Chapter 1- Jarott and Cody Rating: G "YO, DUDE!" a young man stumbled out of the bushes behind Jarott; his dirty blonde hair entwined with small leaves and twigs and his blue eyes glaring at his best friend. "Did ya even notice that ya lost me about, oh, 2 MILES BACK?!?!?!" Silence... He began pulling the debris out of his hair and clothing as he waved his hand in front of Jarott's unexpressionate face, "HELLO? JARE??? Earth to Jarott!" Jarott snapped out of his trance, "Huh? Oh, Cody, I was wondering where you had gotten to," he reached a hand behind his head. "YOU RAN OFF AND LEFT M- Oh, Wow," Cody stopped as his eyes beheld the suddenly visible sight from the cliff. He now understood why Jarott had been so spacey. The sun was just beginning to set, causing the Golden Palace to shine with even more radiance than usual and the Tanzanitian Palace to glow a brilliant burnt orange-like color, and of course, the burning orange ball sinking under the horizon right between the two kingdoms completed the perfect picture. Cody was beginning to believe following Jarott halfway across the Earth on a wild goose chase might just be worth it. Surely in a place that looked like this there would be more than ONE pretty girl... "Yeah, I know, beautiful isn't it? Come on let's get a closer look!" Jarott grabbed Cody's arm and began running down the path to the kingdoms. "What's your hurry?" Cody asked as he was dragged along by his now nearly detached arm. "I've waited for so long, and now we're here! I wanna set this plan in action ASAP!" "Wow, a plan?" Cody said sarcastically, "You mean you actually thought this out for once?" "Uh huh," Jarott smirked. "So what IS the plan?" "Sweep the princess off her feet!" "THAT'S the plan? That's ALL you came up with?!" "Uh-huh, good one, ne?" Jarott said proudly. "Figures," Cody groaned as they continued on down the path. <> <> <> <> <> Jarott and Cody entered the golden kingdom as shops were begining to close and people were hurrying to get home to their families. Jarott looked around obviously deep in thought. "What to do first, what to do first," he said. Cody sighed. Sometimes he believed his friend was too zealous for his own good. "Look Jare, it's too late to try to do whatever it is you're concocting in that neverending mind of yours. Why don't we just find someplace to stay for the night huh? You'll think better in the morning, and we're going to ave to do A LOT of that, cause that lovely little plan of yours is gonna need just a few alterations, bud." "Hmmm," even though he had really wanted to learn his way around the kingdom first, he could see the logic in his friend's suggestion. "I suppose you're right. Look, there's an inn over there. You brought money right?" He began walking towards the building. "ME? Why should I have to pay? This whole thing was your idea!" Jarott didn't hear. Well, actually, chances were he was just ignoring him. Another groan came from Cody, "The things I do for that guy...." The two friends got a reasonably cheap room and settled in for the night. Jarott, as usual, dreaming of his beloved Terra, and Cody plotting how on Earth he was going to help his best friend on this new adventure. Why is that he must always be the mastermind behind these hair-brained schemes? Ah well, Jarott's tunnel vision and simple, focused, honest personality is what Cody had always admired.