Draconi Heartfire The Lost Love - Part 1 Draconi Heartfire sat upon the ledge overlooking the city. Her silver hair was flying to the right in the strong breeeze. She gathered her leg up and placed her hands on her knee, allowing her other leg to dangle carelessly. Her silver shorts matched her silver vest. She wore long knee high boots that were laced tightly in the front. Her golden armband on her right arm twinkled brightly. "So this is where the scouts fight." She mumbled. She sighed thoughtfully and her eyes glowed white for a moment. "You called Heartfire?" Said a feminine voice to her right. She turned to face her spy. Her black edged cut hair tied back in a ponytail. Her black slip dress matched her hair and boots. "Yes Onyx. Is there any sign of the Crystal in this city?" She asked curiously. Onyx bowed her head. "Yes there is. The Negamoon are begginning to plan for some of their top warriors to find Sailor Moon or her daughter, Reenie and take Sailor Moon's crystal away." She nodded and turned to look at her servent. "I the Crystal if I am to succeed reverting Solan to himself. Let your attack be today, in that temple that I see." She pointed to the visable area and Onyx nodded subserviently then blipped away. She looked back at the spreading city. The future site of Crystal Tokyo, she thought. She sighed at the city name. It had been her home before the attacks of the Negamoon had been rigged to point to her. The thought of her Solan, lost to her all these years since the attack of the Moon Kingdom sent a tear down her pale face. The sun was setting and it would only be a matter of minutes before she would be at the temple. She shook her head. With a sigh, she stood on her graceful legs and leaped into the air letting herself be levitated toward her destination. In a matter of minutes she crossed over the city and landed gently on the temple’s roof. It was a beautiful one indeed and she hoped it wouldn’t be damaged during the fight. Unconsiously she realized this was one of the future city’s points. Below her she heard voices and registered at least six presences full of power. Interesting, she thought. Onyx appeared in front of her and winked, blipping back inside the temple. She waited for the awaited response. "Hello girls. Anyone know where the Sailor Scouts are?" Onyx murmured in her sweet voice. A crash. "Ahh!!" Someone screamed, a little girl. "Do not hurt the pink-haired girl, Onyx." She said, knowing her spy heard. "As you wish." Was her shouted reply. "Mars Star Power!" "Mercury Star Power!" "Venus Star Power!" "Jupiter Star Power!" She winced and rigged a force field around herself to keep the vibrations of power out. That also meant not hearing their power enfilled words. She gasped as she saw the little girl dash into the open space, panting as she ran. How she’s grown, she thought proudly. Onyx appeared on the cement below followed by five girls in Sailor suits. She hadn’t even heard Serena’s transformation, only felt a minor twinge compared to the blasts she once felt without the force field. Fire rings surrounded Onyx and Heartfire knew that it was the one in red with raven hair. Onyx leaped away and landed lightly in front of the little girl trying to escape. "Where are you going?" She said harshly. Heartfire narrowed her eyes in anger. Hopefully, Onyx wouldn’t get carried away. Reenie screamed and turned to other way, running toward Sailor Moon. She was embraced by her mother’s arms. Heartfire leaned back and watched the fight with no interest, only intently watching whenever Reenie was in the way. Ice, love-chains, thunder, fire all went up against her servent, but Heartfire had no care though every so often, a hit met its target narrowly and injured her spy. Black stones flew at the scouts, careful not to hit Reenie who was always protected by the one in the golden pigtails. Two shadows appeared above them and Heartfire willed herself to invisability. She looked up and saw, to her fright, Stoneheart, her former second in command. And Solan, dressed in silver and black, floating next to the one in green. Stoneheart narrowed his eyes at Onyx. "Onyx, what are you doing? The attack is not supposed to happen until tommarow! I will not tolerate this insubordinance, anymore." Onyx watched dutifully at her supiorior. A black lightning bolt hit her and she fell to the ground. Stoneheart blipped away, leaving only his second commander, Solan. Heartfire ignoreed him and only saw the stray globe directed at Reenie, left behind by the commander. "Reenie!" She called. With no thought, she leaped in front of the globe and took its impact. Just as she always did. A jolt of pain spread through her and she suffered it in a scream as it lasted two minutes. She fell to her hands and knees in her shock and shook her head. She wanted to collapse fully, but didn’t dare, she knew she would pass out. Instead she stood unsteadily to her feet and met the stares of the Scouts. Reenie watched her for a moment but Heartfire ignored her reaction and limped to Onyx, who laid breathing on the ground. "Good friend, you died for my wish when you could’ve stayed with the Negamoon." No reply and she stepped back a place. "Black Onyx Encassment!" She screamed, raising her two hands to the same level, pointing at the black form. Soon her friend was nothing but a black jewel. She picked up the jewel and pocketed it in her boot. Who ever said you needed fancy moves to use your power. If you know what you’re doing. Something embraced her from behind and she held back the hiss of pain as she was still sore. Reenie hugged her. "Connie!" She yelled her nickname, short for her first name. "Hi, Reenie." She whispered. She patted the smooth hair. She knew that the Scouts were watching and pulled away. Reenie didn’t seem to care. She set her jaw and kneeled to the ground. "What are you doing here?" Reenie asked. Draconi didn’t answer and watched the wary scouts. "I....came here to protect you. Nothing to do in the future." She mentally cursed herself at the half truth. Reenie grasped her neck in another hug. This time, Draconi waited until she pulled away. She stood and felt Reenie grasp her hand. With a sudden jolt she was pulled closer to the scouts. "This is Connie." She said and Heartfire bit her lower lip. She only allowed Reenie and Solan call her by that name. "Call me Heartfire." She said and felt the strain on her body after such a jolt. Her mind felt dizzy and she was begginning to see things in mists. She knew that a bunch of people headed up the stairs. She grasped her head in dizziness and briefly saw the concern in Reenie’s eyes. Soomeone screamed and the scouts put on a face of anger at someone behind her, Reenie pulled her hand. Heartfire didn’t understand and was too weak to move and too drowsy to hear. A sudden jolt of electricity shot through her shoulders and she turned to see someone in a black and silver cape and clothes, grasping his hand in pain. It was Solan. Again he rushed at her, physically and again the shock took place pulling them apart. Heartfire got it worst since it was her curse. With a sudden malice, Solan disappeared. Heartfire thought it proper to faint into the guy behind her. Malicite? she thought then those too ceased.