Eric den Biesen Check out the lovely fan art from Guardians, on my homepage at: No Guardians yet, but they're coming! Special Thanks: "Tuxedo" Will Wolfshohl for editing, good ideas and comments, and providing me with Sailor Moon stories to enjoy! Thanks Will! Disclaimer: Sailor Moon, Sailor Senshi and all terms, names etc associated with the series are copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. The Guardians and everything pertaining to the Star Kingdoms are MINE! Sailor Moon: Guardians of the Star Chapter 13 Moon times Two: Crescent Power To the watcher, the city of Tokyo was bustling with activity in the bright daylight. As she watched, however, its activity was far from her mind. she thought to herself in despair, her mind, her heart, her very SOUL in turmoil. There she stood, on the top floor of Starlight Tower, on watch for any sign of the Sailor Senshi and their Guardian allies. For centuries, she had fooled her people and their allies SO completely, that she was known as the most vicious of her kind. Now they deemed her old enough to be unleashed against their enemies. The only thing was, she was glad to kill Dark Elves, Dark Kindred, Shadow Demons, or Killanki. But she shuddered at the thought of killing a Dragonkin. she moaned inwardly, She thought of the Light Elves and the Dragonkin with reverence and longing. Filled with anguish as two natures warred within her, she stood and watched for the arrival of their `enemies'. Sailor Moon stood and stared at their destination. Her mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. Haeth watched her Kin Sister in concern. For some reason, the sight of this place had struck her Kin Sister like a body blow. She turned to Tuxedo Kamen and stared again. He was as pale as Sailor Moon. She exchanged concerned glances with Tari. "Remember what I told you of our battles against the Dark Kingdom?" Sailor Moon whispered, "Of the fight in which Tuxedo Kamen was badly wounded saving me? Where he was captured and turned against me?" Haeth nodded. "Well, this is...." "Starlight Tower!" Haeth finished for her as the reason for their reaction dawned on her. Haeth placed a sympathetic arm around her shaken Kin Sister while Sailor Chibi-Moon held her right hand tightly. Tuxedo Kamen shook off his shock and took his princess' left hand and raised it to his lips. "What happened THEN will not happen now, my Princess," he whispered, "TRUST me." She gave a shaky nod and even managed a small smile, and his heart soared to see it. "It won't happen again, Sister," Haeth soothed while tightening her arm around Sailor Moon's shoulders, "From what you've told me, the Dark Kingdom was skilled in subversion. The Empire, on the other hand, is NOT. They have plenty of flunkies to use, so they've just destroyed those who opposed them." Sailor Moon's face firmed and she gave herself a shake. "You're right," she said softly, "Time to stop dwelling on the past. We have our families to rescue. Oh, I hope the others are successful!" Tari turned from where she had been watching the Tower intently. "Concern yourselves with OUR success first, my friends," she suggested gravely, "I sense the presence of my kin. We'll face Kashalkanite troops here, and my people are deadlier than a hundred Shadow Demons or Killanki! This Tower is shielded by my people. Once we pass through the shield, they will know of our presence. Be ready to FIGHT!" "Are you alright, Mama?" Chibi-Moon whispered, squeezing Sailor Moon's hand. There were times when she didn't like to admit that this girl was her mother, and then there were times like this, when she admitted that she loved her mother, even in this much younger form. It sure was fun to tease her though! Sailor Moon looked down in surprise. At the concerned look in her future daughter's eyes, her expression softened. "I'm fine, my little one," she whispered back and winked. This little spore was a pain sometimes, but she was always there when REALLY needed. Sailor Moon admitted to herself that she was actually proud of her future child. She looked up and turned her gaze on Tari. "I guess there's no reason to dally, is there? Shall we go?" As they passed the shield, they each felt a tingling sensation go through them. "Our presence is now known." Tari cautioned, "Let us proceed carefully!" They cautiously opened the doors and entered the building. "Noir!" a harsh voice snapped from behind her. The startled Dark Kindred whirled with a vicious snarl and regarded the one who had surprised her. "General Lieriana," Noir said with cloying sweetness, "It is NOT wise to startle me so, unless you grow tired of this life!" The elf's face darkened with fury. "You forget yourself, Dark Kindred!" she snarled, "I am your commander and I'll thank you to treat me with the respect due my rank!" "So? Punish me for my insubordination," Noir cooed sweetly. Lieriana took a step back at the sheer `kill hunger' in Noir's burning red eyes. Her own eyes narrowed with impotent hatred, but she knew better than to push THIS particular Dark Kindred too far. she thought furiously. "The Sailor Senshi have passed the Barrier," she said, thrusting away her anger, "Ready that killer instinct of yours. Soon, you'll be able to give it free rein." Noir looked back expressionlessly at her commander. "You are certain?" she whispered. Lieriana looked at her suspiciously. "What's wrong with you?" she demanded. Noir moved like a striking cobra and stopped with her snout only inches from the Dark elf's face. "I asked if you were certain!" Noir said softly, trembling with what Lieriana thought was an eagerness to kill. She swallowed nervously. Those jaws were uncomfortably close! "I am certain," she answered, hiding her nervousness, "Soon, even you should get your fill of blood!" Sailor Moon regarded the elevator with deep suspicion. "There is no WAY I'm getting in that thing THIS time!" she exclaimed with a firm shake of her head, "No WAY!" Haeth smiled at her Sister's vehemence, but Mamoru and Tari agreed. "A lift of this nature is an ideal trap," Tari commented, "You can be sure that my kin have thought of this. It is best for us to use the stairs." After a short search, they located the stairs. Then, without the slightest sound, the enemy struck. A bolt of dark power caught Sailor Moon in the side and hurled her into the wall. Sailor Chibi-Moon rushed over to her as she tried to rise. Tuxedo Kamen shifted to Prince Endymion and drew his sword just barely in time to parry the sword strike that would have killed him. Haeth shifted to Kin form and faced the snarling Dark Kindred in front of her. She fought her hatred down and began to stalk the Dark One coldly. Tari raised a shield to deflect the dark bolt cast at her and it shattered. Her return strike was similarly blocked and she settled down for a long duel. Sailor Moon lay on the ground protecting Sailor Chibi-Moon with her own body as the Dark Elf unleashed forked black lightning again. She threw back her head and choked down a scream, only a whimper escaping at the terrible agony when the bolts struck. "Mama! Let me help!" Chibi-Moon whispered urgently. Sailor Moon shook her head slightly and hissed in pain as another bolt struck home. "No, Child," she commanded softly but firmly, tears flowing from her eyes at the pain, "The crystal is protecting me from injury but not from the pain! Help me hold on a little longer! Then he's dusted, I promise!" Endymion saw his beloved Princess in dire straits, bending before a storm of dark lightning, trying desperately to protect their daughter. He redoubled his attacks, trying frantically to get by his opponent in order to help Sailor Moon. His sword struck...and bounced harmlessly off his opponent's armor. The Dark Elf grinned viciously at his shock and attacked. Endymion blocked one sword, then the other, having no time for a return strike. It was all he could do to keep his enemy's twin swords from striking home. A rose appeared in his free hand, but he didn't throw it. he thought worriedly. His eye was caught by a flash and he stared as the red rose in his hand transformed to crystal. So shocked was he by the change, that the Dark Elf almost finished him. He saw the double strike coming at the last moment and dodged frantically. The swords whistled by him and he lashed out with a foot. A thud, a cry of pain and rage as Endymion's feet connected with his opponent's wrist and one sword went flying out of reach. His hand flashed out as he finished the move, the crystal rose striking the Dark Elf in the chest. He stiffened, his other sword falling from nerveless fingers as the power of the rose blasted through his being. He exploded into dust without a sound. Haeth dodged a tail strike. she thought grimly. Her head thrust forward and she seized the Dark One's tail in her jaws. Before the startled Kindred could react, Haeth, throwing her whole body into the move, thrust her head to one side. Still gripping the Dark's tail in her jaws, this sent Dark flying into the wall with a dull crunch of breaking bone. Haeth thought with satisfaction at her agonized cry. One wing hung twisted and limp, obviously broken. Dark's red eyes glared furiously at her adversary as Haeth moved closer. Haeth opened her mouth and bright lightning spewed forth. Dark shrieked as it raked over her. Still crying out, she disintegrated into ashes. "Give it up, traitor!" the Dark Elf snarled as his fire strike bounced off Tari's shield, "I am a master of the seventh rank! You don't stand a chance!" Tari cast a disdainful look at her opponent and smiled. This smile WAS a threat, her glistening fangs bared. "A master of the seventh rank! Oh my! I'm just so sorry, sir!" she mocked him. He snarled in rage. Tari gestured with her hand and a dark glow appeared above her. The Dark Elf stared in shock as the glow began to solidify. "They never told you everything about me, did they?" Tari commented conversationally as her dark Soul Gem materialized above her, "I am also known as Antari Blackstone!" She grinned at the look of open terror in her opponent's eyes. "Bye bye now!" A beam of pure lightless energy blasted from the dark Soul Gem and struck her hapless foe, who had just enough time to scream before the power of Black Aether eradicated him. Not even ashes remained. Sailor Chibi-Moon almost sobbed as another bolt struck Sailor Moon. "Mama, PLEASE!" she begged, her eyes filling with tears. For some reason, Sailor Moon was not shielding herself completely. Just enough to prevent injury, but not enough to stop the pain. She couldn't stand it anymore. Seeing Sailor Moon hurting so badly was more than she could bear. Sailor Moon looked her in the eye and Chibi-Moon gasped at the determination she saw in her eyes. "I'm ready," she said softly. Moving her hands between their bodies to shield them from the Dark Elf's sight, she concentrated and her hands glowed with power. "Moon Crescent Scythes," she whispered and the glowing blades appeared obediently in her hands. Sailor Chibi-Moon's eyes widened incredulously at what happened next. Sailor Moon pressed the two blades together. "Unite," she said softly and the two blades became one that glowed even brighter. She sensed the Dark Elf standing just above them. she thought. She gripped the crescent blade in her hand and slowly got to her knees, keeping her back to her foe. "Are you ready to give up?" his voice came coldly from behind her. Sailor Moon smiled painfully at Chibi-Moon and mouthed something at her silently. "I love you." Chibi-Moon felt the tears running down her cheeks as her mother readied herself. Sailor Moon spun around rapidly, the hand bearing the blade thrust out. "SLASH!" she screamed and buried the blade deep in her enemy's stomach. Being energy, the weapon left no wound, but the effect upon her opponent was dramatic. He shrieked in pain and fury as the power of the Moon Scythe consumed him. A flash of bright light and all that remained was a pile of ashes. She sagged slowly back to the floor, panting and trembling violently. Someone crawled onto her lap and hugged her tightly around the waist. she thought as she tried to still her shudders. Strong arms wrapped around her from her left and hugged her tightly. She smiled and leaned wearily against him. At the feel of something pressing against her right side, she looked up, startled. Haeth, still in her Kin form, had her head pressed carefully against her Sister's side. "Haeth! What ever is the matter?" she asked, her voice still trembling with weakness. "I failed you," Haeth whispered. Sailor Moon exchanged a concerned glance with Prince Endymion, before turning back to her devastated Kin Sister. She reached down and placed a hand under Haeth's snout and raised it. Looking into her Sister's wide blue eyes, she spoke firmly. "You most certainly did NOT fail me! You defeated the Dark Kindred. Had I not gained enough power to attack MY opponent, you'd have got him as well! You have never, did not, and will NEVER fail me." She smiled and leaning forward, placed a kiss on her Kin Sister's snout. Haeth touched Sailor Moon's cheek lightly with her tongue, a Kin kiss, and turned away to join Tari in keeping watch while Sailor Moon got her strength back. Noir looked up at Lieriana's approach. "Prepare yourself, Noir," she ordered, keeping a cautious eye on the vicious dragon, "My warriors were defeated below! The Senshi are on their way up here!" Noir snorted in contempt. "Not too surprising," she returned disdainfully, "Your people always WERE too sure of themselves. More surprising to me, was their defeat of Dark!" Lieriana bit back an obvious retort and sighed, "Just make sure they don't beat YOU! Now I must check our `guests'." She turned and walked away feeling Noir's burning gaze follow her. "Join the others," Lieriana ordered the two guards at the door, "The Senshi are on their way." After they had left, she opened the door and entered the room. Kenji was seated on a chair, Ikuko in his lap, as he soothed her. When she walked in, both he and his young son glared at her. "You may be interested to know that the Senshi are on their way," she said as she enjoyed their fear, "My forces are ready for them. Thank you for being the bait in my trap!" She grinned viciously. Shingo clenched his fists. "The Sailor Senshi will stomp your butt!" he retorted. She regarded him thoughtfully. "You are a brave child, young Shingo," she remarked, "It's easy to see how the strongest of the Senshi could have come from your family." She laughed at his wide eyed stare and left the room, closing the door behind her. "Dad?" Shingo turned to Kenji and had the situation been less dire, he would have laughed at the utter shock on his son's face. "Sit down, Shingo," he said indicating the other chair, "It's a long story." When Sailor Moon and the others finally reached the top of the stairs, panting from the exertion, Tari halted them. "You must battle our enemies on your own from here on." Sailor Moon looked at her in confusion. "Why? Where are you going?" Tari smiled in reassurance. "I'm going to search for whoever's family is captive here. I'll be around, but you won't see me!" She concentrated. Her black star glowed slightly and she faded from sight. "Tari?" Sailor Moon called uncertainly. "I'm still here," Tari's voice came from mid air, "Open the door and get ready for a fight. Don't worry about the captives. I'll rescue them if they can be!" They opened the door and burst through, Haeth changing back to her Kin form as they went. Haeth found herself facing another Dark Kindred, while Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi-Moon, and Prince Endymion faced off against four Dark Elves. Behind them, stood a smiling Dark Elf female in black chainmail. "Greetings, my enemies!" she called out mockingly, "My `guests' have been anxiously awaiting your arrival! Especially you, Sailor Moon!" She turned to her forces as Sailor Moon stiffened in surprise. "DESTROY THEM!" Lieriana commanded, and the Dark Elves attacked. Prince Endymion's crystal rose destroyed one, while Sailor Moon's crescent scythes got another. Dark energy blasts from the remaining two, struck Sailor Moon and hurled her against the wall. She collapsed, unmoving, as Endymion and Chibi-Moon stared in horror. Haeth readied herself for the Dark Kindred's attack, but to her surprise, Noir didn't move. Haeth looked into Noir's red eyes and received the shock of her young life. The burning red eyes of Dark Kindred were usually filled with fury, hatred, `kill hunger', and dozens of other negative emotions. Noir's were filled with anguish, fear and a desperate plea. Haeth hurriedly looked at Noir's aura and received a second shock. she thought incredulously, Spiritual distress usually showed up in the aura of a living creature, the most severe of injuries turning the aura a sickening green. Most good people had blue auras, however, evil auras were always red, ALWAYS. Noir shook inside, sick at heart. She felt elation and a relief SO strong, she felt weak with it, when the hatred in the young Dragonkin's eyes changed to surprise, and then shock. Noir thought exultantly, Now it was Noir who received the shock, when her young opponent extended her snout in the greeting gesture between Kin. She had NOT expected this! She extended her snout in return, touched by Haeth's trust. Lieriana watched the touching scene before her with rage. She did not understand what was happening, only the Noir was disobeying her orders. "Noir! I told you to ATTACK!!" she shrieked in a fury, "Now, ATTACK!!" Forked lightning burst from her hands, playing across the young Dark Kindred's back and wings as Noir screamed in pain. Noir turned to regard Lieriana with burning eyes. There was no mistaking who the `kill hunger' was for, now. "You want me to attack?" she began softly. Her glowing eyes burned with fury. "FINE! THEN I'LL ATTACK!!" she finished with a shriek, and black lightning spewed from her mouth at her hated enemy. Lieriana was so shocked by Noir's attack, that she barely managed to get her shields up in time. Noir's lightning struck her shields and she paled at the power of the attack. When the Dragonkin's white lightning joined the Dark Kindred's black, she knew she was in trouble. Sailor Chibi-Moon stared at where her mother lay unmoving. Prince Endymion battled one of the other Dark Elves furiously. She turned her angry gaze at the remaining Dark Elf. Knowledge flooded her mind. "PINK!" She crossed her arms in from of her in a deft mimicry of her mother. "SUGAR!" Her hands glowed with bright pink energy. "BOOMERANG!" Foot and a half long glowing pink boomerangs materialized in her hands. "STRIKE!!" She flicked her hands out in an almost exact duplicate of her mother's attack. The twin boomerangs sped towards her opponent, who raised his shields against the unexpected attack. The boomerangs blasted through the shield and struck the Dark Elf. When they struck, they exploded into clouds of pink moondust. He looked incredulously at the apparently harmless dust and turned a vicious grin on the apprehensive Chibi-Moon. Suddenly his face contorted, and he sneezed. Then, he sneezed again, and yet again. "You little.... rodent! I'll....get you....for that!" he gasped, convulsed in a sneezing fit. Sailor Chibi-Moon felt a hand rest on her shoulder and looked up to see Sailor Moon standing beside her, looking down at her with pride. "Well done!" she said with a tired smile, "I'll finish him off." Chibi-Moon nodded, relieved that her mother was alright. Sailor Moon walked up to the convulsively sneezing Dark Elf and considered. She reached into her subspace pocket for her scepter. Just about to start her attack move, a thought occurred to her and she grinned. The Dark Elf looked up at Sailor Moon, just as her scepter connected with his head. A dull `THUD', his eyes went blank and he sank down to the ground. After checking her scepter for damage, she turned to Chibi-Moon and smiled. "That was MUCH more satisfying than my normal attack!" she declared and her daughter laughed as Endymion joined them, having finished off his opponent. Lieriana thought furiously as she saw the last of her soldiers fall, Still holding her shield against the repeated strikes of Kin and Kindred, she ducked into a hallway and raced for the captives. "SHE'S HEADING FOR THE HOSTAGES!" Noir cried, "SAILOR MOON! THEY'RE YOUR FAMILY! HURRY!!" Sailor Moon took one incredulous look at the Dark Kindred and rushed after Lieriana, Chibi-Moon and Endymion at her heels. Noir sagged wearily. she thought, frightened at the unknown gaping before her, Haeth stayed at the Dark Kindred's side, her Soul Healer instincts knowing exactly what was going through Noir's mind at the moment. She knew Tari was likely with Usagi's family, and that between them, they could handle the Dark Elf general. She was needed HERE. Kenji looked up as a panting Lieriana burst into the room. At the look on her face, Shingo crowed. "Hah! I told you they'd kick your butt!" Lieriana snarled and Shingo shrank back against his father. "So you did!" she raged, "And I intend to make sure their `victory' is empty! After I finish with you, Sailor Moon will not be in ANY shape to fight!" "First, you must get through ME, Sister! And you know I was always the stronger!" At that hated voice, Lieriana turned to see Tari appear out of thin air, to one side. She moved and placed herself between the Tsukinos and Lieriana. "Antari!" Lieriana breathed the name like a curse. Tari nodded as her Soul Gem formed above her. "You KNOW you cannot beat me," she stated calmly, "Should you try to harm Sailor Moon's family, I will destroy you." Lieriana gritted her teeth in rage, tempted to try for the Tsukinos anyway, despite her lack of success against her accursed sister in the past. "And if SHE doesn't get you," came an angry voice from behind her, "I most certainly WILL!" Lieriana whirled around to see Sailor Moon standing in the doorway, Prince Endymion and Sailor Chibi-Moon right behind her. In her hands were a deadly looking pair of glowing crescent blades, and she looked like she BADLY wanted to use them. "Well, it looks like you've won this round!" Lieriana said softly as she turned back to Tari, "But the WAR, is still up for grabs!" She flickered and vanished. Disappointed, Sailor Moon allowed her crescent scythes to fade away. At sight of her folks standing behind Tari, she gave a low cry and rushed, weeping, into their arms. Tari smiled at the emotional family. Even young Shingo was hugging his sister. She turned to leave, intent on giving them some privacy. "Antari?" called a soft voice filled with tears. She turned to meet Ikuko's eyes. "Thank you!" Ikuko mouthed at her over her daughter's head. Tari smiled her acknowledgment and left the room, closing the door behind her. When the emotions had toned down a bit, Sailor Moon was preparing to lead her family from the room to join the others. "Man! I can't believe MY sister is Sailor Moon!" Shingo said excitedly, "Or that her friends are the Sailor Senshi!" Sailor Moon turned a stern gaze on her excited sibling. "You KNOW that this must remain a secret, I trust?" Shingo looked indignant at the reminder. "Of course I do, Sis! I'M not the airhead of this family!" Sailor Moon was about to reply in kind when she suddenly laughed. Her parents joined in the laughter, all three relieved that Shingo was obviously still the same little pest he always was, despite knowing his sister's identity. The door creaked open and Haeth poked her head into the room. "Kin Sister," she rumbled, "I need your help, I'm afraid. Noir is withdrawing from the world. The Kin equivalent of suicide. She feels we won't accept her, and her own folk will kill her on sight." Sailor Moon looked aghast at that, then her expression firmed. "We'll see about that!" she exclaimed as she shifted to Princess Serenity. She followed her Kin Sister back to the main battle site, her family, Prince Endymion, and Sailor Chibi-Moon following close behind. Noir was lying on her side, her head tucked under one wing. All eighteen feet of her was shivering uncontrollably. "Noir, look at me," Serenity ordered gently, "I am Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. Noir! Look at me! Please!" Slowly, Noir's head came out from under her wing and her red eyes regarded the Princess dully. "Noir, would you like to join my Kin Guard?" Serenity asked. A spark of hope appeared in Noir's eyes, slight, but it WAS there. "How?" she asked listlessly, "I'm Dark Kindred, not Dragonkin." "Do you swear to protect me, my family, and my Kingdom from all harm, assisting the Kin Guard to the best of your ability?" Serenity queried urgently. The hope and interest in Noir's eyes increased dramatically. This sounded like an oath of service! "You KNOW I will!" she replied, her voice gaining strength and life. Serenity smiled happily and extended her hand. "Then I accept your oath," she whispered and touched Noir's snout. Sparkles of magic traveled from her hand, up Noir's snout until it reached a point between her eyes. There was a bright flash and when it faded, the crescent moon was nestled, gold scales amidst the black, between Noir's eyes. She blinked in surprise and when her eyes opened, everyone gasped in surprise. They were no longer red, but blue. The blue of the sky. Serenity shifted back to Sailor Moon and leaned forward. "Welcome to the Kin Guard, Noirith!" Haeth shimmered into her human form, as everyone prepared to leave. Noirith looked at the Soul Healer. "Do you think I could do that?" Haeth smiled and mentally showed her how. Noirith shimmered and changed. In her place stood a young girl about Haeth's age. Silver hair, silver eyes and glossy black skin. The silver dragon crest was on her forehead. She smiled uncertainly at the others and they returned her smile warmly. Tari's Soul Gem appeared above her. "OK everyone! Time to go to Hikawa Shrine!" Sailor Moon looked at her curiously. "We'll need to walk. There are far too many people here for the Sailor Teleport to work!" Tari grinned. "Everyone gather around me. My Soul Gem can't be used for this, BUT, it CAN augment MY powers so that I can teleport us all." Everyone obeyed, gathering around Tari as her brow wrinkled in intense concentration. Her Soul Gem pulsed, there was a bright flash. When it faded, they were gone, mission accomplished. End of Chapter 13 NEXT: Chapter 14 Dragon Strike: Kin VS Kindred A haunted house! Sailor Alare makes the Scene! Grandpa and Yuuichiro get their own back! BE THERE!!