Black Dawn. Black Rose ~*~*~*~*~*~ Well, I shortened my name. Wadda think? It's easier to type, and all that, but I'm babbling, as usual. Sailor Moon isn't mine, but SINATO IS! WOO-HOOO! Yeah! ^_^ *dodges tangerine* ~*~*~*~*~*~ Minako had left to find Mamoru and Rei. He supposed Yaten and Taiki had gone up to the room, but Seiya didn't feel like going up there to face their questions. He didn't want to go to Usagi, either. So he ducked outside and henshined into Fighter, and began roaming the streets aimlessly. Here and there she though she saw a flash of color out of the corner of her eye. She didn't think much of it until she noticed something green was following her. So, she ran and turned a corner, and stopped abruptly. Green ran right into her and they both went crashing down. "AHHH!" They both yelled. "Who are you?!" Fighter yelled. "I was going to ask you the same thing." Green was wearing the same kind of fuku that Sailor Moon wore, only she had a stone in her tiara and the skirt was green, as was most of the fuku, except for the sugar pink bows. "Sailor Star Fighter." "I'm Sailor Jupiter. You're one of those people we saw fighting with Us-- Sailor Moon." "Usagi, yes. Why were you following me?" Fighter stood up and lended Jupiter a hand. "Well, I saw you while I was looking for Usagi, and thought 'Hmm, new senshi. Let's check her out.'" "Jupiter, huh? You must be Makoto, or Mako- chan." Fighter said. "You're great at cooking and lost your parents in a plane crash." "She told you that, ne?" Jupiter blushed. "Yup." "Thought so." "Why are you looking for Usagi? She's practicly paranoid, complaining about a talking cat." "Oh. That'd be Luna. And you can't really blame us for looking for her. She starts acting all weird on us, and then goes capoof! Then, we see her on TV in the arms of a WAY cute guy, and Mamoru-- she told you about him, right-- blows a gasket, so we teleport here. And then we see her in a way passionate lip-lock with some guy that looks WAY too much like Mamoru." Fighter blushed and looked away. "Mamoru blew a gasket, huh? Well, she is hot, and so what if she wants to date a guy. Just because this Mamoru was her FINACEE a thousand years ago doesn't mean he is now." Fighter mumbled. "Well, it was fun to see, anyways. I don't think she's even kissed Mamoru like that!" Jupiter said. Fighter's face was now redder than humanely possible, but luckily the darkened sky hid it. "Hey, Jupie! Who ya got with ya?" A blonde girl wearing the same thing as Jupiter only her skirt was orange and the bows blue jumped off a building and walked up to them. "Heyyas." "Minako, right?" Fighter asked, and then clapped a hand over her mouth. Oops. "Hey hey hey! It's Sailor Venus!" Venus whispered, and leaned in close and had a slightly crazy glint in her eyes. "Shhhhh. Don't blow my cover!" "V-chan, have you been drinking Surge again?" Jupiter sighed as Venus whipped out a bottle and drank half of it in one gulp. "What's with her?" Fighter asked, backing away. "When she gets a lot of caffine, she gets out of it. Crazy. Thinks she's a spy. Tracking down Usagi doesn't help. It really makes her think she IS a spy." Jupiter grabbed the bottle away. Venus turned to Fighter. "How did you know my name? We've never met." Venus walked closer, and Fighter backed away until her back hit the alley wall. Venus leaned in close until their noses nearly touched. "Heh heh, um, er, uh, well, I, uh...." Fighter stuttered. "Hmm, you DO look familar--" Jupiter said. "hey! You sorta look like Mamoru-- in a girlish sorta way..." Venus mumbled. "HEY!" Fighter protested. "Dude! I know who you look like! You look like that guy who I dragged into the elevator!" Venus exclaimed. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Damn them. I saw Mamoru ouside-- and Mars and Jupiter." Usagi paced back and forth. "You're just supposed to stay away from Mamoru, right? Why not go to the senshi." Sinato suggested. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! He'd follow THEM and find ME." "Well, he dumped you, right? Can't you make it look as though you're sick of him? Endymion was a romantic, but it seems like Mamoru isn't." "Hmm, maybe NO!" Usagi screeched. CRASH! "Oops. Sorry." PLuto appeared, knocking over another vase. "That's it. I'm am making some vases out of METAL, just so they'll be safe from your staff, Puu." Usagi crossed her arms over her chest. "I SAID I was SORRY." Pluto rolled her eyes. "What's up, P?" Sinato asked. Once again, Pluto had to fight from sighing. "Mercury has traced your energy signature, Usagi. Haven't you kept the shields up?" Pluto turned to the girl, who slapped her forehead. "D'oh! I forgot after dehenshining. I was a bit-- *blush* occupied." "Well, you need to get out of here. Henshin and run-- for, I dunno-- run for someone." Pluto disappeared. "MOON COSMIC POWER!" She shouted. Sinato's armor appeared and they looked at each other for a second. "Well, Yaten and Taiki are here, so we can't go to them." Sinato said thoughtfully. "How about Seiya? He's not here. He's about half a mile away." Sailor Moon said. "You're the boss." ~*~*~*~*~*~ "I've got her! She IS in the hotel! Top floor." Ami said, tapping the keys of her computer. "So let's GO." Rei and Mamoru said at the same time. The ran for the elevator and rode up to the top. Ami let out a cry of frustration. "Arg!" "What is it?" Rei asked. "She's gone. She's hid her energy signature and disappeared." Ami hit her head against the wall. "Well, I'm going to find her." Mamoru held up his rose thingie and henshined, and jumped out a wondow. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Fighter! There you are! Do you know how long we've been looking... for.... you...." Sailor Moon said, turning the corner of the alley. Venus still had Fighter pinned up against the wall. She had just made her famous 'guy in the elevator' comment. "This cannot be good." Sinato whispered, at the sight of Jupiter. "Really." Sailor Moon was more worried about Venus. "Wow. You were right, Jupiter. He IS hot." Venus backed away from Fighter and began circling Sinato like a hawk. Sailor Moon back away nervously and ran to Fighter. "Ack! What are you doing with them?!" She hissed. "Jupiter followed me and then Venus showed up! And then she recognized me! What IS it with you people?!" Fighter hissed back. "Usagi-chan! Where have you BEEN?" Jupiter hugged Sailor Moon so hard she began to choke. "Let go!" Sailor Moon screeched at last. Jupiter blushed and let go. "Hey girl! So, where's that hottie you were lip-locking with outside that hotel? She *points to fighter* looks an awful lot like him, but, ya know, that's a girl." Venus drawled. Fighter and Sailor Moon both blushed. "So, *that's* what took you so long to come in." Sinato teased. "You-- saw-- that?" Sailor Moon gasped. "Uh-huh. And I saved his life, too. Mamoru had the pleasure of wittnessing it also." Venus giggled. "I have never seen ANYONE so furious." "Oh, no." Sailor Moon whispered. "Yeah. And Rei wanted to shove me into a closet--" Fighter said, but Sailor Moon clamped her hand over her mouth. "It was you!" Venus gasped. "But-- you were-- I thought--" She was broken out of her caffine high. She looked suspisciously at Sailor Moon. "Mamoru is NOT going to be happy." "Woo-hoo! That would explain why you dumped him." Jupiter giggled. "No! It's not like that!" Sailor Moon exclaimed. "Geesh-- Seiya, you might as well power down before they get weird on us. Venus has that stupid chain thing of her's." Sailor Moon rolled her eyes. "Alright." Fighter said. The expression on Jupiter's and Venus's face was priceless. Sinato whipped out a polaroid and snapped a pic. "You-- how-- man-- wow-- um--" Venus gasped. "Omigods." Jupiter whispered. Venus's eyes rolled back into her head and she hit the concrete. "Too melodramic for her own good. Always was." Sinato said. Seiya grinned. "My ego loves that." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Where is she?! Why can't I feel her?!" Tuxedo Kamen fretted as he lept from roof to roof with speed and grace that beat his record tenfold. Little did he know it, but he WAS getting closer. He didn't feel it, but Sailor Moon did. "Oh, man!" She moaned. "Tux is coming." She shoved Seiya and Sinato out of the alley and into another and made them hide behind a dumpster. She pulled out the Luna pen. "Usagi-chan--" Jupiter started. "Please, Mako-chan. I'll exlain everything later, if you'll just cover-up for me." She pleaded, and raised it up high. "DIGUISE POWER! CHANGE ME INTO .... um... hope this works... SAILOR MARS!" She shouted. The pen went to work and when the lights died down, she now had coal black hair and look every bit Sailor Mars, except for her still slightly-blue eyes. She hoped the darkness would hide them. "Dude. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were Rei." Minako said. Tuxedo Kamen jumped down into the alley and looked at them. "Rei-san? I thought I left you back at the hotel!" he asked. Usagi ceared her throat and hoped she sounded like Rei. "Ya, well, I tracked Jupiter down and decided to come and see if she'd found anything." She nearly gasped at the first few words. She sounded just like Rei! "Uh-huh. Well, have you?" "Nope. Nothing. Zip. Nada." Venus said. Boy, did her acting career pay off! "OKay. Well, I'll check in with you guys in a few hours." Tuxedo Walked away from the alley. Usagi waited until she was sure he was gone before undoing the disguise. "That was so freaky. Never again." She groaned. "Usagi, you owe us a huge explanation, and now." Jupiter said. She was angry. And if you're not scared of anything else, you're scared of an angry senshi of thunder. "Well, ya see, it's like this: Plutocametome- andtoldmethatIhadtohidefromyouguysandMamo-chanbut- itwasmostlystayingawayfromMamo-chan.Idon'tknowwhy- butitwas, K?" She said in one big breath. "Uh-huh." Venus said. She was fluent in Usagi-ese. "And then Mother came to me and told me it was nessessary, and I can't argue with the Queen of the Moon, can I?" Usagi asked, bating her eyes. Seiya and Sinato sensed it was safe and came back to the trio. "That reminds me, Usa. Why didn't you tell us you were a princess?" Seiya asked. "I knew, and I *thought* you told them." Sinato raised an eyebrow. "Um, er, well, uh, ah, I thought you would treat me different." "You think we would go that far?" Seiya asked. "Well, look at Sinato! He feels the urge to bow everytime I see him!" "Usa-chan, we wouldn't do that. We lights have met our share of royalty." 'Like ourselves, for instance.' He added in his mind. "Uh-hmm. So, what IS the dig on you two? Are you, like, TOGETHER?" Venus asked. Usagi and Seiya blushed bright red and backed away from each other. "That answers that question." Jupiter said. "So, when's the wedding?" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I think I'll end this chaoter here. I hope you like!! Rose