Author: GKnight 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailor Moon: In Search of a Star Title: A Dream (A huge towering castle sits on a high ledge of a black mountain. Lightning crackles and wind whips fiercely across the peak. At the gate stands two monstrous guards both twice the size of normal humans. They are covered in a gleaming black armour and they both hold giant axes. In the throne room of the dark castle sits a man. He is wearing a blue army uniform covered in a dark blue cloak. On his left breast are five small, red squares and below them are five equally small blue squares. Next to each of these rows are a pair of golden squares. On his neck is a golden chain with a mysterious jewel hanging from it. At his side is a long sword that emits a blue glow. The man is relatively tall and has long black hair with pale blue eyes. In front of him is a holoscreen of the planet Earth. He is studying it intently. This is Emperor Jerlp Heryko of the Negaverse.) Jerlp(a deep English voice): Earth.....the sole thing the Negaverse Army wishes to posses. For it's energy, resources, and evil potential. Since Beryl is now deceased I hold the throne. I, Emperor Jerlp Heryko of the Negaverse will have what is rightfully due to me...... the Earth, but I first must rid it of the presence of those pesky Sailor Scouts. Time to call my most trustworthy agent to see if he has found anything, Dark Leader Kinet! (There is a brilliant flash of light and a man appears kneeling before Jerlp. This is Kinet. He is a broad shouldered man who wears a sword at his side but it does not glow as Jerlp's does. He is of medium height and has light brown hair and brown eyes. His hair is tied back in a pony-tail but some bangs hang in his face. He also wears a light blue army uniform, it bears five red squares, five blue, and one gold. On his neck is a long scar that goes from his jaw to the collarbone.) Kinet (a deep and raspy Australian voice): Yes, my lord. Jerlp: Rise, my friend. (Kinet rises.) Jerlp: Tell me, Adio, have you devised a plan to eliminate the Sailor Scouts and gather energy quickly? Kinet: Yes, my lord. Jerlp: Proceed. Kinet: My investigation of Earth has proved quite successful. There is actually a way to gather energy quicker and in greater amounts than how we normally capture it. The humans release great amounts of energy in their bodies at times of progressing work. So if we execute this plan correctly we will gather enormous amounts of energy. As for the Sailor Scouts, one of my agents has a special surprise for them. Jerlp: Good. Now have you chosen a special executor for this mission? Kinet: Yes. His name is Myre. He recruited after the fall of Beryl and he quickly progressed to General. Not much is known about his past, but his abilities are exceptional, and he is nearly equal to myself. There couldn't be a better man for the mission. Jerlp: Hmm....I would like to meet this General Myre. Kinet: As you wish. (Kinet then pulls out a radio and starts talking.) Kinet: He should be arriving here momentarily. (A circular black portal appears Myre steps out. The man is extremely tall and well muscled. He is donned in scaly black armour and his helmet is sculpted as the head of a dragon. His face and features are obscured by the armour. A black cloak covers him and on his back is a giant broadsword that glows a deep blue. His fists are gauntleted and numerous weapons are strapped onto belts or boots or basically any other place that will hold a weapon.) Jerlp: Impressive. General, would you mind showing me some of your abilities. Myre(deep and emotionless): Yes. Kinet: Guards, bring the dummy. (Two guards then come in carrying a wooden dummy. They set it down and leave to their posts.) Kinet: when you are ready. (Myre leaps into the air and disappears. A moment passes before he reappears behind the dummy and in a lightning quick movement slashes off the head and severs the body in two. But before the pieces fall to the floor he flings forward his free hand while lettingloose a deep guttural cry and the pieces explode leaving a shower of woodchips.) Jerlp: Very good. Myre, you are to go to Earth, with a detachment of troops, to eradicate the Sailor Scouts and gather as much energy as possible. Do not fail me. Understood? Myre: Yes. Jerlp: But before you go General, I would like to ask you where you got that sword. Myre: I was in a duel with a man and acquired it from him afterwards.....if you know what I mean. Jerlp: Yes, I understand. Continue with your mission. (Myre then steps into his black portal and disappears.) Kinet: He defeated a Master? And to think that he acquired it before he came he for training. Jerlp: Do not worry friend he can be dealt with if anything...unfortunate happens. (On the planet Earth we can see Serena, Amy, and Mina at their school. It is a free period. It is a day after a rainstorm and the sun is shining, Lita is no where to be seen. The three girls are sitting under a tree chatting. They all look up and sigh at the same time.) Serena: Finally, a free period at last! Oh, I just hope that I got at least a passing grade on that Geometry test! I can't stand another speech from my mother..............(silenty to herself) again. Mina: I know what you mean. Mr. Kisari was pretty strict on that test. Amy: Yeah. Hey, I wonder where Lita has gone off to? (KAPOW!!! A punch was heard across the grounds. The three girls get up and rush over to where a circle has formed around Lita and a boy. Assuming the boy was her current boyfriend, well not anymore....) Bystander 1: Hey! A fight! Bystander 2: Alright! Lita(enraged): You, stupid, low-life... (KAPOW!!) Boy: Alright, Lita, if that's the way you want it then........ (Lita punches the boy in the gut and he falls over clutching his stomach. Schoolmates move out of the way as Lita walks out of the circle.) Lita: Oh, I just can't find a good one these days. Boys are just like ideas, in order to get a good one you have to steal it. (Lita then sees the girls and joins them.) Serena: Wow, I've never seen anyone take such a beating. Amy: Yeah, I'd hate to be that guy. What was his name again, Lita? Lita: Doesn't matter..... Mina: Oh, I recognize him now. Didn't he blow up the chemistry lab several months ago? And didn't you have a little something to do with that.......incident? Lita: DOESN'T MATTER!!!! (BARRING! The sound of the bell signaled that the period was over and that last period was starting. We see the hallways and then.......BARRING!........students come pouring out of the rooms and out of the school. When all of the girls [including Raye] meet at the local park, they sit down to talk. It is a nice, sunny day, the birds are chirping, and people are about, but there are still some puddles from the rainstorm.) Raye: Have you noticed that it has been a couple months since an attack from some evil source? Amy: has been a long time since a fight. Let's enjoy our moments of peace while we can. Mina Yeah, we need some time to relax for once. Serena (thinking to herself): Maybe I should use this spare time to catch up on my studies..................nah! Amy: So, Lita, about today............ Lita (rising to her feet): I gotta get home. Raye: What's the rush? Lita: I just want to go home to relax and forget about today. Mina: So you broke up with him. Lita: Yes! Serena: You know, Lita, somewhere out there is a boy just for you. Somewhere in this small world is a boy just for you. It will just take a little patience and maybe even luck but I'm sure you will find him. Lita: You're right, Serena. Somewhere in this small world is a guy just for me. Hey, I wasn't born for being lonely. I'm going to find someone as soon as I get home! Amy: You don't waste any time do you? (Lita then walks off. Five steps later a biker zooms by her and knocks her off balance. She teeters for a moment before she falls into a rather large puddle of water. Her face turns beet red with anger as she looks at her soaked clothes. She then gets up and darts after the biker.) Lita: Come back here you idiot! (The biker just speeds up.) Lita: Geez, what a wimp. (Then on the way to the apartment she notices her clothes.) Lita: Great! Just Great! I break up with my boyfriend and now my clothes are soaking wet. Well at least I'm on my way to my apartment for a change out of these soaking clothes. (KER-SPLASH! A car passes by and another bucketful of water splashes onto her from a nearby puddle.) Lita: Please make it stop. (Not that far away was a construction site that had men and machines all over doing all sorts of tasks. A couple of construction workers were pouring asphalt into an area to make a new parking lot. Others were setting up metal beams or instructing others.) Foreman: Hey, Jon! Get moving with that cement. And after you're done with that I have some other jobs for you! Jon: Yes, sir! Foreman: Now move it you sod! (The foreman throws an apple core from his lunch box at Jon and hits him in the head. In a dark corner of the site a figure clad in black emerges from the shadows, it is Myre.) Myre: much energy in these fools. Too bad they won't have a chance to use any of it to it's full destructive potential! (Myre strolls from the shadows and draws his sword from its sheath. The blade is inscribed with runes up and down its surface and the blue glow flickers like fire. Myre holds the blade before him in both hands and start to chant. Now the workers notice him and but before they can escape Myre stabs the sword into the ground and they stop in their track as if something is holding them down. He continues the chant and ever so slowly lines of blue energy drain along the ground from the workers and into the sword. He then pulls his sword from the ground and sheathes it. The workers collapse to the ground. The scene goes back to the park and we see Amy and Serena sitting on a bench talking, when suddenly a beep is heard from Amy's mini-computer.) Amy: I wonder what's happening now. (She opened it and after punching a couple of keys it revealed that Negaverse activity was happening in the city not too far away.) Amy: Serena, the Negaverse is attacking in the same area where Lita lives. Serena: Call the other Scouts and tell Lita to check out the situation but to keep her distance. Hey, where is Luna and Artemis? I thought that they come at times like this. (Luna and Artemis then jump onto the scene.) Luna: Right here. Come on, we don't have much time. Artemis: The place isn't that far away, let's go. Serena: Looks like our days of peace are over. (Meanwhile at the construction site General Myre and his troops are surveying the wreckage to see that not an ounce of energy is wasted. Myre was pleased with his work so he dispatched a trooper to go tell Kinet.) Sailor Moon: He's not going anywhere! (Sailor Moon throws a brick at the messenger and knocks him out cold.) Myre: Fool! Troops, get her! (Five troops come running at Sailor Moon with rifles. The other Scouts then appear and surprise Myre and his troops.) Sailor Jupiter (screaming): Jupiter Thunder Claps Zap! (A pulsating ball of thunder is then hurled at the troops who didn't have a chance of surviving as an ice cube in an oven. Other troops came firing and the Scouts dove out of the way. They started to fire a second volley but......) Sailor Venus (screaming): Venus Love Chain Encircle! Sailor Mars (screaming): Mars Celestial Surround! (The troops were tied up and burnt to a crisp by the dual attack. The rest of the Scouts appeared with Luna and Artemis.) Luna: You okay? Scouts (breathing heavily): Yeah. (pant,pant) Myre: You stupid fools, I may have lost by troops but I am still here! Face my ultimate wrath of power! HA HA HA! Tuxedo Mask: Not so fast! (A rose shoots towards Myre but it harmlessly bounce off his armour.) Tuxedo Mask (surprised): What the?! Myre: You will die for your insolence along with the rest of these fools if that is what you wish, whoever you are. (Myre flicks his arm at Tuxedo Masks and he is flung backwards into a brick wall. Myre then takes his hands and raises them above his head. Bands of solid stone come up and lock onto the Scouts' and Tuxedo Mask's legs. He then takes his sword and slams it into the ground. The skeleton of the buildings and the ground starts to rumble. Huge cracks appear in the ground and fire spouts up in many of these cracks. The Scouts desperately struggle to break their bonds but fail.) Myre: In case you break your bonds I will leave you something to deal with. Xombite! Attack! (A fireball, the size of a car, falls from the sky and crashes in the construction site. A huge, burning horse with an armour clad rider forms after the impact. The horses shoulders stand at the height of a tall human and giant six foot wings arch out from its back. The rider doesn't burn but the flame seems to fold away from him. He carries a large black spear.) Myre: Only a miracle can save you now, Scouts. Goodbye. (A black portal opens and Myre disappears into it. Xombite charged the Scouts but time seems to stop and five figures appear. They all wore armour, except for one, and carried various weapons. They also wore different colored cloaks; one wore orange and carried an axe and a shield, one wore blue and carried a spear, one wore green and carried a broadsword, one wore white and carried a bow with several quivers strapped to his back and hips, and one wore red an carried two short swords and a shield. They seemed knight-like and stood around Xombite, who was motionless. Whatever time-spell held Xombite shattered and he continued his charge at the Scouts as if nothing had happened.) Green Knight: Not so fast! (Xombite stopped and whirled to meet him. It broke into a gallop straight towards the Green Knight. The Green Knight stood his ground and before Xombite got to him the Green Knight lept into the air. Before he fell the other Knights all attack Xombite, with their swords, spears, bows, and axes. Then the Green Knight comes falling from the sky and lands on Xombite, smashing it with his sword. There is a giant explosion and bits of fire spray everywhere. The Knights then look at the Scouts and disappear. The Scouts realize that their bonds have been broken and that the construction site has been returned to its original state except that most of the workers still lie on the ground void of energy.) Sailor Moon: What.........happened? Sailor Mercury: I don't know. Sailor Mars: Those Knights, whoever they were, saved us. Sailor Jupiter: But who were they? Luna: Those Knights....they looked awfully familiar. But I just can't remember who they are or where they came from. Tuxedo Mask: I too, feel a vague familiarity about those Knights. Artemis:.............. (Kinet and Jerlp appear atop a nearby building overlooking the construction site.) Jerlp: It seems Myre failed us, Kinet. I will excuse him this time since he brought us such a large quantity of energy. (A pause.) Kinet: Did you recognize the Knights? Jerlp: Yes. (The two then disappear into a mysterious dark portal. The air near the Scouts wavers and the five Knights appear with their weapons put away in their holders.) Green Knight: We have come to you in this time of dread to help you defeat a danger greater than anything you can imagine. I cannot explain to you now the consequences of losing to this evil but you must continue to fight despite the odds or danger. We will always be there to help you. (The Knights disappear again.) Artemis: They're here, Luna. That means that it's here too. Or is going to be and you know what that means. Luna: Yes, I remember now. Sailor Mercury: Well, today has been about as wild as a day they come's wrong with Jupiter? Sailor Mars: Uh-oh. Sailor Jupiter: Oh........ Sailor Venus: Oh, great. Sailor Moon: Somebody help her......... (We then see Lita in her school uniform standing on the balcony of her apartment. It is nighttime out and she gazes into the stars an image of the Green Knight forms in the sky. Then in another part of the world somewhere a boy sits on a hill at night. Only the silhouette is visible. Another silhouette appears.) Boy 1: I had this dream, a dream of knights. Boy 2: Yeah? Boy 1: Well it's like this, I felt I was summoned up as a knight wearing a green cloak and wielding a sword. I fought this strange beast with four other knights. I felt we were there to save someone or a group of people from it. We destroyed the beast and rescued the people. The rest is just a blur. Boy 2: Hm...interesting dream. You know....nah. I almost had the same dream but I was wearing a blue cloak and carrying a spear. But the possibilities of two people having the same dream is almost nil. Boy 1: Yeah, and in the group of people I saw a girl. A brunette with a pony-tail who was as beautiful as the sun on a summers day. Boy 2: Even if you did see this girl and all these people it was just a dream. Boy 1: Yeah........a dream.