Well everyone, this will be a long chapter. We have one more after this so its almost over. As I said, this is long and it sets up the final part nicely so sit back and enjoy! Again, thanks to Midnight Lilly for her help! Author: Guardian Mercury Email: artie5794@yahoo.com Rated: PG-13 Love and War Part X- The Beginning of the End Jedite arrives at the training room, where Goku said Raye was. He heads inside and sees Raye working on her powers and hand techniques. He stands at the doorway watching her until she stops for a minute. Jedite notices that Raye messed up and comments on it. He asks her if she wants a sparring partner and the two of the start sparring. "Raye?" "Mars, Fire Ignite! Mars, Lava Balls!" "Hey you done." "Yeah why, did you need to talk to me?" "No not really. Want a sparring partner?" "Sure, I can go a few rounds." The two of them spar using their powers and hand weapons. After a few hours, they sit down on the floor and rest. Once she catches her breath, Raye asks Jedite a question she's been meaning to ask him for a long time. She asks him if he'd ever leave her like Mina asked Malichite. "You're getting, pretty good, with that little trick I showed you." "Thanks, I use it on the youma all the time. The opening's always there." "Just leave it open for me." "Ah Jedite, I want to ask you something." "Go ahead, you know you can ask me anything." "Well, its about what happened to Malichite. I don't want to lose you. What will happen to me if you are taken?" Jedite looks at Raye and smiles at her. He then tells her something about the people of his planet along with somethig that Neflyte had told him at one time. "Well Raye, not many bad things happen to people from Saturn. You already know we can't die." "But you said you lose that ability when you leave Saturn." "I did. My parents told me of relatives past that the worst thing that happened to them was they got a cold at age 5." "Wow." "Also, Neflyte did a star reading on all of us when we met on Earth. Of all the generals, he said that something bad would happen to each of us, except me." "Whoa." Amy is at the library, quietly reading a book about astronomy. She sits back in her chair and takes her glasses off to rest for a minute. As she sits there, Mike comes over and asks her if he can sit down. He sits down and before he says anything, Amy thanks him for what he did. "Ah, its been so long since I've been able to quietly enjoy a good book." "Amy?" "Oh Mike, hello." "May I sit down?" "Of course. You know I never got to thank you for helping us with Matt. I can't believe I was that blind." "Don't worry about it, it's over. How've you been lately?" "I've been okay, I'm glad all this fighting has stopped lately." "Yeah I know. I've nearly been killed about 25 times and lost 10 friends." "I'm sorry Mike, you have my sympathy." "I'm alright." The two of them continue talking and notice that its almost time to go. There's a ball that night and Mike asks Amy if she's going to it. When she replies, he asks her if he could escort her to the ball that night. She agrees and Mike says he will be at her room at 7:00 to get her. "How are you feeling, with Zoicite gone and all?" "I'm better. I"m sure we'll get him back." "Are you, going to the ball tonight Amy?" "Yes I am, why do you ask?" "I was wondering if I could escort you there?" "Sure, that would be great." "I'll be at your room at 7:00 then." The ball arrives that night and Mike goes to Amy's room to see if she's ready. He knocks on her door and waits patiently until Amy lets him in. She goes back into the bathroom to finish putting her jewlery on. Mike waits in her room for her to come out of the bathroom and when she does, she's wearing a sleeveless, light blue dress with ruffles on the bottom. She's wearing a spphire necklace with the sign of Mercury on it along with sapphire earings. Mike stands there, awestruck at how Amy looks. He takes her arm and they head to the ball. "Amy, its me Mike." "Come on in Mike. I''ll be out in a few minutes." "Okay." *I don't think that I have been in here before. The curtains are just as good looking.* "All done, you ready?" *See looks like a goddess.* "Mike, you okay?" "Yeah, lets go." They arrive at the ball and they each go their seperate ways. Amy goes to talk to the other girls and Mike goes over to talk to Goku and Darien. The girls are talking about Serenity's upcoming wedding when Amy arrives. Lita asks Amy whats going on between her and Mike. Amy blushes a bit and explains that nothing is going on between them. "I can't wait until their wedding. How about you guys?" "I know Raye. Tranquility and Misato are getting that married that day also." "You're right Mina, I forgot." "Hi everybody." "Oh hi Amy. I just saw you walk in with Mike. Anything going on between you two?" "Oh no; he just asked if he could take me to the ball, that's all." Goku and Darien motion for Mike to come over to them. Mike congratulates Goku on his engagement to Selenity and asks what's going on. He thanks him and asks him about Amy. "Hey Mike, come here a minute." "Sure Darien, what's up. Oh Goku, congratulations on your engagement to Princess Selenity." "Thanks Mike." "Hey, what's up with you and Amy?" "Huh?" "We saw you walking in here with her. You both had smiles on your faces." Mike takes a step back and thinks fast. Mike explains to the two of them that he just brought her to the ball. The music begins playing and everyone goes to there respective dates to begin dancing. Mina is talking to Lita as they watch Amy and Mike. They comment on how happy Amy looks when she's with Mike. "Wha- what are you getting at?" "How long have the two of you been seeing each other without telling anyone?" "You're crazy Goku! You sound like Mina some times. I just brought her to the ball, thats all." "Well, our princesses await us so, talk to you guys later." "Look at her Lita, she looks so happy." "Yeah, I think she found the right guy." "Possibly Lita, I wonder how Zoicite will take this when we get him back." "I didn't even think of that." The ball continues and soon everyone turns their attention to Queen Serenity, who is standing at the front of the room waiting for everyone to quiet down. The queen declares what the ball is in celebration of and everyone applaudes loudly. Goku and Selenity go to the front of the room hand in hand and thanks everyone. "Her Royal Highness, Queen Serenity." "Thank you. tonight is a very special ocaassion. As most of you know, Goku has returned by the magic of the Dragonballs. Along with that, my daughter has an important announcement." "Thank you Mother. Goku and I have an announcement. Goku you tell them." "Ah, okay. Selenity and I are engaged and are to marry within three months." There is a huge uproar of applausse, especially from the girls. Darien, looks over at Goku and gives him a wink, which Goku grins in return. Goku leads Selenity back onto the dance floor and they begin dancing. They talk as they're dancing and everyone comes up to congratulate them. "Coongratulations you two." "Thanks Jedite. Go find Raye, she's no doubt looking for you." "Yeah, you're right. have fun you two." "We will. Sorry I made you tell everyone, I had butterflies in my stomach." "You don't think I didn't. You should be used to talking in front of people." "Oh well, its done." "Hey you two." "Oh Darien." "So Goku, who's your best man going to be. We don't have too many of the guys left." "You stupid, you're my best friend." "Oh, well thanks." Tranquility is dancing with Misato and talking about their upcoming wedding. Misato is asking Tranquility what color dress she should wear which surprises Tranquility. He tells her to talk to Serenity about it, that she'd be a better help. "I can't believe it, our wedding's coming up so fast." "Yeah, its going to be huge because Serenity and Darien are also getting married." "Hey Tranquility, what color dress should I wear?" "Ah, why don't you talk to Serenity, she could help a little better. Maybe you can match up dress colors or something." "Good idea, thanks Tranquility." Serenity and Darien are over at the food table, talking to Mina. They're talking about how quiet its been lately. Darien asks the two girls if they have any clue why its gotten so quiet, not that he's complaining. Mina replies with an answer that makes the three of them start laughing. "Boy, I don't know about you two, but I sure am happy all this fighting has stopped. For a while, I didn't think I wouldn't have a kingdom to rule when I got older." "No kidding Serenity. We also get a chance to heal up a bit. My wrist is still bothering me from the last fight." "You mean the bones haven't completly healed yet?" "I don't think they healed properly. I wonder how long of a break we'll get, I'm sure Beryl isn't done yet." "Yeah but who knows, maybe she took Goku's threat seriously." The next day, Misato is walking around the palace, looking for Serenity. Serenity is walking toward her room and Misato tries to get her attention. Serenity turns around and greets Misato to find out what Misato needs help with. Serenity smiles and they both head toward her room. "I wonder where Serenity is? Tranquility said she would be- hey Serenity!" "Huh, oh Misato hi. Tranquility told me that you were looking for me. What can I do for you?" "Yeah, well I asked Tran last night what color dress I should wear to our wedding, and he suggested that I talk to you and maybe wear the same color as you." "Oh, well come on I'll show you my dress. I was heading to my room anyway." Tracy knocks on Lita's door and waits outside for Lita. She opens the door, smiles at Tracy and lets her in. Tracy runs over to Lita's desk and jumps into her lap when Lita sits down. Lita takes Tracy's hair down and asks her what she wants done with it. "Hang on a sec. Oh hi Tracy, come on in." "Thanks Lita. I really appriciate this, you doing my hair everyday. Mom used to do it at home for me." "No problem. Pretty soon, I'll be showing you some short cuts so you can do it yourself." "Okay. Who taught you to do your hair?" "My Mom and Mina when I arrived here. Now, what do you want done with your hair today?" "Braid it please." "You got it." As Lita's braiding Tracy's hair, she talking to her about her brother, Goku and if she has any atacks like her brother. "Hey Tracy, what was your brother like back home? Was he any different than now?" "Well, in some senses he was the same as he is now. However, he was more depressed. Before he met you guys and Jedite and the others came, his only friend was Goku." "Oh. You excited that he and princess Serenity are getting married?" "Yeah, I can't wait. Did you know Goku is marrying Princess Selenity?" "Princess Selenity told me. She said I can be the Maid of Honor." "Wow." Tracy asks Lita what happened to Neflyte and the other guys. Lita explains what happened and for her not to worry so she won't cry. She finishes braiding Tracy's hair and they go to show it to Selenity. "Hey Lita," "Yeah Tracy." "What ever happened to Neflyte, Malichite and Zoicite. Where are they?" "Well, they were taken away." "You mean kidnapped? Who took them?" "I guess so. Why don't you go talk to Darien about it." "I'm so sorry Lita." "Its okay Tracy Don't cry. Come on, lets go show Princess Selenity your hair." Selenity is in Goku's room talking to him about the wedding. He asks her where and when she wants to hold the wedding. Then they start talking about her dress. Soon there's a knock at the door and Amy peaks her head in. She asks if she's intruding and both Goku and Selenity smile at her, assuring her that she isn't. Amy tells Goku that Queen Serenity wants to talk to him. "I don't know, when do you want to hold the wedding?" "As soon as we can. That way nothing bad can happen and we can get married in peace." "Okay, how about where?" "Outside in the garden, and not very big." "But when exactly?" "A month from now." "That isn't a lot of time. Whatcha looking at?" "Designs for my dress." "Come on in. Hi Amy." "Queen serenity wants to talk to you Goku. I'm not interupting am I?" "No. I'll be right there." The day of the wedding soon arrives and everyone is excited. Darien is in Goku's room, helping him finish getting ready. Darien hands Goku his sword and Goku puts it on his armor. Darien tosses Goku's medallion over to him and he puts it around his neck. Darien puts both his hands on Goku's shoulders and looks him right in the eyes. "You almost ready Goku?" "Yeah, hold on a sec Darien." "Here's your sword." "Thanks. I think that does it." "Hey, you almost forgot this. Catch!" "Thanks." "Hey, listen to me, you're gonna be fine. Just act like you're having a normal conversation with her okay? Remember buddy, that no matter what happens, she'll always love you." "Thanks buddy." Goku and Darien head outside and wait under an Arch of flowers, made by Mina and Lita for Selenity. All the girls, Jedite and Queen Serenity are also waiting patiently for Selenity. Selenity comes outside and starts toward Goku, Tracy in tow. "Come on, loosen up. You'll be fine." "Easy for you to say Darien. We'll see how big of a wreck you are when its your wedding." "Deal." "Where is she, I want to see her dress." Selenity meets Goku under the arch and they take each others hands. Tracy goes over to where her brother is and stands next to him. He puts his arm around her and when she looks up at him , he smiles. Everyone is admiring Selenity's dress as she is standing with Goku. She has on a light yellow dress with a yellow bow in the back on her waist while the back has a v-cut half way down her back. The front of her dress had a collar-height collar and is longsleeved. It has ruffles at the bottom of the dress and she's wearing a light yellow olive wreath on her head, whith dark yellow earings. "Look here she comes guys." "Who made her that dress? I want them to make mine." "I made it Mina." "You Queen Serenity?" "Yes, I have two daughters, I had to learn how to make dresses and other pieces of clothing." "Well I think you did a great job Mother." "Thank you Tranquility." Goku and Selenity look at each other for a minute and admire each other. Goku quietly asks if Selenity is ready and she nods her her, Goku then begins. The ceremony begins and ends fairly quickly. They decided to have their own little ceremony and not a formal wedding. When they are done and the two of them break the kiss, Goku turns around to darien and gives him a hug. Selenity goes over to the girls and gives the queen, her sister and brother a hug. Everyone then goes inside for a party. "You ready?" "Yeah, go ahead." "We ask the forest, waters, the Moon and the stars..." "To bless this union, make us one." "With this medallion, I Goku, the last of the Saiyans, give you Princess Selenity my assurence I will always be there for you." "With this ring, I Selenity, Princess of the Moon, give you Goku my assurence that I will always be there for you." "See, told you it would be easy." "Easy, I held my breath when I wasn't saying anything you ubonehead!" Once the party is over, Goku and Selenity are out on the balcony looking at the Earth. Selenity looks down at Goku's medallion around her neck and smiles at it. Goku reaches for and touches Selenity's face gently. She looks up at Goku and smiles, he reaches for her and kisses her. "The Earth sure is beautiful. Goku?" "Yeah, sure is. Makes me think what my planet looked like." "What, you said you were from Earth. What do you mean by your planet?" "Well, I'm not from Earth although I've lived there my whole life. I'm not really sure on all the details, all I know is that I was sent there when I was very young and have no memory of where I used to live." "Oh, I'm sorry." "Don't be. Its our wedding night and we don't need anyone crying okay. Now come on." "Where we headed?" "My room, that's where your wedding present is." The next day, Mike is walking the hallway with Jedite having a discussion about Amy. Mike is telling Jedite that he knows exactly what he's doing and to not worry when Zoicite comes back and he has everything taken care of. "So, how tight is it between you and Amy?" "What do you mean by that?" "Well, you two have been going to all the party's recently and she's always got a smile on her face when she's talking to you." "Okay, I can see where this is going. All it is between me and Amy is platonic, just friends." "You sure on that, it doesn't look that way." "Listen, I'm "seeing her" for one reason and thats it." "You're pulling the same thing Matt did." The two of them continue their discussion and say hi to Serenity and Amy as they pass by. They soon arrive at the training room and go inside, where Luna and Artemis await. "No, don't ever think I'd do that!" "Then what are you doing. What's the reason?" "Protection. After what Amy went through I could tell she was devistated. On top of that, Zoicite was taken the same night. Although he didn't show it, he trusts me with his life and I'm sure he'd approve of this. I'm just keeping her safe 'til he returns, then she is his." "I see. Very clever thinking Mike. She's safe and is happy while he's gone and when he comes back, everything will be okay." "You got it. Hey Luna, Artemis; whats this about anyway?" Luna and Artemis start to explain why they wanted to talk to Mike in the training room. Luna tells him that the queen has asked that the two of them train him for when the final battle arrives. Jedite starts also to explain things to Mike of his abilities. "Mike, good to see you again. We have a lot to talk about." "Jedite, do you mind staying, Luna and I could probably use your help." "Sure Artemis." "So, whats this about?" "Well Mike, Queen Serenity has asked us to train you so that you can be inserted into the Royal Army and fight along side the Sailor Scouts." "Wow, okay." "Mike as you know, you are from one of the moons of Saturn. Which means that you have abilities along the same lines as myself." "Whoa, really?" The three of them continue to explain Mike's abilities. After about three hours of training and explaining, Mike understands what he is now and leaves with Jedite to head for dinner. "You have three major attacks Mike. They are Instant Destruction, Ball Shield and Invisible Wall." "Whoa, can I ask what those do?" "Sure, point at that empty cabinet over there and say, Instant Distruction." "Okay. It- Its shattered." "The ball Shield forms in your hand and you can throw it at someone. It encases them to protect them. Your Invisible Wall is just that." "Awsome." About three months pass and Selenity is sitting out in the garden when her mother and sister walk up to her from behind to say hello. Serenity looks at Selenity carefully and remembers to ask Selenity somethingwhen their mother isn't around. The queen asks her daughter if she's been feeling okay because she had been throwing up for the past two or three days. "Selenity?" "Oh Serenity, Mother how are you?" "Fine thanks. Ah Selenity, are you okay? You've been getting sick the past few days, anything wrong?" "No Mother, nothing is wrong. I've probably just got a bug of some kind." *She looks like she's put on some weight. I'll have to ask her when Mother leaves.* "Okay, remember the party tonight, its at 8:00." Queen Serenity leaves and Serenity asks Selenity her question. After trying to avoid the question, Selenity gives in and answers it. Serenity is totally amazed at Selenity's answer and the two of them go t o talk in Serenity's room. "Hey Selenity." "Yeah, what is it Serenity?" "You, look like you're putting on a little weight. Are you sure you're okay?" "Of course, you think because I gained a little weight that I'm sick or something?" "Well, Mother said you have been getting sick for the past couple days and you gaining weight and all I thought..." "Okay, I give in, you're assumption is right. I'm pregnant." "Pregnant! How far along?" "About three months now." "Come on, you and me have to talk." Darien is heading toward the traing room in search of Goku. When he enters the room, he sees Goku doing some intense trainig with Mike. Mike has finally grown to rely on his powers and is doing well against Goku, while Darien stands there to watch. "There you go Mike, attack me! Again" "Instant Destruction! Ah!" "Kamehameha!" "Invisible Wall!" "Come on, you're better than that. Bring it on!" "Ah!"
Finally, both Mike and Goku rest and shake hands. Darien says something to Mike, telling him he's very impressed with his new abilities. The two of them walk over to Darien and they start talking. Daien tells Goku that Serenity told him Selenity is pregnant and that Jedite told him what Mike is doing. The three of them go their own way about a half hour later to prepare for the party that night. "You're getting really good with your attacks. That distruction attack almost had me." "You two done?" "Oh Darien, whats up?" "Actually, I have a few matters to ask each of you. First, you never told me that Selenity is pregnant Goku." "You're kidding right Darien. She never told me that! She must have found out today." "Second, Jedite told me what you're doing to Amy Mike and I admire you for it. I'm sorry we all doubted you at first." "No big deal, now I have to go wash up and get changed." The party soon arrives and all the girls enter the ball room and soon Goku and Mike enter, both looking around for something or someone. They soon take off in the oppositte direction of the girls. This leaves Amy and Selenity confused but they soon dismiss it and continue talking to the girls. "Selenity, you seem to be a bit nervous about something. Everything okay?" "I'm fine Raye, don't worry." "I wonder where you date is Amy?" "I told you, Mike's just a good friend. There's nothin between us Mina." "Whatever Amy." "Oh there's Mike and Goku there. Wonder where they're going?" "Don't know." *Oh no, you're not getting out of this.* Goku and Mike walk over to where Darien and Tracy are drinking some punch. Tracy runs over toward Goku and he bends down, picks her up and gives her a hug. They finish walking toward Darien and Mike hands him something, which confuses Darien because he doesn't know why he gave it to him. "You been thinking about what I said?" "Yeah Goku, I've also been thinking about something else-" "Goku!" "Hey Tracy, god youu're getting big. Darien, hows it going?" "Alright. Would you care to explain to me why both of you look as white as the Moon? And Goku, your hand has been shaking for the past five hours." "Well Darien, here's my answer." "Why did you give me this?" "I need your advice." "Not again." Soon the Royal Family is introduced and Selenity steps forward. She motions for Goku to go up where she is to be with her. He slowly walks up to where she is and looks into Selenity's eyes to see if she's okay with the announcement. He stands beside her and takes her hand as Selenity announces to everyone what she's going to say. "Selenity, you have something you wanted to say?" "Yes Mother. Goku, could you come up here for a minute?" "Ah, sure." "Everyone, we have an announcement to make. I am with child, Goku and I are going to have a baby." Everyone is shocking and happy for the couple at the same time. Mike starts slowly applauding and then everyone else joins in. The music continues and everyone continues dancing. Tranquility walks over to Goku and pulls him aside to talk to him for a second. He asks him about the child and Goku then realizes something. "Hey Goku, can I talk to you for a second. I'll give him right back Selenity." "Yeah Tranquility, what's up?" "You're child. I was thinking, you're a Sayian and we know what sayians do at the sight of moonlight." "Okay, I follow you so far." "Well, your child will be half saiyan, what if it can do the same thing?" "Wow, I never thought about that. I'll think of something." Mike is dancing with Amy and they're talking about Selenity's announcement. They then go over to the punch table to get a drink and notice Serenity and Misato there. The four of them talk quietly until Darien comes over to ask Serenity to dance. "Wow, that was a real big surprise wasn't it Mike?" "What was?" "Selenity's announcement." "Yeah, definatly. Hey you thirsty?" "Yeah, let's go get some punch. Hi you two." "Oh Amy, Mike hi. I was just asking Serenity if she was really surprised at Selenity's announcement." "Well, she told me earlier today." "Excuse me Princess, may I have this dance?" "Of course. Excuse me ladies." Two months pass and both Selenity and Goku are in the garden talking about what to name there child. They come up with a boy's and girl's name then sit there talking. "Have you thought of any names yet for the baby Selenity?" "No, have you?" "If its a girl, Chi-Chi, if its a boy, Gohan." "I like those names." "Yeah Selenity, this child will be have saiyan we're going to have to set some guidelines for it." "I've thought about that. We can worry about it when the child is born." The day finally arrives and Selenity's baby is born. The doctor lays the baby next to Selenity on the bed, with Goku standing by her side. Queen Serenity is watching the two of them with a smile on her face and asks what the baby's name is. "Congratulations your Highness, its a boy." "Thank you doctor. Oh look at him, he's so cute." "I'm to young to be a Grandmother. Ah Selenity, what's the baby's name?" "Gohan Mother." Serenity notices that the baby has a tail. She asks them if they know where the tail came from and Goku tells the Queen that the baby is part sayian and that he must be more Sayian then Lunarairian. "Hey Selenity, why does your baby have a tail?" "Huh, oh yeah." "Watch it Selenity, be very careful with that. They're very sensitive." "But why does he have one." "Well Serenity, the baby is part sayian- part Lunarian. It must be that the baby is more sayian." Goku lightly kisses Selenity on the forehead and leaves the room. He heads down to his room and lays down on his bed. Amy and Mike are in training room putting in some serious training. They're using everything, conventional weapons, their powers to simple open hand combat. After Amy transforms they get started and train for about an hour or so. When they're done, they give each other a hug and put the weapons away. They head over to the door and see Jedite wathing the two off them. "Ready?" "Sure just go easy on me." "Mercury Star Power!" "Shine Aqua Illusion!" "Ah, jeez." "Instant Destruction!" "Yike!" "I'm done." "Whew, Goku wasn't kidding. You have come along way." "Thanks Mercury. Oh Jedite, whats up?" "Just wanted to tell you that Selenity gave birth to a baby boy." The three of them talk for about 15 minutes or so then a servent knocks on the door to tell Amy she has a visitor coming and she goes to her room to change. "Really, was it a boy or a girl Jedite?" "It was a boy, big guy too." "He's part sayian so that means-" "I think so Mike but I'm not certain." "Ah, Miss Amy? you have a visitor coming." "Oh, then I better change." Mike is back with Jedite talking to him about a problem he has, or is going to have later on. Jedite tells him that he'll think of something to get through it and not to worry. "She's something isn't she." "Well, remember your plan." "I know, I wanted to talk to you about that. I'm having second thoughts about that." "What do you mean?" "Well, I have to end it when we get Zoicite back and, I can't do it." "Look, you obviously are going to have a long time to think about how to play it out. Beryls done nothing in a long time and that means we don't get Zoicite back." "Hmm, I see your point." Amy goes into her room and gets washed up and dressed. When she's finished she heads toward the throne room trying to think of who the visitor is. She hopes its her brother Hermes from Mercury, she hadn't seen him since she left. She reports to the throne room anxiously awaiting whoever her visitor is. "Hmm, I wonder who it could be? It would be great if it was someone from back home. I haven't seen anyone in such a long tme, especially Hermes. I hope its him." Just then, a person speaks up from behind Amy, startling her. She quickly turns around and sees Queen Aurora of Mercury, her mother standing there. She runs over and gives her a hug then asks her what she's doing on the Moon. "Why would you just want to see him?" "Huh, oh Mother. What are you doing here?" "Can't I just come to visit my daughter?" "Of course you can. Come on, lets go to my room where we'll be more comfortable and we can talk." Amy and Queen Aurora go down to Amy's room and go inside. Amy offers her mother her chair while she hops up on her bed. She starts asking about whats going on back on Mercury and her mother asures her that everything is going fine and that Hermes says hello. She then tells Amy that there is a reason that she came. "Here Mother have a seat. There, so how are things back home, you don't need me to come help with a problem do you?" "No Amy, everything's fine back home. Besides, Hermes is perfectly capable of taking car of trouble; even though you're the heir to the throne. You have your duty here so, I wouldn't worry." "How is Hermes anyway? I really miss him." "He's doing fine. Actually Amy, there is a reason I came here."