Hey everyone! How'd you like Part 1? Well, I hope you like part 2 here. Enjoy the story! Guardian Mercury Smerc8@aol.com rated- PG Love and War Part 2- A Strange Feeling There's a light knock on Serenity's door as she stirs in bed. A servent comes in after a minute passes to wake her. Serenity rubs her eyes and gets dressed. "Princess, it's time to get up." "What time is it?" "It's 6:30 Princess, breakfast is in 10 minutes." "Okay, I'll be down in a minute." Serenity fixes her hair , gets drressed and then heads downstairs and into the dining room. Everyone is standing, waiting for her to arrive. They sit down to eat and while they're eating, Serenity tell the girls about the upcoming day and introduces them to Luna and Artemis. "Sorry I'm late everyone." "It's okay Serenity. That's one thing you'll have to learn about my daughter, she's not a morning person." "We'll whip her into shape right guys?" "Hey, that's enough Raye." Everyone begins laughing at the mini-arguement that Serenity and Raye are in. Everyone finishes laughing and Serenity continues explaining what the day will consist of. "Anyway, you've been here for three days and it's about time you started your training." "Really, what kind of training?" "To fight Raye, first you have to meet Luna and Artemis." "I already know how to fight." "Not the way you're gonna be trained Lita." "However, before we start, you guys need to meet Luna and Artemis." "Who are they?" With thee mention of their names, the two cats hop up on the table. One's black with a crescent moon on it's forehead while the other is white with a crescent moon. Everyone looks at them then Luna says something, which catches the four princesses completly off guard. "Oh look at the two kitties?" "Which is which Seren?" "Raye, my name is Luna and this is Artemis." "Did that cat just talk?" "Hey, nice trick Seren." "It's not a trick Mina." "Can you two really talk?" "Yeah and we can dance too!" "Easy Artemis." "Whoa, that's really weird." "You said it Amy." "Anyway girls, today your training will begin so, be at the training room at 8:15." Everyone gets up from the table and starts to head to their rooms. Raye and Lita are walking toward Lita's room while talking. "Great, I'm taking orders from a cat, what's next?" "Oh ease up Raye, there are weirder things." The generals all meet in the dining room to eat breakfast. After a few miutes pass, Goku arrives followed by Darien. Malichite smacks Zoicite in the head to wake him up. They all sit down to eat and talk about the upcoming day. "Morning guys." "Morning Jedite, I shouldn't have stayed up so late reading the stars." "Too bad Neflyte, we got work to do." "Malichite, you have to learn to relax. Your always so, serious." "I'm always serious about my mission Jedite." "Morning Goku, Darien." "So what's on tap for today?" "More training Zoicite, today with bo staffs. Then a 10 mile run and finally sparring." "The partners today will be Malichite and Jedite, Neflyte and Zoicite and myself and Goku. Be at the traing room in 10 minutes." "Alright, I better go get my sword then." "You don't need it today Zoicite, we're using bo staffs." "You doing this to punish us for something aren't you Malichite." "Hey, we're guardians, now get up and stop complaining Jedite." All the girls meet at the training center and talk about what's going on. The four of them try to figure out what'll happen that day. Luna, Artemis, Serenity, Tranquility and Misato all enter after a few minutes. "This is going to be pretty interesting, don't you think Mina." "Yeah Amy, I wonder how we're going to be trained?" "Don't know, Luna and Artemis probably will train us Lita." "Being trained by two two cats, this should be fun." "Raye, we need to be trained to be Serenity's guardians if that means being trained by two cats then so be it." "Amy's right." "Hello girls." "Before we get going, you each have to be told what you have power over?" "What do you mean by "have power over" Artemis." "Well, each of you has a special ability to control things. Amy, you control ice and water, Raye, you control fire, Lita, you control lightning." "What about me Luna?" "You Mina control energy." "Whoa." "Now you all need your power sticks. Tranquility." "Our power sticks?" Tranquility and Misato place all the power sticks on the table in front of the girls. They have different colors with a star on top and an astrological sign on them. The girls look puzzled looking at the stick until Mina asks Luna a question. "So, which is which Luna?" "Amy's is blue, Raye's is red, Lita's is green and your's is orange." "Now I get it, Raye's is red because she controls fire, Amy's is blue because she controls water etc." "You got it Lita. However there's more to it." "Well, out with it Artemis." "Well Raye, hold your stick up and shout your home planet's name star power." The girls do as Artemis instructed and are transformed into the Sailor Scouts. Serenity, Tranquility and Queen Serenity all smile and tell Luna and Artemis to leave them alone for a minute. "Great, the Sailor Scouts have been born." "Sailor Scouts?" "Ah, what the hell happened!" "What am I wearing, where'd my dress go?" "Calm down Lita, Mina." "This is really weird." "I'll explain everything, can you two give us a few minutes." "Of course your Highness." After a short discussion, the Scouts pretty much understand what is going on. Luna and Artemis come running back into the room. "So we have power over the elements?" "Yes Sailor Jupiter." "Scouts, your Highness, everyone!" "What is it Luna?" "We're under attack. Two youma just appeared and began attacking the palace!" "No time to train. Mother, Serenity stay here. Sailor Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus; follow me." Back on Earth, the Darien and his Guardians are finishing up their run. They take a five minute break to rest before sparring. Jedite collapses in front of the training hall as he finishes his run. "Whew." "It gets bumped up to 12 miles next week Neflyte." "You're joking." "You know I never joke about my duty Zoi. You should know that by now." "Come on Jedite, get up. We're not done yet." "Okay, let me catch my breath." After the break, everyone goes in the training room and pair up to spar, They spar forabout three hours then rest a few more minutes before continuing. As they're sparring, they're all complimenting each other and trying to get their "opponents" motivated. "Everyday paired up?" "All set." "First one to fall, loses." Once the guys are finished and rest there's one more thing they work on before calling it a day. The guy's are introduced to their powers for the first time by Darien. "So now what Darien, are we done for the day?" "Not yet Neflyte, there's one more thing we have to do." "Not more training." "Calm down Jedite, this is going to be easy." "Well, out with it Darien." "Okay, you guys all have special powers." "Special powers?" "Yes. You can call upon the powers of your respective planets. Okay, who wants to go first?" "I'll give it a try I guess." "Go for it Neflyte." "Uranus, Star Blast!" Neflyte raises his right hand to harness the energy of the stars. he then closes his fist and pulls it back like he's going to throw a punch then throws his fist forward, opening his hand. The energy that was gathered in his hand is shot out almost like a bolt of lightning, vaporizing a chair. "Damn!" "That was incredible Neflyte." "Thanks Jedite." "Okay, I'll go next; Deflective Wall!" Jedite raises both his hands over his head and a dome emerges out of his hands. He asks Darien what good his power is and then Darien has Neflyte uses his power on Jedite. "Uranus, Star, Blast!" "No, ahh!" Much to everyone's surprise, except Darien; Jedite is not harmed from the blast. he is completly amazed and then Darien explains why he isn't hurt. "Wha-what happened?" "Jedite, you're alive, how?" "I don't know Zoicite. Darien?" "The dome you are able to create is made of the stongest material in the galaxy. Nothing can break through it." Zoicite then Malicite try out there powers and are as amazed as everyone else is at all of them. Afterward they go to wash up then to dinner. "Go ahead Zoicite." "Neptune, Ice Ball!" Two balls of ice start forming in Zoicite's hands. After a moment or two, he slams both his hands together, thus merging the balls of ice. he then fires the ball out from between his hands. It stikes a shield on the ground and freezes it instantly, the shield shatters into hundreds of pieces. "Very cool." "Yeah, no kidding Jedite. Go ahead Malicite." "Pluto, Death Slam!" Malicite shoots an energy hand at a chair and it grabs it. he raises his arm and slams the chair down, shattering it instantly. When they're done, all the generals go and change for dinner. Goku asks Zoicite a question while everyone else is eating. A little girl, about 10 years old comes running into the room bouncing with excitement. "This is great. We have to take the cook out to eat one night." "Why Zoicite, you got a crush on her?" "Go to hell Neflyte." "Darien" "Oh hi Tracy. Oh guys, this is my little sister Tracy." "Hello!" "Hi everyone. Darien, father wants to speak to you when you're done eating." "Thanks Tracy. Excuse me guys." The Scouts run outside the palace and look around. The soliders are trying to fight off the youma's with little success and suffering severe casualties. they all stand there totally confused at what to do. "Does anyone have any clue what we should be doing?" "None Sailor Mars, but we shouldn't just stand here and do nothing." "Jupiter's right, Mercury and I will take the one on the left. Jupiter, you and Mars take the one on the right." "Gotcha Venus." The Scouts split up to attack while tranquility stand s at the palace gate, so in case any youma get by the Scouts. Sailor Mercury still isn't clear on what to do, then a sensation goes off in her head. "Mercury Bubbles, Blast!" "Where'd that come from Mercury?" "I wish I knew Venus. I just felt this new energy within me." The whole area is covered with a fog, which the Scouts use to there advantage. Sailor Venus sends an attack at the youma and hits it in the middle of the chest. "Venus, Crescent Beam, Smash!" Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars are fighting the youma by hand for a while, to no evail. Sailor mars is getting aggrivated then attacks again. "We cant, land, a single, attack on this thing." "I know Mars, it's like it's reading my moves." "Oh yeah try this, Mars, Fire, Ignite." Sailor Jupiter compliments Sailor Mars then attacks herself. The youmas are slammed into each other by Sailor venus' and Sailor Jupiter's attacks and are destroyed. "How'd you like that!" "Very nice Mars, my turn. Jupiter Thunder Crash!" "Wow Jupiter, very cool." The Scouts regroup and soon Queen beryl and Prince Dimando appear to them. The Scouts are left confused by what they said. "You four ruined a perfectly good plan. You'll pay for this!" "Who are you and what do you want!?" "I am Queen beryl, ruler of the Negaverse." "Beryl, I've heard of-. You're the one that attacked my kingdom on the sun and nearly destroyed us. You red-headed bitch!" "No one talks to me like that!" Queen Beryl fires dark energy at Tranquility that knocks him to the ground. Sailor Mercury runs over to him to see if he's okay. "He's okay, just knocked out." "And you bleach-head." "I oughtta kill you for addressing me like that blondie! I am Prince Diamond, of the Negamoon!" "I'm not impressed, ha!" Sailor Jupiter jumps at Prince Diamond and attacks him. he easialy avoids her and blasts her with energy in the back, which slams her to the ground. "We'll be back, don't worry!" "Ah guys, I think we just stepped into something big." Prince Darieon enters the throne room to talk to his father. His father sends the servents away and they begin discussing the issue at hand. "You wanted to see me father?" "Yes Darien, would you all excuse us." "Yes Sire." "What is it father?" "I wanted to let you know that we recently signed a peace treaty with the Moon Kingdom." Darien hears this and freezes for a second. A strange feeling comes over him that he can't explain. He then continues the conversation with his father. "Isn't that ruled by Queen Serenity?" "Yes it is. How's the training coming along." "Pretty good, they were just introduced to their powers today. They appeared to handle them well." "That's good, the ultimate fight for survival shall be here soon and we must be ready." "Yes Father." Darien walks away thinking about the new alliance signed. He goes out on the balcony to be by himself to think. "I don't get it." "What's on your mind?" Darien turns around to see Goku standing in the doorway. Darien thinks for a minute, looks up at the moon and says something. "Goku, do you belive she's out there?" "Who's she?" "You know, "the one"." "Darien, where did this come from all the sudden?" "Well, my father told me we signed an alliance with the Moon Kingdom." "So, that's great. What's got you worried?" "Well, when he told me that, I got this strange feeling inside me. I don't know why." "Ah, don't worry about it. Now get some sleep." So, how'd you guys like it? feedback is appreciated. Part 3 will be out soon.