Fore word/warning: Hello, and welcome to my story. This is an original story I have created that is sorta of a prequel to my Terrible Things to Waste story (which at the moment I'm revising) This story sets the stage for the next, so don't be mad if you don't see your favorite fuku wearing heroines coming into the fray right away. If you have any questions just send them to Enjoy! Timelords Part 6: The Prey's Retaliation 'Ahh, screams of agony, explosions, and other assorted sounds of death. There isn't a more pleasant sound than that of war.' Halebit thought as he meditated. His enjoyment was intruded upon by the sounds of footsteps. Halebit opened his eyes and saw a blonde woman with wide and clueless blue eyes. "Ahh Cindy." Halebit said in a relaxed tone. Xendyte resisted from sneering at her high commander as she replied back as unemtional as possible, "I remind you again sir to call me, Xendyte. I have come to give you status on our soldiers, they are keeping the timelords at bay for the moment." "Good." Halebit said a little please but cold nevertheless. Xendyte noticed the indentions in the walls, the large crack in the floor, and the huge hole in the roof and asked, "What happened here?" Xendyte's ignorance to refer to him as her higher commander greatly annoyed Halebit. He thought that she would have never gotten as high up the heirarchy of the Society if it wasn't for her knowledge about her father's experiments in age reversal of objects. Malance was already the next in line as general, but Halebit made her second in command anyway, sharing the postion with Malance. Still even after Halebit graciously gave her a high postion she still would not recognize him as her superior and there is no tolerance for defiance in any form. He felt for sure that Malance would be able to deal with her if she should become insolent, but for right now he had to deal with it. There was a moment of silence and then Halebit subtly changed the subject. With a trance of intrigue in his voice he said, "You know how you always keep asking me what the names of the timelords that really killed your family?" "Yes, what does that have to do with anything?" Xendyte said holding back her hurt and anger as he said the words in a calm soothing voice, making them seem more antagonizing to her. "A timelord named Tracer, a former pupil of mine, was instrumental in their death. And he was here just a moment ago." the aged man motioned his head towards the damage to the room, "Malance is taking care of him right now." Xendyte openly glared at her commander and she looked out over the sky line and attempted to leave when an invisible force held her back. Halebit looked at her innocently. "No child. If perchance he escapes from Malance, I'll grant you the opprotunity to have your revenge, but now you are needed right here." Halebit's voice pleaded with her as on the other hand his words commanded her. More sounds of carnage heard below reminded them why they were here. Halebit looked at the blonde knowingly as he signed in satisfaction, "Ahh. The timelords are in position. Xendyte, you know what to do with the machine." The blonde nodded and walked away with true angst in her eyes as Halebit sat back down on the cold smooth concrete floor to resume his meditation as he thought, 'Now the trap is set.' Outside of the El Mercado, two opposing forces were at war. Men in black outfits were storming the old warehouse while others in heavy armor inside picked them off with laser rifles and pulse guns. The unmoving bodies of combatants strune around the dilapidated warehouse as more joined them. That was the scene Tracer saw in fleeting glimpses as he beat upon the large metallic suit flying around erractically. Tracer had managed to tear off the metal sheet covering the shoulder and created some gashes in other parts of the body. Yet Tracer was taking some abuse from the monstrousity with its claw, causing glancing wounds to his midsection, chest, and arms. Tracer noticed that they were in a few feet above a street and laser fire whizzed passed them. They were flying towards the. . . . Crash!!!!! Malance and Tracer flew through brittle wall of the El Mercado. The force of going through the wall was great enough to seperate Tracer from Malance. Tracer landed right in the crossfire of both sides as Timelords and Society soldiers were fighting face to face and even hand to hand, oblivious to Tracer lying on the ground. Malance was no where to be seen and Tracer still needed to find Xendyte before she was found or escaped. He needed to know what the function of these machines were, and why were they so important to the Society. Tracer looked around quickly and found the door to the basement, and made a run for it with guns drawn. Tracer shot anyone who got in his way without second thought. Once upon reaching the door, he kicked it in. Two guards were waiting on the other side at the foot of the stairs below and shot in response to the opening door. Tracer reacted and rolled down the stairs ungracefully to aviod their fire. Tracer stopped at their feet and shot up towards their abdomen filling them with one good round of bullets each. The two guards collapsed to the ground as Tracer got up in disgust and replenished his guns with cartriges. Tracer searched the stuffy and humid basement until he saw what he was looking for, a long blonde pony tail. Tracer flexed his right hand activating the silver claw, and snuck up behind the woman who was making the final adjustments to the control panel on the enormous 'machine.' He spun her around grabbing her by the throat with his left hand, and recoiled his claw towards her face. "I need information pronto!!" Tracer growled as some silver and red liquid dripped down from his brow. The woman's icy blue eyes pierced into the soul of the black haired timelord and asked calmly, "Are you timelord Tracer?" Tracer was taken back by her calm reaction and couldn't help but react himself as he bluntly responded, "Yes." Immediately the blonde's eyes narrowed in anger and kneed the black haired timelord in the groin. Tracer doubled over and Xendyte punched Tracer in the jaw hard. Tracer stumbled back in surprise as he thought, 'Damn it, she caught me off guard.' Tracer glanced towards the blonde who was in mid flight with her leg extended. Tracer blocked the kick with ease, and swung his leg around for a backwards roundhouse to the middle of the blonde's back. The blonde fell to the ground and Tracer leaped upon her with his claw pulled back ready to strike. "I should kill you right now for that cheap shot!!" Tracer shouted as he cringed a little in reflection. "Go ahead and kill me then." the blonde's face was calm but her blue eyes pleaded with Tracer. Tracer was about to oblige but he stopped, he couldn't kill her. Those imploring blue eyes begged his subconcious to spare her. 'I understand her pain. She wants to avenge her suffering and I'm the closest thing to it.' a voice in Tracer's mind reasoned. Tracer shook his head and he argrued the idea in his head, 'But she is part of the Society, she must be eliminated.' The blonde looked up in puzzlement, was the timelord going to kill her or not. He was hesitating, and his face was full of confliction. The sound of engines caught Xendyte's attention, as did Tracer a few moments later when the large metal arm of Malance nailed Tracer in the head. Xendyte quickly stood up, taking aim with her laser gun that was strapped to her hip as Tracer stumbled to his feet. Tracer focused his attention on his last attacker who was making another pass towards him, while Xendyte aimed and shot Tracer straight through his knee cap. Tracer immediately collapsed as Malance racked his claw across Tracer's face causing the silver and red blood to spill upon his black jumper. Tracer screamed in pain as Xendyte shot him again, this time through his shoulder blade. Tracer looked towards Xendyte and Malance in absolute anger; "I'm going to kill you both, I swear it!!!" Tracer shouted before he was thrown onto the panel on the machine by an invisible force. Tracer beheld the glowing red palm of his old teacher's hand. The old man's face was solemn and cold as he said in a calculated tone, "I'm sorry Tracer but we must be leaving you." Xendyte gave her superior a worried glance and ignored the struggling timelord as she voiced her concern, "Are you sure that the others will get out through the sheild?" Malance glared at the blonde for her rudeness as Halebit just stared at his old pupil, "I'm sure they will, if not they are but casualties in the game of war." All three were engulfed in light and disappeared before Xendyte could protest. Tracer now found himself stuck to a large machine by an invisible force, that he couldn't break out of. Plus the machine was working at a virgorous pace, vigorous enough to cause a meltdown of the machine, and meltdown of a machine of this magnitude would destroy the whole warehouse full of timelords. 'This damn thing's a huge bomb!!' Tracer thought causing his struggles to become more urgent. Yet all of Tracer's efforts were not enough and Tracer bent his head down in dispair. While Tracer looked down at his feet he saw the sword glowing brightly once more as before. The invisible force that held Tracer to the machine mysteriously relieved its hold on him and he fell to the floor. Tracer grimaced in pain as he limped towards the bottom of the stairs, where he heard the groans of one of the guards he shot earlier. Tracer picked him up and virgorously shook the injured guard aware to his presence. "Alright I'm going to make you a deal, tell me how to get through the sheild and I'll save your life." Tracer shouted desperately over the loud sound of the straining, grinding gears to the guard. The guard had a fearless expression and laughed in the timelord's blood stained face, "Ha! You can't use death to imtimidate me! The sheild is inpenatratable! We all are going to die, so that the Society may succeed! Ha! Ha! Ha!" Tracer stared into space in dispair as the guard continued his taunting, "You've got 15 seconds, what's your critique of our trap, huh? Let me tell you about the irony of this situation, you guys came here thinking that you'd trap us when really we trapped you. Ha. Ha!" Tracer ignored the guard for the time being and scanned the area for any possible ways out as his growled under breath, "I am going to make you pay, Halebit." The guard heard this as he ranted on, "Oh that's the truely ironic part that if the smallest possiblity you'd escape you'd never find him, he could be in any of hundreds of dimesions of Earth alone!" Tracer gave the guard the death stare as the guard smiled one last time as he said his farewell, "Adios and see you in hell timelord." Before Tracer could react the machine wailed one last time and exploded, obliterating the entire warehouse and its occupants. All original characters are owned and copyrighted (c) by the brian 1997.