Title: Romance Via E-mail Author: AmazinGirl E-Mail: AmazLnGirl@aol.com Rating:PG Hey everyone, this is my first fanfic, but if you don't like it TELL ME I LIKE CRITICISM (yes I know I'm weird). So if you have any comments, flames, likes, dislikes write to me at AmazLnGirl@aol.com :) Note** Even Shakespeare stole ideas :o) Regular disclaimers apply these ain't my characters I'm just borrowing them for a while. *********************************************************** Rain was tapping on the window sill in steady beat as a young teenager sat on her bed. "Why did it have to rain today?" She thought. "The Scouts and I were going to have the best time at the beach, but mother nature just had to have her way." She rolled over onto her stomach and smothered her face in the pillow. "I'm so bored? I know we can all go to the arcade!" She picked up her communicator and called the others. "Hi guys it's Serena do you want to go to the arcade?" "I'm sorry Serena," Amy apologized. "Me and Greg are having a study date since the trip was cancelled." "That's all right, the rest of you can come though right?" One by one the rest of the girls made excuses. "I'll just go by myself then," she thought. After grabbing a quick snack and her rain gear Serena headed out the door. "OH no! It's meatball head I better duck for cover!" Darien teased Andrew as Serena walked into the arcade. She waved at Andrew, and then started walking over. "HIDE ME!" Darien hissed as he jumped and ducked under the counter. "Hey Serena! Darien's under the table in case you were looking for him!" Andrew said. "Still afraid of Cooties Darien?" Serena taunted as Darien slowly got up, and gently punched Andrew in the arm. "No, but I do have a phobia of crumbled test papers and shoes," Darien sneered back. "That's why I'm wearing the latest in flip-flop apparel." He lifted up his foot for her to see. "I actually have to get going? Finals are coming DUM DA DUM DUMMMMM. Later Andrew, bye Serena." "Oh I just hate Darien, he's always making fun of me!" Serena muttered under her breath, "but he is cute." *********************************************************** After wasting all her money at the arcade Serena had dragged her self back home, where an anxious Luna was waiting. "You shouldn't have been walking in that rain!" Luna scolded Serena. "You're going to catch your death of cold and then what is the world going to do when a monster attacks? Please try to think of these things. Go on upstairs and change." After being pampered by Luna for a while Serena grabbed a cup of hot chocolate and turned on the computer. "I'll just check my mail," she thought as she signed onto AOL. 'YOU HAVE MAIL' blasted out of the SoundBlaster's. Serena almost jumped out of her chair with delight (even though she gets mail on a regular basis.) After deleting all of the forwarded messages, and junk mail she opened a note from TuxBoy339. Serena sighed as she opened the letter from her online love. It read: Darling, (Serena squealed with delight) You're words bring a whole new joy into my life. I know that it seems weird, but I think that I am falling in love with a voice that I have never heard, a face that I have never seen, and a person that I have met. But no matter how ridiculous it sounds it has happened. I stare at my ceiling before I go to sleep then squeeze my eyes tightly shut? "Oh Lord," I pray. "Tomorrow will you please let me gaze into her lovely eyes, what ever color they may be, and kiss her luscious lips, for I have fallen in love with the most beautiful soul that you have ever created. You can do whatever you want with me, just let me see her once, and I will be happy forever. Love, Tux Boy Serena type as fast as she could for the letter had moved her so much. Dear, There is no way that I can read your letter without feeling the same sorrow as you, for I too have fallen in love with the most beautiful soul in the world, and I would rather perish then live without it for a day. I think that the time has come for us to meet. To think that the thought had never occurred to me before! Tomorrow we shall meet park, under the large sycamore tree, by the shore of the lake @ 10 o'clock. I can not wait to finally meet you. Yours and only yours, Moon Princess She hit the send key, and ran upstairs to decide what to wear tomorrow. Luna sighed, and after signing her off the internet ran upstairs just to make sure her young charge hadn't totally lost her mind. *********************************************************** Darien looked out the window, "Good a warm sunny day for meeting my true love." He stepped back and jumped into the shower getting ready to finally look into Moon Princess's loving eyes. *********************************************************** Serena had waded through her closet for an hour last night looking for the perfect dress to wear. After consulting Luna and all of her friends she had chosen a short royal purple skirt and a tailored short sleeved shirt. "You look fabulous!" Luna said. And she did, her hair was half up with a small lily behind her ear. She put on some strawberry lip balm, and added just a touch of blush to cheeks. Her own parents wouldn't have recognized her. "But make sure you bring your transformation brooch, you don't know if this guy's a nut case or not. He could have just gotten out of prison for all you know." "I will Luna, I'm not as dumb as my teachers say I am," Serena said. With that she walked out the door and down the street toward the park where 'Tux boy' was already waiting for her. *********************************************************** Darien sat underneath the large sycamore more tree by the shore of the lake. His hair was carefully brushed, and he looked incredibly fine in a pair of black pants and an oversized silk shirt. He was nervously twiddling his thumbs, "When is she going to show up?" He muttered to himself. He glanced down at his watch. "So what I'm 5 minutes early? Guess I have to wait." Just then Serena nervously glanced around the tree. "Oh he is so cute," she thought when she glanced around the tree. "Well it's now or never," She told herself. Gathering up all her courage she stepped out from her hiding spot, and saw "DARIEN!!!!" she shouted in surprise. Darien jumped at the sound of his name being called. "Yes can I help you miss?" he asked Serena politely. "He doesn't recognize me!" She thought. "It's me?"and then she got an idea. "Moon Princess, you must be Tux Boy!" She gave him a big hug and a slight peck on the check. "I'm going to enjoy this!" she thought. "Just think about how much I can tease Darien at the end of the day when he still hasn't realized that it's me. J Well at least it should be good, if he's on his good behavior, and not making cracks about me every three seconds." "I can't believe it's you!" Darien said to her, dismissing the fact she knew his name. "I have wanted to look into your eyes for the longest time. My wish has come true!" he whispered into her ear. "This is Darien? Wow he can be down right wonderful when he wants to be," Serena thought. "Don't know what to say." Serena giggled back into his ear. "Then how 'bout nothing?" Darien said as he lifted her face to meet his. "I love you," he whispered then lightly kissed her soft lips. Serena was petrified, her knees went weak. This has never happened to her before. "He loves me? Do I love him?" she thought. Then all thought escaped her as she deepened the kiss. "Maybe I do," was her last coherent thought. *********************************************************** Serena was having the time of her life, Darien had taken her to all her favorite places. After cuddling under the tree they went to the arcade where Serena had beaten Darien 5 times at Sailor V. Then they stopped by a local coffee shop for a quick bite to eat. (Serena tried not to eat that much because it was Darien's treat and she didn't want him to go totally broke.) They had talked about everything, and anything, Serena found herself telling Darien she hadn't even told Luna or Ray. By the middle of the day she had realized that Darien wasn't that bad. "Maybe I'll never have to tell him who I am," she thought, and to her surprise he never bothered asking. By 5 they had done all of Serena's favorite things. When they ended up in the park, by docks. Darien rented a small row boat, and a delighted Serena stepped carefully in. Darien rowed out to the middle of the huge lake, where they had a perfect view of the setting sun. After a few moments of comfortable silence Darien spoke up. "So, what did you do with the meatballs Serena?" he asked jokingly. "You knew it was me all along?" she asked totally surprised. "Um hum," Darien said. "I can't explain it, but I just knew? Serena, I know that I wasn't very nice to you in past, but ever since 9:56 this morning my whole out look has changed." He pulled her close to him. "I love you Serena," he said. Serena was near tears, the moment was so sweat, she wished that it would never end. "I love you too," she murmured. Darien leaned towards her and kissed her with all the love he had pent up inside of him, and she kissed back with the same force. Their love had lasted for a million year and it would last for millions more. The End Well did you like it yes or no? Please write me with any comments that you have at AmazLnGirl@aol.com. Thanks BYE :)