Beryl~ "It's.... you!" I heard Sailor Moon gasp. It made me laugh again, she really was a funny girl. "Who else? I've waited a long time for this moment, Sailor Moon. I won't be denied my victory after all these years!" I snarled, surprised at the energy that still enabled me to shout so violently. "I refuse to lose this time... I won't fall, and you will follow in each of your team mates footsteps." The girl shook her head, glaring back at me with those eyes. The same eyes that had glared at me such a long time ago, with the same sadness, but a lost innocence. I hoped then it was I that took away her innocence, or at least some large piece of it. I want her to hate. I want her to loathe me, to the point where she can feel nothing but anger. I want her to know what it's like... to be me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usagi~ I stumbled to my knee. shaking my head , still unbelieving of what my eyes were making me see. Beryl... impossible. "This isn't real... this can't be real - you're DEAD! The silver crystal killed you, and I know it! This is some kind of illusion!" I turned my head frantically to the dark sky. "WHO ARE YOU? Why are you doing this to me?!" I heard another laugh from the being who looked like Beryl, I couldn't for a second convince myself it was her. It couldn't be her. It couldn't... "Oh it is me indeed, little princess." Beryl's voice rang. "You don't remember what I do - nor what happened after you pulled Queen Metallia out of my body!" I looked back to her, clearly confused. "Pulled Metallia from your body? What are you talking about? I destroyed you, and her! This is a cruel joke, who are you - hiding behind another mask!" "Ah you little beast! Do I need to explain everything to you? Well listen good because after I do, I will destroy you - for good." I couldn't respond... I had to listen, to understand. "When your crystal was infusing my body - everything was working to drive Metallia away from me, and to leave me blank. I could feel it pulling at my brain and ripping her away. When the final bright light flashed - and you were gone... I was left there. Powerless, half dead... Metallia gone. You left me alone to die!" I watched as Beryl turned and took a few steps to the left, and the back to the right, as in thought. "Then he came. He saved me, and I will be forever grateful for this second chance. The Wiseman pulled me back together! He taught me for years in the future, yes I saw your precious little crystal tokyo, and your little runt of a daughter. For years I stayed with him, learning new ways, being trained in magic, I gained more power than I could have ever hoped before he came along. I guess I could almost thank you for that." "But then he went to the past, and refused to take me with him to fight you! We could have ruled Crystal Tokyo together! But he had to take those idiot black moon kids. They didn't know what they were doing, I could have helped!" She seemed to be talking more to herself now, than anyone else, should I attack? No... no, not yet. I could still save her... she can feel love... "And then you did it again. You and your pathetic little troops, came in and destroyed my only connection to life! The only thing I'd cared about in a long time - and again you took it away from me! Just like Endymion, just like Metallia, and then Wiseman... you've destroyed EVERYTHING I've ever loved! And now I've returned that favor..." My heart was aching, I felt so many things listening to this story. Was my entire fight a joke? Had I not tried hard enough to save these people? Beryl could have been good, but I managed to destroy everything she cared about. I shook my head, 'No no... this is just confusing me - she took anything she wanted, she didn't care about anything!' She gave me little time to react as her sword swiped over my left arm, sending blood spilling from a good sized wound. My fighting arm... the arm that held Mamoru's sword. Gods... where is my crystal when I need it most? I cried out as she raised her sword again, high above her head. The menacing look that mirrored in her eyes nearly froze me in my spot. Why did she hate me so much? I couldn't have truly helped anything that had happened! I had no choice! She did nothing but evil, how can she expect from me anything but contempt? Anything but what I've done? I never wanted to fight, and she made me. Why can't she see what she's done? I rolled quickly to the side, knowing full well the feeling she must have gotten with her sword meeting roughly with only the hard ground. Sliding Mamoru's sword along the ground with my injured arm I did the only thing I could do, I switched arms and prayed for the best. Somehow the fight managed to go on, I don't really know how either of us are still standing, our breathing was all I could even hear anymore. I couldn't hear the swords hit, I couldn't hear any words Beryl might have said, I could hear only our breathing. And finally, after what seemed like eternity, I sunk to my knee's painfully once more, and a bright light shone from my chest, and I knew it had come to save me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beryl~ That same, awful, wicked light that had destroyed everything in my life thus far was beginning to shine from Sailor Moon's chest. I knew this meant nothing more for me than my demise, but I will not go again without a true fight. The girl seems to think the crystal is already out, attacking for her - and she's sitting quietly on the ground before me. I do the only thing left to do before this light takes over and destroys me completely. I draw up my sword for the last time, and I strike for her heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Narrorator~ Two women stood enveloped in light, yet surrounded by dark. The image of one woman standing over the other, devil to angel, good to evil, and a single sword which chose the fate of both. And the sword did make contact. The tip appearing through the mid back of the still young Usagi, directly into the light that had been trying to leave her chest. And then there was no light. There was no sound, no scream, not laughter. Everything stood still. Queen Beryl stood still, holding the sword in place as if wondering if she had truly won. Unsure exactly what to expect, if anything, from the seemingly dead girl that sat before her, about to slump if she would release her grip on the sword. Slowly, she removed one hand, and then the other, and stepped back in disgust as Usagi fell flat to the ground soundlessly. Beryl turned her eyes in the darkness, suddenly fearful of what could happen for her rage. Fearful of what the world would do, of what the Gods would do. She, who once thought herself to be a God, destroying and taking life at will. She who killed with no mercy, no second thought, and with complete bloodlust. She could not enjoy her victory, as suddenly the only thing she had left, her hate, was gone. What had it all been for? She loved nothing, she cared for no one, but in her own way - she had loved Usagi. Loved her for giving her the only feeling she ever had in her afterlife. Hate. She loved Usagi for hate. The irony twisted in and out of her mind and she could do nothing to stop it. She dropped near the still body, sobbing painfully for what she'd done. Emptiness was all that awaited her now. Something she could never imagine, nor ever wanted to grasp. Everything she had to live for, was dead. Even the last thing that she wanted to destroy so badly, for so long, was now gone. She should've been happy. She should've laughed at the stupid girl and her fallen companions. She should've danced around the dead body, making snide remarks about her victory, laughing and teasing until she could shout with glee no more. But she felt no hint of victory here. No glint of happiness at what she'd accomplished. Only a wish, that she could have died too. A wish that she could take it all back, to bring Usagi back so she could feel something, ANYTHING. She moved back towards Usagi. She felt the sword in her hand, and even in the darkness she could see it's handle. She pulled it from the dead girls body, shuddering at the feel of Usagi's hair grazing her cold wrist. "Hate and love, an irony so twisted, so sick that even I couldn't understand it. And now, because of both, I've lost everything. What it was all for, I honestly can't say..." She said into the darkness, speaking only so she could hear, "but it ends with me, somehow, some way, I am sorry." She pulled up the sword once more, prepared to shove it through her own body, but stopped in sound amazement. The white light sprang to life once more, the entire void filled with it's beauty and essance. Beryl fell back in awe, and terror at her surroundings. She could see the bodies of all of those who's lives she'd taken over the past months. Lining the walls, lining the floors, stacked and piled all around her. She could see the dead senshi, the fallen prince and princess, the children, the mothers, the fathers, grandparents and uncles. A final show in all the horror she had spread. Usagi's lifeless body floated off the ground, her back arched, her chest forward with the crystal moving out of it. It shone brighter, and one by one, the eyes of the fallen began to slide open. Their wounds began to heal, their hearts began to beat, life flooded throughout the entire space. Beryl stumbled to her feet, staring in terror at the princess floating above her. What hellish punishment awaited such a cruel person? What kind of eternity was set for her? A tear slipped over her cheek, but it was not for her. For the first time in a very long time, Beryl was more than ashamed, she was appauled with herself. It couldn't change a single thing she'd done, it couldn't bring back the world she'd nearly destroyed. But she was sorry. Usagi opened her eyes at last, everyone about the space quietly stood, watching Beryl. No glares, nor sympathy was held in anyone's eyes. Not even judgement. They merely watched. Usagi turned her head to look down at Beryl, her ever sweet smile covering her pink lips. A tear ran over her cheek as she held out the crystal. "Beryl... you have caused so much pain. You have brought so much destruction, and death to Earth, and we cannot fix what you have ruined. But I know in my heart what you feel. I feel it too. I know you understand... perhaps in the next life, you will choose a path in line with our own. Don't be scared..." Usagi motioned to Hotaru, and held the pale girl's hand lightly as she reached her side. "You know what must be done. Perhaps this is what will bring us Crystal Tokyo, my beautiful world, or perhaps we have that much longer to wait. Bring us life again, Sailor Saturn." Saturn raised her glaive high, and in a quiet voice filled with authority, she called, "Death Reborn Revolution!" The world was suddenly bright as the power Sailor Saturn released cleansed the earth. There was no pain in this death, nor fear, only happiness, and hopes of a bright new future for everyone when they returned. Everyone could feel the light pull through them, even Beryl, as it reached out to clear away the past, all the sadness, all the happiness, all good or evil, leaving only a clean soul, ready to find rebirth on a new world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Hundreds of years later~ Usagi, or Neo-Queen Serenity as she was called now, smiled down from her thrown at the woman kneeling before her feet now, thanking her for the land she was just granted to start a new family. Usagi wasn't sure if the woman remembered her, as most of the returning souls outside of the senshi couldn't, but she remembered this woman well. And she was so pleased to see Beryl's evil had been whiped away, that she could love, and be happy as everyone was meant to be. Usagi didn't hear Beryl's whisper as she turned to leave the crystal palace, nor did she see the single happy tear that floated over the woman's cheek as she said, "Thank you... for everything, Serenity.." ______________________________________________________________ Oooh my gosh! A happy ending from Destiny?!? What IS the world coming to??? I'm kind of worried now :o What'd you think? I'm SO sorry it took me 10 billion years to get this section out, but I had a few troubles with it... I won't bite (hard):, what'd you think? Ja! Hrm. Okay so what did you think :S