Moonlight Love: The Flame in Her Heart By Hino Rei PART 4 Okae, sum Authors Notes... 1) I am definietly not Naoko Takeuchi, and I do not own Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon and all other characters are rightfully hers! 2) This is Rei's/Lady Mars's/Princess of Mars's story if you haven't noticed already!! 3) I was listening to Mariah Carey's "MY ALL" single-remix CD while writing this, and my cousin was watching to WCW or WF or somethin' like that for wrestling.. so if there is anything jacked up in here, I'm sorry! BTW.. on wrestling.. I know this is nasty, but all the wrestlers always get boners.. *hehe* and they look like they're trying to do sumthin' to tha other.. and that Val Venis guy is HELLLLLLA ugly and sick and perverted and ecchi.. ewww.. 4) I'm lazy.. just look at Part1 to see all the other stuffz.. their the same anyway! 5) Uhmm..... oh yeah, please e-mail me.. comments, questions, flames, death threats (O_O).. I will get mad at flames and death threats though.. and.. oh.. and please don't sue!! I already told you! I'm just another one of those million or so fans of Sailor Moon! I only got..uhm.. er.. ::grabs wallet and empties it out:: 3 dimes and a penny!! PLEASE!! IT'Z ALL THE MONEY I HAVE!!! ^-^ Well.. here'z Part 4 of MoonlightLove:FiHH.. yayyy!! :D Hope u like! ~*~*~@-----^-------------~*~*~ Jaedite walked down the halls outside of the inner guardians' bed chambers. He found Lady Mars's, and quietly opened the door. He saw she was still asleep. he thought. He took out an envelope from his pocket, and dropped it on her desk, then he left, closing the door behind him, going back to his room which he shared with Neflyte. * * * * * * * * * * * Mars woke up all of a sudden, the light from the sun shining brightly through the window. She walked up to the window and closed the light purple drapes over it, then she walked over to her closet. She pulled out one of her regular every-day gowns, very similar to her lavendar one, but it was of a darker shade. She tossed it onto the bed, then took of her nightgown, letting it fall to the ground. Then she quickly dressed into the dark lavendar gown, putting her nightgown away. She saw a white envelope on her desk, and curiously picked it up. Her name was written fancy in blue ink. She tore open the envelope, and pulled out a piece of white paper, with blue ink written neatly. It read: ~*~*~@-----^-------------~*~*~ Dear Lady Mars, I am truly very sorry for last night. I didn't mean for that to happen, it came unexpectedly. If you don't want to see my face every again, then that is fine with me. But if you care for me, as a friend, or as more, then I'll meet you at the palace gardens at noon. We can eat lunch there if you like. I promise never to do anything like that again, unless you want me to.. But all I wanted to do was apologize and if you still want to see me, then meet me, alright? Sincerely, Lord Jaedite ~*~*~@-----^-------------~*~*~ Mars put away the note and realized it was almost noon. She had overslept bigtime! She brushed her hair out, sticking a flower in her hair, then hurried out to the palace gardens. She saw Lord Jaedite sitting on a bench. He seemed to be in deep thought about God knows what. Mars stood where she was for a moment, curious as to what he was thinking, and somewhat admiring him. She hid, moving slowly closer to him. He sensed anoher presence.. her presence.. around him, but didn't move. He smiled to himself. he thought. She walked closer then covered his eyes. "Guess who?" "Umm.. lovely Lady Mars?" He turned around and kissed her hand. "Why'd you come? I thought you would've stayed away from me after what happened last night." "Well," she saidm "I came, ok?" she stuck her tongue out at him and he kissed her quickly. "What the hell?! You promised you wouldn't do that no more!" "Hey.. well.. promises are meant to be broken." he smirked. "Anyway, you stuck your tongue out at me." "SO?!" "Haven't you ever heard?" "Heard what?!" Mars was starting to feel as if maybe she shouldn't have come to meet him. "When you stick your tongue out at someone, you want them to kiss you... so I did!" "Why I oughta..." He quickly kissed her again. "What'd I do now?!" "Nothing.. nothing at all! It's just... you look beautiful when you're mad." She slapped him. "What the ---" "You were trying to be too charming, so I slapped you." she smirked. He smiled. "Li'l brat..." She sat down next to him on the bench. "So.. where's lunch?" "Oh, lunch.. well I invited Neflyte and Jupiter over too, so they're making the lunch." "Oh.. ok.. I can wait." He leaned over kissing her once more, this time long, deep, and not letting go. ~*~*~@-----^-------------~*~*~ As Neflyte and Jupiter arrived, they cracked. "Huh?" Jaedite asked surprised, finally breaking the kiss. "Did we bother a little moment here?" Jupiter laughed. "Haha, very funny.. as a matter of fact, you did." Mars said. Jaedite looked at her. "This is all of a a sudden a MOMENT to you?" "Yeah.. why do you ask?" "I would think you would not like none of this anymore after last night." "And what happened last night, Jaedite?" Neflyte asked, giving him a look. "Naughty, naughty, Jed.." Jaedite shot a look back. "Nothing like that at all! Not like she would let me..." Neflyte shook his head. "Doesn't sound like you, Jed... I believe that you didn't do nothing with the girl... but I know for a fact that you want to." Jaedite blushed a bit, trying to hide it. It was true.. he didn't do anything.. but he wanted to.. "Don't know what to say, huh Jed!" Neflyte laughed. Mars slapped Jaedite. "Pervert." Jupiter laughed. "Let's get started on lunch, shall we? Or maybe Lord Jaedite would like to start on desert.." He blushed even more, and Neflyte and even Mars had to laugh at Jupiter's comment. Jupiter opened up the basket and took out a plate full of sandwiches and some fruits. "That's it?!" both men asked. "Pigs.." Mars muttered. "We have big dinners here on the moon, if you haven't noticed already.. so I'd save your appetite." Jupiter said. The two generals muttered something to each other, and they all talked and ate their lunch in peace. * * * * * * * * * * * Jupiter and Neflyte had just left, everyone had finished eating long ago and the other couple had stuck around for a few to talk, but they had left, leaving Jaedite and Mars alone. "So.." he said, standing up, and stretching. "Where to next?" "Oh, I don't know.." she replied. "Where do you want to go?" he thought nastily, but didn't say it. "Wherever you like." "Why don't we just walk around then... we can go through the forest over there and into the village, but first, let's go to my room.. we need to both change into something that won't make us look rich." she said. She started walking over to the palace, then into her room/bed chambers. Jaedite stepped into the room. "Jaedite, just sit on the bed or whatever, make yourself at home.. I'll be back in a second.." she said, going off into her walk-in-type closet, searching for her "commoner" clothes. She tossed out differnt articles of brown colored clothing and other stuff as she searched. Jaedite sat on the bed where he was just a day or so ago. He touched his cheek. He didn't have the bandage on anymore, but there was a huge scabbed up cut. He leaned back onto the bed so he was laying down and saw a small book.. no.. a journal laying open on the bed. he thought, but glanced at it and saw his name. He looked over at Mars who was still in the closet, then leaned over to read what it said... * * * * * * * * * * * ~Entry Number 25~ It's Lady Mars again. Lord Jaedite has written an apology note to me, and has said to meet him for lunch out at the Palace Gardens.. it's almost noon, so I have to be going soon... Jaedite... such a sweet, charming man... does many surprising things and will not give up on charming girls... he hasn't even given up on me yet... I'm surprised.. many other guys would've given up long ago.. me always keeping to myself and showing no interest.. and me not giving in easily.. I won't change for Jaedite either.... but he seems only to be interested in me for looks... just like everyone else.. like I have said before, I want someone who likes me.. maybe even loves me.. for who I really am. Not just because I've got "those eyes" and "that hair" and "lovely lips" and "those legs" and "a perfect body"... but I want someone to like me for "that fiery personality" and "that calmness" but "that fierceness (sp?)".... for who I really am... and if Jaedite were to see this, it may or may not change him.. but I want to see if he can really love me for who I am on his own, not because I or anyone told him, but from inside.. his inner voice telling him.. but I doubt that would ever happen.. sure I'm attracted to the man, but.. well.. I don't *know* him.. and he doesn't know me.. and that's that.. Well, I must be going now to the gardens.. or I'll be late.. ~ Lady Mars ~ * * * * * * * * * * * Jaedite rolled back to the position he was in. He knew how the girl really felt. She liked him, sure, it was obvious she had some type of attraction, but she didn't love him.. and she did prove a point that he wasn't sure if he loved her. He wanted her... sometimes he even desired her.. to hold her, to kiss her, to touch her to.. well.. he won't get too carried away. He never felt this much want for a girl before.. he'd been close to things like this, and has always been attracted to young but pretty girls.. but so much want as he felt for the girl who's room he was in this moment.. never.. but was it love? He had never felt love towards another woman.. not even his mother.. his mother had died when he was little.. and his father... well.. that's not exactly another woman.. he never liked his younger sisters.. too bratty.. never knew his older sister.. always off on some trip or on training for this and that.. so how would he know love? Maybe he did feel love for the Lady Mars.. maybe he didn't.. he would never know unless he got to know her, tried to see beyond the lovely looks of this fierce young woman... but how could he? She never let anyone in to the light and dark secrets inside her.. she probably never would.. always keeping to herself.. "Found them!" her voice exclaimed from inside the closet. She came out carrying a bunch of brown-colored cloth, and tossed them onto the bed and on top of her journal. "Let's see.." she muttered. She tossed a shirt and some pants over at Jaedite. "You're walking barefoot, I have no shoes that'll fit you.. but that outfit should." she said. "You can dress here, I'll be dressing in my bathroom so you won't be peeking or anything." she said, carrying a brown dress with some patches here and there with her to the bathroom. After a few minutes, when she was dressed, she came out, her hair tied up in a slight ponytail with a piece of brown cloth. She laughed when she saw Jaedite. So common looking. "When we get on the dirt path, throw some dirt in your hair and face.. you look to clean to be a commoner." she said, and then they set off. * * * * * * * * * * * The two walked quietly, not knowing what to say, just the occasional this and that kinda stuff as they passed through the forest. It went from shimmering silver trees to ever- greens then they found themself on a dirt path. "Well.. time for a bath.." she said, grabbing a handful of dirt and putting it on her face and in her hair and on her clothes. "There.. now I look like a commoner.. you're turn!" she said to Jaedite, who refused to do so, she did it for him, tossing a big ol' handful onto him. They wnt around the village/town greeting everyone they came across. Jaedite realised that Mars could be a very sensitive and kind and caring woman.. they came across a building, and walked in, finding themselves in a room with a bed. Nothing BUT a bed. A door shut behind them and locked, making Mars gasp. She tried to budge the door open, but nothing worked. "Shit!" she yelled. Jaedite looked at the room, and realised what it was. "They won't let us out." he said. "What the fuck?? Why not?!" "This is one of those places.. where people go to have sex... the should have a warning at least... they lock you in till the deed is done." he said. Mars looked at him. "Oh no.. there ain't no way you makin' me get in bed with you.." she said, angrily. Jaedite looked at her. Not one of those charming, convincing looks, just a look. "We don't have to if you don't want to.. but you'll be spending the rest of your life in here with me then.." he said. Mars sat down on the ground. "Fine then. I really don't care." But after a long time had passed, which seemed like hours, of silence... she gave in. "Okay, fine.. I just wanna get outta this place.. but you better not think you'll be gettin' this shit again." she said. ".... don't worry.. I know.. and I'll go easy on you.. you're a virgin, right?" "Yes, I am.. but I won't be soon." she said, and got on the bed, strippin' off her clothes while he took of his. Then he got onto the bed and kissed her deeply. He didn't want to do this if she didn't want to, but they had to. He pulled the covers over them as they..well.. you know the rest.. * * * * * * * * * * * (( This is not a hentai so there's none here!! You stupid pervz that came here for sum, go fuck off, aite?!?! )) * * * * * * * * * * * Mars finished putting on her clothes. The door had unlocked a few minutes ago. The bed was a mess, and so were their hair and all.The two walked out, and some of the homeless and commoners looked at them and gave a smirk. They knew what had happened, they knew all about the place. The two headed for home, through the forest, and they walked in silence. They didn't say a single word. They just walked, in deep thought. Jaedite looked at the girl. He could see she was in deep thought, her hair and face dirty. He never thought what had happened.. would happen. Sure he thought about it, but never thought it would happen... what would King Endymion and Queen Mononoke say? What about Queen Serenity! What would the prince do if he heard what had happened.. his friends...? he thought. Mars looked at the man she just done things with.. things she never thought she would do.. especially with him! A general of earth! They didn't even have a commitment together! What would the Queen say about this.... or her friends..?! She glanced once more at him. His face and hair were dirty and she could tell he was in deep thought. ,well, at least he's satisfied his nasty thoughts.. he'll have a lot of good dreams these next nights..> she thought to herself. Maybe destiny had planned this.. or fate... but why? She realised that he hadn't just done things to her... he had been as careful as possible.. had made love.. he cared for her.. and she knew she cared for him. She went over that once more... Jaedite thought about the girl. He cared for her deeply.. cared for her with all his heart... <.... and that must be love..> he thought. he thought, scared at it. But that didn't matter any more. Whether he loved her or not wasn't a big deal to him anymore. Because he knew that she would never return the love that was blooming inside of him. But what Jaedite didn't know is that burning inside of Mars was a flame of love.. a flame that burned for Jaedite only. But Jaedite would probably never know.. and Mars would never know about how he cared for her..... maybe that's just how destiny sets things.... * * * * * * * * * * * Ok.. it ended weird.. well.. sor-ree! =P Welpz.. anywaise.. look out for part 5 which I have no idea what to write! *LoL* MuchLuv2AllUAll, Hino ReiChan