dd204@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Andrew J. Currie) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailor Moon Chrysalis - Part 9 "Wren Green", a voice says, and she came slowly back to consciousness. "What?" she said surveying here surroundings seeing in front of her, through the amber colored walls of her prison, a large black crystal floating in front of her, a number of cracks can be seen along it and she could feel the presence of what ever was inside it. To her left she could see Jadeite on his knees, badly beaten. A large man, at least 7 feet tall stands over him, wearing a leather armored outfit and sword on his back, larger than him, Gilgamesh she assumed he was. She looked around trying to identify other individuals in the area, close to her was the heavily cloaked Mummu. Behind her was the "child", who she was sure was a lot older than she looked. Ishtar. Beside him was Nergal, holding his spear in his hand, cleaning off the blood from the recent battle. Closer to the crystal was a man wearing a leather jacket, and carrying a rapier at his side. He turns towards her, "Ahh," he says walking towards her, "you're awake!" "Damn right!" Wren says, not looking at all pleased. "No way I'm being sacrificed or my blood split." "So you know." he says, he turns away for a moment, "That right. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kingu." he bows in her direction. "I'd love to shake your hand but I'm in kind of a bind right now." she says with a smirk. "And this," he says lifting his hand towards the large crystal. "Is our imprisoned Lord Aspu." "Welcome Wren, last of the magi." a voice says coming from the crystal. "My God..." Wren says feeling whatever is trapped in there, "No wonder Jadeite so afraid of you!" "He has every right to be." Aspu says. "Now kill him." "With pleasure." Gilgamesh says a thrust his sword through Jadeite's chest, killing him instantly. His body faded out leaving only a small globe of energy on the floor. Gilgamesh picks it up and tosses it towards the crystal, it now appears almost ready to shatter, but something is still preventing it. "So close", Aspu says. "My friends will stop you!" Wren says interrupting them. "If they can find their way here", Ishtar says, and she puts her hand on the crystal, "They'll never find there way to this place." "It appears they have." Mummu says, and an image of the senshi comes up near him. "They're in a black desert area." "What? How?" Ishtar says. "It appears Jadeite kept the gate open and they followed us here." Mummu says. "It doesn't matter." Aspu says, "I leave the details of their deaths in your hands Kingu." Mummu does not look at all pleased by this. "As you wish my lord," he says. "Ishtar, Gilgamesh." he says truing towards them. "Prepare the inner defenses." "Yes." they both say and disappear into the blackness. "Mummu. Nergal," he says looking around for him, "That obsessed fool... No matter." he turns towards Mummu, "Take the prisoner to your lab and..." he pauses for a second. "...Prepare her." "It will be done." and he leaves the amber prison holding Wren. "Wait till you meet our other guests", he says laughing maniacally as they both disappear into the darkness "Will they able to stop them?" Aspu says. "I doubt it." Kingu says. "I have to wait for a body anyway. Let's see if anyone is suitable," the voice says ominously. --------------------------------------------------------- The Sailor Senshi, along with Tuxedo Mask, look around at their new surroundings. "It is just like Jadeite had said." Neptune comments. Jupiter turns toward Mercury, who has her visor on and is pushing a few keys on her computer. "Have you found anything yet, Mercury?" she says "There's a large stone castle in the NW." she says, "It the only structure that I can make out in the area." "There's nothing else?" Uranus says." "Just that castle, there are no other life or energy readings from anywhere else. There's a very large one similar to that "Tiamat" creature that we fought earlier. "That must be where Wren is." Tuxedo Mask says, and they all begin to run toward the castle. --------------------------------------------------------- "Welcome to my parlor." Mummu says spreading his arms out, the sleeves of his cloak dangling aimlessly. Wren, from he viewpoint in the amber crystal, sees a large room. On each side of the walls there are large containers. Inside there are a number of men in differ stage of growth, some are almost fully human, other a missing an arm or leg some, a few don't have anything above the waist. Mummu chuckles, "Like my children?" he says walking over to a large control panel. "Your children?" she says looking a little confused. "Yes my sons, my Endikus." He walks over to one of the containers and start to stroke it. He then walks back towards her. "It not easy to create clones like this on such a large scale you know. I could not do it with magic alone, too slow. I had to find a way with the efficiency of technology and the adaptability of magic. So I did it here. I needed a way to test out my earlier creations. They weren't very bright you know. I usually implant a bit of my consciousness in each one, and when necessary take control of one, like I did in the first battle. I had not expected to feel any pain though the creation." he pause for a second. "If I do that again I have to find a way to block off the pain centers." "You're mad." Wren says quite plainly. "Not mad. I just am so advanced you can't deal with me as a person." Wren shakes her head, "You are mad." "I better introduce you to our other guests." he turns away from her. "Over there to your far left, on the floating cross is someone you might know." A light source from somewhere illuminates that area. "Yuuichirou!" and it is him up on cross on there by some unknown source, his is no longer wearing a shirt, he has a number of bruises and burns on his chest now, his skin is pale and he's not conscious at the moment. "I wonder if he be able to stand the next set of tests?" Mummu says. "I haven't seen anything evidence of the power he had earlier. Very unusual." the light source disappears. "Our next guest," he continues on is a unique creature that had helped me much in my creation of my, sons. A Pegasus!" and a light shines in a distance in front of him we see a black colored horse, with black feathered wings, they are molting. It also has a gray colored horn coming out of it forehead, it has a number of scars along it body as well. Some chains keep it secured to the ground and one similar is around it neck. Mummu walks over to it. "I need a bit of its blood to help keep my sons, stable. Otherwise after a while they just turn into a pile of black goo." he says as he cuts a small incision along it body. Some blood trickles out onto the floor and down into a drain. "Now I have to go, and see what my Lord need of me. Bye now!" and he fades into the darkness." "I have to get out of this prison." and Wren tries to cast a spell but it had no effect. "They had this planed to a tee," she says. "They always do." a voice says in her head. She looks around "Who said that?" "I did", and the Pegasus whinnies. "Oh hello there." Wren says. "I appears were in the same predicament." "Yes it does," the Pegasus says, "Except you pain will be short and quick, while mine shall continue." "Hey I don't intend to have any pain at all. My friends are coming to rescue me." "Who might be these friends of yours?" "The Sailor Senshi." "Oh? You have some very capable friends indeed!" Wren smiles. "Yes. Oh I'm sorry I should have introduced myself. I'm Wren." "Hello Wren. My name is Seth." --------------------------------------------------------- After about an hour's journey, they arrive at the castle. It looks like a typical medieval castle, with stone walls and a few towers rising toward the sky. A two large wooden doors stand in front of them. "We've arrived." Neptune says. "Wren's somewhere inside. No point of being sneaky." Jupiter says walking toward the doors. Before she gets near the door it, begins to open. The senshi get into their battle stance. Before them they see, a large number of humanoid shaped shadow creatures, they're exact number are hand to tell and they seem to blend together. "Wait." A voice says from the creatures, they separate to the sides and Nergal walks toward them holding the tip of his spear downward. "Nergal." Tuxedo Mask says. "How can you still be alive?" Jupiter asks. "I killed you!" "Does it matter? I just here for him." and he points his spear at Tuxedo Mask. "I offer you a proposition senshi." he says the creatures gathering behind him. "I'll allow you to pass here unharmed. If Endymion stays here and fights me one-on-one." "It a fair proposition." Tuxedo Mask says walking forward toward Nergal. "You can't accept this!" Mercury says. "How do you know he will keep his word." "I have no interest in you senshi. I just want Endymion." "Go." Tuxedo Mask says, "I'll stay her and keep him busy. It's one less thing you have to deal with." "We go on ahead." Uranus says. "Good luck." Pluto says, and the senshi had into the castle, and the wooden doors close behind them. Nergal tosses a sword at Tuxedo Mask's feet. "Why don't you take off that mask so I can see you dishonorable face, Endymion?" a slight smirk comes across his face. He does so, "Why do you hate me so Nergal?" he asks picking up a sword. "Your crimes are unforgivable Endymion. Now let's finish this and fight!" he screams and charges towards him. --------------------------------------------------------- The senshi enter the courtyard of the castle, behind them the large wooden doors disappear and a black mist permeates the air. The walls, (what can be seen of them) are black and there are no doors that can be seen leading anywhere. "What is this place?" Neptune asks looking around. "Can you get a fix on Wren's location?" Jupiter asks. "Nothing yet." she says pressing a few more keys on her computer. "Give me a few more minutes." A light flashes on the far left of her visor. "Someone coming off to the left." the senshi turn and prepare to meet whatever is coming their way. "I guess a surprise attack is impossible," the deep male voice says, and out of the shadows walks Gilgamesh. He pulls out his sword out of his scabbard on his back. "Shall we finish what we started Uranus?" "No.", Jupiter says walking towards him, "I'll fight you." and the blades extend off her arm. "You really think you can take me on, little one?" "I guess their only one ways to find out!" and she charges toward him and slashes at him, the two blades leave a small cut across his chest. "If want it that way!" and he thrusts his sword toward Jupiter, she parries hit trying to push him back. "Jupiter!" Mercury says. "Go on! I'll be along soon as soon as I deal with this," she says. "But Jupiter." Mercury says. "Let's go Mercury!" Pluto says putting a hand on her shoulder, "This is something she has to deal with." "Which way Mercury?" Uranus says. "Give me a second..." and she pushes a few more keys on her computer. "That way to the right." and they go in that direction disappearing into the darkness. --------------------------------------------------------- Sailor Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto enter a very lightly lit hallway, which is slowly rising upward. "I hope Jupiter will be all right... " Mercury says with a slight worry on her face. "She can handle herself fine." Neptune says. "Do you feel it?" Neptune says. "Something wants out." "I feel it too. A presence, something." Uranus says. "Could that be Aspu?" Mercury asks looking at bit worried. "Possibly." "We're there." Mercury says and they enter a large room. It is well lit with large containers going down each of the walls and at the other end they see Wren, held captive in a large amber crystal. "Wren!" Mercury says. "Keep your guard up." Uranus says scanning the area holing her Space Sword in one had. "Nice of you to join us." a voice says echoing of the walls, and Mummu appears next to Wren's container. "You!" Neptune says. "I'm quite surprised you made it this far" he says, "You shall get no farther." and waves his hand toward them, a hissing sound is heard and all the containers along the wall begin to open. The three outer senshi stand in a circle. "Be ready for anything." Pluto says. "Not a far fight." Neptune says. "Since when have any have?" Uranus says smirking. Human creatures start to come out of the containers; some are look fully human other have not full formed limbs or their flesh oozes dripping on to the floor. They start to walk slowly towards the Senshi. "World Shaking!" Uranus says launching a large energy ball toward a bunch of the things coming toward her, it connects and a few explode spreading a black paste everywhere. Mercury gets ready to launch her attack at a few, but a green energy ball hits them instead. "Mercury you'll have to see if you can free Wren!" she says. "We'll cover you!" "Dead Scream." Pluto says and a ball of energy builds up on her staff and she fires it toward a few that are coming her way, it connects and they turn into black goo. "I guess I'll have to intervene." Mummu says, and 2 metallic hands come out the sleeves of his cloak and they start to glow. "What?" Neptune says and the black goo starts to gather together and begins to reach out and consume the remaining humid creatures. The outer senshi begin to back off, but notice that the black goo has started to gather behind them as well. "Shiny Aqua Illusion!" Mercury says, and a stream of water comes off her hands and it hits the black paste. But it just slides off it, having no effect. "Shit!" Uranus says and slashes at the mass cutting it but it immediately disappears. Tentacles off the black mass reach out for Neptune. She tries to grab at it but it ensnares one of her arms, and begins to pull her in. "Neptune!" Uranus yells, and slashes with her sword at the tentacles holding Neptune, cutting her free but two tentacles reach out for her and begin to pull her in. "Uranus." Neptune says, trying to keep away from the black mass, but it is increasingly difficult as the black mass gathers them tighter in a circle. Mercury turns toward Mummu, his hands still glowing. He laughs, "There nothing you can do for your friends!" Maybe not!" and she begins to push a few buttons on her keyboard. "What are you doing?" he asks, "Whatever your doing I can't allow it." and bolt of energy fires of from one of his hands. Striking the floor near to Mercury knocking her off balance. "Shoot your attacks at Mummu!" Mercury says. "His power is keeping the creature alive." "Dead Scream", and a ball of energy, comes through the black mass aimed at Mummu, it connects and he is knocked back, and black mass loses it form and spreads across the floor. Mummu get up. "Time for a hasty retreat." he says, and he fades into the blackness, Wren following close behind. Mercury turns towards Neptune, who's helping Uranus up. Pluto is standing nearby. "Are you all right?" she asks. "Some quick thinking there." Pluto says. "Thanks", Mercury says. "No time for small talk." Uranus says, "We have to follow him." and she walks over to where Mummu had disappeared to and walks in. "Coming?" he voice coming from the blackness, the others follow. --------------------------------------------------------- Outside of the castle, Nergal and Tuxedo Mask, continue their battle parrying each other attacks. Neither has gotten a strike on the other. "Why do you hate me so?" Tuxedo Mask asks again. "I still have no idea what you have against me? "For what you have done to me, our family." he thrusts his spear again at him Tuxedo Mask dodges it. "But what specifically?" he asks, panting as sweat comes off his forehead. "This is not time to be asking question like that Endymion." and thrusts his spear towards Tuxedo Mask, he parries it with his sword, but the force of the blow knocks the sword out of his hands. "Now you die for..." Nergal says holding his spear above him getting ready for the final blow. "For what?" Tuxedo Mask says, looking at him. He pauses, "For... For... ", And he remembers. ------------------- Kingu, Lilith and Ishtar are looking down at someone lying on a table. "Are you sure this will work Mummu?" Kingu says looking at someone out of sight. "Yes, this will be my ultimate achievement!" Mummu says, "In this clone I'll plant the hatred, and disgust for Tuxedo Mask. He hates him from that previous life of this. What was he called again?" "Prince Endymion." Lilith states. "He won't remember any of this?" Ishtar says. "No he won't. He'll be too busy trying to kill Tuxedo Mask. The hatred for him will drive him to extraordinary lengths." "If your sure then." Kingu says walking away. "Let's begin." and everything fades. ------------------- Nergal drops his spear; "I'm nothing more than a bunch of false memories..." "What?" Tuxedo Mask says. "I'm sorry Endymion... " He says, "I realize now that I have been manipulated by them. I'm just a clone of someone, and I had hatred for you implanted into me. I'm nothing." he turns away from him. "Go", Nergal says. "Go and help your friends. They'll need every bit they can get." The doors open and Tuxedo Mask runs to find the Senshi. "Good luck Endymion." Nergal says. --------------------------------------------------------- The senshi arrive enter another large room, they see again Wren at one end being held in her amber prison, Mummu stand near to it and so does Ishtar. "We'll looks you finally here." Ishtar says, as pieces of the floor begin to crack. "Come and get us if you can." and a large piece of the floor flies at them. "World Shaking!" Uranus says and launches a yellow ball of energy toward the flying rock, shattering it into smaller pieces. "You'll have to do better than that!" Ishtar says and the numerous smaller pieces fly towards Uranus. She manages to dodge a few of them but some scrape along her arms and legs. Mummu fires and energy bolt towards them, they all dodge as it strikes the wall behind them. "Shabon Spray!" Mercury says and a fog covers the area. "Shit! Where did they go." Ishtar says looking around in the fog. A staff strikes her she gets knocked back. "Away with you!" and the floor explodes near her, sending pieces of it flying everywhere. "Space Sword Attack", and a blade strikes Mummu's shield. He waves his hand and the fog disappears. "You attacks are pretty pitiful", he says looking that the senshi. "My defenses are impenetrable!" "World..." Uranus begins, looking at Mummu "You tried that once. It had no effect." Mummu says with content. Uranus turns toward Wren's prison. "Shaking!" and launches the ball of energy at it. "Oh shit!" Wren says and the attack connects, Ishtar is knocked down. It had no effect. "Did you think you could free her?" Mummu says. "Who says I was trying to free her?" Uranus says with a slight smirk on her face. Ishtar begins to float off the ground. "You'll all pay for that!" she says. An unseen force begins to push the Senshi into the floor. "What is this?" Neptune asks, trying to resist. "I'll crush you bodies into flat pancakes." Ishtar says, her nose beings to bleed. Energy begins to build up on one of Mummu hands. She turns toward him. "No! I want the pleasure of killing them myself!" she says and they the floor beneath begins to crack. Sparking Wide Pressure!" is heard in the distance and one of the walls of to the side explodes and Gilgamesh flies through and lands on the floor. "Gilgamesh you idiot!" Ishtar says and the hold on the senshi disappears. "World Shaking!" "Deep Submerge!" "Dead Scream." All the attack goes toward Ishtar and connects. "Father!" she screams and the attacks consume her. Gilgamesh gets up. "Shit!" he says. "Where is she?" he asks looking around. "Right here." she says, Jupiter has a few scrapes and bruises on her. He charges toward her. "Time to finish this!" he says. "Final blow!" he says and throws the sword toward her, she is too late to parry it as it goes through her chest and out the other side. "Jupiter!" Mercury says, looking on in horror, running toward her. Jupiter coughs up some reddish-black blood. Then Gilgamesh grabs his sword, and says, "Your dead." and puts his foot on her and pulls his sword out, and Jupiter's lifeless body falls to the ground. "Who's next?" Gilgamesh asks, seeing Mercury nearby. "I guess you are," he says smiling. "Mercury!" Neptune says. "Don't forget about me." Mummu says and fires and energy blast toward her, she dodges. "Shiny Aqua Illusion!" Mercury says, launches a stream of water toward Gilgamesh. He easily parries it with his sword. "Is that the best you can do?" he says. "Energy Slash!" and motions his sword towards her and an invisible wave of energy knock her back into the wall. Gilgamesh pulls his sword upwards getting ready to strike. "Now you'll join your friends." "I don't think so... " A weak voice says behind him. "What?" he says turning. "No way....", Mercury says. Jupiter is staring to get back up, the wound in her chest begging to slowly close. "I... don't die that easily." she says beginning to get up "How?" Gilgamesh says, "Impossible!" "Jupiter... ", Mercury says. "Nothing's impossible... ", Jupiter says standing up to her full height. "I'll finish you for sure this time!" he says and charges towards her. "Lighting Arc Slash!" Jupiter says and lighting starts to come of the two blades and she thrust them into Gilgamesh body, he screams in pain, and she pulls the blades upward through his body, sending blood and internal organs flying everywhere. What's left of Gilgamesh body falls limp onto the floor. Jupiter falls onto her knees. "Jupiter!" Mercury yells, tears coming out her eyes, "I thought you were dead like..." "Shh. shh," she says, "It's all right." "Are you going to be O.K.?" Mercury says. "Let this wound close, it'll be a few minutes." she says. "How is this possible?" Mercury asks. "This thing." she says motioning to the grayish mass on her arm. "It saved me that way more than once." "Amazing." Mercury says. She looks over at the three outer senshi who are fighting Mummu, "Do you think they need any help?" "I'm in not much condition to help them right now." Jupiter says, "You know what they say. Just let them be." Mummu fires off another energy blast toward the outer senshi striking the floor near them. "Why don't you just give up now?" he says walking slowly towards them. "We've come this far. Why give up now?" Uranus says. "Then die." and his hand starts to glow, suddenly a rose hits him in the arm. "What?" He says pulling it out and in the hole there is Tuxedo Mask. "You!" Mummu says, "How did you penetrate my defenses?" "Die!" he says and fires of a white ball of energy towards Tuxedo Mask. There is a bright flash of light where Tuxedo Mask was standing. He falls down to the floor his costume smoking slightly. "Nooooooo!" Wren screams and her prison shatters. Mummu turns and see Wren standing there, her eyes are glowing a bright green. "You're going to pay for that!" she says, and she holds her hands above her as a large, pure white ball of energy starts to gather in her hands. Mummu starts to move away but it is too late. "BURN!" she says and fires it off towards him, a fizzing sound can be heard before it hits him. He screams in agony and his cloak burns off his body, and we see now that Mummu is more machine than man, one of his metallic arms explodes off of him as the fire rages around him. It ends. He stands there looking at Wren. "You haven't beaten me yet..." he say slowly, what little flesh that can be seen through the machinery that is meshed into his body. "Then I'll finish you now!" Wren says. But before she can do anything he teleports away. "That bastard got away." she says, then she looks to the Tuxedo Mask's body. "Mamoru!" she says running over to this body, Mercury is on her knees next to him, Jupiter standing behind her, he head turned away. She bends down and reaches for one of his hands. "Mamoru don't die!" she says tears streaking down her face, "I... I..." she begins to say. "Do you really love him that much", an unfamiliar voice says. Everyone turns and sees the black Pegasus standing behind them. "You are you?" Neptune asks. "I am Seth," he says. "And I owe Wren a favor." he says, and his horn glows for a second and the burns marks disappear from Mamoru's body, he opens his eyes, "What happened?" he asks. "Your all right." Wren says and hugs him. She turns and looks at Seth, "Thank you." "Now we are even." he says, "A word of warning senshi, Aspu is more and less than he appears." "What do you mean?" Neptune says, but the Pegasus disappears. "Can you stand up Mamoru?" Mercury asks. "Yes I'm fine," he says, "Better than I've been in a long time." "Where to Mercury?" Pluto asks. She punches a few keys on her computer. "Through there." she says. "Let's go and finish this then." Jupiter says, everyone else nods in agreement. --------------------------------------------------------- Mummu arrives in front of the crystal prison holding Aspu; Kingu is off to one side. Mummu fall to his knees. He crawls forward, slowly toward the crystal. "My lord!" he says reaching up toward the crystal, "Help me!" "No.", Aspu says bluntly. "But I have serves you well thought all these years." he says. Kingu walks to him; "You herd what he said. Your pretty pathetic now, Mummu." "Wait." Aspu says, "You can serve me one more away Mummu." "I'll do anything!" "Are you not human?" Aspu says. "And a mage." Kingu says. "But my lord..." "Kill him Kingu." Aspu says "With pleasure." Kingu says, and draws out his foil. The Senshi arrive in the room. "What is this place?" Neptune says looking around. Kingu slashes his foil across Mummu chest; he smiles as blood flies across his face, and onto the crystal. "Oh no.", Mercury says. "AT LAST!" a voice says and the crystal shatters and wind comes from out of no where and blackness covers the room. Then it ends. Uranus get up off the floor, she looks around. "Be ready for anything." "I'm no longer getting any reading of any kind." Mercury says. Jupiter starts to get up, she looks toward Pluto, "Are you all right Pluto?" "Better than I've ever been." and points her staff towards her. "Dead Scream!" she yells and fires off the energy ball towards her. It strikes to floor near to her knocking her back. The rest of the senshi look at Sailor Pluto. "Pluto," Neptune says, "What has gotten into you?" "The one you know as Pluto," she says and black tendrils of energy start to fly around her, "her conciseness no longer exists in this body!" "My god... ", Mercury says. "Your Aspu." "Correct." Aspu says, and her costume shimmers and changes into a black suit. "I always did like Jadeites taste in clothing. "Good-bye senshi." he says, "I have a universe to conquer. Come Kingu." and they both disappear. "Oh and one last thing." he says a the voice begins to face away, "I'm taking Yuuichirou with me as a prisoner of war." "Wait!" Mercury says. "We're in deep trouble now." Jupiter says. "Yes, ", Neptune says, "That maniac with complete control of time... " "We have to find a way to reach out to Pluto's mind." Mercury says. "Your heard him." Uranus says, "Setsuna's gone. If it come down to it..." "Yes, ", Neptune says, "we will have to destroy the body. Killing him." (To be concluded...) The final chapter will be coming soon in this 'epic'.. Proably tommorow...:) Later. -- Andrew Currie - A simple Rayearth fan Kasumi rep of RANCO, Eudial rep of OSMC "Don't worry aobut Akane. She just a voilent maniac", Tendo Kasumi on Akane "I'm stupid, but I'm the main character.", Lime, SM Girls Marionette R "We're not hickhiking anymore. We're riding!", Ren Hoek