Title: Monster in the Loch By: Donut Edited By: Shortcake (Dount's Daughter) E-Mail: poberlin@pathwaynet.com or roberlin@pathwaynet.com Rated: G Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon and neither does my daughter. We enjoy the programs, but don't wish to try to pay for the rights. We have enough on our plates as it is. Author's Notes: I choose to have use my husband's and my daughter's e-mail for any comments. Flames hurt though and I would appreciate not getting any. If there is anything that is incorrect then my daughter and I appologize. Editors Note: Yes, I'm Shorcake. I am told that I named myself Shortcake, so that explains the name. Mom wrote the story and I helped her by typing and editing it. We both hope you enjoy! As the sun broke through the clouds on an early morning, at the place where the Scottish loch met the horizon, there sat a girl on the dock dangling her feet in the water. All of a sudden she saw a shadow gleaming in the water off to her side. She thought is was just another monster and she put herself into a position to deal with the monster. But little did she know that it was Darien coming to surprise her and ask her out to breakfast. As he approached her, he saw his pretty little girlfriend sitting demurely on the dock dangling her feet in the water. He thought of planting a kiss on her cheek and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. As he was getting ready to approach her, she moved into position to throw the monster over her shoulder and into the water. As Darien moved closer and bended down to plant a kiss on her cheek, Serena grabbed the monster around the neck and threw him over her shoulder and into the water. Then she realized that it's not a monster after all. She yelled, "Darien!" As his head popped to the surface he yelled, "Serena!" "Swim over to the dock ladder and I'll help you up," said Serena, concerned. "Oh, Darien, I'm so sorry! How could I mistake you for a monster?" "Yes, Serena? How could you," he remarked as she helped him up onto the dock. She started to laugh and said, "If only you could see yourself. You are all dripping wet. Oh, here's your hat." Darien grabbed his hat indignantly and flopped his hat onto his head as a rush of water spilled out and drenched him once more. But our Darien was cool as ever. He smiled as Serena and walked toward her slowly and deliberately in that "I'm-going-to get- you-back-for-this" type of walk men have. Serena started backing up as she said, " Now Darien, let's be a good sport about this. You know it was all a mistake. You do understand, don't you?" Her voice went up a notch. Darien said, "Why of course I do my little dumpling." He put his hands out toward Serena as he reached for her. "Darien, don't touch me, your all wet!" squealed Serena as she started to back up on the dock, giggling and apologizing. Darien just came closer and closer as Serena came to the end of the dock. "Darien, I can't go any farther backwards." "I know," he said as he reached for her a little abruptly. He landed a passionate kiss on her lips that literally knocked them both off their feet. KER-SPLASH!!!!! They both hit the water. Down, down, down they went until all of a sudden their eyes popped open and they swam vigorously to the surface. As they were gulping for air they exclaimed to each other, "Did you see that? Yes, I saw that!" "What was it?" asked Serena. "I don't know," said Darien. "But I think we should go and ask Amy for some advice." "Do you remember what it looked like, Darien?" asked Serena. "Of course I do. Something that big, you don't forget," said Darien. So with shaky legs, Darien helped Serena up the dock ladder. He put a wet, protecting arm around her waist, kissed her cheek, and murmured into her ear that everything would be all right. Serena looked up into Darien's eyes and said, "Oh Darien, I know that I'm' safe in our arms, but I'm so hungry. Let's change and go have breakfast at the the inn as fast as we can." Darien laughed and said, "Okay." As they were walking away from the dock, Darien turned to look back once more at the loch where they had just emerged from and noted a small oval shaped rock just above the surface that wasn't there before. He turned and looked down to Serena and smiled as she looked up at him. Serena asked Darien, "Is something wrong? You look awfully white." Darien said, "What? No everything is fine. Then he turned to see that the small rock had disappeared from the surface, sending little ripples of water as it submerged into the water. As Darien and Serena approached the "Lucky Loch Inn", they hurried to their rooms and changed into some dry, warm clothes because the water was COLD. Serena opened her door in time to see Amy and Darien coming down the hall. Serena ducked back into her room to grab a handkerchief because she felt a sneeze was coming on. "Hi, guys," she said. "Let's eat." Darien and Amy said hi and Amy continued, "Tell me about the mysterious monster that you saw in the loch." "Okay," said Serena. "After we eat." As the trio entered the dining area they were greeted with a very solemn atmosphere. Word had gotten around quickly about the monster. In quiet murmuring the townspeople conversed about how they were going to deal with the monster. So far no one in the town knew that Serena and Darien had saw the monster. The barkeep approached Darien, Serena, and Amy and asked them what they would like to have for breakfast. As they all sat down they said, "Sure. What's on the menu?" The barkeep looked at them questioningly with a "what-did-you-say?" "Why miss, all we've got for breakfast is bannocks, sausage, tea, and dark ale." "Well, okay. We'll have three bannocks, two teas, and one dark ale," said Darien. The barkeep took the order and left. "Darien, why didn't you order tea with us? Don't you know that dark ale is like grog back in the sixteenth century? It's very strong," said Amy. "Amy, I can't let these people see me drink tea when every male in here is drinking ale, can I?" said Darien. "After all, ale is a MAN'S drink." "Oh, yeah?" said Serena. "I think I'll have some ale instead of tea, too. Oh barkeep, change my tea to ale, please." "Oh, no, you don't," said Darien. "Too late. I already have," retorted Serena. "Okay, but your going to drink every last drop of it," said Darien. "Ah, here comes our breakfast. Oh, everything looks delicious," said Amy. "My tea is perfect. How's your ale you guys?" Darien grabbed his mug of ale and Serena grabbed hers. Darien downed his half way and said, "Not bad." On the other hand Serena downed hers half way and made a most unattractive face and spits out the ale. "Yuck! My stomach is on fire! Darien why did you let me do this? I want some milk." The barkeep immediately brought Serena some milk. She downed the milk and said, "Yuck! What kind of milk is the? It tastes terrible." The barkeep said, "Why, it's goats milk. Would you care for some water then?" Serena said, "Yes! Yes, please." Everyone in the inn started talking and laughing about the commotion going on with the three newcomers. But Daren and the girls couldn't understand them because the people were talking in English with their heavy Scottish burrs. After Darien and the girls paid for their breakfast, the trio set off to see some of the interesting spots in the area. As they browsed through the shops, they saw a lot of figurines of dragons and magicians of the sort that was familiar to Serena and Darien or was it just coincidence? Some of the shopkeepers started to talk about what happened down at the dock the other day. A fisherman and two young people on the dock saw it. A shopkeeper asked a question to a customer, "Do ye think that they've disturbed him? Are we in danger do ye think?" The customer said, "No, we're not. He's just curious. Never ye mind. Just do yer business as always. Everything will be fine." The customer purchased her items and left with a smile to the shopkeeper and the trio. Darien said, "I saw a bakery down the road a bit. Why don't we stop and get some bread and cheese and something to drink and rent some bikes and go out into the country a ways." "Okay," chimed in the girls. So they rented some bikes and got some food to refresh themselves during the journey down the bumpy road. The countryside was beautiful. In a distance they could hear someone playing a bagpipe. Serena said, "Let's stop and listen. Besides there's a tree over there and we can eat our food and rest a while before we go back." Amy spread out a wool blanket on the ground and Darien unpacked the food and the girls helped him. As they were eating and listening to the sound of bagpipes in the distance, they heard a couple of farmers talking about the monster in the loch. "Don't worry! He's just curious. Nothing will happen like it did the last time." Serena whispered to Darien, "What do they mean nothing will happen like the last time?" "Shh, Serena. Maybe if we're quiet they'll talk more and we'll have an idea," said Darien. Amy leaned back against the tree trying to hear what the farmers were saying. The farmers continued to talk. "It only happens at night anyways. If we're all inside we don't have for worry." "Aye, well, it's getting close to that time. See ye tomorrow." Little did Darien and the girls know that the farmers knew that they were listening to their conversation with a twinkle in their eyes. They smiled at one another and waved good-bye. "Oh, Darien, I think we better go. When we get back to our rooms we should talk about this over tea." So they went back and ordered tea to be brought up to Serena's room. There they sat on the floor next to the brazier (heater) with their tea and discussed the day's adventure. "What should we do?" asked Serena. "Wait for night. Then we'll see what this monster does. But we better be prepared in case something happens," said Amy. In a few hours supper was served as the trio descended downstairs to eat. There was a mild murmuring, but nothing they could understand except "maybe tonight" was leaked out in the conversation. Darien and the girls went back upstairs to rest a while and wait for the coming late night when they assumed the monster would show himself. They rested in Serena's room because it was closer to the stairs. The activities started to slow down and the noise was getting quieter as the smoke cleared a bit from the rooms. Smells of the kitchens were drifting off into the air as the barkeep closed up his inn for the night. There were the sounds of chairs were shuffled as they were dragged across the floor to be put on top of the tables seats down and the legs in the air and the tinkling of glasses and plates being wiped and put away. The lights were turned down low and with a loud BANG the shutters were being closed. At that point Serena rolled out of the bed and onto Darien as he was resting on the floor. With an "Oomph" Darien said, "Serena get off me! What's wrong?" "Didn't you hear that? What was that anyway? Oh, Darien, I'm so scared," said Serena. "Oh Serena, that was the barkeep closing the shutters," said Darien agitatedly. "Is it time to go?" asked Amy "Well, since we're all awake, I guess we can go down to the dock to see what there is to see. How about it? Let's go," said Serena. So the trio set out down the stairs and out the front door. (Why should the door be locked any way? In this small a town people trusted one another as well as helping out in times of need.) Onward to the dock the trio walked. They noticed that the town shutters were closed. Do they do this all the time or just sometimes, the trio wondered. The feeling of someone or some ones were watching them followed them as they silently walked down through the town to the dock. Darien turned to look and didn't see anyone, though. Maybe a light here or there, but he thought that the people were just going to bed. In actuality the people were watching the trio approach the dock. As they neared the loch, they walked carefully onto the dock, hearing creaking and moaning of the wood that wasn't there before. Still they walked, linking arms after transforming into the Sailor Moon and Mercury and Tuxedo Mask. They were in a few feet of the end of the dock when suddenly to their surprise there arose a rush of water and up sprang a long, dark, sleek neck of the monster. Through gleaming green eyes, it looked down on them as if to say what do you want? The trio stepped backward slipping and sliding on the wet dock away from the monster. Sailor Moon fell down and as Sailor Mercury bent to help her up, the monster lowered his neck and opened his mouth as if to eat them. Instead he sniffs them. Tuxedo Mask threw a red rose into the monsters mouth to ward him off from the two Sailors. The monster backed away just as quickly as Tuxedo Mask threw his rose. Tuxedo Mask shouted, "Don't harm someone who doesn't want to harm you." The monster just snorted and raised his head back and opened his mouth and let out a loud roar. Out of his mouth shot up a mist of green and white sparkling dust with a flame. Tuxedo Mask yelled, "Are you ready Sailor Moon?" Sailor Mercury gave the calculation on the distance to Sailor Moon so she could use her power on the monster. Sailor Moon went into her stance and yelled, "MOON SCEPTER ELIMATION! " As she lowered her scepter and aimed to the heart of the monster, there was a large and loud BOOM, as if a cannon had been fired. To the trios amazement they looked up and saw green and white sparkling mist descending down upon them. The mist disappeared as it hit the water and ground. In a blink of an eye the monster was gone and the trio were the only ones to hear the gushing of water. They detransformed and turned around to start back to town when they saw the townspeople coming to see what was going on. Some of the people were saying, "As we expected, the monster did it again. Nothing. He must be guarding us against some evil force. He must know that there was no harm meant when we came here to the loch," the barkeep said. He turned to the other townspeople and said, "Come on, I'll open up my inn and serve ye all a dark ale for such a cool evening. Don't worry, it's on me." The townspeople hurried down to the inn. As Darien turned to look back once more to the loch where the monster was, he saw green and white dust sparkle in the light and small ripples of water lapping to the shore. Just as Darien turned back around Amy and Serena saw what he had seen. With wide eyes and a gaping mouth, Darien turned to the girls and said, "Let's RUN!" Serena was off like a shot with Amy and Darien not far behind. Is the monster really gone or . . .