Title: Will You Ever Know?/What Do I Do Now? ? Part One (Revised) Author: Akane "Bunny" Tendo (HelgaGPataki2000) Url: http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/akane-bunny-tendo/BunnysPalace.html Email: HelgaGPataki@excite.com Raiting: PG/PG-13 Hi, this is my very first fanfic. I started reading many other people?s fanfics and decided to write my own. Ever since I read Helga G. Pataki?s (aka Sailor Helga?s) "Hey Arnold!" story I?ve been hooked on Sailor Moon. I also started reading "Ranma ?" Mangas. They are the best anime around!! ? I only got up to volume 8 since for one, it?s too expensive, and two, I just started reading them a couple weeks ago. Anyway, this is a Sailor Moon/Ranma crossover, but not to worry, it will still be great. You can count on that!! It mostly deals with the ongoing relationship of Serena and Darien & Ranma and Akane. There?s no real plot line to it other than that it?s in the beginning of the series for both. Did I mention that this is an alternative reality fanfic. Well, now ya know. There?s hardly any physical fighting in here. Mainly the type you see in Ranma ?, but not too serious?maybe later on it will pick up. I set it at PG/PG-13 for some things the couples think and say (no cursing ? I don?t really approve of those things in fanfics?it just takes away the purity of it?something like that.). And I?m not really sure if I?ll put anything about the moon princess in, but maybe I will. One more thing? please please please e-mail me on what you think of the story. I?ll feel a lot better knowing some people actually like it. ? Bye bye for now! Oh, sorry, one more thing?.SAILOR MOON DOES NOT BELONG TO ME!!! NEITHER DOES RANMA ?. ? I AM ONLY BORROWING THE CHARACTERS FOR MY STORY. AND JUST BECAUSE I GO TO COLLEGE DOES NOT MEAN THAT I AM RICH BEYOND MY WILDEST DREAMS!! IF I WERE, I?D TAKE OVER THE RIGHTS FOR DUBBING AND HAVE THE REST OF THE SAILOR MOON SERIES AND ALL OF THE RANMA SERIES SHOWN ON TELEVISION?ahh, a girl can only dream. ? Legend: *thinking* "speaking" TRYING TO GET YOUR POINT OUT/AT THE BRINK OF SCREAMING ? ? Happy/Sad moment?doi!!! Will You Ever Know?/What Do I Do Now? ? Part 1 At the arcade: Mina, Lita, Raye, and Ami are at their regular booth. Mina has just called them over for a "scout" meeting. Ami: So what?s the meeting for, Mina? (whispering) Was there another negaverse attack? Was anyone hurt? Mina: Hmmmm ? not really. But before I start, I better try calling Serena again. She didn?t pick up the last time. Raye: That meatball head! All she cares about is boys and food! Mina picks up her communicator and dials the code for Serena. Two minutes went by and only static was heard on the other end. Lita: Maybe she forgot it at her house. Raye: That?s our meatball head. Mina: Easy on her Raye. Maybe she?s still busy. She did say she had something to do today. Maybe she forgot she was supposed to meet me here. Ami: Well then let?s carry on with the meeting. We can fill Serena in on what happened. Besides, I still have to catch up on extra studying for Math so I can get a head start for class. Everyone got sweat drops on their heads. Lita: Okay, so what?s this meeting about, Mina? Mina: Well, he he ?, it?s not exactly a meeting. It?s more like a gossip session. You see, I met this new friend this week. Her name is Akane and? Raye: You mean to tell me you called us all down here from our busy schedule for some gossip session!?! Mina, you?re just as bad as Serena!! Mina: Well you?ll be glad I told you. This is the biggest gossip ever. The whole school will be talking about it once they hear! Everyone (even Raye): What is it Mina? Come on, spill it girl!!! Mina: Okay, okay, relax!! Anyway, as I was saying. I met this new friend the other day. Her name is Akane. Serena and I were talking to her about being in our group since she?ll be going to Serena?s school. She said she had to switch schools for almost the same reason Lita did. Anyway, the last thing she told us was that she was going to the mall with her fianc頴o buy new clothes for school. She allowed two minutes for the information to process into their minds. When she was met with nothing but confused glares (understanding this since she said all of this in a matter of seconds), she said the most important part a little louder: "With her FIANCE." And as if on cue: Everyone: Whaaaaat!?! The scream was heard all the way around the arcade. The group was met with astonished stares by practically everyone. As they saw it was just a bunch of teenagers (goofing around) they went back to whatever they were doing. Lita: What did you just say!?! Ami: Oh my. Raye: This is some joke right? Mina: No, she was pretty serious when she said it though. But you never know. Well, Serena said she?s waiting for class to start so she can ask Melvin since he is THE gossip king. But I?m not sure if I can wait that long. Lita: You?re not the only one! A couple minutes passed by as they all asked their questions about the new girl. Suddenly, a somewhat depressed young man with jet-black hair and sapphire blue eyes walked in the arcade. He sat at his regular stool at the counter. Ami was the first to notice. Ami: Hey isn?t that the guy Serena?s always complaining about? He looks kind of down. I wonder what happened. Raye: I don?t know. I?ll check it out. Ever since Darien broke up with Raye, she always considered him one of her best friends. Almost like a brother, even though she still had some residual feelings for him. She went up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Raye: What?s wrong Darien? You look a little down. Darien: Nothing, Raye. I don?t feel like talking about it. He said it a little meaner than he intended, but Raye caught on. Raye: Fine Darien. If you?re going to act like that, maybe you should stay alone for the rest of your life!! With that she ran out of the arcade. Darien: Great!! Another person?s life ruined due to the great Darien Chiba! Andrew noticed the scene and went up to check on him. Andrew: What?s up pall? You look kind of in the dumps. Darien: I don?t quite know how to explain it Andrew. Andrew: Well, I know it?s not because of school, since you?ve been doing great so far. So what could it be? *Let me see, what could be troubling Darien so much that makes him look that way. When he was upset over anything before, he never usually showed it. Correct that, he never showed it. So what could it be. Wait a minute. It?s got to be a girl!* It?s a girl isn?t it!?! The shocked look on Darien?s face made Andrew know he was right. Darien: How?? Andrew: Don?t worry, Dar. You can talk to me about it. I?m your best pal, right? Darien: You never have to doubt that. Andrew: Right! Now tell me all about it. Darien: Alright. Well, you see, there?s this girl that I have certain feelings for. Only I didn?t know I had these feeling for her since I?ve been hiding it from both her and myself. Andrew: Let me guess, it?s Raye isn?t it? Darien: It is NOT Raye!!! Andrew: Woa, man! Calm down. I just thought it was her since it was the last girl you dated. Darien: Well, it?s not her. Anyway, I like this girl, only I haven?t been quite honest with her. It?s like whenever I see her my mind goes into overdrive and I have to be mean to her and say these ridiculous things about her hair style just to cover up my true feelings. As Andrew was listening to what his friend was telling him, he put two and two together and what he got nearly gave him a heart relapse. Not that he wasn?t happy for him. He knew that his friend had something for this girl, he just couldn?t believe that he was fessing up to it and to him of all people! Andrew: *Let?s see, he?s a bit mean to her, she has a weird hair style?.oh my gosh!!! It?s?* Serena!!!! This was the second time of the day Darien was stunned out of his witz. Fist being his encounter with Serena, and now this. Darien: *He figured it out!!* What!?! Andrew thought he was wrong at first. But by the stunned ?you-figured- it-out? look on his face he knew he was on the spot. Andrew: You do like Serena!! Darien: Fine, you happy now!?! Just don?t tell her yet. I have to figure out what I?m going to do first. After what happened today she?ll probably never forgive me let alone talk to me ever again. ? Andrew: Why what happened? Darien: Well, it went like this? As Darien was recalling what happened between him and Serena, the rest of the girls decided to listen in on the conversation. Actually they were listening from the very beginning only they were too shocked to say anything but stare dumbfounded. After hearing what they said and coming out of their trance, Lita was the first to react. Lita: I can?t believe what I just heard!! Ami: Yeah! I was just as surprised as you. Mina: I knew it would happen sooner or later. Lita and Ami: Whaaat!! You knew. But how? Mina: Well, they don?t call me the Goddess of Love for nothing. Besides, I knew there had to be a reason for Darien tormenting her everyday. I mean I know Raye does the same thing everyday but he almost seemed sorry for doing it after. Like he was doing it to hide his true feelings or something. Lita and Ami: Wow!! Back to Andrew and Darien. Darien: And then she said "I?m tired of putting up with your talk!! I?m not someone you can just push around and expect to come back running around like some sick puppy like your other girly friends do. Good Bye!" And she left. She was crying all the way because of me. I then came over here and? well you saw what happened with Raye. Now I don?t know what to do. I know I?ve been alone my entire life but it wasn?t until I felt like I was losing her that it became important to me. You know? Andrew: Let me get this strait. So you miss Raye, but you?re in love with Serena? But Darien that just doesn?t make sense. Darien: No, no, no!! This has nothing to do with Raye! I love Serena!! Serena damn it!! She?s the only one I love in this world!! Not Raye and certainly not anyone else!! Got it!?! Andrew: Gosh Darien, I was just trying to lighten the mood?I was joking!! Man, I didn?t know you had it that bad for her!?! Darien: I know. It?s like whenever I?m not around her or I don?t get to see her, even if it?s just to tease her, I get this empty feeling in my soul. Anyway, I?ve already taken too much of your time with my problems as it is. I?m going to go think about what I should do. Later. Andrew: Don?t worry about it Dar. Whenever you need to talk again, don?t hesitate to come to me. Darien: I won?t. Thanks again, Andrew! You?re a true friend. With that said, Darien walked out the arcade leaving a bewildered Andrew and a group of stunned girls. Andrew: Man! And I thought today was going to be a boring day. Was I ever wrong! That was when the stunned girls decided to get their voices back. Lita: I don?t believe I just heard Darien say that!! Mina: I knew he liked her, I just didn?t know how much!! Ami: And Serena doesn?t even know. She still thinks he hates her! Ami?s last words made everyone turn pale at the thought. There was just too much information and gossip being learned today. If it were any ordinary people they would have been left catatonic by now. But these were the senshi. Sworn to do battle for love and justice. But will they be able to handle this? Plus there is even more to come. What of Akane and her fianc鿠Does she really even have a fianc鿠Will the senshi ever tell Serena what they heard? And what ever happened to Serena?s point of view in all this!?! Lastly, will Darien and Serena ever get together after what just happened today? Just sit right there and I?ll show you!! ? Check out what happens next in chapter 2. And if you want, don't hesitate to e-mail me at HelgaGPataki@excite.com ?