Changed by Rose PART 3 "Hey, Motoki. School out yet?" Mamoru walked into the arcade for the second time that day. All day, at the hospital, his thoughts centered on the blonde girl. Funny, most girls most have been half scared out of their wits if a man had came up and offered them a ride. And again when he approached them for the second time. Usagi hadn't been scared. She had been ready to fight. "Almost." Motoki answered. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a faint ringing sound. "There's the bell. Wait for it. In about ten minutes, half the student popualtion of Juuban will come crowding in here." He said. "Do you think she'll come?" He asked. "Wow, you're really stuck on this girl. You like her, ne?" "Not that way, Motoki. Get your head out of the gutter. I'm just worried about her." "Uh-huh." "I am!" "Sure." "Bite me." "Here they come." Motki motioned to the door as the streets were suddenly filled with student. walking, talking, laughing. **************************** "Ami, Rei said she'd meet us here." Usagi motioned to the arcade. During her lunch break, she had gone into the bathroom and put her odangos back up. She missed them. "Okay. Come on, let's get a table before they're taken." Ami smiled, and pulled Usagi into the arcade. "Geez! Slow down! You're going to break me." Usagi whined. "Come on. If you move around, maybe your cut will heal." "Or maybe it'll kill me." Usagi sat down at a booth, Ami across from her. "Dammit, it hurts. I never thought I'd be such a baby, but it hurts. I don;t mean 'Oh, mommy, the beetle bit me' hurts, I mean, 'Oh mommy, that gun just blew off my arm' hurts." Ami laughed. "You should be a comedian, Usagi." "Get real. What's there to laugh at. Everywhere I go, I see Beryl. Beryl Beryl Beryl." Over at the bar, Motoki pointed to Usagi. "That's Usagi." He said. "That's her." Mamoru answered. She had her hair put up, but it was most definatly her. "And that girl's the one that was with her this morning." "Usagi got into a fight. I can't picture that." Motoki shook his head. "I've watched her. She'd come in here, play some games, order a shake, and go out. Always smiling." "Well, she wasn't smiling last night. She looked like she was ready to kill." "How strange." Motoki murmured. "And there's that girl who brough her into the hospital." Mamoru pointed to a girl who had just walked in and sat down with Usagi and her friend. "Rei, we've got problems. I ran into that doctor that stitched me up. He not only recognized me, but now he knows my NAME." Usagi put her head down on the table. "Oh, no." Rei muttered. "Yeah. You know, he'd be cute if he wasn't stalking Usagi." Ami said thoughtfully. "Stalking?" Usagi and Rei asked at the same time. "Yeah, he's right over there." Ami said, pointing at Mamoru, who was talking with Motoki. "Shit. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Usagi asked, banging her head aginst the table. "I thought you noticed." "*sigh* How am I supposed to notice when my back's to him?" "Okay. He can't exactly do anything to us, nor can he prove our names or that we were even at the hospital." Rei said, calm. "So, we're in the clear. And if he does prove to be a threat, we can *ahem* dispose of him." "Rei!" Ami gasped. "Ami-chan, this is a war where the enemy has the upper hand. We can take no chances." Rei explained. "You've got a point, Rei. Ami, watch him." Usagi said, staring at the table. "Oh, you'll be able to do that." Ami said, still in her dreamland. "Huh?" "He's coming over here, with that cute guy from the counter. Motoki?" Usagi reached over and grabbed Ami's collar, jerking her out of dreamland. "What?!" She croaked. "Oh, no." Rei murmured. "Will anyone mind if I duck underneath the table?" "Hello, Usagi-chan." Motoki said. "Can I sit down?" "Why not?" Usagi moaned, knowing well that Mamoru would probably sit down too. Ami scooted over to make room for the two guys. "Heh heh." Rei looked away. "What do you want *now*, Mamoru-san?" Usagi kept her head on the table, not bothering to look up. "To prove to Motoki it was you at the hospital." "Great. Listen to me. Go away." Usagi mumbled into the table. "Come on, Odango Atama." "What. Did. You. Call. Me?" Usagi sat up. "Odango Atama. Because of your hair." he grined. "Hey, dude! The TV just went on, all by itself!!" A guy's voice, from in the back, yelled. Motoki and Mamoru spun around. Sure enough, the TV was on. Freaky. Jedite, one of the top generals of Beryl's army, appeared on the screen. Usagi quickly pulled her buns out. She didn't need to look like Sailor Moon. "THIS IS A WARNING TO THE THREE GIRLS THAT ARE IMPERSONATING WARRIORS. IF YOU CONTINUE TO KILL OUR SOLDIERS, I WILL COME AFTER YOU." He said. Usagi, Rei and Ami were on full alert. "This is bull." Rei whispered. "Why the hell would anyone be scared of him?" The TV flickered out. "Girls? They're warning girls?" Mamoru asked. Motoki nodded. "It was on the news. Three girls wearing sailor fukus broke up a raid. They killed the youma and the soldiers, saving the people. The wife said they shot ice and magic out of their hands. I thought it was a publicity stunt, but not if the general's are investigating it." "We've got to go, guys. Seeya." Rei helped Usagi up. Motoki and Mamoru got up to let Ami out. *********************** Dammit, I knew she'd be freaked. But a *general*?!" Luna paced back and forth. "This is bad. They know about how how you are. They'll send youma to attack the schools to weed you out. "No matter what, do *NOT* henshin in front of anyone other than yourselves." Luna decided. They were gathered at Rei's temple, because Usagi had a little brother that might spy on them, and Ami's house was probably bugged, as her mother was a doctor and a scientist. They hoped not. "Okay. So, what if someone figures it out?" Ami asked. "Well, there is a disguise field that protects you from cameras and videos, etc. The magic that is associated with your fukus will keep people from guessing. So, unless you henshin in front of someone or tell them, you should be realitivly safe. Unless, it's another senshi. Senshi are able to see through disguises." Luna explained. Ami nodded, while typing on her computer Luna had just given her. "So, we're okay, unless one of us goofs." Usagi concluded. "But a general? Jedite, too. He's probably the coldest man in the universe." "I think he's kinda cute." Rei said, while staring into the fire. "Are you crazy?" Usagi and Luna asked at the same time. "I don't know. I'm listening to a talking cat who is talking about magic and telling us not to turn into super heroines who shoot fire and ice and whatever out of their hands to kill creatures that look like DNA mistakes. Am I crazy? I dunno. I'll have to ask the ceiling. It usually has helpful advise." She said, smiling. "She's one for the looney bin." Usagi whispered. "What about Mamoru? If they go around asking about anyone who was injured, because you spilled a lot of blood in there, Usagi-chan, he'll say, 'Oh, yeah. A girl who looks like Sailor Moon came in here bleeding half to death. He knows your name." Ami asked. "We could kill him." Usagi said thoughtfully. "But a cold-blooded murder like that is too Nega- verse-ish for me." "Mercury could drown him." Rei suggested. "I would not. You've got fire. You toast him." "No one's going to drown or cook anyone." Luna sighed, and did a backflip. A green henshin wand fell to the floor. "What's that?" Rei asked. "This is Sailor Jupiter's henshin stick. We must find her. Usagi, sice you're the princess, I bet you could sense her. Just reach out, during the day where-ever, and if you feel something, it's probably her, or another senshi. And if Rei or Ami's not around, you just have to pin-point the source. Then, sorta, I dunno, try to befriend her. Find out her name. I can take it from there." The henshin wand disappeared. "So, we're looking for all the planets. What about Earth, Venus, and Saturn, and all the others, Luna?" Ami asked. "There is no senshi of Earth. Artemis is in England, looking for any other senshi he can find. But the outer senshi are different. And, besides that, we cannot access their wands anymore, which means there is a good chance they have been awakened." "How could they awaken without you or that other cat telling them and giving them their henshin wands?" Rei asked. Usagi was listening, an interested look on her face. "Well, in rare cases, they awaken themselves. The sub-conscious will give them dreams of their past selves, and the henshin wand would appear. If they took it, the memories would be returned. "Or, Sailor Pluto could have done it, if she felt there was need. Sailor Pluto is an immortal senshi, basicly. She can see into the futre and past." Luna said. "But she never interferes with the flows. So the chance of her awakening a senshi directly are slim." "Oh." Usagi said. "That's funny. I had a dream with a woman in a senshi fuku in it. That's what made me think something was up. She said she thought she would make things better, and apologized. I got the impression she was a ghost. She said, and I quote, Beware of the Darkness." "Beware of the darkness." Rei closed her eyes and chanted, over and over. The fire blazed up, almost touching the high ceiling. Rei's eyes flew open, pupils dialated. She stared into the flames, as they continued to lick at the air, seemingly rising higher. "Rei-chan! Wake up!" Ami shrieked. Usagi just watched the flames, trying to see what Rei saw. The fire died down. Rei jumped up, startled. "Rei! Rei! What did you see?" Luna demanded. "I saw a woman. She said the same thing, Beware the darkness, but she also said that the shadows are strong. We must fight as one. "She also told me that we must go to the threater day after tomorrow." ************************ "This would be much easier if Beryl didn't have control." Usagi moaned. "I don't want to go to the theater tomorrow. It's probably swarming with soldiers. Why the theater, anyway? The youma don't go there. What so special about the theater?" Dammit, if only air could talk. "Maybe it's not the theater." An idea dawned on her. She grabbed her jacket, scrawled out a hasty note for her mother and Luna, and ran off, grabbing her locket on the way out. Who knows when you may need to kick butt? She ran almost the whole way, but had to slow down as she approached it; she side was beginning to hurt again. It was a bit strange, how fast they healed. Maybe it had something to do with them being senshi. But all her wound was now was a slight scratch/scab thing. The stitches had begun to disappear, so Usagi knew it was getting better. The theater. 'Okay, girl. Look around for anything the Nega-verse might want.' She instructed herself. She wander around the street, gazing in the windows of various shops, until she hit a curious one. "Sarik Konik." She read aloud. "Oh, yes! It's a very healing place to be." A woman, who had seemingly popped out of no where, said. "It heals your karma, makes you all peaced out, ya know? It's a whole new you." "No, thank you." A dark, pitted feeling in the bottom of her stomach made her uneasy. "I have to be home in a few, see you!" She ran off a ways and stopped. She pulled out her communicator. "Rei here. Sup?" "Ami here. What's wrong, Usagi?" "Guys, it's not the theater. It's a shop about half a block away from that. I'm at it right now, should we do something or wait until tomorrow?" "Are you sure?" Rei was sceptical. "Yes, I'm positive." "Okay. Um, Ami? I think she sould go on ahead, and we'll get there ASAP." "That's okay with me." Ami said. "Alright. Usa out." She put up her communicator. Just as she was holding up her locket, a hand clamped down on her shoulder. "Odango-chan. Sup?" "Mamoru! Let me go!" She twisted from his grasp, hiding the locket behind her back. "I'm busy." "Sure you are." he said. "Go away!" She ran away, down the street and around the corner, and then she ducked into the alley way. "MOON SILVER POWER MAKE UP!" She shouted, before he could catch up to her. She ran back retracing her steps, scaring and freaking out a lot of people, Mamoru included. "It's that girl from the news." he said aloud. A tingling sensation in the back of his head sent shivers down his back. He felt the urge to run, and even though he tried to resist it, his feet moved as though they were their own. A magical aura appeared around him... ******************** "It's that girl." "The one the generals are after." "YOU GO GIRL!" "Catch her! She's worth millions." "Let her go! She'll save us all." "Hush, Robert. Do you want to be killed?" A chorus of voices rang out, as she ran by. Mamoru had detained her, made her loose time. Time was very precious. "Alright, you disgusting piece of Nega- trash." She opposed the woman who had tried to get her to go in the shop. "How dare you use tricks to steal energy. A pretty soldier in a sailor suit, I am Sailor Moon! I punish you in the name of moon!" "Oh, what have we here? Jedite will love your head, deary. On a platter!" The woman twisted and snarled. A flash of dark light hid her from the view of the crowd. A youma, fierce and snarling, now stood not even four meters away from Sailor Moon, who didn't flinch. 'Come on, senshi. This one's a lot bigger than the one's on that raid. It's almost like this was...' "A trap." She said aloud. "Oh, goodie. The sap has a brain. How surprising." It growled. "Of course I do." Sailor Moon said simply, taking out her staff. She struck it into the ground, stalling. "You're going to die. Why don't you give up and just go back to your 'Queen', and tell her about me? She'll reward you if you can give her a description, you know." A greedy glint appeared in the youma's eye. For a second, she thought the youma was really going to go away. "But a bigger reward shall come if I bring in your dead body!" It howled. "Oh, shit." She dodged, as it flew at her. Dammit, just when you think Luck is on your side... "WORLD SHAKING!" A ball of yellow energy zoomed past Sailor Moon and rammed into the youma, throwing it through the glass of the store. Ouch. Two Sailor Senshi, one with yellow bows and a blue skirt, the other with greenish bows and a dark blue-green skirt, came up on either side of Sailor Moon. "Good. Thanx for the help." Sailor Moon said gratefully. "You're the outer senshi." "Right, princess. Pluto has told us about your situation. I am Sailor Neptune, and this is Sailor Uranus." "Princess." Uranus said shortly. Her eyes never left the youma. At that moment, two things were on her mind. Kill the youma. Protect the princess. "I'm Sailor Moon, please." "DEEP SUBMERGE!" Neptune yelled, throwing the youma back yet again after it tried to crawl over the broken glass to resume it's fight. "Break up, both sides at once." Uranus said to her partner. She nodded, and they sprang up in the air. Without warning, the youma jumped out of the glass, heading for the one Beryl had ordered must be killed, at any cost. A rose blocked it's path. "MOON LOVELY RAINBOW KISS!" Sh shouted, taking the chance while the youma pondered over the razor sharp rose immbedded in the pavement. It exploded in dust just as Mars and Mercury made the scene. ************************ A woman, leaning on a key, watched a large mirror in front of her, worry etched into her face. "Dammit, it's all screwed up, all happening too fast." She whispered. "That's not right. But they needed help, and Jupiter is not ready to awake, and Venus is on her way. Saturn should only be awoken in case of extreme emergency. I am not allowed to fight unless the situation grows more dire. Sailor Moon is remembering all, much too fast. Their attacks are stronger than what it should be. Tuxedo Kamen is not the way he was supposed to be. Beryl has control." She ran through the list of her problems. And there was the problem of time. Since it was so messed up, she ould only see about an hour into the future, correctly. An hour wasn;t enough. She was Sailor Pluto, the hundredth link in a chain that would be miles long. Her real name was Setsuna Meioh. The moment she picked up the staff she new it was wrong. It would tale a miracle to fix it. And when you needed a miracle, you called on a lunarian. ************************* "Who threw that rose?" Uranus demanded, after making absolutely sure Sailor Moon was okay. "It came from up there." A little boy pointed to the roof of a buolding, where a man in a tuxedo and cape, with a mask and a ridiculous hat was standing. He gave a little wave and disapeared. "Dammit." Sailor Moon groaned, as she felt her side bleeding again. She must have ripped it open when she fired her attack. "Oh, geez. Come on, Sailor Moon, before the soldiers get here." Mars whispered. "What's wrong? Neptune asked. "She's hurt." Mercury explained. "Her side waas ripped open by a youma." "Oh." In one swift motion, Sailor Moon was in Uranus's arms. "Let's go." She said, ignoring the fact red was beginning to seep through the bodice of the fuku. They ran off just as more youma began to approach. Mars and Neptune threw their attacks at them. In order to keep them from following, Mercury used some of her magic to cast a fog. They ran, Uranus going just as fast, or maybe faster than, the others. "We're far enough." Neptune gasped, after a very longer time. She and Uranus weren't even breathing hard. Mercury and Mars were a different story. "Dammit." Sailor Moon repeated. She dehenshined after Uranus set her down. She inspected her cut. "It just tore open a little. Damn nerves." She murmured. "So, you're senshi too." Mercury said. "I should hope so." Neptune said, powering down in a flash of light. "I know you... you're Kaioh Michiru." Usagi said, smiling. "And you're Tenoh Haruka." She said to the powered down Uranus. "Darnit, Michi-chan. There *is* a person smarter than me." Haruka pouted. "Her ego's very delicate." Michiru said in mock concern. "Okay, we've got help. That just leave's one question." "What's that, Rei-chan?" Ami asked. "Who was that masked man?" *************************************************** There's part three. Hope you liked! Feedback, ppl, feedback. -Rose