Elora Danan Greetings everyone! I know that it has been far and few between postings, and I apologize! This part is only one of two for Red Planet Storm. Due to the fact that I am moving, it will be some time before I post part two. For those of you interested in a sequel to Empty Carriage, be assured it is in progress. I might be finished with it before next week when I leave! I will attempt to post it to my webpage at www.angelfire.com/de/edvb5/index.html, or if you want, you can email me and I will send it to you! Disclaimer: I don?t own Sailor Moon, and sueing me will only get you a nickel. If I find one.. Please mail me and tell me what you think! And now for our feature presentation?.. Excerpts taken from her Majesty?s personal diary and several of her letters written to the Late Sir Dralflen; circa: 1020 S. Moon Kingdom Born: Red Planet Storm The halls of the Sea Palace resounded with a far different sound now than they ever had before. The sounds of a screaming child in a tantrum. Serah. Serenity had discovered that the lingering effects of using the crystal left her weak and disoriented. Her physicians recommended that she remain in bed for a day to recover. She had rather begrudgingly complied. Serah?s constant screaming made it difficult to sleep. She was tempted to have her dragged in to see her for a good spanking. But that required her to move, and she felt light headed enough as it was. Solis had gone to rest following his speech to the waiting Kingdoms, and all lowered flags to mourn the loss of those killed by Metallia. Another loud burst of screaming, and all fell blessedly silent. She leaned back against the pillows, and pulled the comforters up tight. The faint pitter-patter of rain against the windows made her feel drowsy and she quickly drifted off to sleep. Heila slowly walked in to her Majesty?s chambers. She had hoped to tell her of the wondrous event unfolding in a few days, but she could see it would have to wait. The young Queen was asleep, cuddled under the blankets. She checked on her briefly before leaving again. Princess Serah had screamed herself hoarse this morning, and she was in her room, being punished. Punishment never worked, Serah was too high and mighty to accept that she had done something wrong. Jason met her outside the Queen?s chambers. "How is she?" "Resting peacefully, last I saw. Is something the matter Lord Jason?" "No. I?m just concerned about the amount of energy she expended. If we should have need of that crystal soon?." "We won?t, I?m certain of that." She tried to sound reassuring. "Several scientists from the Sun Kingdom have requested to study the crystal, it?s energy outputs, that type of thing. Do you think she will?." "I know she?ll object. But, she is open-minded, she?ll be convinced in the end." The rain continued into the afternoon, then subsided into a fine mist. The sun, however, remained stubbornly hidden. When Serenity awoke next, she found it as gray as ever outside, though the rain had stopped. She slowly sat up, and settled on the edge of the bed, uncertain as to whether or not to rise. A clean robe was on the end of the bed, which she gingerly picked up and wrapped it around her. Slowly sliding from the bed, she managed to walk to the balcony and, opening the doors she crossed into the chill, damp outdoors. The chairs were wet though she didn?t notice as she sat down, lost in her thoughts. The rain began to fall again and she barely noticed as it dripped, cold and wet down her cheeks and into her lap. Leaning forward, she rested her head on her folded arms and let her tears join the rain. Heila walked in quietly, letting the door slide shut softly. Glancing at the bed, she found Serenity gone. The doors to the patio were open a crack, the breeze outside slightly stirring the curtains to the bed. Gathering her courage, she stepped into the rain. It lashed at her, and she felt saddened as she glanced at the rain-soaked woman before her. There was nothing serene about her now. She was a broken woman, nothing like the girl who had first arrived at the Consolidated court, seeking a husband and fame. Heila slowly knelt next to her, putting a hand on her arm. After a time, Serenity?s sobs faded, and she looked up. Blue eyes were clouded with tears that remained unshed. Heila hugged her close, and waited for her to say something, anything. Finally, after they sat for a while in the rain, she whispered; "I miss him." " Sir Dralflen?" "Yes. More than anything I wish I could be with him again." "He is here with you." "No, Heila! I don?t need to hear about him being here in spirit, I want him here with me. I feel so cut off from the rest of the world." "How so?" Heila sank into a soggy chair and watched as Serenity walked to the balcony?s edge and looked over it into the vast gardens below. "Heila, do you miss anyone?" "My mother." "What happened to her?" "She.." "I?m sorry, Heila. I didn?t mean to pry, it?s just?" "I understand." Rubbing her arms, Heila smiled and said softly; "Let?s go in, I could use some tea." The tea she prepared was the imported honey chamomile from Sol. Heila sipped at it gratefully, wrapping her hands around the cup to warm them. Heila watched her worriedly as she sipped her tea. Unmoving, unblinking, Serenity stared at the flames for nearly five minutes. Then, she abruptly startled herself out of her thoughts and leaned forward on her elbows. "Heila, if you don?t mind, I?d like to be alone for awhile." "I understand. I?ll be with Serah if you need me." She curled up on the chaise, pulling an afghan around her and closing her eyes. She waited until Heila was gone with a swish of her skirts and the click of the door before letting a single tear trace its? way down her cheek. Serenity slept, undisturbed for another six hours. Dusk had fallen when she awoke, and she could see the twinkling of fairy lights in the gardens below as she sat up. Standing slowly, she stretched and moved toward the lavroom when she heard the door open. Serah stood rather shyly in the doorway clutching a broken doll. "Serah, what are you doing here?" she instinctively pulled her robe closer. "I couldn?t sleep, Mommy, and I wanted to know if you were all right." "I?m fine." She seated herself again on the couch, and motioned for Serah to come in. "Now, why couldn?t you sleep?" the little girl climbed into her lap and hugged her. "I just couldn?t." Serah?s lower lip stuck out, and she refused to say anything more. She was so much like her father had been. Serenity smiled and slowly turned Serah to face her. "You, my darling, are much like your father." "Really?" Serah?s hair fell over her forehead, and she brushed it back impatiently. "What was my Father like?" Serenity stiffened at the question, which went unnoticed by Serah. Then, pasting a smile on her face she scooped Serah up and held her upside down. Serah squealed in delight and kicked her stockinged feet. "He was like you." she set her rightside up, and began to tickle her. "You are exactly like him. You even?laugh like he did." Slowly, she set Serah down, and they walked back to her room. She lifted Serah and her doll back into bed, and pulled the covers around them snugly. "Good night, sweetheart." "Good night, Mommy." The Palace seemed too quiet for that time of night. Even the city below was soundless, as the people mourned their loved ones lost the day before. The rain had finally stopped, and the clouds were beginning to clear. Serenity listened to the rising wind, and opened the balcony doors, stepping outside. The Blue Planet slid from behind the clouds, and the cool breeze off the sea ruffled her pink hair. Reluctantly, she returned yet again to bed and managed to fall asleep. Lost in her dreams, a voice from long ago teased her gently; "Kaima, will you never learn? Duty comes first, but there is no reason you can?t enjoy your work." She had never really begun to relish her position, it seemed one burden after another. But, with Dralflen?s help, she began to see what she had been missing. Her Father had always been happy with his days as speaker, he had always smiled. Perhaps, it was that simple. A smile. Joy. Laughter. There was a smile on her face for the first time in a long time. With the rising sun Serenity?s fears vanished, and she stepped out into the hall. The few members of staff in the Palace at such an early hour looked upon her, shocked as she raced down the stairs with the footfalls of a woman many years younger. The gardens were wet with dew, and she could feel her slippers soak with every step she took. Her Father?s memorial was damp, yet she knelt at its base. "Father, I know now what I must do. I will make you proud of me. I will not let the demons reach me. I ask you, watch my beloved for me, we will be together someday. But for now, I must remain with Serah, for she has need of me. I love you." Brushing fingertips against the dewy stone, she traced gently across it and walked back slowly toward the Palace. There was work to be done. Heila noticed when she arrived in the Palace that morning that there was a sense of excitement in the air. Jason was smiling as he approached, and he clasped her hands firmly. "I don?t know you said to her Majesty last night, but she is much cheerier. I have never seen her so happy." "But I didn?t.." " Lord Jason!" A young woman raced toward them rapidly. "Lord Jason! Her majesty requests that you gather together the advising council at once." Jason nodded. "Yes, of course. Inform her that I will find them now." He walked out quickly, leaving Heila to stand with her jaw on the floor in the hallway. "Heila!" the young Queen?s voice echoed authoritatively. Heila found herself snapping to attention and walking briskly to the office door. "Yes, Your Majesty?" Serenity held up a letter, already stamped and sealed for travel. "Please, arrange for this to be carried by courier to Castle Thowstayne. My mother should know of how I am faring." "Of course, Majesty." Heila accepted the envelope and went in search of Guardians to carry it to the other side of the world. Jason managed to gather her private advisors and they rapidly put together a list of repairs needed for the Expectancy. Himk alone remained to accompany Jason to her Majesty?s office, and he felt grateful for the company. Jason walked in first and settled himself on the chair before her desk, holding the papers out for her inspection. "Here, your majesty." She accepted them without so much as a word and quietly flipped through them. She rifled through the report absently, asking; "What about a crew? I understand many of the original members were killed." "Yes, your Majesty, they were killed. Metallia managed to cut off the oxygen to the ship." Lord Himk settled himself on the edge of a chair, preparing for a long question and answer session. "I expect their families to be compensated." Her voice had an edge to it, and Jason found himself nodding in assent. "Yes, of course." "Himk, how long do you estimate for repairs?" "I should think about a month, perhaps a little longer, your Majesty." "Very well. Jason, how long to train new recruits?" "I should think if we began now it would be about a month as well." "All right. Jason, Himk, I would like you to look for a new crew. Begin repairs, I want to be able to launch as soon as possible. You may leave." "Yes your majesty." Both men bowed, then gathered their papers and left her alone in her office. Serenity could feel the excitement bubbling inside her, like a pot about to boil. She realized that she was truly beginning to enjoy her work. Jurel had not paused to consider the distance between Castle Thowstayne and the Sea of Serenity before. His horse was nearly ready to drop from exhaustion, and they seemed no closer to their destination than yesterday. Spotting a light hanging outside an inn, he headed toward it at a slow walk. His poor beast could manage no faster a pace. A boy greeted them outside, and after they settled on a fair price the boy led his horse away to be looked after. Jurel paused for a moment to straighten his cloak before entering the tavern. Lanterns burning at half gave the room a murky appearance, and he had to wait until his eyes focused enough to see anything. A few men were sparsely settled in the room, most looked to be engaged in conversation already. The few who weren?t wisely looked away, so as to discourage him from approaching. He sauntered up to the bar quietly and ordered a brandy. Seating himself on the stools, he heard snatches of conversation; "I heard that they?re searchin for men to handle tha? big ship theyse lookin? to send to another world." "Yah, I hear?d that. But I?d have to buried alive fore? I?d get in a artofishial en_viron_ment." An elderly gentleman stood, leaning on his cane. "I allus wondered who they?d let be ruler after the Consoliatededs fell ?part." Another man stood; "I heared it?s a woman." "A woman?" most of the men seemed shocked. Jurel worked up his courage, and slowly approached the group. "Excuse me?" As one they turned toward him. "Well, son. Whas ya want?" the old man with the cane ground out. "I was wondering what the woman?s name was?" "Kaima, I believe. The only daughter of Milsk Fettledorn." "You?re joking." Jurel?s face paled, his knees nearly buckled from beneath him. "Kaima?" "Yes, boy. I was in Star City last week. She?s built a huge Palace on the sea, and now calls herself Serenity. Queen, that is." Jurel still felt ill, though his head no longer spun. Kaima had written them, of course, and announced that she would not be returning home. She had asked how they were and said that she hoped they were well. But, this? How could she have left this out? "How?? How..?" "The elder council named her a Queen. They couldn?t decide who should take Milsk Fettledorn?s seat, so they abolished the council and invented her position." "Does anyone have a horse I might purchase?" They silently pointed out to the stables, and Jurel paused only long enough to down his drink and pay for it before dashing out the door. The streets were surprisingly full of people for evening. Of course, Calj reasoned, the festival might have had something to do with it. Milsk Fettledorn?s widows were celebrating his life-and this meant lots of pockets to pick. Since word had come from Lady Kaima of his demise, and how he had bravely given his life to save others, his widows had announced plans for a party. Jurel, Lord Fettledorn?s youngest son had left a few days before, announcing his plans to seek out Kaima and assure himself of her safety. Calj approached a well-to-do gentleman with purse overburdgeoning with coins when a boy?s voice stopped him dead in his tracks. "Hii! Boy, if you?re going to steal, do it correctly!" The man turned, and Calj instinctively backed away. The man grinned widely as he grabbed Calj by the neck and turned him to face the crowd. "This boy;" He indicated the grinning tow-headed youth beside him. " has saved my pockets from being picked by this worthless scum! I say we celebrate in this fine honest young lad?s generosity!" the crowd echoed his sentiments, and Calj was released suddenly, almost falling to his knees. "And you, my sorry thief. We will be watching you." And the other boy was absorbed into the crowd as it coldly turned away from Calj. Brushing himself off, he watched as several of the ladies fussed over the boy. "Story of my life.." he muttered. At least he could see the path he was on. The Blue Planet was high in its zenith tonight. It permeated everything with an aqua light that made the air tremble with color. Setting out at a brisk walk, he started for home. Their hut was all alone in the grasslands. Since his father?s death, their poor old hut had never looked the same. It was as though the land mourned him, as Calj did. Mother still had the fire going as he hurried through his chores and stomped inside. She glanced up as he untied his scarf and removed his boots. "Good evenin, love." "Mother." He rubbed is hands together as he crossed to the fire. "Did ye find anythin in town to trade for?" "No Ma?am." "Well, thas all right. I wancha to sit down and et yer soup." She ladled some into a bowl and pulled a chair out for him. He eagerly seated himself and paused only for a moment to wrap his hands around the bowl before grabbing his spoon and digging in. Mother kept up idle conversation about how the kittens had carried on all day, and how she bemoaned her lilacs outside. The frost had settled in early, and they?d lost all the harvest. Along with her lilacs. Mother banked the fire as he washed his face and stripped down into his nightshirt. The beds were well lined with all the blankets they had, it would be more than enough to keep warm through the night as the fire died. Calj watched as she climbed into bed before rising and kissing her forehead goodnight. "Night, Mother." "Good night, my son." He sat again on his pallet, unable to sleep just yet. It was going to be a long night. Jurel managed to purchase yet another horse rather quickly. Saddling him with what he had, he mounted and set off at a brisk pace toward Star City. His heart ached with what he had heard in the tavern. Had Kaima not trusted them? Was she in danger of some kind? He turned the horse sharply onto a rocky road. Not noticing any great detail about the horse, he had simply purchased the beast with the intent of getting to Star City and fast. He hadn?t noticed the horse?s shoe hanging half off. Now racing at top speed down the rocky road, and urging the horse still faster, the shoe dropped off. A quarter further, and the horse tripped and went down on his knees. Jurel tried to hang on to the saddle but was thrown clear as the cinch snapped. Rolling across the ground, he landed face down in the mossy roadside and lay still. Calj lay back finally, listening to the wind rustle the grass outside when he heard a horse's whistle. Far away at first, they seemed to draw closer and closer until he heard a yell from a man and the sound of a body hitting the ground almost simultaneously. Rising, Calj pulled on his pants, shoes and overcoat and raced outside. The man in the road seemed all right, though he had hit his head when he fell. The horse was groaning in pain, yet there was nothing he could do for it. He heaved the man?s weight onto his shoulders and trudged back to the house through the mist. He seemed to be a gentleman. Dressed in the loose-fitting tunic of a warrior at peace, he lay unmoving on Calj?s pallet. Mother had hovered over the stranger worriedly while Calj had gone to see to the horse. Taking his father?s pistol and one of their few bullets, he patted the animal?s head and pressed the gun barrel against it. Pulling the trigger, he wiped away a silent tear and headed back toward the house. He had, of course removed all the tack and wiped it down, putting it in the barn. If the gentleman wanted a horse, he?d have to pay a handsome sum to get one. Jurel?s first thought upon waking was not for himself or his horse, but his puzzlement as to where he was. The air was warm, the scents of bread baking filled the air, and he jumped slightly as a coarse edge of the blanket rubbed under his chin. He forced himself to sit up and look around. His dark eyes caught the flash of light beneath the curtain separating the rooms , and he drew up his shoulders as a woman entered the room. "Ah-ye?re awake sir! How?ya feel?" "A bit of a headache, no worse. Tell me, where am I?" "Oh, ye?re safe sir, safe indeed. My boy Calj has looked after the ?orse, so ye jes lie back and rest aspell." She tucked the covers about him again and turned to leave when Jurel found his voice again. "Ma?am? Can you tell me anything of Serenity?" "Serenity, huh?" "Yes, the Queen?s name, so I was told." "She?s not like other folk." "How so?" Jurel lay back, sensing that if he struggled to rise she?d push him down again. A big, strong woman who didn?t need a man to look after her, no siree. The "big lady" paused for a moment as though trying to decide how to answer his question. "She?s our Queen, she is. Saved us from the Dark Ones. Some say she did it to save her Daddy. Some say she did it to save her lover. I say she did it because no one else could. Mebbe she did stop them for other reasons, but they?re gone now, and that?s all that matters." "Big lady" moved again to the door before turning and asking; "Why?d ye want to know?" Whispering, half to "Big lady", half to himself;" I think I used to know her once, long ago when she was a child." "And you wanna to know if she?s the same person?" "Yes." Jurel situated himself so he could look up at her. "I don?t think anyone?s the same all the time. People?s changin when they need to, for whatever reasons. I think you?ll be hurt if you look for the same girl you used to know in the woman she has become." "Big lady" slid out and closed the door, leaving Jurel to think about all that was said. The recruiting wasn?t going all that well. Most men who showed the slightest amount of interest in traveling had not liked the idea of Interplanetary transit to a world they knew nothing about, to greet people they didn?t know, on a planet they weren?t sure could support them. Himk was beginning to think it would be wisest if they selected a Solari crew and sent them off to the Red planet to die. Their last selection of the day was an older man who seemed initially ill suited to any role in space. He called himself; Ysaic, which meant Voyageur in Lunari. He was hired. Serenity studied the schematics Jason had provided her with. The Expectancy was not a large ship by any means. She would hold just enough supplies to support her crew and not much else. Serah was with her in her chambers, as had become customary. She was playing with her dolls and setting up a tea party for them later. A knock at the door caused her to set aside her paperwork and kneel down by Serah. "Yes, come in." "Majesty, I was wondering if you.." "No, Heila, I do not wish to speak to Jason right now. He can wait." "My apologies, your Majesty. I was not intending to bring up Lord Jason. I merely wanted to ask if I may go home early. I was informed that my husband has had a hard day, and I wanted to be there for him." Heila slowly twisted her hands together, not daring to look at Serenity. Serenity felt as though she had been stung. "Heila, when did you wed?" "Last month, Majesty." Heila looked up now, her face reflected, if only for a moment, the joy in her heart. "Last month? Why didn?t you tell me?" "I didn?t want to upset you. It was just after the conflict with Metallia, and you missed Sir Dralflen?" Serenity startled both Serah and Heila by reclaiming her seat on the chaise and flipping her pink hair over her shoulder. "Next time, Heila?. You must bring pictures! I wish you had told me! Congratulations!" she stood and flung her arms around Heila?s shoulders in a hug. "You?re not angry?" Heila?s face was confused and excited. "No, of course I wish you to return to your husband and keep him well and safe as you do me. I wish you happiness." Her eyes shone, and for a moment, Heila imagined she saw Kaima dancing in their glittering depths before Serenity regained control. Heila managed a watery smile as she slipped from the hug and walked toward the door. Waving, she slid the door shut behind and headed for home. Serenity knelt again at Serah?s side and whispered; "Shall we have our tea, your Highness?" "Yes!!!" Serah squealed gleefully as she raced to get the teapot and cups. Tea at nearly nine every night left a lasting impression. She hated tea. But Serah never needed to know. The second time Jurel awoke, it was almost dark. "Big lady" was humming in the kitchen, he could hear her strain to reach the higher notes of a particular song. He sat up, and found it to be much easier than he had thought it could be. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and pushed off, standing up. Standing was easy, walking was hard. His ears rang with each step and his head throbbed. "Big lady" shook a spoon at him and told him to go back to bed, but he sank into a kitchen chair and rested his head on his hands, waiting for the dizziness to go away. The boy, Calj watched him without any particular interest. He seemed to prefer his bowl to the man beside him. "Big lady" scowled at him for a moment longer and then reluctantly set a bowl in front of him. He slowly picked up the wooden spoon at its side and began to shove around the bowl. "Eat!! I don?t cook food for it to be wasted!" Jurel found himself rapidly taking small bites. He glanced at the boy. Was he laughing? Calj?s shoulders shook with laughter at the gentleman?s cowardice at the table. His mother was quite the bear when she chose to be. Finally, after he finished the last bites of the stew, he wiped the corners of his mouth and asked quietly; " Do you know how far it is to Star City from here?" "Star City?" Calj nearly laughed aloud. "Yes." Jurel glared at the boy, hoping he?d take a hint. Calj hushed, but the traces of a smirk were still there. "Why?d ya wanna go there?" "I have family there." Jurel?s look warned him not to ask anymore. "Big lady" stood again and calmly said; "Whatever?s there ?ll keep till ye?re well enough to walk. Calj had to put your ?orse to sleep, he was suffrin? from thrush and ?is shoe was off." Jurel looked ready to kill the boy. "I?se sorry sir." Calj whispered, backing away. "I meant no harm. But he was suffrin?. I did what was right, honest." "How am I supposed to get there now?" "I spose on foot sir?" Jurel shook his head mutely, and paled as the blood rushed from his head. "I think ye?d best get back to bed." "Big lady" helped him stand and all but carried him back to bed. She tucked him in again and slid the curtain divider closed, leaving him to sleep. He didn?t think he could. "Big lady" had said quite a bit about Serenity, but she had said nothing about Kaima. Perhaps she didn?t know Kaima. If that was so, did it mean that Kaima was indeed dead? He sat up and shoved the blanket back. Standing was easier this time than it had been before, and he dressed in his tunic and overwrap again. He left his boots off so he could get out of the house unnoticed. Silently, he somehow managed to escape notice as he left the house, "Big lady" must have been a heavy sleeper and he had no clue where the boy had gone after dinner. The barn was a simple shed, and he unbolted the door and slipped inside. His tack was lying on a hay bale, and he picked up the saddle rather gingerly. They had but one horse, and that was all it seemed. No cattle or sheep, or even a goat. It made him lower than the dirt floor of the barn to steal their only animal. Necessity drove him to do it. He saddled the horse quickly; nimble fingers fastened and tightened tack, slipped the bit into its mouth and opened the barn doors. Mounting, he spurred the beast into a gallop, not looking back. Calj had awakened midway through the night, uncertain. He crept toward the window, pulling his blanket around himself a bit tighter. He could see the barn doors open, the shape of a man. Then he mounted, and spurred his mount forward. It took him a moment to put it all together. The gentleman had stolen their horse! Dressing quickly, he threw himself a pack together and tucked his blanket into it. Food would have to be secured on the way. Glancing back at his mother, he blew her a kiss as he slipped out the door after the stranger. The gentleman had quite the start on him. Calj set off at a jog, following the hoofprints in the sand. Even if the gentleman should arrive in the city before him, he knew where he was going. He had asked so many questions about Queen Serenity, his destination had to be the Sea Palace. Jurel kept the horse at a gallop, only slowing to a trot when he was certain no one was following him. He guessed it would be a two-day ride to reach the outer areas of Star City. There really wasn?t much to see, the land was flat and mostly used for farming. As his thoughts drifted, he thought of Kaima and the games they had used to play. The two of them would spend their evenings annoying their older siblings. Trell had always gotten so angry, but when it came down to it, he was very protective of the pair. The sudden breeze startled him out of his thoughts. Looking up, he found a vehicle of some sort hovering overhead. It seemed to stop, then it slowly began to set down in the grasses ahead. His horse, unaccustomed to such ways of travel, reared and sent Jurel tumbling off backwards. Calj had finally caught up to the stranger by journeying through the night. He had been following in the woods when the craft settled in the meadow before him. He stepped out into the sunlight, watching with wary eyes as the door opened, and a man stepped out. "May I be of some assistance?" He had bright gold hair and a pale complexion. Such odd coloring had never been seen before on the Moon. Jurel stood again, and extended his hand toward the alien traveller. "Greetings. Ahh- interesting way of getting around." He gestured at the craft. "Yes, beautiful isn?t she? My name is Seatre. I am a representative of the Solarian Kingdom. Might I ask where you?re going?" " I?m Jurel. I?m heading for Star City." "Really?" Seatre?s expression brightened. "Would you like a lift? I could use the company, and I?ve never been to the Moon before." "Well, as my horse seems to have disappeared, I can hardly refuse." Jurel responded wryly. "Splendid! Come on aboard, ah-boy!" Seatre noticed Calj for the first time. "Would you like a lift as well, son?" "Uhhh-yes sir. Thank you." Calj shot Jurel a very dirty look before joining their host on the steps to the ship. Jurel swallowed and followed him up quietly. "How did you follow me?" "I tracked you, how did you think I did it?" he snorted. "How did you know where I was going?" "You asked us about Star City, and Queen Serenity. It?s fairly easy to put together." "I meant no harm.." "Stealing our only horse is doing no harm?" "Look-I?m sorry. But I need to get to Star City, and my horse was dead." Jurel twisted in his seat uncomfortably. "You should look into your stables more often. He had thrush, and badly too." "I bought him on the run. He wasn?t mine for more than a day." "Whatever." Calj rolled his eyes. Nothing more was said as they journeyed to Star City in less than an hour. Their host seemed uncertain as to if he should say anything or not, so he stayed silent. The spires of the Palace gleamed from the distance. Jurel found himself staring at the water as it splashed against the sea walls of the Palace. Calj at his side, drew a deep breath. Neither of them had imagined such beauty in their lives. Seatre smiled at their expressions. "I have never seen this either, but I was told what I should expect. What is your reason to come to the Palace?" Seatre leaned his head to the side, watching them intently. "I am looking for someone I used to know long ago. From what I have heard of Queen Serenity, I think she may be who I?m looking for." "You knew the Queen?" Seatre looked confused. "Perhaps." Seatre said no more as the ship settled on a landing pad, and they climbed out. "I will recommend you as my guests. But I cannot and will not do more than that. If you want to seek her Majesty out, you will do so at your own risk." Seatre?s face was grim, it held none of the laughter it had earlier. "All right." Jurel held his hand out and they shook on it. Calj watched as the crew of the ship began unloading Seatre?s things. The young rep was heading into the Palace at a swift pace, and both Jurel and Calj ran to catch up. Glistening white walls shone in the sunlight, great columns chiseled of the finest marble stood as sentries guiding the way into the recesses of the Palace. A young man met them at the end of a corridor. He was smiling, and he held his hands out to greet Seatre. "Seatre! Good to see you. Who are your guests?" "I met them on my journey in. This is Jurel, and the boy here is..What did you say your name was?" "Calj, sir." He bowed his head respectfully. "Yes, Calj. Meet my friend Aramk." Seatre grinned again. "Well, my friend. Why do you have need of my engineering skills?" The man motioned for them to follow him down the corridor, and as they did, Seatre and Aramk talked of the great ship, Expectancy and her upcoming journey. Calj listened with interest. It seemed that this ship was going to explore the rest of the void. The only other world he had seen was the Blue Planet, he had not thought of others. Aramk stopped before a suite of rooms and opened the door. "You two are welcome to this suite until we return. We shouldn?t be very long." They nodded and walked in, Aramk closing the door behind them. Seatre managed a smile at the Ambassador as they walked toward a room that was heavily guarded. "Relax, my old friend. Her Majesty is most approachable." "I know, I know." Seatre took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. If she was as perceptive as they said, she would sense his anxiety and likely be somewhat put out by it. Her Majesty was seated at her desk, reading some of the new updates on the Expectancy. They had a few new recruits; a Captain, Ysaic. They had found a healer to sign on, his name was Spree. Ambassador Aramk said he was in contact with an engineer whom he would try to convince to come aboard. They were still two members short.. She looked up when someone knocked on the door. "Yes, come in." her clear voice echoed through the room as Aramk pushed the door open. A young man with golden hair and green eyes entered behind the Ambassador. "Ah, Ambassador Aramk. Please come in and have a seat." Both men did, though the second looked slightly uncomfortable. "What brings you here?" She leaned back and rested her hands on the desk. "Well, your Majesty. If you will recall our conversation regarding the ship, I mentioned I knew an engineer who might be interested. This is Seatre." Seatre inclined his head respectfully. "Please. Look up, I do not turn people to stone if they raise their eyes to me." The Queen?s tone was gently teasing, and Seatre found himself looking up and smiling. "Better. Now, how do you feel about travelling in space?" "I would enjoy it, I think. I have always been interested in the stars." "He is a most capable engineer as well. Many of his ideas were incorporated into the ship?s schematics." "Aramk, please?" "Modest too, I see. I find myself missing that trait more and more. Many around here see no need for modesty, they view it as a sign of weakness." "He is more than modest, Majesty. He is also humble." "Ah. So-you let your friend sing your praises? Wise man indeed." Seatre flushed at the jokes at his expense, but he found himself enjoying the Queen?s company. She was most entertaining but without commanding all attention to herself. There were few more jokes before they got down to discussing the Expectancy and what he would do on board. Papers were signed, and they were dismissed. As they headed back toward Seatre?s assigned chambers, Aramk muttered; "First day, and you manage to charm her. It took me two weeks to charm her." "I think it?s just my natural luck." Seatre was smiling though, and Aramk burst out laughing. "You ham!! He punched Seatre in the shoulder. "I?ll give you some time to clean up. Join me for evening meal?" "Yes, of course. May I bring Jurel and Calj?" "If you wish. I?ll inquire of her Majesty, but I think she?ll agree." "See you then." Seatre stepped into his chambers to find both of his companions out on the balcony, checking out the view. "Do you wish to meet the Queen?" Jurel turned suddenly, watching Seatre. "Are you teasing?" "No. I?m not. We are to dine with the Queen, and I requested that you be allowed to come." "Yes, I?d love to. Are there any taboos we should know about?" "None that I know of. Her Majesty seemed a most amiable person. But I do suggest that you change clothes and clean up a bit. Both of you look as though you?ve been in a bar fight." Seatre threw open the wardrobe and began pulling out different clothes, handing a tunic, breeches and sandals to each. "I assume that these are standard for your world?" "Yes, they?ll do nicely." Jurel smiled. "Now, I used to attend court in my Father?s stead, and I know how to act. How about you boy?" "I never?No, I have no clue how to act." Calj swallowed nervously. "Just keep a civil tongue in your head, boy, and you?ll do fine. I?ll leave you fine gentlemen while I go change, meet you in here in a few minutes then, all right?" Aramk had doubled back a few minutes after leaving. He stood outside her Majesty?s office and asked if Seatre?s guests might be allowed to attend the evening?s festivities. She hadn?t answered. "Her Majesty has returned to her chambers, did you require something?" No, I?ll ask later." Aramk shook his head and headed back toward his chambers. Her Majesty wasn?t going to be the only one surprised tonight. Serenity sank down in her favorite chair for a moment, closing her eyes. The day had gone fairly well. Jason had been gone for the morning, and he?d only come to annoy her once when he returned. Heila had requested a few more days off; it seemed her husband had hurt himself in the accident at work. She had happily granted her oldest friend as much time as she needed. Serah had been improving in her lessons as of late, and she had promised to read her a story later on, before she went to bed. She forced herself to sit up before she fell asleep and rising, she smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress. Lately she had taken to wearing white dresses to evening festivities; she found that it distinguished her from the rest of the court. Opening the closet, she pulled out her newest dress. It was made of flowing silk imported from Sol. Surprisingly easy to put on unassisted, she slid into it and pulled the straps up, while buttoning down the front. Dressed, she brushed out her hair and pulled some of it back into a beret. She left the rest of her long pink hair to hang down her shoulders and back. The doors to her chamber opened at her approach, and, holding her head high she marched toward her private dining hall. When Seatre, Jurel and Calj entered the dining hall, they found a little girl of about five or six already seated. She looked up, smiled, waved and returned her attention to the maid pouring her milk. "Hello." Seatre smiled at her, and he got an angelic smile back in response. "You must be Serah." "Yes." Serah smiled again before asking; "Who are you?" "My name is Seatre." "Oh." The Queen entered quietly, and smiled as Serah leapt off her chair and hugged her tightly. But she scarcely noticed the child around her leg as she stared at Jurel. Jurel hadn?t wanted to believe everything he had been told. He remembered Kaima as a child who whined and followed him about, not as the woman she was now. Her hair, once a vibrant red-gold was now a shocking pink. Sunburned skin was now a alabaster white, yet not pasty. Serenity stared at the man who had been her brother, long ago. Serah seemed confused, she released her grip on her mother?s leg. "Jurel.." she forced herself to say her name. He rose, and they hugged tightly for a moment before letting go. "How??What?? What have you gotten yourself into?" Jurel cringed for a second as Serenity laughed, the tears in her eyes were blinked away and he could see Kaima again. "It?s a long story, I?ll tell you some time. How did you come to be here?" They resumed their seats as the meals were brought out and served. "We received your letter, and we understood that you wouldn?t be returning any time soon. Your mother was most upset, so I agreed to come find you." "That?s quite a journey." "No-actually, it wasn?t. Seatre here flew overhead, and knocked me off my.." he paused, looking at Calj; "The horse belonged to the boy here, I kind of stole it. Anyway.." he looked up to see Kaim..Serenity?s placid stare. "Anyway, Seatre knocked me off, and then offered us a ride. I didn?t know that anyone could travel like that. I was going to ask later, but what the heck; What?s going on here?" Serenity sipped the wine that had been poured before responding; "We were contacted by Ambassador Aramk on behalf of the Sol Kingdom. They wanted to build a base so they could use us as a jumping off point for exploring the rest of the planets in our system. I agreed, but only if we receive access to new technology." "Ahh. So, is that ship part of the new technology?" "Yes, makes travel much easier doesn?t it?" "Sure does. Who?s the munchkin?" Serenity indicated for Serah to come to her side. "This is my daughter, Serah." "Yours? Who is her Father?" "Do you remember Dralflen?" "Who-oh yes. I thought you couldn?t stand him." "For a time, I could not. But when he saved me from Lord Keroc, I just?" "I understand. Hey munchkin, c?mere." Serah looked at her mother hesitantly before crossing to Jurel. He held his arms open and reluctantly, Serah walked into them. "So, how?re you doin, kiddo?" Serah shrugged and he began to tickle her. Laughing, she tried to squirm away from him. He stopped tickling, and still giggling, Serah bounded back to her seat. As they finished eating, they headed for the balcony and settled down to watch the sunset. Eventually, Calj, Seatre and Aramk, who had joined them midway through the meal, took their leave and retired for the night. Serah snuggled up at her mother?s side and listened while they reminisced about old times. Serenity seemed to melt away for a time, Jurel noted, as they talked of the tricks they played in their youth. But she returned again as she noticed Serah asleep at her side. "I had better put her to bed. I shall see you tomorrow, correct?" "Yes. Kaim..Your Majesty?" "Jurel?" She picked Serah up and situated her against her shoulder. "Yes?" "Don?t call me that. You of all people know better." "Kaima?" "What?" "I?m not sure who you are anymore." "I?m the same person I always was. Good night." She walked inside and left Jurel to his thoughts. He watched as she carried her child off to bed and then headed to bed herself. He quickly stood and followed her. He caught her in the corridor outside. "Kaima?" "What now, Jurel? I wish to retire for the evening." Her tone was pedantic, he could see the weariness in her face. "When does this ship leave to tour the system?" "As soon as we find two more crew members. Why?" "I?d like to go along." "Why would you like to go?" She watched him surreptitiously. "Curiosity. And, it sounds like fun." He smiled bravely for her benefit. "I?ll consider it, and give you my answer in the morning. Good night, Jurel." Serenity left him standing in the corridor, and he grinned, turning back to the room he shared with Seatre and Calj. "Good evening, gentlemen." Jurel?s booming voice echoed through the room, and Calj looked up in surprise. "Calj, my boy. What exactly were you planning for your future?" "My future?" "Yes. Are you a farmer, or farrier?" Jurel sat before him, crouched on the table. "No, I don?t know, I guess. Why are you askin??" "Are you interested in space?" Jurel was smiling now, and Calj could see where he was going with it. "Yes, I suppose. Are you talking about that ship that Seatre goin? on?" "Yes. I just signed on too. You up for a little adventure, boy?" "Yes!" Calj?s grin was as wide as his own. Serenity approved Jurel?s decision in the morning. She seemed delighted when Calj offered to go along, rounding out the crew at six people. Training began that afternoon and lasted for seven long weeks. The engineers completed their repairs, making the Expectancy ready to launch on the first weekend of the month. Jurel managed to escape the Captain the last night before launch. He slipped in secret to the gardens where he suspected Kaima often came to think. She was there. Kaima was kneeling in front of a carved headstone as he approached. She traced the carving on the stone, then she rose and turned toward him. Anguish in her eyes, she held back tears as he reached out to hug her. "What?s wrong?" he whispered against her hair. "I do not want to lose you, as I did father and Dralflen." Her voice caught, and Jurel sank down in the grass, still holding her close. "It?s okay. I won?t get lost, I promise." "I know, it is just?I do not know what is out there." "Neither do I. That?s what makes this exciting. Eyes open, heart stirred." He whispered their Father?s favorite expression. Kaima smiled, though there were still tears. "You had better return before Ysaic gets angry." "Okay, if you insist. But, might I ask a favor?" "Yes?" He helped her rise again. "Send word to my mother, but don?t tell her where I?m going. She?ll only worry." "Of course." He turned to head back the way he had come. "Jurel?" "Yes?" he turned and faced her again. "You take care of yourself, you understand?" "Yes, your Majesty." He mock-bowed, and then ruined it by smiling. "Tell Serah I want her to be a foot taller when I next see her, okay?" "I will." Her voice was hushed, but she smiled bravely for him anyway. Jurel grinned to himself as he left the gardens. She would be all right now. Jurel made the trek to the space ship?s "core" as they called it under the cover of darkness, Calj right behind him. He?d grown to like his shipmates during training. Seatre, and Calj were nearly inseparable. Spree, the medic, had an irrepressible sense of humor. Only Ysaic seemed aloof, at least during training hours. Off-duty, he was as free-spirited as Spree. Once inside, he strapped himself in and grinned at Calj across from him. The roar of engines in the distance shattered the early morning silence. Serenity herself rushed to the balcony and watched in breathless anticipation as the ship lifted into the air. The journey had begun at last.