Author's Notes: Hello all you people out there! I just all of a sudden had a quick brainstorming idea! Well, this is a short story, and it takes place after Mamoru has broken up with Usagi(I'm using the Japan names.) Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. So don't sue me. Rated: PG Never Be Alone Again By: Me It was like another ordinary day. Wake up, go to school, come home, and cry yourself to sleep. This was a regular routine for Tsuniko Usagi. Her life had shattered three weeks ago when her one true love broke up with her. She has never been herself again. "Usagi, why don't you eat something? I know how much you love those doughnuts. We could go buy some if you want." Luna hesitantly asked Usagi. Usagi moaned something out, and the feline took that as a 'no.' Poor Luna, she had tried so very hard to cheer Usagi up, yet nothing she did helped. Usagi just kept falling in to the pit of heartbreak deeper and deeper... Usagi heard the telephone ring and she walked slowly to it. "Moshi moshi?" She asked quietly. "Hey, it's me, Rei. Can I come over for a bit?" Asked Usagi's senshi of fire, Hino Rei. "Hai, but don't be upset if I'm not the most gracious companion." "Usagi-chan, I know you've been hurt, but you've got to let Mamoru-kun go. I mean, he's not going to change his mind just like,? Rei snapped her fingers, ?that.? Rei said to her best friend, even though she never told anybody how she felt about their friendship. Usagi turned her head so she faced Rei. Tears were streaking her face as she managed a fake smile. "I know Rei-chan, but I like to think he will come back to me. I mean, we've been through thick and thin for so long, I just thought--" Usagi could not say anything more before she broke in to more tears. Rei just held her while the princess of the moon cried her heart out. "There, there. It's okay. Go ahead and cry, it helps sometimes. God knows how many times I've done it." Usagi looked up at her senshi startled. "*You* have cri--crie--cried?" She asked. "Of course odango atama! I've got feelings and emotions too, you know." Rei looked down at her sobering friend. "Oh.. I just thought, well, I don't know. I'm so lost know Rei-chan. I really am. I mean, I know I'm Princess Serenity, and I will rule the people in the future, but will I have to do it alone? Where is my prince? I don't want to be alone Rei-chan. I don't want to be alone!" Usagi started to cry harder in to Rei's shoulder. The senshi of Mars tried to console her princess as best as she could, but it really didn't help. "You want know something Usagi-chan?" Asked Rei. Usagi looked up, sniffling and hiccuping. "Chad(Author?s Note: I don't want to spell his WHOLE name out, so I'm using the NA name) has won my heart. I may not show it but he has. What's funny is that he doesn't, at least this is what I think, return what I feel for him. Sometimes I feel like all he is just infatuated with me. What I feel for him is true love, and you see Usagi-chan, that makes me cry too. Your not the only girl out there who yearns for her prince. I know that you and Mamoru-kun have been together for more than a thousand years, but love is love, and everybody sheds tears over it. For instance, take Motoki. He has cried, I am sure, many nights for his love, though she is miles and miles away. You want to know something though, Usagi-chan?" The small moon bunny nodded. "Your not alone. That's why everybody has friends, and me, Makoto- chan, Ami-chan, and Minako-chan, are here for. Will help you through this. I bet by the end of the month, maybe this week, you two will forgive one another and be back together!" This little confidence gave the fragile heart of Usagi great hope. "Jupiter Thunderclasp!" Cried out Sailor Jupiter. A small disc of electricity came to her hands as she started to hurl it at the youma. "ZAP!!!!" The disc aimed its way to the youma, but had no affect. It just vanish right before it hit it. "WHAT THE!?" Cried out Sailor Jupiter. "Mercury, can you find out why our attacks are having no affect on this youma?" Asked Sailor Venus. "All right." Mercury tapped her ear and a mini visor came over her eyes. "Oh my.. This youma is way strong and it's immune to all of our attacks. That's why nothing can hit it!" The four senshi gasped as they heard this new information. "What do we do than!?" Asked Mars. "I don't know! This is all new, and I've got no clue how to stop it." Said a helpless Ami. Sailor Moon looked up to her friends. "I'll stop it." Was all she said. She turned her back on her friends and started heading to the youma. "No! Sailor Moon, you'll get killed! The youma is to strong!" Screamed Mars, but Usagi ignored her. "I'll kill this thing, even if I end up being killed too." She said back to them. A pink light surrounded Usagi and when it faded, she was Princess Serenity. The princess looked up at the youma with an evil glare. "I've been hurt by someone I love dearly--" "SAILOR MOON, DON?T!" Screamed her senshi. "But I will not allow *you* hurt anybody else. I will triumph over all evil, and that defiantly means you." She pulled out her crescent moon wand and started to power up. "What's Usako doing!?!" Came a voice from the shadows. The four senshi turned and saw Tuxedo Kamen appear. "This is all your fault!" Jupiter shouted at him. "She's going to destroy herself because of you!" Mars joined in. "Usako is going to do what!?" Tuxedo Kamen, also known as Chiba Mamoru, turned and faced his love. He saw her powering up and call out her attack. "Oh gods no." He said quietly. "Cosmic Moon---" She was stopped by someone tackling her. The person's body was familiar and Usagi knew who it was. "Mamoru! You BAKA! Get the hell off of me!!" She said with full hate, even though it was killing her inside. "No! You can't do this Usako!" Usagi's evil glare turned to a saddened expression. "You called me... Usako.." She said softly. "You bakas!! Get up and move before that youma kills you!" Cried Mars. Mamoru took Usagi in his arms and leaped high in the air. Usagi's senses finally came around and she changed back in to Sailor Moon. And she had not forgotten all the pain her Mamo-chan has caused her in the past, so she was not about to be swept off her feet. "I demand an explanation Mamoru." She hissed at him. "Scouts, finish the youma somehow, I have to talk to your leader here!" Tuxedo Kamen called back to the Sailor senshi. Chiba Mamoru finally let a very pissed off Usagi down. She gasped. He'd taken her to the park and to *their* spot they visited so many times when they were together. "Usako... I known I've been a real idiot the past weeks, but I don't want to lose you. I broke up with you because I had these strange dreams of you ending up being killed.. I thought if I stayed with you, you would die.." His voice cracked and became hard. Usagi's eyes swelled up with tears. "Mamo-chan.. Why didn't you tell me?" She asked softly. "Because, losing you would mean I lose all control over myself..." Was all she needed to hear. Usagi flung her arms around his neck and begun to cry in to his shirt. "Oh Usako, my sweet little bunny, I thought I was going to lose you there. I thought you were going to destroy yourself. My heart just stopped when I saw you---" He was cut off by two little fingers on his mouth. "Shh.. It's all over with now. I wonder how the others did with that youma.." Her question was answered by a high pitched scream in the distance. That scream was the cry of the youma before it died. "Oh gods Usako, I've missed holding your delicate body in my arms." Mamoru whispered to his only lover. "And I've missed your protecting arms holding me. Mamo-chan, never let me be alone again, promise me that." She sounded so innocent to Mamoru. They kissed long and hard, the passion and love they have missed in the past weeks, their dreams and hopes, restored within that one kiss. Mamoru looked down at his soul mate and quietly said in her ear, "I promise to never let you be alone again." ~The End~ *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Tell me what ya think of it! All comments are welcomed at: LuV, Allison /\_~