowly approached the bed and fell to one knee beside it. He leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips. She sighed in her sleep and smiled. "I'm here now Usako," he whispered lovingly, "And I'll look after you!" He moved the chair next to the bed and sat while holding her hand. Every once in awhile, he raised her hand to his lips to kiss it, as if to remind himself that he had found her and that she was safe. Lynn and Greywolf were walking down the hall. Instead to turning towards their quarters, Greywolf was surprised when she grabbed his hand and led him back towards the Star Chamber. "Freeing the Senshi will take ALL the power at our command as well as Usagi's help with the Ginzuishou," she explained, smiling at his surprise. "However, I have an idea that may work and I need to try it. We will free one of them, we two should have enough power for that. If it works, we have our counter-spell!" As they entered the chamber, Greywolf turned to her. "Which one do we free?" he asked, "It should be someone who can help us free the others." She smiled. "I already know who we'll free. Sailor Mercury, of course!" He returned her smile and nodded. "Of course! With her intelligence and her VR visor and computer to analyze things, she WOULD be of great help." Lynn concentrated and her star began to glow brightly. Raising her hands, she formed a globe of bright light and with a gesture, she sent it moving towards Sailor Mercury. It moved until it was floating about a foot over her head and then came to a stop. Lynn closed her eyes and clenched her fists as the globe of light solidified into a large clear crystal about the size of a basketball. By this time, her star was glowing so brightly that it was blinding. During this time, Greywolf had been gathering all his power for one massive blast. When Lynn called, "NOW!" he was ready. He raised hands, which were glowing with power, and cast twin bolts of light at the Soul Gem. As they struck, Lynn struggled to transmute the light blasts into the form needed to restore Mercury. She began to tremble from the strain when the Soul Gem pulsated. Bright power exploded from the Gem and enveloped Sailor Mercury. Slowly, very slowly, the gray tones began to shift to flesh tones and the bright colors of her Sailor fuku began to emerge. When the transformation was complete, the Soul Gem vanished. When it did, Mercury and the two Guardians who freed her fell to their knees. It was a moment before Lynn could get the strength to look up at Ami. Ami was on her knees with her arms wrapped tightly around her midriff as she tried to contain her terrified sobbing. Lynn remembered full well what it was like to be caught in one of Morgoth's spells. She managed to stagger to Ami and carefully sat next to her. She pulled the sobbing Mercury into her arms and held her tightly as she cried. "Shhhh. It's alright!" she crooned soothingly, "You're free now and tomorrow we'll free everyone. Shhhh." Greywolf crawled over and ran his hand comfortingly over her blue locks and stopped at her shoulder, gripping it tightly. Ami continued to sob against Lynn's shoulder. Greywolf began to look concerned as Ami's wild sobbing showed no sign of abating. "Will she be all right?" he asked worriedly, "I've never seen her cry like that before! Not even during the last fight against the Dark One!" Aisllynnia smiled wryly. "They may be warriors and they may have defeated their enemies, the Dark Kingdom, by now. But after all is said and done, they're still children!" she explained, "Getting caught in one of Morgoth's spells is one of the most terrifying things you can imagine. Remember how long I cried after you freed me, two years ago? She'll be alright after she's cried herself out." Greywolf nodded as he remembered. Aisllynnia was in pretty much the same shape as Ami was now. Greywolf sat down next to them to wait, while Lynn continued to soothe Ami as she wept. Slowly, the wild sobs began to diminish until only her shuddering breath showed she had cried at all. She continued to hold Lynn tightly, as if afraid to let go, like a child afraid of the dark. Gradually, her hold loosened and her breath became more even. he thought with relief. To see the intelligent normally unflappable Ami in such a distressed state had worried him deeply. Ami slowly pulled away from Lynn. She was looking down, not meeting Lynn's concerned gaze and her cheeks bore a hectic flush. Greywolf thought in surprised amusement, Lynn took Ami's chin and raised it, looking into her tear drenched eyes. "There is no need for embarrassment, child!" she said with a smile, "You were there when the Guardians freed ME two years back! Remember my reaction? It was no different from yours." Ami nodded and gave the two Guardians a weak smile. "USAGI!!" Ami gasped, remembering, "What happened to Usagi?!" Lynn placed a finger over her lips to still her frantic questions. "Usagi and Mamoru are in a guest chamber in the area of the Palace reserved for visiting dignitaries," she explained, "Her wounds are healed, all except one that only Haeth can heal and she'll arrive tomorrow." "The wound Rei saw her getting!" Ami whispered, horrified, "But, Rei sensed that the wound was fatal!" Lynn nodded. "It is, but the Ginzuishou has enough power to keep her alive for several days and Haeth will arrive tomorrow, so she is in no immediate danger. If you can avoid it, don't tell the other Senshi after we free them. I don't know about Soul Healing, but I do know that friends are usually very helpful. Haeth will need all of you, most likely." Ami nodded in agreement. "Can I sleep here with my friends?" she asked hesitatingly, "I don't want to leave them." Lynn nodded as Greywolf ordered the Guards to bring a cot and blankets. When they arrived, Lynn made it up and held the covers while Greywolf picked Ami up and gently laid her on the cot. She fell asleep even before Lynn finished covering her up. Lynn smiled at her and leaning down, kissed her forehead. "Good night, little one," she whispered, "Tomorrow we will need you!" Hand in hand, they exited the chamber to seek their own bed, while the guards closed the doors behind them. End of Chapter Two Next: Chapter Three: Awakening of the Senshi Freeing the Senshi, Usagi's collapse, Jupiter's protectiveness! Be there!