********** DISCLAIMER: Sailor Moon is copyrighted 1992 by Naoko Takeuchi. All except the characters I created belong to her. I'm just borrowing them for awhile :-) Any and all problems with this can be directed to the University of Alabama administration. It's their fault I had a chance to get addicted to the series to begin with! ********* SENSHI IN COLLEGE: EPISODE 12 - Usagi?s Desperation. Foreshadows of an approaching destiny. ********* "Moon Eternal...Make-UP!" Usagi thrusted her brooch in the air, and it opened to reveal the ginzuishou. But, it did not sparkle. She closed her eyes and waited for the pulsating waves of energy to wash over her that would change her into Eternal Sailor Moon. But nothing happened. Usagi lowered her brooch and gazed at it. "Why?" she whispered in a low voice. "Why can?t I transform? Why are you doing this to me again, ginzuishou?" Suddenly, she heard a clicking sound in front of her and Usagi looked up to see Misora standing before her, youma at her side. The older woman pointed at her. "Get Sailor Moon?s hopeful soul!" she yelled. "No!" Usagi screamed. "Leave me alone!" ********** Mamoru shot up in bed and looked around, hearing Usagi?s voice in his mind as clearly as if she had been standing in the same room with him. He looked around and saw that room was dark. Debris still littered the floor from where the battle with Misora had taken place just three days before. He shrugged and laid back down. His eyes focused on the ceiling, which boasted several new cracks in it. So much for the security deposit, he thought, his gaze focused on a piece of plaster dangling from the ceiling. For the past two days, he had been looking through the newspaper for a new apartment. A larger apartment, one with two bedrooms. Houses were out of the picture, they were both still in school. He frowned, thinking about the money in the bank. The money that had always seemed to be there since he turned 18 and was able to flee from the orphanage. No matter how much the cost of living was, there always seemed to be enough, if not extra. No amount of tracking on his part seemed to be able to trace where the money came from. However, not long after his 18th birthday, Mamoru had met Usagi and fighting with Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Senshi caused him to abandon his search for where his source of income came from. He held odd jobs during the summer because he knew he should save money for the day when this mysterious trust fund would run out. But all of that money was still in a savings account at the bank. It had never been used. He knew he should try looking for this mysterious benefactor again. He yawned and closed his eyes. He needed to tell Usagi about it. She once asked him how he was able to survive without working a lot, but he had shrugged and given her a vague answer. Yes, she deserved to know, and they could go looking for this benefactor together. A vision of Usagi facing off against Misora, brooch clutched in her hand, filled his mind. Mamoru shot up in bed again, knowing this time it was the real thing. He reached over on the nightstand and grabbed a gold pocket watch off it. He gazed down at it, wondering if it would work for him again. He nodded. It had to. He threw back the covers, jumped out of bed, and ran out of the room. ********** "NO!!!!!!" "Usagi?" Chibi-Usa threw open Usagi?s bedroom door to see her tossing around in bed, holding her brooch in her hand. Chibi-Usa ran over to the bed and tried grabbing hold of her shoulders. "Usagi, wake up!" she cried. "Usagi-chan!" Luna jumped up on the bed. She swatted her paws in Usagi?s face, knowing that had worked before. However, this time Usagi did not respond, and she kept screaming. "Luna, what?s wrong?" Chibi-Usa yelled to Luna over the deafening noise that now echoed through the entire house. "She?s caught in the middle of some weird dream," Luna hollered back. "We can?t get her out of it!" The balcony door opened and Tuxedo Kamen dropped into the room. He surveyed the area quickly for youma and instead saw his future daughter trying to get his future wife to stop screaming. Chibi-Usa looked over at Mamoru gratefully. "Mamo-chan, she won?t wake up!" she cried, her voice bordering on desperation. Usagi closed her eyes, preparing for her hopeful soul to be stripped from her. "Usako, wake up!" She could hear Mamoru?s voice in the distance calling to her. She reached out and vainly searched for him. "Mamo-chan! Help me!" she screamed. "Rei-chan! Ami-chan! Mako-chan! Minako-chan!" "Usagi!" Chibi-Usa?s equally worried voice echoed in the room. Usagi whirled around, expecting to find Sailor Chibi Moon somewhere in the battle ground. "Chibi-Usa!" she cried just as her world went black. Slowly, she opened her eyes. Two fuzzy blue circles and two fuzzy cinnamon circles were staring at her. She blinked several times until they came into focus, and she realized they were Mamoru and Chibi-Usa?s eyes. She looked around and realized Mamoru, now detransformed, was holding her in a sitting position in his lap and Chibi-Usa stood by her bed. Luna sat on the edge of the bed. In the doorway, Shingo stood holding Chibi Chibi in his arms. He had been helping to take care of her because Ikuko was still in Sobe with her brother. The little girl was the only one still asleep. "Are you okay, onee-san?" Shingo asked in a low voice. "It was a dream?" Usagi asked, still feeling disoriented. She looked at Mamoru for confirmation and he nodded. She relaxed against him, allowing him to comfort her as he stroked her back. She sighed, feeling exhausted from the experience she had gone through in the dream. "What happened, Usagi?" Chibi-Usa asked. "I don?t know. Misora and a youma were trying to attack me, so I tried to transform. But, my brooch wouldn?t work. It was like back when the Death Busters first came, before I received my power-up." "But, you can still transform, right?" Shingo asked. The young man leaned against the doorway, adjusting the little girl in his arms. He admitted there was much to his sister?s secret life that he did not know about, but this clearly worried her. "I don?t know," Usagi admitted. "Why don?t you try it," Luna urged her. Usagi nodded to her and got up. She reached on her nightstand for her brooch and held it up in the air. "Moon Eternal...Make-UP!" Moments later, Eternal Sailor Moon stood before them. Moon smiled in relief and touched her brooch. She detransformed and sat on the bed next Mamoru, who put his arm around her. She smiled at him. Shingo yawned and left the room with Chibi Chibi, muttering he would put her back in her bed. Chibi-Usa yawned as well and went back to her own bedroom. In the doorway, she turned around and looked at Usagi and Mamoru sitting on the bed together. She frowned, remembering Tuxedo Kamen?s entrance. He had not been wearing a hat and his tuxedo looked vaguely different. She shrugged and left the room. Usagi laid back down on the bed and yawned. "Arigato, Mamo-chan," she said. "How did you know I was having a bad dream?" He stood up and stared down at her, all sorts of thoughts crowding into his mind. He simply leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and smiled. "Let?s just say for now it was a connection," he commented, then walked over to the bedroom door. He flipped off the light on his way out, deciding to leave the house like a normal man. "Oyasumi nasai, Usako." Usagi watched her bedroom door close and groaned. She turned onto her stomach. "We?re engaged to be married and he kisses me on the forehead," she muttered. "Some romantic he makes." Meanwhile, Mamoru reached the front door of the Tsukino house when he heard his name being called. He turned around to see Luna sitting at the bottom of the steps. A mischievious twinkle glittered in the cat?s eyes. "Mamoru-san, you looked, didn?t you?" Luna said. "Looked at what?" Mamoru stared at the cat. "Usagi-chan. When she transformed." Blush stained his cheeks and he turned toward the door, trying to remember how to turn the knob. "I plead the Fifth," he commented. "Nice try, except we don?t operate under the United States Consititution in Tokyo," Luna said. "Oh hush," Mamoru said, finally remembering how to turn the knob and left the house. He started whistling as he walked down the sidewalk to his car. Oh, Luna would kill him if she knew of his real reaction to whenever he got lucky enough to see Usagi's henshin. He couldn't keep the grin off his face as he got into the car and drove back to his apartment. ********** "What do you mean you haven?t seen her in three days?" Hino?s eyes narrowed across his desk at Moreno. "She takes the kontsu and disappears off the face of the earth! You?re her brother! Fine her now!" "Hai, certainly," Moreno muttered, turning on his heel and walking out of the room. His heart thundered in his chest after the thirty minutes of yelling Hino had done. The man had grown cold and ruthless, and he doubted his sister would survive if she returned to Hino. Her recent failures coupled with her disappearance meant that her life was suddenly expendable in Hino?s eyes. Moreno walked back in the laboratory and closed the door behind him. He looked over at a table where Misora had worked before he joined the team. He walked over to the table and opened the one drawer in it and pulled out a framed photograph of a pregnant Misora standing in front of a handsome man with sandy blond hair. He stared at the photograph for a moment, then felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Hino pointing a copy of the kontsu, which Moreno had just finished, at him. Before he could say anything, Hino shot him. Moreno crumpled to the ground, faint traces of a hopeful soul glittering in the air. Hino switched the mode on the kontsu to vacumn and sucked in the hopeful soul. He removed the vial from the gun and tucked it into the pocket of his coat. He looked on the table and picked up a needle filled with a grey liquid and knelt down next to Moreno?s unconcious body. Hino quickly stuck the needle in Moreno?s arm, then stood back up. "Just as I figured, enough of a hopeful soul to have him think about turning away from me," Hino commented to himself. "I must have him under my complete control." He tossed away the used needle and picked up the photograph of Misora that Moreno had been holding. He gazed her for a moment, then scowled. "You are of no further use to me," he said, then tossed the picture against the wall. The glass shattered as the photograph hit the wall, then fell to the floor. ********** Michiru knocked on the door to Setsuna?s room. She waited a moment, then pushed open the door, which was already ajar. The aqua-haired woman gasped when she saw the mess of papers on every surface of the room and Setsuna asleep at her computer desk. She approached the desk, stopping to move the papers at the end of Setsuna?s bed to reveal a folded blanket. She took the blanket and gently draped it over Setsuna?s shoulders. Michiru looked up to see that Setsuna was connected to the Internet. She picked up a sheet of paper off the printer and scanned it briefly. She frowned at the heading. Mirakuru Full Moon, she read. What is this? Setsuna stirred at that moment. She opened her eyes and sat up, rubbing the back of her neck as she did so. She turned her attention back to the computer, shutting off the Internet. She then stood up and stretched. "Setsuna, what?s going on?" Michiru asked, holding up the paper. Setsuna yawned and moved over to her dresser, kicking aside papers strewn on the floor as she did so. She opened one of the drawers and pulled out some clothing. She glanced up at Michiru. "Part of my job as senshi of time is to make sure the timeline flows smoothly. Some job. Queen Serenity mentioning something about it being hard, but I didn?t realize the timeline would constantly be tampered with by villians, fights between lovers, and cute pink-haired little girls. The thing is that I can?t tell the people involved what to do, but I can sure nudge them in the right direction." "I take it that this has to do with the Princess and the Prince," Michiru said. "But of course. 99.9% of things that go wrong with the timeline have to do with the Prince and Princess. The other 1 billion people on this planet take up the remaining 0.01%," Setsuna shrugged. "Sometimes, I feel I need an assistant." Or a good, stiff drink, she thought to herself. Michiru chuckled. "So what does this Mirakuru Full Moon have to do with them?" "Well, if the prince and princess aren?t nudged in the right direction by October 15th, then the lives of the Sailor Senshi will be changed forever," Setsuna said. "Damnit, I had to stand by and watch the Black Moon nearly take over the 20th and 30th centuries and all sorts of mayhem. I?m tired of being the passive senshi." "But won?t this bother with the timeline?" Michiru asked. "Not if I do it right," Setsuna said. "I?m going to take a shower." Michiru watched Setsuna walk into the bathroom and pondered for a moment over the odd behavior of the senshi of time. Poor Setsuna, she thought. She really does need a break. ********** Moreno looked down into his communicator. He stood on the Quad at Azabu University, students milling around him on the large park-like area. It had been less than 24 hours since his meeting with Hino, about four hours after he woke up on the laboratory floor not remembering how he got there. "Do you have your instructions?" Hino?s voice came over the communicator. "Hai," Moreno said, then shut off the communicator. In his office, Hino leaned back in his chair and gazed at the ceiling. To prove Moreno?s worth after getting rid of what remained of his hopeful soul, Hino decided to send him out as a distraction to the Sailor Senshi. He gazed around the area, looking for a good object to use as a youma. He didn?t care about making sure the job was done at this point, something inside him said he needed to find Misora and fast. A sinking feeling in his heart told him that if Hino reached her before he did, then she would not live long. However, something inside him was controlling him to the point where he had to do this. Moreno frowned. It was as if he was losing control over his mind. He glanced up into a tree and saw a nest of baby birds. The branch they were on was low enough for him to reach up and get the nest without disturbing the birds. He knelt on the ground, placing the nest before him. Then, he slipped his hand in his jacket pocket and pulled out a vial with a purple liquid in it. Moreno opened it and poured the contents of the vial on top of the baby birds and jumped back to see them grow to huge proportions. He stepped back and nodded. "Go!" he yelled. "Find and distract the Sailor Senshi anyway possible!" The two birds now looked like ten foot tall disfigured eagles. Their yellow beaks were twisted in such a way that it looked like it would be impossible to open them. Still, they stretched their massive wings and screeched out their answer to his command, causing a strong breeze and many students on the Quad to look their way and gawk. Hino simply watched as the birds soared into the air. Moreno turned and headed toward the street. He had to find his sister as fast as he could...before Hino could. ********** Makoto gazed at the circle of cherry blossom trees surrounding the bell tower. There were no blossoms on the trees now, the September breeze blowing the browning leaves off the tree. The senshi of nature squinted to see a young plant, still green, struggling to grow against the odds. "Poor thing," Makoto muttered out loud, approaching the tree and moving aside the branches to reveal the young plant on the end of a branch. She looked around for a moment, then wrapped her hand around the branch and closed her eyes. A green glow lit up her hand and spread to the plant. Moments later, the plant opened into a fully- bloomed cherry blossom. Makoto released the branch and stepped back. The other branches of the tree covered the one blossom, but she knew it was still there. Makoto knew she shouldn?t had tried her powers in public like she did, but something in her heart sympathized with the young plant. "It?s like me," she said to herself in a whisper, her emerald eyes filled with longing. "I want to grow and blossom, just like that plant. But...but I can?t." Tears filled her eyes, and she hastily rubbed them away with the sleeve of her blouse. She was Kino Makoto! One of the strongest of the Sailor Senshi. She was not suppose to cry or feel sorry for herself. An eerie feeling washed over Makoto. She suddenly glanced up in the sky to see a huge object coming toward her. She gasped when she saw the object was actually a huge, deformed bird, screaming "Tori! Tori!" at the top of its lungs. The wind caused from its massive wings nearly blew Makoto off her feet. Several feathers dropped from its dingy brown coat, landing several feet away from her. Makoto ducked between two of the cherry blossom trees and pushed her blouse sleeve up to reveal her communicator. She hit the all-call button. "Minna! There?s a youma attack on the Quad!" she said, reaching in her pocket with her free hand to grab her henshin brooch. "We?re on the way!" Rei?s voice answered back. "Do you need me?" Ami?s voice sounded over the link as well. "Not yet, just keep an eye on us...," Makoto?s words were cut short as something propelled into her hand and knocked her brooch out of it. It landed on the ground about several feet away from her. Makoto glanced down at her hand and screamed when she noticed that the youma?s weapon of choice was huge bird droppings. "Mako-chan?" Ami?s voice sounded over the communicator, but another round of droppings hit Makoto?s wrist, cutting off the communication. "Shimatta," Makoto muttered, backing away from the youma and pulling her handkerchief out of her pocket as best as she could without messing up her clothes. She wiped her hands and wrist clean and tossed the cloth away. The youma screamed out again and Makoto looked up to see it heading straight toward her. She backed up and looked around to see she was trapped. The bell tower was behind her, and there was no cover other than the cherry blossom trees. She didn?t want to risk hurting them either. Makoto closed her eyes and prepared for the youma to overwhelm her. "MERCURY AQUA MIRAGE!" Makoto?s eyes flew open in time to see a blast of water send the youma into the bell tower and dissolve. She looked up to see Sailor Mercury standing near the cherry blossom trees "Sailor Mercury!" Makoto cried in surprise. "What?re you doing here?" "I could sense you were in trouble," Ami said. "Rei-chan and Minako-chan are fighting another youma near Azabu Sandwhiches and Snacks. There?s two more, but I?m not sure where they are. They?re probably probably near the library." "Have you found Usagi-chan?" Makoto asked. Ami shook her head. "She has her communicator turned off." Makoto groaned, then ran over to her brooch and picked it up. She wiped it off on her skirt and sighed. Her clothes were ruined anyhow. She transformed and the two ran to assist Mars and Venus. ********** "What?s going on?" Usagi asked, sitting next to Mamoru on the picnic blanket. He had unexpectedly shown up after her chemistry class, saying they needed to have a talk. The two now sat under a tree near the middle of the Quad. It was something they had always talked about doing, but never did anything about. A picnic lunch from Azabu Sandwiches and Snacks was spread out before them, but neither of them touched it. "Well, while you were gone, I had taken Chibi Chibi out to lunch when...," Mamoru started to explain, but before he could get very far, a cheerful voice sang out to them. "Usagi! Mamo-chan!" Chibi-Usa said, skipping down the path with her valise in hand. Behind her, Chibi Chibi toddled down the path as well. Chibi-Usa reached the picnic and dropped down to her knees. She grabbed the nearest plate, one full of chips, and began eating. "Chibi-Usa!" Usagi cried. "We?re suppose to be on a private picnic!" "In the most public area of Azabu University. Right." Chibi-Usa picked up and sandwich and handed it to Chibi Chibi. "What happened to school anyhow?" Usagi gave into a childish impulse and snatched the last sandwich off the plate before Chibi-Usa could help herself to it. "Give that back!" Chibi-Usa cried. "It?s not yours!" Chibi Chibi ran over and snatched the sandwich out of Usagi?s hand. "Mine!" she cried with pride before consuming it in about two seconds. While the girls were fighting, Mamoru?s attention had shifted to the sky. Something did not feel right, he realized. But, he had been feeling very strange ever since he gained the power of the Golden Crystal. It was like he had been blind for all of his life, then miracolous, was able to see. He was a fully-grown man, yet a toddler trying to take in everything at once. Usagi would be the first to tell him about something like this, but he hadn?t said anything to her because he needed time to come to terms with it for himself. Usagi would probably laugh and say it was just like him to sit and analyize something out before bothering to talk about it. Still, it was something he needed to do in order to come to terms about the changes in his life. Usagi?s communicator started beeping. The girls immediately stopped fighting and started at it. Makoto?s voice came over it, frantically telling them about a youma attack on the Quad. They jumped to their feet immediately. "We need to transform!" Usagi said, looking around for a place to hide. The four of them were sitting in the middle of the Quad with no trees nearby to shield them. "Let?s head for the trees over there," Mamoru pointed toward the center of the Quad. Chibi-Usa stared into the sky, shielding her eyes from the sun with her left hand. With her right, she pointed to something in the air. "What?s that?" she asked. Everyone else gazed into the sky to see two very large birds soaring toward them. "What are those?" Usagi asked, using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun as well. "Tori! Tori!" Chibi Chibi chanted. "Awful big birds, ne?" Chibi-Usa commented. Suddenly, the Tori-sans nosedived toward the four standing around the picnic blanket. "Run!" Usagi and Chibi-Usa screamed. Mamoru grabbed Chibi Chibi in his arms and the three took off as fast as they could in the opposite direction from where the birds were flying. "Girls!" Mamoru yelled as they sped down the Quad toward the library. "Henshin quickly when we reach the library!" All of them had to duck a sudden flurry of bird droppings, some of which got on Chibi-Usa's school uniform. "ICK!" The girl slid to a stop, and held out her skirt. "Ikuko-momma is going to be mad at this!" "Come on!" Usagi and Mamoru both reached out, and pulled Chibi-Usa to safety in the shadows of the library steps, which they had managed to reach. Chibi-Usa grinned sheepishly, then grabbed her brooch. Usagi grabbed hers as well, and the girls nodded to each other. "Moon Crisis...Make-UP!" "Moon Eternal...Make-UP" Nothing happened. "Nani???" All of three of them shouted. "Chibi Chibi?" the littlest asked. Usagi stared at Chibi-Usa, trying her hardest not to panic. She had been able to transform the night before. What happened? The dream where she had been attacked by the youma replayed in her mind. "What do we do?" Chibi-Usa asked Usagi, fear in her voice. Usagi put her arm around Chibi-Usa's shoulders, and drew herself to her full height. "Don't worry, everything's going to be alright." "You've got to help them," Elios's voice suddenly rang in Mamoru's head. "Henshin quickly." As if she was reading Mamoru?s mind, Chibi Chibi gazed up at him. "Henshin yo," she told. "Mamo-chan?" Usagi stared at him oddly. Why would Chibi Chibi tell him to henshin, she thought. What is going on here? Chibi-Usa stared at him as well. Mamoru slowly withdrew his watch from his pocket, and stared at it for a moment, as if still not quite sure of the power it contained. Despite transforming the night before, the events that took place in his apartment a few days before seemed like a vague dream. Then, he pressed a button on the side, and it opened up, and he held it in the air. "Mamo-chan...," Usagi said in disbelief. Chibi-Usa's eyes grew huge. A sudden bright flash of light filled the area. The girls watched in amazement as he transformed before their eyes. It was almost like one of their transformations. When it was finished, he stood before them in his new outfit, which still felt pretty uncomfortable to him. In his right hand, he held a staff. The top of it looked like the top of Setsuna's staff, but with the Golden Crystal softly glowing from it instead of the Garnet Orb. Usagi and Chibi-Usa simply stared at him in shock. Oh...Kami-sama...he was naked, was the only coherent thought Usagi managed to put together out of all the confusion in her mind. Before he could explain anything, the Tori-sans shrieked in unison, and came flying toward them. Both of the girls screamed, and Usagi grabbed Chibi Chibi and tried to shield both her and Chibi-Usa with her body. Tuxedo Kamen turned to the youma, and pointed his staff at it. His eyes narrowed in concentration and the Golden Crystal began to glow. Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from it and killed the youma. "Tuxedo Kamen-sama!" Usagi and Chibi-Usa cried out in glee. Usagi ran to him, and grabbed his arm. "Mamo-chan, when did this happen?" "I'll explain later," he told her, as another youma came flying toward them. He grabbed Usagi, pushed her behind him, and deflected the attack with his staff. He tried to draw up enough energy to repeat the attack, but found he was too weak to do so. He stumbled as the lack of energy threatened to overwhelm him. Usagi grabbed his hand. "Mamo-chan, daijobu?" Mamoru squeezed her hand comfortingly. "I'm okay, Usako. You and Chibi-Usa need to go find safety." Usagi shook her head. "Iie, I'm not going to leave you!" Chibi-Usa ran around and grabbed his other arm. "I'm not leaving you either!" "Chibi Chibi!" Chibi Chibi ran and attached herself to his leg for a moment. Then she let go, and stood in front of the three, giving them all long looks. Usagi reached over and put her other arm around Chibi-Usa. "We're your family," she said in a mature voice, reminding Chibi-Usa of Neo-Queen Serenity. "We're going to be by your side no matter what happens." Suddenly, both Usagi and Chibi-Usa began to glow. They reached down until Usagi was holding hands with Chibi-Usa and Mamoru, Chibi-Usa was holding hands with her parents, and he was holding hands with both of them. Suddenly, the Golden Crystal began to glow, and Mamoru felt an incredible wave of power wash through him. It started from somewhere within his body, and swept through his arms into his hands, and from there the glow around Usagi and Chibi-Usa brightened. Suddenly, both girls were engulfed in a flash of golden light, and when it died down, they wore new fukus. Sailor Chibi Moon's fuku was just like the other Sailor Star uniforms, except her skirt was layered with several shades of pink. Her red ribbon in the front of her uniform changed into a light pink one to match the longer one in back. In her hand, she held a smaller version of the Eternal Tier. Sailor Moon's fuku was her eternal fuku, but the wings were transparent instead of feathered. Her skirt was layered with white and silver instead of many different colors, and did not stick out like they were full of starch. Her ball-shaped sleeves were now transparent with a silver glow instead of pink. In her hand was her Eternal Tier, the one she had lost in the fight against Galaxia. They all gazed at each other in shock for a moment at the unexpected transformation. Chibi-Usa immediately let go of their hands, and suddenly started her attack on the final bird youma flying around them. "PINK LADY'S" She bowed her head in a prayer for a moment, then glared at the youma with a determined look in her eyes. "FREEZING..." She twirled around on her toes in a circle. "KISS!" She aimed the rod at the youma, and a beam of pink energy shot out from it, stunning the youma. It quickly fell to the ground. "Now, Sailor Moon!" Mamoru yelled, trying to hold himself up with his staff. She grew blurry before his eyes as a wave of exhaustion nearly overtook him. "Hai!" Usagi raised her tier and pointed it at the youma. Before she could say anything, the head of the tier began to glow and rainbow-colored rays shot out of it. The youma screamed, then blew apart into dust. "We did it! Nani?" Usagi and Chibi-Usa cheered, then gasped as they powered back down, and detransformed into their normal clothing. "It's only temporary?" Chibi-Usa asked. "It looks that way for now," Usagi said. "Usako..." The girls whirled around to see Tuxedo Kamen lose his fight with exhaustion. He slumped to the ground, detransforming as he did so. He landed face first into the grass, his watch landing beside them. "Mamo-chan!" Usagi and Chibi-Usa raced to his side, and knelt down on the ground next to him. Usagi gently turned him over to his back, and wiped the dirt off his face with her hand. She cradled his head in her lap, and tried to wake him up. "Mamo-chan, daijobu??" He opened his eyes, felt for her hand, and squeezed it lightly. "I'm okay," he whispered to her, before lasping into unconsciousness. However, within moments, the prince of the Earth slipped from unconsciousness into a deep, restorative sleep. ********** Usagi pulled the bedroom door shut, and faced the gathered senshi. "He's still sleeping," she said. "Arigato, Haruka-san and Mako-chan, for helping me get him home." "Might want to suggest to him to lay off the curry," Haruka teased her. She frowned when that failed to bring a smile to Usagi?s face, or even a remark in his defense. Instead, Usagi looked much older than her age, and extremely worried. "He's going to be okay, isn't he?" Makoto asked Ami, who was using her laptop to configure information. "He's drained from using the power of the Golden Crystal," Ami explained. "He's never been used to wielding so much power before. It's like with Usagi and the ginzuishou. If he uses all of the power at once, then he could..." "Ami-chan," Michiru laid a hand on Ami's shoulder to stop her talking, noticing how Usagi's face suddenly lost all of its color. Ami looked up from her computer, and gave Usagi a sympathetic look. "Gomen nasai, Usagi-chan, but..." "I need to know," she said in a whisper. Makoto draped an arm around Usagi's shoulders. "He's going to be all right." "But, he can't power you up forever." Everyone stared at the doorway, where a new figure stood. The outers immediately sprang to their feet. "Setsuna-san!" the inners cried. Setsuna walked in the room, over to Usagi, and laid a hand on her shoulder. "We need to talk. You, me, and Mamoru-san." "Doushite?" Usagi asked, looking extremely confused. "Trust me, we need to talk," Setsuna dropped her hand from her shoulder, opened the bedroom door, and moved inside. Usagi quickly followed her. The inners all sprang up, and Chibi-Usa ran to the door to follow Usagi in. Hotaru grabbed her arm, and stopped her. "Not now, Chibi-Usa-chan," Hotaru told her. "It does not concern you." Chibi-Usa gazed at her best friend, then at the bedroom door. Please, let Poppa be okay, she prayed in her mind. ********** "There are things in this world I know of, things I am forbidden to tell you," Setsuna started speaking, frowning as she did so. She hated to sound so serious, but she knew that was the only way to get this across to them. Usagi sat next to Mamoru on the bed, both of them giving the senshi of time their fullest attention. He had finally woken up after several hours, and it was now night. During that time, Rei had taken care of explaining to Ikuko where Usagi, Chibi-Usa, and Chibi Chibi were, and everyone else had ordered pizza. Makoto and Minako had rented some movies, and now everyone was watching a movie in the living room. Occasionally, laughter filtered through the walls. "I know of your pasts. I know what happened to your real father, the husband of Queen Serenity, Usagi," Setsuna said. "I know your past, Mamoru, who you really are, where you were born, the memories you lost on your sixth birthday. These are all things you may one day regain." "I know of your future, and of the next years lying ahead of you. I know the hardships you will both face that will be a test to your love." Setsuna's expression grew gentle. "I also know, as do you two, that you were meant to be together. Your love grows stronger every day, and it's a force that no one will be able to penetrate in life and death." Setsuna watched as Usagi's eyes grew misty, and she laid her head on Mamoru's shoulder. He took hold of her hand. "There are different paths that people take in the course of their lives. There is the intended way, which doesn't cause any changes in the time warp, and then there is the unexpected, which does cause changes. The Black Moon, Hotaru's reawakening, Galaxia, this new enemy...they are all unexpected things which has changed the time warp. Yes, everything is pretty much as it should be now, but that may soon change." Setsuna stood, and gazed at the door. "You two took the unexpected path when Usagi decided to postpone your wedding, and go to college. I think overall, that was a wise decision, Usagi, to further your education. I realized your interaction with Chibi-Usa and what you do know about yourself in the future is a strong motivation behind your chosen path. It is something that will be of use to you as queen. However, this does pose a problem." She turned back to the couple. "I can not tell you why, this is something you'll find out on your own. But, I will tell you this. If you two do not get married soon, there will be grave consequences, the first of which, you're already experiencing. You both hold unique powers. When combined, those powers can save the world. When the holders of the Silver and Golden Crystals have matured enough to wield their powers, then it is time for them to unite." Both of them stared at Setsuna in shock, and simply nodded. The senshi of time smiled. "The next time the moon is full will be in three weeks on October 15th. That is the best time to be married. Do you think you will be ready by then?" Usagi and Mamoru nodded silently. "Good." Setsuna turned to leave the room. "Setsuna-san," Mamoru called out. She stopped and glanced back, waiting for him to ask his question. "Why did it take so long for me to gain control over the Golden Crystal?" he asked. Setsuna smiled. "Why, Mamoru-san, didn't you know that girls mature faster than boys?" She left the room to the sound of Usagi's laughter. *********** "Nani?" Ikuko and Chibi-Usa screamed at Usagi and Mamoru?s announcement. They, along with Shingo, sat on the sofa in the Tsukino living room with Chibi Chibi sitting in Ikuko?s lap. Ikuko's luggage stood near the door from where she had just come back from Kobe about thirty mintues before. Usagi and Mamoru, who had arrived at the house shortly before Ikuko did, stood next to each other across the room from them. "Are you two nuts?" Shingo asked, knowing very well the answer to his own question. "Chibi!" Chibi Chibi clapped her hands. "Wedding!" Usagi groaned at her family?s reaction. "Look, believe me when I tell you that we're getting married three weeks from Wednesday. We have to get married that day!" Ikuko sprang up from her seat, and began to pace the length of the room. She stopped suddenly, and turned to face her daughter and her fiance. "Usagi-chan, are you pregnant?" "No!" Usagi and Mamoru both shouted at the same time, then grew very red. "Thank Kami," Chibi-Usa muttered. Both Usagi and Mamoru shot a dirty look at their daughter. "Just remember who you are," Usagi leaned close to Chibi-Usa's ear. "And remember that there are ways of preventing your birth." Chibi-Usa returned the dirty look. "Usako...," Mamoru said in a warning tone, overhearing what Usagi had told their future daughter. This time Usagi shot him the dirty look. "What is so important about three weeks from Wednesday?" Ikuko flipped a page over on the desk calendar. "That?s October 15th." "I don?t fully understand it myself, but Setsuna-san said that was the day Mamo-chan and I had to get married." Usagi explained. "Setsuna-san?" Ikuko asked. "Sailor Pluto. The senshi of time," Usagi said. She had glossed over what each senshi was for when she originally told Ikuko and Shingo about the Sailor Senshi a year earlier. "She would know best." "The 15th is also a full moon, Ikuko-san," Luna explained, walking in the room with Artemis on her heels. "The waxing and waning moons symbolizes hatred and unrest. The new moon means death and destruction." "The strongest power is from the full moon," Artemis said. "It is good for visions of the future and for luck. It is the time when Usagi-chan?s powers are at their peak." "So what does them getting married this October 15th have to do with anything?" Ikuko fretted. She sat back down on the sofa and buried her head in her hands. "I don?t get any of this. It?s been a year, but I still can?t comprehend that my only daughter is Sailor Moon...is a princess..." "Momma," Usagi said, sitting down next to her mother and putting her arms around her. She leaned her head on her mother?s shoulder. "I?m still your daughter." Ikuko patted Usagi?s arm and smiled. "Aishiteru, Usagi-chan. Things will work out in the end." "Ikuko-momma, I promise to take good care of Usako," Mamoru vowed. "I know you will, Mamoru-san. Or else, Kenji would had used his shotgun on you a long time ago," Ikuko winked at him. "I just wished we had more time to plan a wedding." Her gaze turned back to Luna. "Why this full moon?" "It?s hard to say," Luna said. "I?m not quite sure if my hypothesis is correct or not about this full moon, but if they are, it is imperative that Usagi-chan and Mamoru-san marry that day. If not, then the future is going to change." Everyone stared at Luna in shock. ********** Ami nodded to the professor she had been talking to and bade him farewell. The young woman walked down the hall and left the Center for Astrophysics at Harvard University. She walked down Concord Avenue lost in her thoughts about what the astronomy professor she had talked to said about the nature of full moons and the signifigance of the one to occur on October 15th. Eventually, she found herself at the Cambridge Common, one of her favorite places on campus. She walked on a path in the common until she found some benches hidden behind a cluster of bushes. Ami sat on one of the benches and pushed the sleeve of her blouse up until her communicator was revealed. She punched in a button and after a moment Setsuna?s face appeared. "I went looking for the information you told me to find," Ami said. "Good," Setsuna said. "Did you have any problems explaining were you were for the past day?" "No, Rachel covered for me," Ami said, admitting that there was an advantage to having her roommate know about her secret. "But, I did find out the information you wanted to know. According to Dr. Torres, this is the full moon that you were looking for." "Okay," Setsuna said, keying in some information into her computer. "It?s imperative that Usagi and Mamoru not know why they have to get married that day." "But, they have a right to know. Not even I fully know what?s going to happen because of this," Ami said. "You?re not suppose to," Setsuna said. "Trust me, it?ll make the fun go away and I?ll be number one on the list of the Universe?s Most Wanted. Being vague really sucks at times, but I?m afraid it goes with the job." Ami smiled. "I?m coming home on the 12th. I managed to find a flight back to Tokyo. I?ll return on the 19th. I?ve talked to my professors and they said I?m so far ahead in my classes that I just need to e-mail in my assignments." "That?s good. Don?t use your Mercury Teleport for this, it would cause too much suspicion," Setsuna said. "Trust me, this all seems odd now, but everything will be alright in the end. Trust me." A small laugh escaped Ami?s lips. "Why do I feel like I?m going to regret those works?" she said, then ended the link with Setsuna. ********** "I see. Well, arigato goizaimou." Usagi hung up the phone and sighed. She turned around to see Minako and Makoto gathered around a catalog and Rei scribbling down notes on a sheet of paper. She walked back over to table and sank down onto the cushion next to Rei. Makoto looked up from the catalog. "What?s wrong?" she asked. "I?ve been calling every church in the area, but I can?t find anything for October 15th," Usagi said, then laid down on her back. She stared at the ceiling. "There?s nothing available." "Let me try," Rei said, getting up and taking the phone off its base. She dialed a number and noticed the others looking at her. She grinned sheepishly at them. "One of my favorite teachers, Sister Michelle, is now a nun at Saint Michael?s. She will make sure you two can be married there." "Arigato, Rei-chan!" Usagi said with a grin. She sat back up just as the door to the room slid open. She stood up as Mamoru entered the room and nodded to the other senshi before motioning her to come to him. She ran over to him and he wrapped his arm around her waist and led her out the door. The others watched them leave. Rei turned back to the phone. The door nudged back open and Luna and Artemis walked in with Diana following them. They sat on the cushion that Usagi occupied. Makoto sighed. "I don?t get all of the mysteriousness behind this wedding," she said. "It?s like the world is going to end if Usagi-chan and Mamoru-san don?t get married on October 15th." "Nah...the world isn?t gonna end. They just want to do ?it? so badly that it?s why the wedding?s being held so soon," Minako commented absently, still looking through the catalog. Makoto, Luna, and Artemis gasped at Minako. Diana stared at her father. "Poppa, what is ?it??" she asked. Artemis promptly fainted. Luna hung her head and shook it sadly. "Diana, ask us in a thousand years," she said. Makoto snatched the catalog from Minako. "Minako- chan, I can?t believe you would say such a thing!" Minako sighed. "Well, I?m tired of hearing about weird prophecies and Setsuna being so secretive. It?s like she?s trying to force the timeline to work to her will. Just let them marry when they want to! I don?t care anyhow." Makoto started to say something, but Minako jumped up. "I don?t want to hear it," she said. "I?m going home." She walked out of the room. Makoto stared after her with a frown. ********** Moreno stepped through the gates of the small cemetary and headed over to two stones grouped under a tree. He stared down at the stones of his former brother- in-law and niece, shoving his hands in his overcoat pockets. "I thought for sure she would be here," he said aloud. "Where could she be? She?s my imouto...I can not afford to lose her." His gaze turned to the sky. "Misora," he whispered. "Where are you? Your life is in danger. But, if I ever find you, I have to kill you...because my life is not my own any longer." From behind a nearby tree, a woman watch him. Her long black hair hung in stringy clumps with dirt and twigs strew threw them. Her dress was torn in several places, dirt also streaking it. She simply watched Moreno, eyes narrowing at his words. "Onii-chan, you betray me," she whispered in a low voice. "But, I will get you back. I will get you ALL back for the pain you have done to me. Starting with you and Hino Soun." Her eyes narrowed. "I will make sure you never get to Sailor Moon." ********** "I thought you were out looking at apartments," Usagi commented. She and Mamoru walked down the street toward his apartment. He had not said a word since leaving Hiwaka Temple. She looked up into his eyes to find them distant, as if his thoughts were concentrated elsewhere. But, the way he squeezed her waist betrayed him, letting her know that he needed her at this moment. He still didn?t say anything, but came to a stop outside of Osa-P. He looked in the window where Naru?s mother was waiting on a customer. In the back of the store, Naru sat in a chair reading a book. Usagi started to knock on the window, but Mamoru stopped her, taking her hand in his free one. "Is something wrong?" Usagi asked, but he simply stared at the hand he held. It was her left hand, the one with her engagement ring on it. He rubbed her hand delicately, especially the ring. She sensed he was having a hard time trying to tell her how he felt. It was something she had picked up on over the years. Some people took his silence to be coldheartedness, but she learned it was because he could not always vocalize what he felt because of the way he had grown up. They turned toward each other, their bond communicating what words couldn?t. Since Mamoru had obtained the Golden Crystal, they could feel their bond growing stronger. His ability to sense Usagi?s dreams had proven that. "We?ve come full circle, haven?t we?" Usagi whispered. "This is where it all began five years ago. I came out of Osa-P and threw a test paper behind me and it hit you. Then, that night, we saved the store from Jadeite and the youma he sent." He still didn?t say anything, just leaned toward her. She closed her eyes and met his lips, kissing him passionately. Younger people passing them whistled appreciatively while older people avoided their eyes. One woman passed by, muttering how it wasn?t appropriate for young people to make a public spectacle like that. Still, Usagi and Mamoru ignored them all, lost in their own world. As they kissed, a figure appeared on the sidewalk in the distance. As it approached, people could see it looked like a man. A very familiar man to some of the college- aged people who remembered seeing his face plastered on every available billboard just three years earlier. He approached the kissing couple and stopped before them, an odd smile on his face. "Yo, Odango!" the man said, cheerfully. "I?m back!" Mamoru instantly broke off the kiss to glare at the man, but the glare instantly dissolved in a look of shock. Usagi turned around, her cheeks flaming red. Her jaw dropped when she saw who the man was who had spoken to her. "Seiya!" TO BE CONTINUED....IN EPISODE 13