Draconi Heartfire The Lost Love: Part 2 Heartfire’s head spinned in dizzy circles of magic and illusion. For a moment, she thought she saw Solan then realized he was still on the other side of Good. His long blonde hair, unraveled and free, matched his clear blue eyes with the sparkle in them. Then he disappeared, leaving her waning in her depression. She was aware of a purring on her chest, light as a feather and rumbling contently. A yellow blob sat on top of the white blanket that covered her. As her vision cleared bit by bit, she recognized the sun yellow cat, his tail softly curling over his nose. His bright blue green eye opened and then closed again, sighing happily. To her side was a pink blob, a white, fuzzy thing, and something with long golden fuzz wearing purple fuzz. Her head spun more. The pink blob, she knew was Reenie and her eye catching hair and for a moment, she thought of going to sleep, but her pride got in the way and forced her eyes opened, turquise with ever shifting blues and greens with sparkles of white. Sailor Venus, Malicite and Reenie stood there. She shook her head and sat up. On a second thought, she laid back down on the soft pillow. "Hi Reenie." She said weakly, not wanting to show she was weak. "Connie, are you alright?' She said, her eyes sparkling. The yellow cat opened his eyes and sat up with a yawn. She turned her eyes to him. "Hello, Heartfire. Had enough rest? I thought you were in a hurry." He winked. She gritted her teeth at her gaurdian, who always finds a way to follow when he gets left behind. "Hello, Solarius." She mumbled. A stray thought came to her and she shut her mind, forgetting to close it in the presence of other people. Now she knew Sailor Venus’ name. She turned to the white haired man and his obvious girlfriend, Mina. "That was a good fight, don’t you think?" She said goodheartedly. Malicite seemed to hold back a laugh or a giggle and Mina was confused for a moment. "Nice to see you again, Heartfire." Malicite said after a silent moment. She said nothing, wondering how to reply with his girlfriend next to him. "Yes, it is. I haven’t seen you in a lifetime." He seemed to grin at her carefully chose words and she narrowed her eyes at him and wished she had her strength to stand and hit him. "This is Mina." He gestured at her and she looked at him in a surprised way. She was still in her Sailor suite. "Nice to meet you Mina." She was uncomfortable, wishing she could talk to Malicite alone or at least Reenie. Mina seemed to catch her unease and asked Reenie to go outside with her to leave them alone. She gave Malicite a last glare. Heartfire had no doubt they would be listening. "How’s it been here, Malicite? Last time I saw you, you were on the other side." He seemed uncomfortable. "Well, yeah. What can I say? I reincarnated here again and Mina found me." She smiled. "As you were meant to be all along. How far has the Negamoon gotten?" She asked and he looked at her strangely. "No where. The scouts have been beating back their enimies each time." She nodded her head and saw Solarius yawn and settle down for a nap. "I need the Imperium Crystal, Malicite. Does Sailor Moon have it?" She said, after floundering around for a way to go about her purpose. He watched her a moment. "Why?" She blushed, a rosy color heightening her face. "I can’t tell you. You have to believe me, the crystal is my only hope and I need it. There is no other way." Her eyes sparkled and she looked at him pleadingly and he looked away. She lowered her eyes and turned her head. "That’s not my decision whether to give it to you or not. Whether I trust you or not, I don’t know about the scouts, other than the others and Reenie." He said. She stopped, overgoing his other words. "Who ‘others’? Who else besides you and Reenie?" She said looking at him again. "Neflite and Jedite are here too." She stared at him a moment and she thought about the other former generals of Beryll. "Really? Why aren’t they here?" She asked, getting excited. She momentarily forgot about Solan and remembered the two. She watched the retreating shadows from the see through walls. She wasn’t answered and twisted around, knocking an unhappy cat off, and tried to stand in her excitement. She couldn’t. "You never told me where you went after the Moon Kingdom attack. The one with Derien...." She put a hand over his mouth and stopped him from completing his statement. "Stupid, you ought to know they’re listening. I don’t want that known, only you and me and Solan." He watched her a moment, his icy eyes glittering. "Never mind about the Crystal for now. Forget it. Maybe I’ll find another way." She closed her eyes and wasted her precious magic on giving her strength. With a momentary hesitation, she stood and and began stumbling toward the door to open it. Serena, Mina and Rei fell through the opened door. "Hello, girls." She said as she passed by, stepping over them. Reenie took her hand and Draconi shuddered. "Reenie, why don’t you stay here. I need to be alone." She said to the little girl. She pouted. "I knew they shouldn’t have listened...." "I knew they were listening and allowed them to listen." She interupted. She pulled her hand away. She passed by Neflite and said an unconsiouse’hello’ to him and continued on. She began walking down the stairs and stopped when she saw Derien, his dark black hair and blue eyes. Using more power, she blipped away onto the roof. ___________________________ Back inside....... "You know Malicite, if you believed for one moment, she was going to give up the hunt for the Crystal, you are really unobservent." Solarius said. Serena sat on the low bed. "Why would she want the Crystal? Why won’t she tell us?" She said to herself. Solarius only watched Luna and Artimis enter. "I would answer, but I don’t think I should. That would be bad." He smiled a cat smile and glared at Serena. His neck was squeezed by Serena. "Tell us. I need to know." She said, shaking him. He used his forepaws to push her fingers away. "Fine. NO need to get upset." He said, shaking his fur back into place. He waited until everyone was inside. He nodded. "She wants to use its positive energy to revert all the negative energy forced upon her love, Solan. It will probably destroy it in the process." He mumbled and after staring at Serena a moment, he smiled. "To answer the unasked question. Solan was the guy in the silver and black. They dated back since before the downfall of the Moon Kingdom, before she got me, but I know the entire story." He looked around and saw all the anxious faces of his audience. "A long time ago, Beryll used to have enough sense to have a right hand advisor and chose her best warrior and tactitionist to help. At the time, Heartfire was a general of great ability and it even amazed Beryll. She was advanced to General Commander, commander over the generals. She went frequently between Earth and the Moon and observed everything. On one of the attacks, she met Solan and stood, watching him protect his planet, dying from the wounds her soldiers had inflicted and still stood his ground. She spared his life and pulled back the attack, simultanieously lending strength to the soldier to make sure he didn’t die. She didn’t know why she spared his life and it always arose in her mind as to why. On the next attack, she ordered that the soldier be safe from harm and that none were to hurt him. Knowing her soldiers well, she kept her fights near him and one time, all four of the former generals, not Malicite and others, but the ones before them, converge upon him. She ran to his aide and killed them all. Beryll demanded an explanation and when Heartfire said they’d disobeyed orders not to kill someone key to her plans, she let her live. So she commanded all the soldiers and brought forward the second-in-commands as temporary leaders. She headed down to Earth, where she hid herself as a human and went seeking Solan. They fell in love of course and she soon found herself helping him with tactition plans for Earth. Then one day, Prince Derien led an all out attack on Beryll. He and his four generals, Malicite, Zoicite, Neflite and Jedite were with him to the end. They were to be murdered. "Heartfire had been awed at the Moon and Earth and knew of Derien’s and all of his general’s love for someone on the moon. She knew what it wa slike to love. She snuck Solan in and helped release the five. The generals wouldn’t budge and Derien was injured badly. They ordered her and Solan to leave. She helped and fought many of her own kind, but after safely sending Derien to the Moon, something went wrong with their spell and instead of being on the moon with him, they were in the future. Then the mess really began......" ___________________ Comments? Questions? E-mail me at trumfelt@sprynet.com From: Fanfic Date: 9/15/98 9:19:39PM To: trumfelt:0 Subject: Re: New Fanfic Thanks. There will be more parts, right? A&L