Title: Seals of Heart and Space Author: E. Cypher E-Mail: LunarEB2@aol.com Rating: PG Hi again all! This chapter is really late in coming I know, I've been having trouble gathering my ideas into anything solid, but I hope to get back on track. Thanks again for all those who sent word of their interest! For those others...E-MAIL! Even the shortest comment is welcome, I love hearing from you all! Okay then, Enjoy the story! Chapter 5: Revenge and Fear ::Lina:: Wow, that was a looong conversation last night. After the battle, we all went out to the park, with them all still in their costumes so as to keep their identites secret for whatever reason, and found a quiet, isolated area to talk. It continued far into the evening... "Well, you two certainly seem to be more then you appear," the guy in the tux says, "so just where are you really from?" Glancing around the room, I once again look at each of our new companions, five young girls in multi-colored sailor outfits and a mysterious man in a tuxedo. Boy, haven't we run into the strange crowd. Guess I'll have to trust them though. Taking a deep breath, I relate to them the entire story of how we got here, and, because of the groups curiosity, nearly the entire history of my life. "So that brings us to today. I didn't want to take up to much of your time, so I may have skipped some details, but you get the swing of things." I look around. Most of their faces are staring blankly at me. Why do I always get this reaction... "Wow..." says Serena, now called Sailor Moon. "It sounds like you two have had about as much trouble as we have." "Definitely. That Rezo guy sounds like a nasty character, and Chabranigdo even worse." Raye states. "Yes.." Tuxie says in a low, careful voice, "and if not for the show we've already seen, I'm not sure I'd believe it." I sigh. "Look, believe what you want, but I'm not in the mood to argue with you." Glancing at each of them in turn, I stare hard into the man's eyes. "Nor should I need to explain or prove myself to you people, who have no room to talk." The comment catches him off guard and he seems rather taken aback, but he recovers and starts chuckling, smiling openly. "I suppose you're right. We must seem just as strange to you as you do to us." He looks back at the girls before turning his attention to me. "However, for now I'm afraid our identities must remain hidden." "Huh, well, you obviously know who we are, since we don't even try to conceal our names. Still, I never did like working with suspicious people..." Smiling, I raise my hands and fall into concentration... ::Darian:: Oh no, what's she up now? "Wait, what're you doing?" I ask, taking a step back. She chants a few words I can't make out, then drops her arms and opens her eyes. Her eyes are glowing. "Just a little spell I know. A type of...true seeing you could say." Mercury gasps. "You mean that now you know..." "Exactly who you are." Lina grins and nods. "However, it only works if I know the true being in question." She waves her arm past our group. "Which it seems I do." Her face clouds now though. "Still, it amazes me that your identities are secret even from each other." "Only mine to them, and them to me. It's not important to know." Ever since I found out I was Tuxedo Mask, I have rather wondered who the scouts were. Still, there are more important things to think about. "Oh, I think you'd find it interesting." Lina sighs and shrugs anyway. "But I suppose I must respect your wishes." She looks up to the dark sky, gazing past us to some other sight. "It's getting late, Gourry and I really should be going to...find Serena and Darian to get to our respective, temporary homes." She looks from me to Sailor Moon with her normal look which seems to hide more then she lets on. "Any of you know where they are?" I hear a quick intake of breath from Sailor Moon. "Oh I'm sure they'll be around, they were at the mall with you, right?" Lina smiles and nods. "Yeah, I suppose we will probably find them outside the mall, seeing as how the building is now sealed off. Thanks...Sailor Moon." She smiles and holds her hands up to her head in a two fingered salute/wave. "I'm sure we'll meet again." And with that, she turns and heads out of the park. Gourry shrugs, obviously understanding nothing of what passed between us, and follows after. "Now that...was disturbing," I turn and head off, sparing only a parting glance at the scouts behind me. "See ya later scouts." Disappearing into the night, I barely hear Sailor Moon's plea to stay. I sigh, that girl never changes, yet I feel so like I know her... ::Serena:: Well, there he goes again. As my mysterious man of the night wanders off, I turn to the other scouts and we all revert to normal clothes. "Okay, now we have to get back to the mall to catch up with the others." They all nod and we leave the park in darkness. You know, I wonder where Darian was during all this... Oops, tree root. I fall to the ground with a thud, ouch.. "Serena you clutz, stop daydreaming and pay attention!" I turn on my side and look up at Raye. "Oh be quiet Raye! I wasn't daydreaming, I was just wondering where Darian went during all this." The others look back as Lita helps me up. "Good question," says Mina, but then shrugs. "I assume he'd just get out of the way like all the others." A sense of worry gnaws at me, but I push it aside as best I can and hurry on. "Yeah, you're probably right..." When we finally arrive back at the mall, Darian, Lina, and Gourry are all standing near the front entrance watching the police do their work. A sigh of relief escapes me upon seeing Darian alive and well. Waving swiftly, I catch their attention and we all rush forward to meet. "There you guys are! I'm soooo glad you're okay!" I wrap Lina in a bear hug. "Thanks for the concern Serena, but...I need to breathe to stay okay." I blink up at her and quickly release my grip as we all smile at each other. "Well, this mall trip turned out to be eventful and exciting, can't ask for much more then that." She smiles over at us. I gasp at her. She enjoyed this?!? Laughing at my expression, she glances up at the sky. "I assume you all had better be getting home, and us with you." "You're right, our parent's will freak if we don't show up soon, especially if they've heard about this business at the mall." Lita shoves her hands in her pockets as we all realize how worried our parents may very well be. "Ooh yeah, well, see you guys tomorrow!" Waving, I snag Lina's hand and lead her off down the street. They all wave back and begin to scatter, with only Darian and Gourry still standing there waving after us. "Are you sure your parents won't mind my staying with you?" Lina asks rather hesitantly. "Of course! I told you, my family loves having company, I'm sure they won't mind you staying with us for awhile." I brush the matter aside as we walk down the street together. Sighing, I put my mind to what happened earlier. Guess I'll have to get serious for awhile. "So...you know who I am then." She stays silent for a moment before answering. "I know your title of Sailor Moon, but that's about it. I'd like to know more though, it's not exactly normal to have people like you around." Smiling, I gaze up at the sky with my arms behind me head. "After all you told us we should probably tell you more about us as well, but I'll leave that to someone else you'll meet when we get to my house." I give her a sideways glance. "She shouldn't surprise you too much with the type of stuff you've seen." Lina casts a curious glance at me before shrugging. "Nah, probably not." She looks around the area as we walk. The bright moonlight illuminates most around for the eye to see, and with that add the sparkling of the stars and Tokyo can be a very pretty city at night. "So just how far is your house? This is a big city." "Yep, one of the biggest I know of." Grabbing her hand, I drag her off to the side. "Come on, we'll take a shortcut." She quickly follows and we head down an alley between a few of the larger buildings. These alley's always creeped me out before, but with Lina here, I'm sure we'll be just fine! With that thought in mind, I hum happily as we walk down the small path. "Well," Lina says, wrinkling up her nose, "I can see that alleys don't differ much here from my home, except maybe being even smellier." I giggle at this. "Yeah, they can be pretty bad. Come on though, we're nearly out." The other end of the alley comes into sight with the bright streetlights streaming in. Lina exhales a sigh of relief. "Good, I hate seeing all this food gone b.." she stops suddenly, staring intently ahead. "Lina?" I turn, following her gaze and see a group of about four guys in really rag tag clothing standing around the alley exit. From what I can see, none of them look nice... "Well well well," one says in a gruff voice as he walks towards us, "look at what we have here guys, a pair of young girls wandering the street so late. Are you lost little girls?" The guys behind him start chuckling softly as they come up to stand around the leader. "It's dangerous to be out here alone." Gulping, I try to keep my voice steady. "We..we're not lost, just taking a sho..shortcut home." I put on a false smile. "Th.. Thanks for the concern, but we'll be going..now." And I quickly turn and head the other direction, before seeing another two come up from the other end. No no no, not good... "I'm afraid it won't be quite that easy girlie," the voice calls to me from behind. I glance over a Lina and blink. She's still standing exactly where she was before, left hand on her hip and staring right at the leader. Suddenly, she puts on a pleading, helpless look and starts talking in a small, girlish voice. "Oh please good sir, we don't want any trouble. We're just two little girls trying ever so hard to get home to our mother. Please don't hurt us helpless girls sir." Before they have a chance to react to this, she straightens up, glares directly at the man, and returns to her normal, menacing voice. "Yeah right, is that what you expect from us?" Now pure surprise is plastered on the man's face. "Now move it before you get hurt pal." All the men stare at her. Then in a chorus, they all burst out laughing. "HAHA! You've got guts girlie, but I'm afraid you aren't all that bright. Nobody talks to us that way, so now I think you'd better give us all your money first, and we'll decide what to do with you later." The men begin closing in, leaving us naught but a small circle in between them. I back quickly up against Lina. I really hate nights like this... "Lina! What do you think you're doing?!" Whispering frantically to her, I get no response. She merely stands confidently within their circle and grins at the leader. Needless to say, they all have a weapon of some sort or other, though they don't believe us dangerous enough to use them. I can't transform here though! Inhaling in fear, I close my eyes and lean against Lina's strong form. Ooh, I wish Darian was here... Meanwhile on another town street.. ::Darian:: Well, there they go for the day. Gourry and I watch the duo until they're out of sight, then I turn and get his attention. "Guess we'd better be heading to my apartment. Come on, it's not too far." He nods and turns to follow me. We head through the city streets in silence, neither one of us seem to know what to say, at least I know I don't. Serena may be able to get along with anybody at the drop of a hat, but I'm not quite that skilled. "It'll be strange being on my own again." I glance over at him when he finally breaks the silence. "I used to do it all the time, I lived alone, but then I met Lina and we've traveled together for so long now that things seem strange without her around." Sighing, I nod. "I know how you feel. I've been alone ever since...since my parents died when I was a kid." I stare at the ground. I can't believe I'm telling him this when I just met him! Still, regardless of how suspicious he seemed to me when we met, he does truly seem trustworthy and loyal. Looking sideways at him I notice that I seem to have his full attention, something that Lina girl doesn't seem to always get. Smiling at him, I continue. "Anyway, they died in a car crash and, though I lived, I got amnesia from the event. Ever since then I've been on my own. It didn't matter if someone was taking care of me or not, they weren't really my parents and didn't really care." I sigh again. The orphanage was such a long time ago, and yet, I still hate that horrible memory... "Wow, it must've been tough on you, growing up alone because you had to. I left and headed off on my own out of choice, though I do prefer to have a companion." He looks off to the side, thinking thoughts that are no doubt sorrowful or really deep. He turns back to me. "I was just thinking...where are we going again? I completely forgot." My head and upper half fall forward as I sigh. What have I gotten myself into with this guy? Inhaling deeply, I rack my patience. "We're going to my apartment where you'll be staying for awhile." He emits and ?oooh', so I continue. "And your friend Lina is going to stay with Serena." He nods. "Okay. So just what do you do all day around here?" "Well, I have to go to college during the week, so I guess you'll just have to find something to do. Acquaint yourself with the town." How much trouble can he get into anyway? "And Lina and the others will have school too." He looks up at the buildings surrounding the lane. "I shouldn't have too much trouble occupying myself, though exploring this area will seem boring compared to my old life." Nodding, I think back to his performance at the mall. "Well, thinks shouldn't get too dull for you, I'm sure you'll still get some excitement fighting the monsters that come into town." "Yeah, speaking of which, how often do they appear, and do they normally come after our friends?" Well, even if he isn't too bright, he does have some sense. "Not intentionally. They don't know who we are, so they just look at us as normal people, not their enemies." Chuckling, I look down the street. "Though Serena and them do have an uncanny ability to be in the way when all the trouble starts." As if on cue, a pain in my skull nearly buckles my legs. Only one thing causes such an effect in me. Acknowleding the pain causes it to disappate and I quickly leap to my feet. Throwing a glance back at Gourry, I quickly pull a rose out of my coat, using it to transform into Tuxedo Mask. I turn and run down the street immediately. "Hurry Gourry! Sailor Moon is in trouble!" Without a question he races down the street, following my lead. Staring ahead, worry overwhelms me. The pain sent such a feeling of helplessness, I so hope she's alright... Now that everything's on the same time stream... ::Serena:: Leaning against Lina, I can hear the men's breathing in the silence. "Okay, now I'm going to give you one last chance to leave here in one piece before someone gets hurt." Lina's ever calm voice reasures me enough to open my eyes and look around. The pack has stopped advancing and now the leader is staring at Lina, and laughing. "Ha ha, this little girl thinks she's hot stuff! What do ya think of that boys?" Laughter rings throughout the alley. "I like your spunk girl, let's see how well you squirm." They all advance with the leader in the front. His face shows only hunger and delight. Lina shrugs and tilts her head up to the side. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you." Suddenly she snaps her head forward and throws out her arms. "Burst Rhondo!" A flurry of glowing orbs fly forth, erupting all the ground, and air, around the gang. Lina spins on her heel to face those behind us. Arcing her back, she raises both arms, hands flatly outstretched. "Freeze Arrow!" A long icicle, larger and longer then anyone I know's arm, coalesces just above her hands. Regaining her stance, she flings the ice forward, hitting the ground just between the two and freezing them in place, though only their lower half. Standing up straight, she flips her hair over her shoulder and looks around. Charred thugs to one side and frosty ones to the other. "Humph, ameturs." Gasping in delight, I leap up and embrace Lina. "Yay! Nice going Lina!" She laughs. "Ah, that was nothin." "Lina! Serena!" We both turn to see Gourry and Tuxedo Mask running into the Alley. Gourry's the one yelling. "Are you two alright? What happened?" I release Lina and she waves her arm back at the blackened gang. "Nothing much, group of punks thought they could take advantage of two little girls." She grins. "They should never have underestimated me." Gourry smiles and nods, the tension easing. Tuxedo Mask however seems to be looking around with a very confused expression. "Umm, what's wrong Tuxedo Mask?" He focuses on me, staring hard, but shakes his head. "I came to help Sailor Moon, I felt that she was in trouble, but I don't see her anywhere and the feeling is gone." His troubled face saddens me. I soo wish I could help him...but I can't let him know who I am. "I've never had this occur before." Once again, he looks back to me, his deep blue eyes seemingly searching my very soul. I almost faint at the feeling of him. "Are you.." inwardly I gasp, hoping that he won't put everything together. Luckly, he sighs and glances away. "No, you couldn't be..." Returning his gaze to me, he this time smiles brightly. "So are you okay?" Gulping, I nod and smile. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks to my friend here." He turns to face Lina. "Well, it seems I owe you again Miss Lina Inverse. We're lucky you were accompanying her home." She shrugs again and is about to say something when I gasp, all faces turn to me. Wait a second, Lina came with me, and Gourry went with... "Where's Darian?!?!" In the Negaverse... ::Malachite:: Rapping my fingers on the arm of my chair, my frustration increases and anger broils within me. I..can't..believe we were defeated AGAIN! And not even by the sailor scouts this time, but by a human! I sigh loudly. Still, she was no normal human, though I have no clue where she came from. Glaring around the room, I telepathically send a cup shooting into the wall and shattering on the cold stone. Just wait until we next meet, she'll feel my wrath!! A pillar of dark light appears before me and my messenger, an evil looking woman with dark blue skin, black hair, and a grey evening dress with multiple ornaments, bows low, awaiting my acknowledment. "I bring news or your enemies sire." I nod as she rises from her entrance. "Proceed Zalour." She bows again, rising up immediately. "Yes sire. We've noticed odd activity in town moments ago, it's type seems the same as that of the young girl you fought in the mall." I fail utterly in keeping the delight from my face, only it twists into an evil grin. "Now I shall have my revenge. Let this ?girl' taste the true force of the negaverse." Clasping my hand tightly shut, I charge my first with energy, causing it to glow in rage. Suddenly I snap my head around to my minion. "Zalour! Collect the others and make preparations to go!" I clench my fist tighter and stare ahead into nothingness. "We leave immediately." Bowing, she fades out. "It will be done master Malachite." Back in the normalverse... ::Lina:: Uh oh. I glance off to the side after Serena's question. This isn't my secret to tell. "I'm sure he'll be along shortly." Tuxedo Mask says, trying to think up excuses no doubt. "After I came running by with the warning, he seemed stunned and didn't keep up real well." He shrugs. "I wouldn't worry, I'm sure he's okay." Serena sighs in relief. "Well, you've always been right about him before." she smiles up at him, however an odd indecision seems to play across her face. "Guess I'll see him tomorrow, better be getting home now!" Waving, she runs over to me. "Let's get going!" "I don't think so..." Serena nearly jumps out of her skin and quickly spins around when a creepy voice comes from behind us. However there's nothing there. "What was that??" she shrieks, running behind us even while Gourry draws his sword. "Not again," Tux sighs, "that sounds like..Malachite." An evil laugh resounds through the area. "Exactly." His form appears, hovering in the air now before us. "And I've come to complete the promise I made." He glares down at me and practically glows with anger. "My revenge shall be achieved, and you shall die Lina Inverse." Sighing, I drop my head before looking up at him with an angry glare. "Oh come on, I already beat you once you pathectic excuse for a sorceror. Do you really want to be humiliated again?" Ouch, if looks could kill.. "You impudent fool. You haven't a clue what you're up against." He raises his head to the sky. "Come Zalour, we'll teach these meddlesome people why the negaverse reigns supreme." Suddenly a woman appears directly below Malachite, and then other dark beings swirl into existence throughout the alley. I turn to the others with a rather anxious look. "Umm, this is not good." Glancing around I can count out about 20-30 of these strange demons around us. "Some backup would definitely be nice." With a meaningful glance her way, I pull Serena up behind me. "Get out of here Serena, get help if you can." Fright is written all over her face and in the depths of her eyes, yet she gulps and nods, turning and running into a building since the alley exits are blocked. Malachite ignores her, and so therefore do the creatures. "Any last words little girl?" he hisses out. "Actually, yeah. I'M NOT A LITTLE GIRL!!!" Jumping back, I send my arm through a quick underhand motion. "Fireball!!" the ball of flame rockets forth...and impacts a shield, barely knocking him a step. Sigh. "Well, that didn't work." A slight chuckle is all that comes from Malachite. "Is that the best you can do??? I'm disappointed. You may be able to defeat my minions, but never me. And speaking of which." He raises up to full height. "Go servants. Kill them!!" "Uh oh." Mimicking my fellows, I brace for the attack, even while knowing that it may not help. There's far too many, this is bad. "Hold it negasleeze!" Simultaneously, every last demon, including Malachite and Zalour, look up to the voice. Upon the rooftop, a uniformed heroine and her four scouts, all of whom we know, stand ready, with Moon pointing down at Mr. M. "I am Sailor Moon and I won't allow you to harm my friends!" Leaping down from the roof, and amazingly not so much as twisting an ankle, all five scouts run up to stand beside us. "In the name of the.." "Shut up Sailor Brat! For once my fight isn't with you! Now get out of the way!" My my, what rude villans we have these days. "Well, least you could have some manners, you never interrupt a hero's, or heroine's, speech! It's just plain rude." Hands on hips, I stand smiling up at him. "Now you must know that with all eight of us here, you're going to be hard pressed to win." I swing my hair over my shoulder. "Like you ever could with me here anyway." Tuxedo Mask leans over toward Gourry. "Quite confident isn't she?" he whispers. Gourry sighs and nods. "Even when nobody else sees any reason to be." Hmm, good hearing. Laughing, I turn to the pair. "Aww come on! Don't act so glum, all we have to do is kill a few here, a few there, and..." I snap around and throw my hands up. "Explosion Array!!" Bringing both hands down, a large circle of ground explodes upward from under a pack of demons, sending them skyward. "...five of them bite the dust." Malachite looks down at me conceitedly. "Yes..too bad it's not that easy to be rid of a demon." Multiple dark swirls of smoke appear in the now vacant spot and the group reappears, a little worse for the wear. I sigh. Teleporters. "Yeah well, I guess we'll have to use a more direct approach." Stances are taken by all and Malachite smiles evilly. "Ahh, I'd like nothing better. Attack." Immediately the pack swarms over us. Lights, swords, spells, and roses fly everywhere amongst the various attacks the demons use. I attempt to get at Malachite, but the creatures constantly get in my way, pushing me back. I'm afraid that except for their sounds, I've lost track of the others. Blowing a path through them, I find a way open to their leader, quite unexpectedly. Running up close, he doesn't seem to notice me and I take aim. "Flare..." Just as the bow begins appearing in my hands, a demon launches at me from the side, ruining my concentration and very nearly my health. Dodging, I raise one finger, much like Venus, and energy gathers around it. "Demona Crystal!" Flinging it forth, the demon freezes solid, falling and shattering to the ground. However, the little spar catches Malachite's attention. "Ah, just the heroine I wanted to see. Zalour! Fenmay! Dagon! Rafuin!" Four different teleport enterences appear around me, one on each side, and four demons appear. He laughs down at me. "These four are some of my strongest followers. Now, little girl, we'll see what all your talk means." Looking around, I gulp dryly. This is not my day... ::Serena:: This is horrible! I've never seen so many negacreeps in one place before! I barely have time to think even these thoughts, as creatures constantly attack from all sides. Even my tiara doesn't have time to run it's course before another advances and I'm forced to test my agility. Eventually, I realize that my tiara throw isn't getting me very far, so I merely charge it and swing, without releasing. Hey, I should've tried this sooner. Around me I can hear sounds of the others fighting and I know I'm not alone. The closest to me, and the only ones within sight, are Tuxedo Mask, who seems to be trying to get to me, but isn't having too much luck, and Lina, who obviously is trying to reach Malachite. The monsters numbers start to dwindle and allow me to look around the situation a bit. Most of my companions are doing fine, at least as well as could be expected under such circumstances, and are fully focased on the fight. Tuxedo Mask, however, seems more focused on me, and struggles to gain a path through the mayhem. Finally, he reaches my side, making this whole battle a lot easier. "Sailor Moon, are you alright?" he pants out in between swings. I nod, though I know he can't see me. "Yeah I'm fine!" I try hard to make my voice reasurring, and though it can't do much in such conditions, it seems to ease him a little. Side by side, we continue to fight, my dream, mixed up with my nightmare. Sighing, I push the thought aside and continue to search for my friends. Gourry, Tux, the sailor scouts, all accounted for, but where's Lina?? I search with increasing worry, but without reward. "Tuxedo Mask, have you seen Lina?? I can't find her anywhere." The question catches his attention and he spares as long a look around as he dares. "No, I don't see her either. She could be anywhere." Sighing, I dodge to the side as he blocks an incoming blow. "I hope she's alright..." Suddenly we hear sounds off in the distance that have been missing for the past few minutes. Sounds which could only be Lina's spell casting. "Hmm, I'd say she's over there." Laughter's in his voice, no doubt at the number of explosions. I smile, but a feeling inside me just continues to worry. With a familiar fling of the arm, I send my tiara through another demon, quite surprisingly opening a path through the chaos. Immediately I take off through the gap, heading for Lina's location. "I'm going to give here a hand!" Panic ignites in his voice. "No! Sailor Moon don't run off!" I pay no attention to his pleas as I rush onward. I can almost feel trouble around her. As I near the area I can hear more closely the sounds of her fighting, and more importantly, I can see Malachite hovering near. I realize that no other demons are attacking me. He must've lured her away to deal with her privately. His mocking laugh can be heard easily. "I warned you Inverse! No one crosses the negaverse! Revenge is mine!!" Quickly looking around the area I see Lina panting in a ring of demons, four to be exact. One, a female form whom we met earlier as Zalour, stands off to one side, holding her charred arm and side in pain; another, a wolf-like demon crouches on a second side, blood matting the fur but madness in the eyes; thirdly, a dragon-type focuses on another side, scales and even whole body parts frozen solid, rendering it almost helpless; and lastly, a hawk man surrounds Lina on the fourth side, kneeling on the ground with one wing hanging loosely, pathces of feathers missing, and even the beak is notched. Lina herself stands guardedly in the center, seemingly favoring her left leg, missing her red jacket(which lies around the area in shreds), and covered in scuffs and even blood spots in areas. Malachite narrows his eyes. "Now, finish it." In a rush, Zalour, the wolf thing, and even the hawk man leap at Lina, the dragon can perform no such action. Lina raises her hands and brings them down, right at her feet. "Mega Brand!!" A pillar of fire rises up from the ground, surronding her. All three demons crash into it, unable to stop their momentum. Zalour screams and fades away to ash, the wolf rolls off to the side and collapses in a smoking heap, and the hawk, well, let's just say fried chicken anyone? The fire subsides and Lina stands there still, untouched. She glares up at him. "It's not that easy to get rid of me you coward. How many more servants will you lose before you have the guts to face me yourself?" The comment is an open challenge. Malachite's face reveals he takes it as such. "You wish to face me personally?" He grins maliciously. "You may regret such a decision." Barely noticable, his eyes flicker past her for a fraction of a second. Lina's eyes open wide and she dives to the side, bringing her hand around in the process. Behind her, the dragon had snuck up, and now swings out with it's brutal claws. "Dragon Flare!!" Her flying hand releases the spell just as the claws slam into her side. Both are flung aside, Lina into a heap, and the dragon into a pile of scales. I gasp as I see her shirt seep from the wound. Malachite laughs. "I will admit you are a worthy opponent." He holds his hands out in front of him, gathering dark energy. "However, none shall defeat the high general of Queen Beryl." In a flash, he sends a beam towards her half-conscious form. "NOOOOO!!" I dash forward, screaming a load of different emotions as I do. His eyes snap around in surprise, but the beam doesn't slow. In the blink of an eye I stand between him and Lina, arms outspread. Lina looks up weakly but her eyes flash in fear. "Sailor Moon! No!!" The beam slams into my small form, smashing right into my chest. Lina catches me in her arms as my vision blacks out. The last thing I see or hear is my brooch, shattering... That's it!!! Sorry! You'll have to wait until next week to find out the result, I'll try my absolute, very best to get it to you on time for once :). Hope you enjoyed the story, and for those fans waiting for my other one, I'm reeeaaaallllyyy sorry I didn't get the next chapter out this week, I just got this one out Thursday. In fact, I umm...haven't even started the next easter chapter, sorry.. Well, Take Care!! See ya again!