Hauntings Lady of the Black Rose Ladynorose@hotmail.com ~*~*~*~*~*~ Part 3 Okay, okay. I'm, not going to waste your time up here today. Sailor Moon isn't mine, blah blah, yadda yadda. Thanx to Lita Juno, my editor and compadre! ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Those two. Iris! Daphne! Those two. They are emitting some sort of energy. One is remarkibly like your's, Daphne. The other is-- very powerful." "Well, come on." Iris marched right up to them. The two girls stopped fighting and looked up. Iris was about a head taller than both of them. "Uh, Hello?" The blonde said, with a strange accent. "Hi, my name is Iris, and this is Daphne. If we could talk to you for a second--" "Who are you?" The black haired one asked, eyes narrowing. A black cat was at her feet. Vulcan and the other cat looked at each other for a few seconds. "Vulcan?" "Luna?" They said at the same time. Iris and Usagi grew red in the face. "Your cat talks." Black Hair said in surprise, but not shock. "Your's does too." Daphne said defensivly. "It not supposed to." Iris growled at Vulcan. "Are these the senshi, Luna? Vulcan asked, looking at Black Hair. "Are those?" "Yup." "Yup." "Usagi, go get Artemis and the girls." Luna told the blonde, who shot a glare at the cat before walking off. "You are a senshi?" Black Hair asked. "I'm Rei." "Senshi? Um, dunno. I'm a Sailor, if that's what you mean." Daphne replied, picking up Vulcan. "Yeah. Senshi means Warrior, or Soldier. I'm Sailor Mars." "Luna! Rei!" The blonde came back, with another blonde, a girl with blue hair, and a tall one with a brown ponytail. "Maybe we should take this elsewhere." Daphne suggested. ~*~*~*~*~*~ "But *I* use water." "And *I* use fire." Ami and Rei whined. They had gone to the park, in the secluded area where they practiced. "So do we. Welcome to the club." Iris smirked. She stood a good deal taller than any of them, especially Usagi. "MY POWER IS UNIQUE! ALRIGHT!" Minako began dancing. Makoto sweatdropped. "See? We told Serenity, it wouldn't do to let the girl be one of a kind, it made her hyper." Vulcan whispered to Artemis. "Try living with her." Was the reply. "Hey, none of you have to sleep with Usagi, so hush up." Luna snorted. "I resent that, cat." Usagi crossed her arms over her chest. "I sense something!" Rei shouted. All the inner senshi jumped up. Iris and Daphne just looked at her like she was crazy. "Do what?" "She senses youma, alright?" Ami said, taking out her computer. "Yup, you're right. We have a youma, about three blocks away." "I have got to get one of those." Iris mumbled as she pulled out her henshin stick. "They're helping. We wouldn't have known abot it." Daphne said. "Bite me." "Minna, Henshin YO!" Luna shouted. Daphne and Iris looked at her blankly. "Er, Transform!" "Oh." "MOON PRISM POWER MAKE UP!" "MERCURY POWER MAKE UP!" "MARS POWER MAKE UP!" "JUPITER POWER MAKE UP!" "VENUS POWER MAKE UP!" "Why does Usagi get a five word thing?" "Shut up and transform. PRYO POWER MAKE UP!" "AQUA POWER MAKE UP!" ~*~*~*~*~*~ "RAHAHAHA! DIE, HUMANS! HAHAHA!" The hideous monster yelled, picking up various humans and draining them until they passed out, and then throwing them away like an empty juicey. "HOLD IT!" A femine voice yelled. He stopped. The woman he was about to pick up was able to run away. "Who the hell?!" He yelled. "We cannot allow you to harm these innocent people! We, the Sailor Senshi, fight for Love and Justice! A pretty Solier in a Sailor Suit! I am Sailor Moon! In the name of the Moon..." "In the name of Mercury." "And Mars!" "For Jupiter!" "Venus!" "We will punish you!" The ended, together. Aqua and Pryo stared at them. "You sound dorky." Aqua said at last. "Aqua!" "Well, they DO." "I resent that!" Jupiter yelled. "RAHAHA!" The monster aughed at their bickering and shot out seven long ropelike things. Six of them wrapped around six senshi's necks. Pyro was able to react in time. She did a graceful backflip out of danger and watched in horror as her partner struggled. "Um, VORTEX SPARKLING FLAME!" She shouted. It hit the youma, but it just laughed at her. "Uh-oh." "You beast!" A young girl threw herself at the monster. It caught Pyro's eye because this girl had blonde hair, almost white, and strange silver eyes. It ignored her. Pyro admired her courage; a slip of a thing trying to harm a monster as big as that. ` "Here goes!" The girl shouted again. She body slammed it. The monster shot out another rope and picked her up and threw her. The girl hit a wall, and that would have hurt a senshi, but she stood up, blood running from her lip. Pyro gasped as a glowing appeared in front of the girl. "What's this?" She asked, grabbing it. "She's one of us." Pyro mumbled, as the girl lifted her arm up and shouted four glorious words. "MELODY POWER MAKE UP!!" ~*~*~*~*~*~ Ah! The first *real* cliffhanger! Marvolous! Bravo! Seeyas next Sunday!