dd204@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Andrew J. Currie) Hi yet again i'll proably put up the rest of the chpater on either Sunday or Monday... Or whenver I get the chance.... I should have metnoin this erlier if you wnatering how the heck Wren is she a charter of a freind of mines.. She has her own story. You can find it at http://www.sbm.org/stories/smm.txt Later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailor Moon Chrysalis - Part 5 Ami finds herself alone in a dark room. Sailor Moon walks up, she says calmly "How could you leave me to die Ami?" A shot is fired from behind Ami hitting Sailor Moon in the head, blood flies onto Ami face and clothing. Sailor Moon falls to the ground. "Usagi!", Ami says crying , "Don't leave me!", her body fades disappearing into the floor leaving only a pool of blood. She hears the sounds of gunfire behind her, she turns around as sees Sailor Venus fall to the ground her body full of bullet holes.. "Ami....", she says softly. Ami runs over but passes right through her, and Venus fades away. Mars' appears next to her bleeding heavily, she starts to crawl toward Ami. "Rei!", Ami says, and tries to grab at her hand but Rei disappears. She turns around to see Jupiter fighting someone in a Sailor outfit, the facial features covered by the darkness. Jupiter is stabbed in the chest, she screams then disappears. The mysterious Sailor scout turns to Ami "Your next Ami Mizuno.", she says. Then, Ami wakes up, knocking Luna off the bed, but being a cat she lands on her feet. Ami is wiping the tears from her eyes, Luna jumps back on the bed. Luna looks at Ami, "What wrong Ami?" "Oh Luna.", she says holding her close, letting the tears come out. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Ami, is doing some homework, Luna sits nearby on a footstool, she appears to be sleeping, when the doorbell rings. Ami gets up from her chair and goes to answer the door. It's Michiru, her arm is bandaged up, covering the wound that the creature made yesterday. "Michiru?", Ami asks, "What are you doing here? I though you would be at Haruka side while she's recovering." "Well,", she begins to say. "Not much conversation you can have with someone who is sleeping. Anyway, Setsuna is keeping a eye on her, I needed to get out anyway, and so do you Ami." "But I have a test coming up in a week and I'm only 3 chapters ahead.", Ami says. "It would be good for you to get out for a while Ami.", Luna says walking over to them. "I would get your mind off the last few days." "It would be fun, Ami. So let's go!", Michiru says. Ami sighs, "Oh all right.", she says. Ami goes to the door and puts on her shoes, "Do you want to come along too Luna?", Ami asks. "I better," Luna says, "We have much to discuss, and where's Wren today?" "I think she's helping Mamoru move into his new apartment.", Ami says. "I think she has a crush on him..", Michiru says. "Wren's just a good friend Michiru. Nothing more.", Ami says closing the door behind her, and the three of them are off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elsewhere in an apartment across town, Wren is sitting on the floor unpacking some boxes. Beside her, Nellie her sheepdog sleeps. The door of the apartment opens up and in walks Mamoru, he is carrying a number of grocery bags. Nellie lifts her head to see who it is then goes back to sleep. Wren gets up. "Welcome back Mamoru. What did you get me?", she says walking over towards him. He walks into the kitchen area and put the bags down on the table. "Just some necessities", he says a he begins to unpack the bags. Wren helps, and she sees something of interest. "All right! You remembered!", she takes out a box of Count Chockula. "You don't know how hard these are to find in some places!" She immediately opens the box a pours herself a bowl. Mamoru chuckles. "Hey! Don't hog the whole box!", he says while looking around, and sees some strange unrecognizable symbols on the walls. "Wren.." "Yea, Mamoru?", she says scarfing down her cereal. "What are those symbols on the wall?", he says pointing to them. "Those are wards.", Wren says putting in another mouthful. "They'll protect the apartment from any unwanted visitors." "Do you really think that was necessary?" Wren puts down her bowl, and looks up at him with quite a serious look on her face. "Yes it was Mamoru. I mean I've already lost so much..", she looks a little sad. "I mean I wouldn't want to lose my best friend too..." Mamoru sits down, and put his hand on her shoulder ."I understand..", he looks at his watch. "Oh shoot! I'm going to be late for work!" Wren smiles, "Your going to have fun explaining where you were the past couple of days." "I'll figure something out.", he grabs his jacket. "See you later!", he says closing the door behind him. Wren looks around, "Now where was I?" "Wren.", a voice says coming from the balcony. "Whose there?", Artemis walks into the apartment. "Artemis! I haven't see you in a while. What's up!" "Wren", he says, I need to ask you a favor..." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- After their shopping trip, Ami picked up some books, Michiru a new dress. They stop off for a little lunch Ami and Luna watch with utter amazement as Michiru put down her fourth hamburger. Ami is just having a soda. "This is very unlike you Michiru.", Ami comments. "Wren said that I be eating a lot more due to the increased healing rate.", she says, "Amazing girl she is." "Yes quite.", Ami comments. "Haruka did not want to stay in bed, she could barley move with her injuries. So, Wren put a sleep spell on her. It was for the best.", she says finishing her hamburger. "Just like Usagi..", Luna comments watching Michiru. "So do you think these are the same people are the same ones that ambushed you and the other that night Ami?" "I think so..", Ami says reluctantly. "Some of those guys at the hospital the other day looked exactly liked the guy who attacked us at the house." "Very strange..", Michiru says. "But I wonder why go to all this trouble over one person essence?" "Hmm. The four returning to the one..", Luna says. "Do you know something Luna?", Ami says looking at her "Well, there was this rumor going around, back in the Silver Millennium that Beryl and Metalia met something as powerful, maybe more, that her while trying to conquer some other dimension. Somehow, as the story goes, they had managed to seal it up. There was also this prophecy that went along with it. it went something like this. 'A princess shall open the way, for the four to be returned to the one,' "There was another line here but I can remember it." And the lord of the Abyss shall return.. "The lord of the Abyss??", Ami says, "Who or what is that?" "This does not sound good at all.", Michiru says somberly. "But what does it all mean?", Michiru says. "The first line could be referring to Usagi.. But, with that thinking the first line must have a happened already. And when would have she 'opened the way'?", Ami says. "Maybe accidentally?". Michiru says. "But the 'four returning to the one', is most likely a reference to Beryl's generals, they have one already.", Luna says. "Where did the 3 others die Ami?", Michiru says "Well the three others were, Kunzite, Zoisite and Jadeite. Kunzite was killed by Usagi in the Arctic in some tunnels. He said something about Zoisite being dead as well, but I don't know where he died, and last time I saw Jadeite he was being run over by a commercial airplane.' Michiru eyes open wide with surprise. "It was either us or him, we didn't have much choice.", Ami says. "Can we move on to another topic?" "That missing line could hold the key to it all, Luna.", Michiru says "You'll have to ask Artemis about these kind of things. He remembers more than I do.", Luna says "If we ever see him again. He seemed pretty distraught." "I know I hope he doesn't do anything too foolish.", Luna says "He wouldn't do something like that? Would he?", Ami says "Even Artemis is not that stupid.", Luna says looking a little smug. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elsewhere Wren is putting the finishing touches on a ritual spell she has drawn onto the floor. She looks at Artemis. "Are you sure you want to do this Artemis? I'm not totally sure this will even work." "I'm sure,", he says, "I cannot do much like this.", he says looking at himself. "O.K.", Wren says, "Let me just check this thing over to make sure I haven't made any mistakes." She looks at the Codex (which is floating in front of her), and checks it with what she has drawn onto the floor. The design on the floor consist of a large circle with 3 circles inside of each touching each other in the center. There are 4 lines which extend outward. pass the outer circle, as well there are some symbols drawn around the large circle itself. "O.K. everything checks out.", Wren says, "I ask you one last time Artemis. Are you sure about this? One you go down this path there's no turning back." "I'm sure", he says confidently. "O.K let's begin. Stand in the center where the 3 circles touch and just relax. This may hurt a bit." She looks a the codex and begins. "Ar tu me ni codan", the symbols on the outside being to glow, her hair starts to stand on end. "Gi ba yu Iftin", the outer circle starts to glow and Artemis start to rise in the air. "Artemis gi fe ju sodan", bolts or energy start to fly between Artemis the circle and Wren. Sweat droplets start to go down Wren's forehead. "Vein Jule Vacmen Sos!", the bolts start to hit Artemis more frequently. Wren is also staring to float off the ground. Artemis convulses in pain. "Fe Artemis Dena Lo!", a column of energy shoot up from the circle, Artemis screams, and it is over. Wren floats gently back to the ground, she goes over to Artemis. "Are you O.K Artemis?" "Just a little woozy.", he looks around, "Did it work?" "Well your not dead are you?", she says. "Well, no." "Then it probably worked." "How do I....", Artemis begins to say. "Just think about it and it will happen.", Wren says as she starts to remove the circle from the floor. "But, don't do it too often or..." "Or what?", he says looking slightly concerned. "Or strange things could happen..." "Like what?" "I really don't know. I never done a spell like this before, so to be on the safe side don't do it too often." Artemis hops onto the couch. "Your not going to tell Luna are you?" "That your responsibility Artemis, not mine.", she says turning away from him. "Now I have to remove this before Mamoru gets back." Artemis begins to fall asleep and Wren begins to clean up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elsewhere Ami and Michiru after their shopping trip, go to Cherry Hill Temple to see who Rei grandfather is doing. Dark clouds can be seen in the sky. Yuu is outside sweeping up. He sees Ami and waves to her. She waves back and walks over to him. "Hello Ami. What bring you over here?", he says. "Oh I just stopped by to see how you and Rei's grandfather is doing." "Hello", Michiru says. "I don't think we have met", Yuu says looking at Michiru. "Yuu this is my friend Michiru. Michiru, Yuukinojo." "Please to meet you", Yuu says. "Likewise", Michiru says "So how are you getting along Yuu?", Ami asks. Yuu looks slightly sad. "I'm doing O.K, it's the old man I'm more worried about." "Oh?", Ami says. "He just sits around looking at Rei's picture. Mumbling to himself. I try to my best to comfort him. Hopefully he'll get over this soon. Meanwhile I try my best to keep the temple up and running so that keeps me busy." "That good.", Ami says, "Maybe I could go and see Grandfather maybe that would cheer him up." "It's worth a shot.", he looks up to the darkening sky, "It looks like rain. Would you to like to stay for tea?" "That would be nice.", Michiru says. Before either of them can make a move 4 men in trench-coats walk onto the temple grounds, They are followed by a woman in a tight, skimpy outfit, half of her body is covered in horrible scars. She carries two swords on her back. Ami and Michiru look very shocked. "Lilith..", Ami says under her breath. Yuu goes over to one of the men. "How can I help you?", he asks. "By not getting in our way.", and the man pulls out an Uzi, and do the rest of them. Yuu looks quite surprised. "All right.", Lilith says looking around. "You two stay out her with the handsome looking boy here," she says looking at the one who has Yuu at gun point and another. "We'll take the two girls inside and look in there. Move you two!" Ami and Michiru are pushed inside the temple at gun point. Inside Lilith and one of the man start to look around, the other sits Ami and Michiru on the floor and has his gun pointed at them. "Don't you two try anything funny or we may have to kill you.", Lilith says. Rei's Grandfather walks in. "What's going on here? Can anyone get some sleep?", he sees Lilith and the two men. Lilith pulls out her sword and charges him. He parries the blade by clasping it between his hands. Lilith is quite surprised by this but she hits him with the pommel of the other sword knocking him unconscious. "That old man was surprisingly tough.", she says. "Put him with the other two she says. "Have you two found anything?" "Not yet Lilith.", one of them says. "Maybe those two girls can help.", she walks over to Ami and Michiru. "Maybe you can answer this question for me.", she says, "Where is the one called Jadeite?" "Jadeite?", Ami says. "Oh you know of him?", Lilith says. "Tell me. I hate to ruin a pretty face like yours.", she begins to bring her sword to Ami face. Then quite suddenly the sounds of gunfire can be heard coming from outside. "What the hell are those two idiots doing?", she looks at the two men that are with her. "It's probably those Sailor Scouts again.", she says. "Go and see if you can help the two outside." The two walk over to the door and open it up. "Burning Mandala!", a voice says coming from outside and a number of energy disks hit the men and they turn into black piles of goo. Ami is quite surprised by this. "No way..", she says. Lilith is even more shocked. "There is no way it could be her! She's supposed to be dead!", she looks outside and sees this person in Sailor Mars' uniform. Ami and Michiru also get up and look out one of the windows near to them. "Can you make out who it is Michiru?", Ami asks. "No, it's a little too dark.", she says. Lilith confronts, the person. "I don't know who you are, Sailor Mars, but this time I'll make sure that you stay dead!", and she charges Sailor Mars. "Fire Soul!", Mars says and fireball comes toward Lilith, and it is a little to late for her to dodge it. "Shit!", she says and then she is consumed by flames, leaving no trace that she was ever here. The light blinds Michiru and Ami for a second and Sailor Mars is gone. Ami looks at Michiru. "Whoever that was, it wasn't Rei." "Are you sure about that Ami?", Michiru says. "Yes, I saw Rei die, and anyways Rei is slightly taller than that. But we did learn something from this." "What is that Ami?" "Jadeite was one of Beryl's generals, we now know for sure that they are looking for the four of them.", Ami says. The old man starts to moan. "See if you can find Yuu, Ami, I'll see to the 'grandfather' here." Ami goes outside and sees if she can find Yuu. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that evening, a heavy thunderstorm has come up and Michiru, Haruka and Setsuna all with umbrellas wait patiently for Ami and Wren to show up. Haruka looks at her watch. "Couldn't they have done this indoors? I'm getting very wet.", she says. "I think it's very appropriate sendoff, Haruka. Beside it's the closest thing she had to a family was us.", Setsuna says. Michiru looks down the hillside, "Anyway here they come now." Coming up the hillside are Ami, who is carrying a small wooden box. Closely following her are Wren and Mamoru. Strangely enough they appear to be quite dry, considering the downpour. Haruka looks at Ami, "Let's get this over with then." Wren looks at Ami, "I think you should do it Ami." Ami looks at Wren, "Are you sure that you don't want to do it Wren?" She smiles, "No, you do it." Ami looks toward the shy, the rain comes down upon her face. She looks at the box. "Makoto if your up there. Catch.", and the throws the box into the sky. It floats there in the air for a second then quite unexpectedly, a lighting bolt hits it and it is shattered to the four winds. "Now that that done with,", Haruka says turning away from them, "we have a war to finish." (to be continued..) Comments/praise go to Andrew J. Currie.