Title: Stigmata Author: Grace Parts: 6/6 Rated: R Email: GraceSpradlin@hotmail.com What now....? Mamoru woke up for he thought that he had heard something. Looking down, he noticed the sleeping goddess in his arms. He whipped his head around as he heard banging come from the door. He layed there for a minute and decided to ignore it, so they would leave. Before he layed his head back down, the door was burst open by a group of people. Among them he saw Demando and was not surprised when he saw Saffir also. He didn't the situation that he was in: laying down on the bed with Usagi, his clothes slightly rumpled from sleeping. He was in for it, he knew. He got up from the bed as a man went over to Usagi and picked her up. "What are you doing?!?!" He was majorly confused now. Demando looked at Mamoru. "We are taking her. You no longer are on this assignment."What?!?! You can't do this!!" Demando looked him straight in the eye and smirked. "Yes *I* can!! Come with us so I can give you your next assignment. I am *your* boss, so I can do whatever I want with you." Mamoru sighed. It was never a good idea to get on Demando's bad side. He followed them out to the cars parked in front and got in his own. He kept a good distance behind the other cars as he followed them to a monk-house. (AN: don't ask.) Demando walked behind his temporary desk and sighed. "I'll give you your assignment tomorrow. I don't have it with me." Mamoru nodded then headed out the door. He left the small building and got in his car, not once looking back. He drove until he reached his church. He had some serious praying to do. All of his problems had to do with Usagi, and that scared him. He knew that he had *some* strong feelings for her, but didn't know what feelings they were. When he arrived at his church, he walked in and headed straight for the altar. He prayed for a while, and when he was done, it felt like a heavy burden had been taken from his shoulders. He had come to the conclusion that he loved the woman. He had never loved before, so he was confused at first, but now since he had the help of God, his feelings were put in front of him. He turned around and came face-to-face with one of his best friends. "Nephrite?!?" Mamoru was quite confused. Nephrite wasn't much of a catholic. So why would he be at a catholic church? "Mamoru-san. I need to talk with you." He headed over to a pew and sat down, motioning for Mamoru to follow. "Yes?" He looked at his friend and was confused all the while. "I need to ask you something." Mamoru nodded then Nephrite pulled out a sheet of paper. "Where did you take these pictures?" Mamoru glanced at them then looked at Nephrite. "A young woman I know wrote those." Nephrite nodded then explained. "These pictures are very important. The only place that you will find this written is on the scroll that Jesus wrote. He recorded what He had said before the last supper. If anyone found you with these, it would be worse than discovering gold." Mamoru was astonished. He didn't know that those pictures were *that* important. "So, what does it say?" Nephrite looked at the picture than got up. He walked up and started pacing. He recited to Mamoru what it said:(AN: I don't know exactly what it says because it is only written in the scroll that was discovered not too long ago, so it isn't in the Bible.) Jesus said the kingdom of God is inside you and all around you. Spilt a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me. Mamoru just stood there, stunned. He caught on when Nephrite said, "Spilt a piece of wood and I am there. Lift a stone and you will find me." That was exactly what the sheet of paper that Usagi had brought to him, had said. At the monk-house, Usagi was placed onto a bed because she was asleep. Demando and Saffir were in the room along with Sister Esmeraude who was standing beside the bed. Esmeraude reached over and grabbed the cross that Usagi was holding then walked over to the door and opened it. Sister Cooan and Sister Beruche walked into the room and headed for the bed. They grabbed Usagi by the wrists and held her firmly in place. This immediatly woke her up and she was slightly confused. "What are you doing?" She looked around and noticed the glare she got from Demando. He didn't like what Usagi was doing. He knew what was happening. "I command you to leave this woman's body! Let her pass away without pain." Demando just wanted the girl to die because she was trying to leak out what Demando really was. He really didn't care for God. He just wanted everything to go by the laws of the Catholic Church. (AN: don't ask.) Demando was a hypocrite. He had known that Usagi was indeed experiencing the 'Stigmata'. He also knew that she had only had the first four signs. He wanted the last one to come for she would ruin him. He continued to command the unknown spirit inside her but it didn't do anything but rile her up. She got extremely angry. Demando motioned to the sisters and they left the room. Now only Saffir and Demando were in the room. Usagi had tears springing from her eyes. Demando walked up to her and grabbed her neck. She grabbed his hands, trying desperatly to free herself so she could breathe but to no avail. He had her pushed to the pillow, choking her. Saffir didn't like it, so he left the room. Once outside, he saw Mamoru hastily heading for him. Mamoru brushed past him and went for the room where Usagi was being kept. Opening the door, he took one glance then ran towards Demando. Usagi was turning pale with the lack of oxygen. He grabbed Demando and threw him across the room. Usagi sat up and gasped for air. Mamoru grabbed Demando and left the room. In the hall, he threw him against the wall. Demando got up but Mamoru grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him against the wall. "I know what you are up to and I won't let you do it!! That girl is innocent and you planned on killing her? You bastard!" Throwing him on the ground, Mamoru went back in to check on Usagi. When he entered the room he didn't proceed to the bed but stayed where he was. The fire place all of a sudden lit up (AN: there wasn't a fire in it at first) and then the whole wall caught fire. Mamoru never let his eyes stray from Usagi's. Then the roof was on fire, and yet he still didn't twitch. His thoughts and emotions were racing. "Please, leave this woman's body. She has done nothing to deserve this." He knew that he was talking to the spirit within her. He saw her glare at him then answer, "YOU! YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO OPPOSES ME!! You are a hypocrite. Posing as a brother in Christ yet proving God wrong everyday." Mamoru stood there in shock. He realized that he had indeed been doing that. He was proving miracles done by God, wrong. "YOU HAVE NO FAITH!" Mamoru looked at Usagi and then walked through the fire that was surrounding the bed, to reach her. All of a sudden, Usagi through back her head and screamed. Her hands had blood pouring out of the wounds and her forehead was drizzling blood. Her feet were bleeding as well. She jerked forward as pain shot through her back. Mamoru was seeing the first four signs of the 'Stigmata' right in front of his eyes. She was bleeding horrendously (sp?) and screaming like there was no tomorrow. 'Oh God! No, please no.' He couldn't do anything to stop it as he watched the full 'Stigmata' enfold in front of him. Suddenly she collapsed onto the bed and he noticed that she had not recieved the fifth sign. He slowly picked her up along with the blankets. Carrying her out of the room, he left the building. He sat down on a bench in front of a grassy plain. He looked at her and gasped. 'How?' She was no longer bleeding but that is not what made him gasp:: Her wounds were completely healed and she had opened her eyes. 'Does this mean--' He was cut short when she smiled. He knew right then that the spirit had left and was not coming back. Usagi's breath caught in her throat as she looked up at Mamoru. Their noses were touching and she could feel his warm breath against her lips. He looked into her eyes then gently placed his lips on hers. He kissed her softly then pulled back. He helped her up and she put the blanket on the bench. Taking one last look at Mamoru, she walked away. She knew that she could not stay with him. She had a lot to learn about Christianity. But she knew one thing: She was definatly saved. She no longer wanted to live a life thinking that it was ok to go to Hell. She wanted to be with God and she knew He wanted to be with her too. Knowing this, she smiled and headed for home. Mamoru looked at Usagi's retreating form and sighed. He knew that it had to be this way, so he didn't object. He liked the girl, a lot in fact, but he knew that it just couldn't happen. Glancing at her again, he turned around and headed for the other direction. He had to report Father Demando in because what he had done was illegal and very much a sin. He knew that he had some serious repenting to do but until then, he needed some rest. ~fin~ So? Well, I know that it was so abrupt and short at the end. You probably didn't get much of what it meant but I tried my best. I wrote it from memory of what the movie said so that was like 4 weeks ago? Well, comments are always welcome as well as *some* flames. *winces* Gotta go work on FFL pt. 7. Ja ne!!