CHANGED by Rose PART 13 "I feel an evil power... it's huge." Sailor Mars whispered, as they were sure that they had begun to make their way to the main cavern. This Nega-verse... it was a paradox within itself... some of the caverns were gorgeous, and made you want to stay there forever to gaze at the murky hues of the flowers, but some of the caverns were like the first, horrible stuff that could and probably would give them nightmares for the rest of their lives, if their previous experences didn't. "Good. Beryl has taken her own life, then." Sailor Sorrow said gravely, and Serenity frowned. "I thought that perhaps she wouldn't--" "You mean Beryl's killed herself?!" Uranus's voice was incredious. "We knew she would." Saturn said. "WHAT?!" Venus, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune yelled. "Of course." Serenity said. "Beryl never would have enough power to defeat me. She had to do something. We really don't know what she did, but we do know that Beryl would never have the power to defeat any of us. Beryl is quite weak." "Weak?!" Uranus repeated, and swung her arm in an arch, to turn their attention to the gore of the room. "You call this WEAK!? I really don't want to know your defintion of strong." "Haruka." Serenity sighed. Her silver eyes were full of saddness from memories that no one should have to remember, and from wisdom no being should have. "I must call Beryl weak, for compared to the power we must now face, Beryl is, in comparative terms, like an ant is to a human compared to this new force." "Oh, wonderful!" Mercury hit her head against the reddened wall. "Then we really don't have a chance." Neptune realized. "As so I said." Serenity sighed. "I will die. My people will understand." Sailor Sorrow smiled. "Anything for the Lunarians." "No." Saturn said. "I must demand, with or without your permission, Princess, that the others except you, I, and perhaps Divinity stay." "What!?" The senshi spoke out as one. "She's right." Sailor Mercury said. "If they do not make it, the city must have protection." "It makes sense... but I can't leave you to die!" Jupiter spoke for what seemed like the first time since they had entered the Underworld. "I won't do it! I'll die first!" Uranus said stubbronly. "You very well might." Serenity said, her eyes narrowing. "Haruka, you still think this is a game. It's not! This is my fight, not your's! My war, not your's. You didn't start this. I did. You don't need to die for me, Sailor Uranus." "But it is our duty." Neptune spoke up. "No." Serenty said, shaking her head. "What do you mean?" Mars asked. "I have but you in too much danger already. I will not have you die for me. Good-bye, My senshi. There will be another if I do not return." She whispered, and then the mark on her forehead blazed so brightly that the senshi were forced to look away. When they were able to see again, they were looking into the stunned faces of the generals and Tuxedo Kamen. "That idiot!" Divinity screeched. Serenity had left it to herself to face Queen Metalia. ******************* Serenity looked at the place where her senshi had once stood. She wondered if she was strong enough to kill Metalia... she wondered if she should bring Saturn back. Saturn was hard to kill, so maybe... "No. I will not put them in a sucidal position." Serenity said aloud, and quickly walked throught the rooms, keeping her head down, not looking at the gore strung around the rooms. With each step, she knew she was growing closer to the Main Hall, where Metalia waited for her. Metalia. The one who had destroyed her soul and will to live. She felt no pity for the creature. Everytime she told herself she would reform, take the war for what it was. And yet she still carried pity for the enemy. She felt no sympathy for Metalia. And neither did she feel any for Beryl, who had so unwittingly given her life and body to the witch. She was angry. Dead-through angry. And not just, 'Give me back my purse' angry, we talking 'Alright, you killed my mom and now you're going down, and then you whip out a machine gun' angry. Yeah. I think you get it. And this machine gun was a small, yet very potent, ginzuishou. And this anger was past, you killed my mom. Because Beryl had killed both her mothers. And both her fathers. And destroyed both her lifes. And had once again seperated her from her lover. And had ruined the world, once again. So... if you can actually imagine that... "METALIA, SHOW YOURSELF!" Serenity called, as she stepped into the main room. A spindle of dark energy appeared and a twisted version of Queen Beryl appeared. "Aw, my little moon princess, we meet at last." Metalia's voice was dripping with honey- sweet vemon. "Drop the act, witch." Serenity said coldly. "You're mine." ************************ Somewhere, deep inside of Metalia's mind, she shuddered. The pure raw emotion that was in this fragile princess's eyes, and the way she held up the Silver Crystal showed Metalia she was a warrior. Metalia was afraid. Queen Serenity had not frightened Metalia. Nothing had. It had been a cinch to defeat the Silver Millenium. A few well placed spies, a few clones here and there, and bu-boom. Queen Serenty had surprised Metalia, though, when she had used the sacrifice ritual and gave her life to seal Metalia away in the Dark Kingdom and send the souls of the senshi forward. But Evil always returns, and sooner or later, Metalia supposed, you found a weak link. She had led Beryl to believe that this was the weak link. She herself had believed it was. No Serenity, no senshi, no opposition. It had been like squishing ants. "In your dreams, Moon Girl." She replied, not showing an ounce of her fear. But Serenity knew. "You're afraid, Metalia. You're afraid. And soon, you're not going to be. Because whether you kill me, or whether I kill you, soon, both of our fears are going to be gone. Whoever sits on the throne after this will be completely free of threats." Serenity said, holding the crystal in front of her. "Let's go." "You'll never win, Moon Brat!" "We'll see. ETERNAL MOON COSMIC POWER!" "Raaaaaaaaa!" Metalia met the white power with her own dark power. Silence. Then, a sound came that a super nova couldn't match. An explosion of white against black. For a full minute, the powers blazed, the dark beginning to overpower the white. "Noooo!" Serenity screamed. "My friends!" ************************** Togther, they heard a voice cry out. "Nooooo! My friends!" "It's Serneity!" Tuxedo Kamne gasped. "Senshi, join hands. Lend her your power." Divinity said softly, watching the inners and outers form a rough circle. One by one, they called out their powers. "Mercury Prism Power!" "Venus Prism Power!" "Mars Prism Power!" "Jupiter Prism Power!" "Uranus Planet Power!" "Neptune Planet Power!" "Saturn Planet Power!" "Powers of the planets..." Far away, Serenity heard their cries, and added her own to theirs. "Powers of the Moon..." Togther, though miles apart, they screamed one word in perfect union. "UNITE!" ********************* Metalia screamed a death cry as the Crystal Absorbed the power and sent all out at her, overpowering her and reducing her to nothing but dust. For many hours, Serenity sat on her knees, catching her breath and her strength. Finally, she returned home. The world was safe. They had defeated the evil. ************************************ It's not the end yet, folks!