Title: Good Story With A Bad Title Author: Black Magic Editor: Len Maessen Part: 8 Author's Notes: Well, this is it. I have 2 days to write the next couple stories before I leave for camp. By the time you readers see this, I will be drawing, animating and making new friends. Well, have fun reading! "Sere, next class please." asked Becka. "Hmmm...science. Right down the hall. Physical science. I wonder what's so physical about it." Right as she said this, they walked into a class room filled with beakers, test tubes, warning signs and a grungy looking old man with a scar across his right cheek. "Hello, girls. Are you lost?" "Um, no. We're new, and in this class." "Oh! Take a seat, and put it somewhere." The girls looked at eachother and giggled. But, they each took a seat and sat down. The teacher waited a few moments before calling everyone to pay attention and settle down. "Today we will finish our lab. So, everyone get to work." Everyone, except Becka and Serena got up and started to work with the beakers and test tubes. Everyone wore goggles. Glancing at eachother, the girls got up and made there way over to the teacher. "Umm, Sensei, could you please tell us what this class is doing. And what are we supposed to do?" "Oh! I forgot all about you girls. Let me introduce myself. I am Mr. Beaker. In this class, we are doing an experiment to find out what carbons make up certain gasses. Today you just get to walk around and ask questions of the students. Tomorrow we will start a new lesson and you will get to participate. OK?" "OK, sure." And they went about asking questions and learning what was happening. Most of the students were pretty knowledgeable. They were impressed. But as things are, it was soon time to go. The bell rang and everyone quickly filed out. It was lunch time. The two made their way to the cafeteria. Getting some food, they sat down and ate, talking about the classes and their teachers. Some of the kids in their classes came up to them and talked for a bit, but nothing really important. Serena made a comment about their lack of Melvins at this school. Becka just laughed, she knew who Melvin was. Lunch ended, and it was time yet again for class. The next class was math. Algebra to be exact. They walked to the class room and sat down. The other students took out their homework and put it to the corner of the desk. Becka and Serena were the only one with no paper on their desk. They waited for the teacher. (Think Ben Stein) "Hello class, good afternoon. I'll collect the homework and then introduce the new students." He walked around the room, snatching up the papers. Soon finished, he stood in front of the class and asked the new kids to stand up. "These girls are new in our class. Be nice to them. Please, introduce yourselves." Becka exclaimed in an army type manner. "My name is Becka Magee. Hi." Serena did the same. "My name is Serena Tsukino. Hello." They both sat down. The teacher turned on the overhead and started in on the lesson. Today it was polynomials. "Okay class, what is the answer to (y3-y+12)+(34-y2+y)? Hmmmm?" "ummm...y5+46?"(AN: Sorry if it's wrong, I'm not very good at these.) "OK." Things just went on like this, with students randomly answering questions. Some people missed one or two, but nothing big. Becka was bored so she tried to talk to Serena, but Serena was too caught up with the math to notice. Becka, being bored, and knowing the most of the answers already, started to day dream. *Inset bad fade in music* "Beeeccckkk---aaaaaa...." "Huh? Whos there?" "Beeeeeccccccckkkkkk-aaaaaaa..." "Who is it? What do you want?" "Blllaaaaccckkkkkk.." "HuH?" She was getting scared. "Maaaaaaaaaaagggggggiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccc." "What do you want?!"She demanded. "Welcome, to the dream world, Miss. Magee. I have called you here to tell you you must make Serena stay in Japan. Its her destiny...." spoke the strange voice. "And what would you care about Serena? Did you care when her friends hurt her, huh? Who do you think you are? I'll call my father! (AN: Not her dad in the US, her other father. Her dad is Pluto and her mother is Artemis. That is why she's so close to Serena, they are related.)" "Now, now now. Is that anyway to speak to your sister?" "Sets?" "Yes. I'm sorry, but Serena must stay in Japan. I know she was hurt, I tried to stop it. But there is more then one force working against me. If she leaves, Japan will be destroyed. She and Darien won't get together. Rini won't be born and the entire time-line would be messed up. I'm sorry, but you can't let her leave!" "Even if just for a little while? I could make her come back to visit." said Becka hopefully. "No. The time is closing in. We only have a little while. You have to help her. Then, she can leave for a while. But only for a little while. I will do my best to help you, but I don't know...The forces are strong.(AN: Here comes the corny part...) You must be stronger. I know you can do it! My little sister, I love you. Be strong, for me!" She slowly disipated into the air. Like a breaze whisteling lighty. "Sis, sorry. But hell no. Sere needs me. I will help her, but then she'll be free of destiny. I'll talk to the gods. They'll help me. I always was their favorite. That's why they made you the time mistress, so that you would never get to lead a normal life." She woke up from her dream to hear... "Miss Magee? What is the answer to the question?" "ummm..12?" "No. Please, pay more attention. Ok, Suzie, what is the answer?" "678.986." "Correct, next question..." The class went on forever, or so it seem to Becka. When the bell finaly rang, she got up, jumped three feet in the air and ran for the door, hardly hearing Serena say.."Becka! Wait for me!!" There was only one class and she was ready for it to be over. She had forgotten that Serena had the class schedule. She halted and yelled back. "Serena! Get up here! I need to know what the next class is!" "Dance!" "Dance?" "Yup! Back to the gym. The day starts and ends there. Its a co-ed class. This should be interesting."