Title: The Fire From Within --Chapter 4 Author: Blue Ice E-mail: Blue_IceSM@hotmail.com Rated: G Hello! What's up everyone?! Well, by the time you read this I've got two more weeks of summer vacation left before school starts again for me. I will not be able to keep writing like this anymore. Maybe I can get a couple of new stories done during the school year, but it will be pretty slow. I'm so happy to hear from all the readers who e-mailed me. It had been really encouraging to me. And that's how I've continued to write. It was because of you guys!! Please keep sending in comments! I love getting e-mail. Well I didn't have a lot planned to say, so I'll just continue with the story. "It's almost midnight. I don't think we can keep on avoiding everyone any longer." Lita sighed. "That was close when Prince Helius came to us when he couldn't find Rei." Serenity took a deep breath. "Do you think he really bought it? I mean he looked suspicious." Ami wondered as she peered out the window. "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about him. Do you think maybe he really does care about Rei?" Mina shrugged. "No way. All he wants is the kingdom." Serenity huffed her shoulders and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Rei to him is just part of the whole package. I know princes like him. Prince Diamond was the same way." "I guess." Mina nodded. "Should we wait outside for them? Maybe they're having hard time getting in with being seen." Lita stood up. "Ya lets go. We'll just tell the guards that we're taking a walk or something." The rest of the princesses followed Lita out of the palace. "Is that them?" Jedite asked as he helped Rei off the horse. "It's them! Let's go." Rei waved her hands vigorously trying to catch their attention. "Come on Mina....just look this way." she murmured. Suddenly Mina caught sight of Rei waving arm. "I think that's them." she whispered as the princesses followed her gaze. "The general needs you." Lita said sternly to a guard as he patrolled by. "General James?" "No General Zoisite." she answered in the same serious tone. "But princess my orders are to stand guard." "There's a new order now. You must follow my instructions. Now go. General Zoicite is waiting for you inside the palace." he nodded and ran towards the palace. "Ha! Sucker." Lita laughed and motioned for Rei and Jedite to climb over the gate. "Thanks guys." Rei said gratefully as they stood in a circle relieved that everything went smoothly. "I owe everything to you." Jedite bowed as the princesses smiled. "We would do it for any of us." Serenity smiled. "Lets go before anyone finds us out here." Walking quietly through the courtyard, they sneaked back inside the palace. Rei followed Jedite into his quarters secretly after everyone's gone to bed. "I can't stay long Jedite." Rei said as she locked the door. "Prince Helius's room is right across the hallway. I can't let him see me here. He'll get suspicious." Jedite took Rei into his arms. "Let him be suspicious. I don't want to hide anything about us." he lightly kissed her forehead. "No we can't do that." Rei said in alarm. "You'll be band from Mars if my mother ever found out. She wouldn't let anything ruin the engagement." she replied urgently. "No one must find out. Maybe somehow I can escape and I'll go back to earth with you." Rei looked into his eyes longingly. Jedite smiled tiredly. "Do you think you can really get away with that?" Rei looked down. "No I guess not." The clock chimed 1 a.m. as the couple cuddled in front of the fireplace. "I better go." Rei whispered as she gently rubbed Jedite's back. "Why does it have to be this way for us?" Jedite asked quietly. "I wish we could just be together always." he hugged Rei's body to his tightly. "We'll find a way." Rei smiled and stood up. "See you at breakfast."she said and blew him a kiss before leaving the room. Shutting the door quietly, Rei tiptoed around the corner. "Ah Prince Helius!" she gasped in alarm. "Princess. What are you doing up during this hour?" he asked suspiciously. "Rei...you forgot ..." Jedite stopped as he saw Prince Helius. "General Jedite." he acknowledged as he looked between the two. "You uh forgot these papers." Jedite covered up quickly. Instead of handing her the lily that she had left, he handed her his training schedules. He was actually on his way to give them to Malachite. "Oh are these the files....Jed...General Jedite?" Rei stuttered for a second. "Yes. um...goodnight then Princess, Prince Helius." he bowed and left them standing in an awkward silence in the hallway. "You were in his room?" Prince Helius asked. "Well yes, I had to discuss some matters with him...since....since Prince Endymion left early this morning." Rei lied and mentally kicked him. "Do you mind if I take a look at them?" he asked. Rei looked down at the file in her hand. She did not know it was really the schedule as she made up excuses. "It's really nothing to look at. Perhaps you should talk to General Malachite in the morning...I... I'm sure he knows more about it." she looked up to him hoping that he would just back off. He did not say anything as he was refused his wishes. No one has ever said no to him before. "Goodnight then Prince Helius. I'm feeling a little fatigued. See you in the morning." Rei quickly curtsied and walked pass Prince Helius. "That was close." she sighed as she changed into her night- gown. The bright planet of earth was visible in the distance as Rei gazed at it's beauty. "I wonder what earth is like." she smiled as she thought of Jedite. Running away with him back to his home planet was such a tempting thing to do at a time like this. Leaving the curtains open, Rei slept deeply as her whole body was bathed in the Earth's luminous blue light. In the morning.... "Rei. Where were you last night?" the queen asked at breakfast. "I was out." she answered simply and looked across the table at Jedite who secretly smiled. "Out? That is not a legitimate answer. What were you doing out around midnight?" Rei rolled her eyes tired of her mother's constant prying questions. "I believe I should at least have some privacy, since you've already deprived me of everything else." she spit back. Her mother was really getting on her last nerve. "Don't talk to your mother like that. Learn to control your tongue." the king lectured. "Serenity, why didn't you tell me where Rei was?" the queen directed her attention to Serenity as she coughed slightly. "Well...you see your majesty...we were finished trying out different hair styles for the wedding and decided to meet at the ancient temple...but at the last moment I hadn't felt very well...so Rei went alone to meditate I guess." Serenity told the lie in one breath. "Now was that so hard to say?" the queen smiled. "Oh by the way, Prince Helius did you bring it?" she asked. "Oh yes I had almost forgotten." Prince Helius grinned. Taking out a black velvet box, he stood up beside Rei. "I have traveled far to seek the hand of this beautiful woman....Princess Rei." He put a hand on Rei's shoulder. "I'd like for you to accept this as your wedding ring." he opened the box to reveal a large marquise cut diamond surrounded by tiny rubies and emeralds on a shiny gold band with their names curved on the inside. "Oh my. It's so beautiful." the queen gasped. "Well Princess do you like it?" Prince Helius asked. Rei sighed inwardly and put on her sweet smile. "Why it's such a beautiful...stunning wedding ring." she looked across the table at Jedite apologetically. Prince Helius grinned with satisfaction. "Yes I might say so myself. I designed it personally just for you." he said proudly and put it on Rei's ring finger. Rei looked down at her hand hatefully as a tear escaped her eye unnoticed. For the rest of the morning, Jedite had been working extra hard on the training grounds. He had to stay busy to keep himself from thinking about Rei. "General Jedite? General Jedite?" an officer waved a hand in Jedite's face. "huh what?" he asked as he was snapped out of his daydream. "I came to report to you that General Zoicite had just read over the schedules. He asked me to inform you." Jedite nodded. "Very well...you...uh you're excused to your regular...uh..." "duty?" the officer asked. "Ya whatever." Jedite sighed as he walked away. "What about this?" the queen pointed to a wedding dress in the brochure. "That's fine." Rei sighed. "I don't really care what I wear." she stood up and looked out the window to see Jedite training the soldiers especially hard. 'He's so handsome.' she thought as she pressed her face to the window and gazed at him lovingly. Jedite commanded as the soldiers positioned themselves and marched in a straight line. "I don't think they can do it anymore perfect." Malachite chuckled as he watched the soldiers march back and forth across the training grounds. They were tired and worn out. "Perhaps you should give them a break. I'm afraid they're exhausted. They've been training all morning." Jedite sighed. "I guess." he held out his hand. "Dismissed." he commanded and turn to face Malachite. "Is there something wrong?" Malachite asked. "You haven't been yourself the whole day. What's on your mind?" he inquired at Jedite's unusual behavior. "Nothing really." he sighed and sat down on a bench. "Ah, I got it. It's a girl." Malachite smiled as Jedite looked up with a defeated look. "How did you know?" he asked and smiled weakly. "You have that silly expression on your face. Why anyone could tell you're in love." Jedite chuckled. "I guess I can't fool you." they both laughed. "Then why so down. Isn't love a happy thing?" Jedite shook his head. "Not if the other person doesn't feel the same way, or if your love is forbidden." Malachite nodded in understanding. "So which one is it?" Jedite shrugged. "Both." "Don't look now but there's a beautiful young lady watching you from the second story window. I suppose she is the one who's got you all dazed." Jedite turned his head towards the palace and suddenly came in eye contact with Rei. Smiling lightly, he stood up and waved to her. Malachite grinned and left, letting the two lovebirds have their time together, even if it was only for a moment. Rei turned her head to look back at her mother, who was busy looking through the selection of wedding gowns. She waved back at him and rolled her eyes in annoyance. Jedite chuckled. He knew her mother was making wedding plans. The chuckle turned into a silent sigh. He looked up to her longingly as she did the same. "General Jedite! Prince Endymion has sent a letter from earth." an officer ran up to Jedite snapping him out of his preoccupied gaze. "Thank you." he nodded as the officer briskly walked away. Rei tilted her head to the right to see what was happening. Jedite opened the letter and read through it briefly. Raising his to look back at Rei, he motioned that he most leave. Rei nodded with a sigh and gently blew him a kiss. He smiled warmly. Waving one last time, Jedite rode away on his mounted horse. "Why are you just standing there. I can't believe you're not even slightly nervous about your wedding!" the queen exclaimed as she puts various brochures and her own personal notes in separate piles. "That's because I dread marrying Prince Helius. I will never be happy. So why should I show any happiness now if I am truly miserable. I'm seriously considering suicide as an alternative motive." Rei shrugged lightly. The queen was a little taken back at such a threat. "You will not put me in such a situation. Whether you like it or not you are marrying Prince Helius and that is final!" she said sternly and walked out of the room. "Oh of all the idiotic people in the whole world, my mother is one of them!" Rei paced around the room in deep thought. 'I have to see Jedite again. This is killing the both of us.' she thought and looked at the calendar. "Only 8 more days. God!" she yelled angrily. 'We can't keep sneaking off every night. The guards would soon or later catch on to this charade.' Rei contemplated. "Why must everything be so difficult." she groaned and slammed the door shut behind her. Picking up her dress, Rei ran down the hallway in search of Serenity. Stopping in front of her door, she knocked softly. "Rei. I'm glad you're here." Serenity said softly and shut the door after her. "We came up with a different plan for tonight." Rei nodded and listened. "Ok, we're all going to go on a picnic this afternoon. I know Jedite's busy and everything but I'll ask your mother if he could join us because we need a strong male escort. She wouldn't let us girls go all by ourselves. And of course, Jedite would be the perfect one to escort us since he is first in command general. I'm sure your mother will agree. Then when we get there, you two can just go off somewhere until we decide to go back." Rei smiled and hugged Serenity. "That's perfect. That way the guards wouldn't get suspicious." Rei jumped in excitement. "I miss him already." she said softly. "Is this how you felt when Endymion was away?" Rei asked. Serenity smiled. "It seemed as if my heart had stopped beating. But as soon as he returns next week, he's going to ask my mother for permission to marry me." Serenity squealed. Rei was shocked for a moment. "Oh my gosh! Are you serious? I'm so happy for you Serenity!" Rei was equally happy for the two lovers. "I had better be your maid of honor or else." Rei said jokingly. "Of course. You are my bestest friend in the whole universe." Serenity replied sincerely. "Lets go to the kitchen and prepare our picnic." Rei nodded and followed a bouncy Serenity to the kitchen. "Your Majesty, Princess Serenity wishes to speak to you." the announcer said as Serenity stepped into the throne room. She curtsied and spoke up. "Your majesty. I had come to ask for a favor." the queen nodded. "You see Rei's not feeling well today, so we decided to plan a picnic together to cheer her up. Everything is prepared, except for one thing." "Go on." "I think we would like an escort." "Very well then. I'll send one of the guards with you." Serenity stood up suddenly. "No! I mean I would feel much safer if General Jedite is to accompany us. He is very skillful and strong. I'm sure he can keep us from trouble. We had became friends over the past few days and we would be delighted if you would excuse him from duty for just a couple of hours." The queen looked over to the king. "What do you think dear?" she asked. "I don't object. I think that can be arranged." Serenity brightened up. "Thank you your majesties. We won't be out long." "I think Rei does need some fresh air anyway." the queen smiled. "You made send a word to General Jedite then." Serenity curtsied one last time and ran out of the room. Prince Helius had heard the whole conversation. He had heard the mention of Jedite's name and eavesdropped. "She seemed eager to have General Jedite to escort them. I wonder why." he thought and hid behind the corner as Serenity rushed out of the room. "Rei! Everything is taken cared of. Your mother has agreed to let Jedite accompany us!" Rei turned around in her chair. "Oh my gosh. Really? She had actually bought it?" Rei hugged Serenity fiercely. "Thank you so much Serenity. I can't believe it." Serenity smiled. "I'd do it again for you anytime." "I'm so excited, I'm going to faint." Rei laughed wholeheartedly. "I...I have to get a new dress! And....and." Serenity giggled. "Ok Rei. Why don't I go tell Jedite and we'll meet together in your room?" Rei nodded and ran to the tailor excitedly. Serenity hurriedly ran to the training grounds to tell Jedite the good news. When she reached there, Jedite had just returned from town. "Jedite! Jedite!" she waved and ran over excitedly to him. Jedite smiled and jumped down from his horse easily. "The queen has allowed you off duty for the rest of the day. I convinced her to let you escort us to a picnic." she covered her chest and took a deep breath. "Then you and Rei can spend a couple of hours together. Isn't that great?!" Serenity finally calmed down and looked at Jedite. He couldn't believe. He can see Rei again. "Really?" he asked as his heart sped up in anticipation. "Yes. It's such a miracle." Jedite smiled and took a deep breath. "I've missed her terribly." "I know you have and....and I know it's hard for you two to be together. But things will get better. It just has to." Serenity gently touched his arm. She knew how they felt because she went through the same thing. Jedite took Serenity into his arms and hugged her fiercely. "Thank you so much for helping us out." he said sincerely. "I don't know how I could ever repay you." Serenity smiled and held him at arms length. "I'm happy to do it. You two deserve to be together. Oh I better go get ready. Meet us in the courtyard in 30 minutes." she informed and turned to leave. "Oh Serenity." Jedite hollered. "Congratulations on your engagement." Serenity smiled and waved as she disappeared into the palace. Meanwhile, unnoticed to Serenity and Jedite, Prince Helius was hiding behind the door watching them. "First Rei, now Serenity. Just what is he up to." then suddenly he saw them embrace. "I thought Serenity was in love with Endymion." he snickered. "This is interesting." he quickly went into another door as Serenity entered the palace. He had a plan of his own. 'No one is going to get in my way.' he thought slyly. In the courtyard.... All the princesses met together in the courtyard as the stablemen mounted their horses. "Everything is ready your highness." he reported to Rei. "Thank you." she gave him a generous tip and checked to make sure the picnic baskets were fastened. "Lets go guys. We don't have all day." Lita got on her horse and led the way into the woods. Jedite and Rei rode side by side and acted as though nothing is peculiar about them as they rode through the courtyard. They couldn't risk anything yet until they've gotten far enough. Unbeknownst to them all, Prince Helius has sent someone to follow them. The hired spy, who was really an officer at the palace followed them on foot all the way to their destination. Finally they stopped and unloaded their things. The spy memorized the location and quickly returned to the palace. "Are you positive?" Prince Helius asked. "Yes sire." "You will have your reward if I find them. You are not to tell anyone that we have spoken, understand?" the officer nodded. "Good, you may return to your duties." Prince Helius paced around his room. He's going to find out just what exactly is going on. He had a suspicious feeling that this General Jedite is hiding something important just like Rei is. After mounting his horse, Prince Helius followed the officer's directions and rode through the wooded area. At last he found himself in a green field surrounded by trees. He hid behind a patch of trees as close as he could and watched their every move. For a while they just sat and ate while chatting and giggling. Suddenly he realized something different about the group. Rei and Jedite were not with them. He slanted his hateful eyes. "I will make Rei my wife. No one is going to stop me." riding quietly down the little dirt path, Prince Helius was determined to find the missing couple. "I love being here. It's so peaceful and fresh." Rei said as she propped herself up with her elbows as Jedite laid on the grass beside her. "How long do we have today." Jedite asked and played with Rei's hair. "More than we had last night." she smiled and turned to face him. "I've missed you." he said and looked up at her lovely face. "I had missed you too. When I saw you at the training grounds..." "I just wanted to forget everything and take you into my arms." Jedite finished softly. "My wedding is in 8 more days." Rei sighed loudly. "Don't think about that now. Lets just enjoy our time together." Jedite suggested and reached up to caress her face. "I can do that." she said and leaned down to kiss him. The kiss grew deeper as the couple wrapped their arms around each other. Their tongues danced together as Jedite begin his assault. Rei giggled as he grabbed her buttocks and kneaded them in a circular motion making her groan. Finally letting go, Rei soft kissed his cheek and pinned him to the ground. "What are you up to?" Jedite asked and arched his brow. "Remember when I first knocked you down?" she asked playfully. "Ya. That was when I first noticed how beautiful you are. I had no idea you were the princess." Rei smiled. "I couldn't tell you. The girls and I made a bet that I could beat you up." Jedite chuckled. "And you won....you've won my heart too." he whispered and sat up as Rei straddled his lap. "I'm glad I did." she traced his jaw line tenderly. "And I can still do it if I wanted to." she giggled and pushed him back down. "Hey...." he laughed and got up to chase her. If anything, the man can run. He soon caught up with Rei as he extended his hands out to grasp her waist, but missed. Rei laughed and jumped into the river. Jedite dived in after her, as they splashed around in the water. Finally he grabbed Rei from behind. "My clothes are wet." he said as his mouth came over her neck from behind and gently kiss her sweet skin. "You jumped in." she leaned back and let him guide her back to shore. Turning around, she quickly got out of the water and extended her arms out to pull him up. Suddenly she let go and pushed him, sending Jedite back into the river with a big splash. "I'm going to get you." he laughed and swam toward Rei with fast strokes. Seeing that he was getting close, Rei turned and ran away. "Not again." Jedite groaned playfully and chased after her in his wet cloths. Prince Helius was about to give up looking for them as he rode through the woods. "Where the hell did they go?" he cursed angrily. Suddenly he heard a feminine giggle and a masculine laugh somewhere close to the river. Getting off his horse quickly, he sneaked behind some bushes as his eyes widen in surprise. "Well, well, well. what have we here." Rei laughed as Jedite quickly caught up with her. This time he's not going to let her get away. "Ha gotcha!" he laughed as his arms wrapped around Rei's thin waist. Not being able to balance himself he leaned forward accidentally sending them rolling down a hill. Rei screamed and grabbed onto his shoulders as they tumbled in a heap of maroon and gray. Finally they stopped at the bottom of the hill with Jedite laying breathlessly on top of Rei. "There, now you're my prisoner." Jedite grinned and looked down at Rei. Rei struggled to get up. "I demand you to release me." she played along. Jedite laughed. "Not until you kiss me." he challenged and leaned down. Rei suddenly wrapped her legs around Jedite's waist catching him off guard as she flipped them over with her on top. "Ha, now you're my prisoner. Give up?" "Never!" "Now you must pay!" she stared at him with a meaningful look and kissed him passionately. Prince Helius watched with hatred as jealousy boiled up to his neck. "How dare he touch her!" he murmured angrily and clenched his fist. Not wanting to look anymore at the engrossed couple rolling around on the grass moaning and kissing, he turned away and rode back in a rage. "I'll get him. And Rei will be my wife!" he vowed furiously. Rei and Jedite spent the rest of the afternoon in each other's arms as they felt content just sharing this precious time together. They enjoyed a gourmet meal prepared by the best chef in the palace and chatted about various things. Jedite raised his champagne glass. "To you Rei, may you always be beautiful, kind, and one hell of a kisser." Rei smiled. "To you Jedite...may you always be handsome, strong, and sexy." Jedite chuckled. "And to us....may we be together for all time." their glasses clanged as they drank. Wrapping the blanket around their wet bodies, Rei leaned against Jedite's chest and looked out into the horizon while they just sat enjoying the view. "Look at the sun....it's beautiful when it sets." Rei said softly and leaned her head back as Jedite ravished her neck with passionate kisses. "Nothing is as beautiful as you." Rei turned slightly. "I'm serious." "So am I." Jedite chuckled and turned to look at the sunset. The sky had a brilliant orange glow as fluffy pink clouds flowed by leisurely reflecting the sunlight. "What are we going to do tomorrow?" Jedite asked as his arms tighten around Rei's waist and gently tickled her stomach. "I want to come back here. It's so peaceful and I love the privacy the trees give us." Rei put her hands over his. "I think that's a great idea. So picnic it is tomorrow my lady." Jedite leaned his head against Rei. "That sounds perfect." she sighed as they cuddled close. "Eh....sorry to interrupt you two, but we should get going." Serenity giggled from behind them. "It's almost dinner time." Mina smiled at the loving couple. Jedite sighed and got up dusting his wet pants with grass sticking all over them. Rei's dress clung tightly to her legs the same way. "What were you guys doing? Look at your clothes." Lita elbowed Mina who had a sly smiled plastered on her face. Rei blushed slightly. "Nothing. We just went for a swim." "uh huh..." Serenity winked at Rei. "Come on weren't we leaving?" Rei asked as Jedite grasped her hand and started walking back to their horses. "They're so sweet together." Serenity sighed as the rest of the princesses followed. Rei and Jedite had been silent the whole ride back. They both couldn't help thinking about the wedding. They knew they had to separate eventually as a dreadful feeling draped over them. "Rei dear!" the queen rushed to hug her daughter as they walked into the dining room. "Did you have fun today?" "Yes mother I did. I...I plan to go back again tomorrow if that's alright with you....and I'd like to have General Jedite to accompany us." the queen was silent for a moment. "If it makes you happy honey, then I won't mind." Rei smiled to her mother the first time since the news of her engagement. "As long as you're back before dinner to discuss wedding plans of course." Rei nodded. "Thank you mother." "Oh Prince Helius, I'd like you to be there too tomorrow. We need to talk about other matters." the king added. "As you wish." he replied with an irritated tone as he glared across the table at Jedite. Rei was sitting next to Jedite. They would often glance at each other when no one's paying any attention and Rei would blush as he puts his hand on her thigh. Prince Helius felt extremely jealous as Rei stared into Jedite's eye lovingly. 'You'll have your way Jedite....but not for long.' he thought slyly and secretly smiled. The end for now..... Ok this story is almost finished. I will have one more chapter, maybe two and that'll be it. I have to especially thank Sailor Skuld and A Sailor Moon Romance for posting my fanfics. You guys are so awesome!!! Well don't forget to sent comments, and stay tuned for Chapter 5. Bye for now!!