Love, Passion, Rapture, Devotion A Cleopatra-Style Love Story .:-=~ pArT 4 oF ?? ~=-:. Written by : Hino Rei . : . authors notes . : . * I don't own Sailor Moon and I'm not Naoko Takeuchi. * I'm really pissed off right now. >_.< * Oh yah, if you're wondering who Junmei is in this fanfic, she is the younger sister of Rei. Yes, a made-up character, and I hate new fanfic characters, but I needed some close family relative of Rei's to go with the Cleopatra storyline. ~*...@----^----...*~ Love is, above all, The gift of oneself ~Anonymous ~*...@----^----...*~ Rei was seated next to Endymion. He had let the slight sur- prisement of his 'gift' sink in, and the two say in silence for a short moment now knowing what exactly to say. "What exactly brings you here to Earth, Hino-sama?" Endymion asked, breaking the silence between them. "I understand that my father was in debt to you. Is in debt to you, I mean. But as you have heard, my otousan is very ill at the moment, so matters are now in my hands." Endymion nodded. "So you are currently ruling over Mars, am I not mistaken?" "Hai, Chiba-sama--and I have my eyes set on ruling over Mars permanently, too." Rei replied. "But what about this... Junmei.. that I'm hearing of? Hino Junmei, is it not?" "Don't speak of her. She's not important, all she does is ruin things for us all, especially the people of Mars." Endymion tilted his head. "She is your sister.." "Hai. She believes that the crown of Mars is to be placed on her head. She believes that Mars is hers. It's always 'Jun- mei this, Junmei that' in her mind." Rei had a look of dis- gust on her face when she spoke her sister's name. She could hear Endymion chuckling slightly. "What's so funny?" "Ah... nothing, nothing at all..." He changed the subject. "Now, Hino-sama... where do you intend to stay?" "Well I was about to ask the same of you. Once it is known in and out of the palace that I'm hear, I'm sure that they will have me killed!" Endymion nodded. "You are right. We can't let you out of the palace because of that, yet you are my possession now... so we wouldn't be letting you out anyway." "Possession?!" Rei shouted angrily. "I am not some... some THING that you own!" "But you presented yourself as a gift.." He smirked. "But anyway, where exactly do you think is a safe place for you?" Rei stood up slowly. She let herself calm down first before answering. She remembered what the Great Fire had advised her to do. "Well, Chiba-sama... I know of _one_ place..." "... and where would that be?" She brushed her hand against the door to his bed chambers. "There is only one bed that I know of which has its privacy here in the palace.." "Ah, but Hino-sama, it wouldn't be a prudent thing to do, now would it..." He made it a statement and not a question. "But you're not known for your prudency, are you." She said, pushing the door open. "No, Hino-sama.. I am not.." he said and soon followed Rei into the room, shutting the door behind himself. ~*...@----^----...*~ Quickie End Notes: * 1) ;.; I still am not satisfied, but hope you enjoyed. * 2) Japanese list: * -sama : Sign of respect used for people in higher classes, like in Rei's case, a princess, or Endymion, the new king. * otousan : father * 3) Oh yah, and mai regular apology--sorry so short! ;_; Comments, questions, suggestions, milkshakes? ^_~ Email me : LuB aLWaiZe, Hino Rei