Title: MoonLight Love: Fire In Her Heart Part 6 Rating: PG-13 Author: Hino Rei E-mail: rei.hino@usa.net --------------------------------------------------------------------- Moonlight Love: The Flame in Her Heart By Hino Rei PART 6 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Authorz Notez: 1) Lalala.. I'm not Naoko Takeuchi.. lalalala.. I wish I was... Lalala la.. but I'm not...lalala.. ^^ 2) Lalala.. Sorry this took so long.. lalala.. but it's finally here... lalala.. all that other crap that was in..lalala.. part 5.. lala *hehe* 3) Lalala.. this is the last part...lalala.. I wanted it to go to part7 but..lalala.. it didn't...lalala..so shut up~! *Hehe* 4) Lalala.. this looks really jacked up cuz..lalala.. I pressed return after.. lalala... 71 characters...lalala... hoep you like..lalala....~! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ A few days had passed, and it was time for the generals to leave. Mars was in her room, writing an entry in her journal... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~Entry # 25~ Well the day has come for the generals and the royal earth family to leave. They'll be back again for Endymion's and Serenity's wedding . . . but I do not know when . . . I have realized that what I feel for J- aedite is indeed true love . . . but I am sad that they have to go. Wh- at's worse is that I am pregnant with Lord Jaedite's baby! I just hope that Jaedite will be back when the baby is born . . . ~* Lady Mars *~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ As she shut her journal, there was a knock on her door. "Just a minute!" she called out putting her journal away, then walked to open the door. She was greeted with a kiss on the cheek as Jaedite walked into her room. "Jaedite . . . just the man I wanted to see . . ." she said. "I have something . . . important to tell you . . ." "Shhh.." Jaedite said, putting his finger to her lips. "Don't say a wo- rd, ok? Nothing in the world can be more important than what I have to say to you . . ." he said, and she sat on her bed. "Okay, fine, talk ..." Jaedite kneeled down on one knee in front of her, then took her hand an d kissed it, smiling up at her. He took a deep breath, then started, "L ady Mars . . . there is nothing in the universe that could be more beau tiful . . . and precious to me than you . . . all the chocolate in the world could not be sweeter than kissing you . . . all the gold on earth could not equal how much your love means to me . . . I want to live kn owing that we'll always be together . . . so I'm asking you to spend yo ur life with me . . ." he paused for a second. ". . . Lady Mars . . . w ill you . . . marry me?" he looked at her with eyes full of hopefulness , and he hoped she would say yes to his proposal. "I..... I don't know what to say, Lord Jaedite!" Mars said, astonished at what he had just asked her. He smiled, still kneeling on the ground. "I'd like it if you were to sa y yes . . . " Mars returned the sweet smile. "I.... " she breathed. "I would love to be your wife . . . Jaedite-san . . ." He slipped a gold and ruby ring on her finger to show their engagement to each other. The ring was the same one that his father had given to h is mother when he proposed to her. Jaedite then got up helping Mars to her feet and pulled her close and kissed her. When the kiss ended, he s aid, "I hope our wedding will happen at the end of this millenium, and at the beginning of the Golden one . . . " he said. That's when Mars pulled back from him. "Jaedite-san . . . . . I think our wedding will have to wait longer than that . . . " she said. He looked at her. "Why? Lady Mars . . . what's wrong?" "I . . . . . " Mars paused. "I'm . . . . . carrying your baby . . . " s he finally said. There was silence for a few moments. "My . . . . *Our* . . . .baby?" he finally said, stammering a bit. "H-hai . . . ." "You're pregnant with OUR baby??" Jaedite asked once more, still stunne d at what his Mars had just said. "H-hai . . . our baby . . ." "Lady Mars!!" he said, a smile slowly coming onto his face. "You should be happy about this!!" "I . . . I know I should be . . . but I'm too young! And we're not even married *yet* . . . and I'm afraid that you won't be here when the bab y is actually born . . ." "Mars . . . I will always be here for you," Jaedite said, sitting on th e bed next to her, holding her close and comforting her. "And when that baby is born, I will be here right next to you. . ." he kissed her once more, and the two stood up. Locked in a deep everlasting kiss, they bo th didn't want to let go, but when the kiss finally ended, Jaedite said , ". . . Lady Mars . . . I must go now . . . I can't be late . . ." His face was flushed, as with Mars. "Yeah . . . " she replied, kissing him once more. He looked at her for a moment, taking in her beauty. "Don't worry, Mars . . . I'll be back, I promise, ok?" "Hai..." she said softly, barely above a whisper, as Jaedite walked away . "I . . . I love you, Jaedite-san. . ." He turned for a second. "I love you too . . . my Lovely Lady of Mars . . ." he turned around and headed back to his room, then Mars finished fix ing her bed, and then closed the door behind her as she left her room to go do her "chores" around the palace. "You love her very much, don't you." Neflyte said to Jaedite as the two finished off their packing. They both had spent a little too much time with their girls. "Hai... very much... I can tell you feel the same for Lady Jupiter, am I not right?" "Hai... she's pregnant you know." "Oh... really? What a surprise... of all people, you the father!" Neflyte shot him a look. "And what about you and Mars then?" "Well.. I.. uhh.. hey.. how did you know?" Jaedite asked all of a sudden , realizing he didn't say a word about it to the other general who had become his good friend over time. "The stars tell it all," was all Neflyte could say in response. The two had finished packing . . . finally . . . and went to the room ac ross from theirs to see if Zoicite and Malachite had finished, but they weren't in the room. "I guess we were a little too late, huh!" Neflyte said, chuckling a bit, as the two talked on their way outside to meet the others. They had been waiting for them to arrive all that time! "Sorry . . . we had to . . finish some business." Neflyte replied, looki ng at Jupiter one last time before he boarded the ship. Jaedite followed , turning around for a second. He saw the Prince and the Princess saying their goodbyes to each other, and could see the inner senshi all waving goodbye to everyone. "Come, Lord Jaedite! Don't keep us waiting any longer!" Neflyte said fro m inside. "Yeah, sorry." he replied. He looked at Mars and smiled at her, then got into the ship. Mars made sure not to forget that they would be back. she thought to herself. she thought. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ A couple months later... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The Moon Kingdom received news that the Prince and two of his generals, Lord Neflite and Lord Jaedite, would be arriving in a few days. Prince Endymion could not wait another moment to see his future wife, and the two generals had to see theirs, for they were pregnant, and had to give birth in a few days. Mars and Jupiter were talking, waiting for them to arrive the day that they were to come. "So when's your baby due?" Jupiter asked Mars. "How the heck am I supposed to know? I'm not Mercury.. but she says wi- thin maybe 5 days or so, how about you?" Mars asked. "Mercury-chan says like, tomorrow!! I can't believe I'm going to be a mother!" Jupiter exclaimed. Mars had to agree with that. As Jaedite and Neflite stepped out of the ship, following their prince, their faces brightened when they saw their girls. Neflite went and rus- hed over to Jupiter, and Jaedite went over to Mars.. "Lady Mars.." he said, kissing her when he got close enough to do so. "I've missed you so much!" he said. "I have too, Jaedite-san.." she said. "And the baby's to be born in a few days, too.. you made it just in time!" Jaedite looked down at her huge stomach. "A baby.. I still can't belie- ve it!" He laid a hand on her stomach, and felt a kick. "Oh kamisama!" he exclaimed. "The baby.. he.. or she.. kicked!" "It's kawaii, ne?" "Ah, hai, come on, I'll bring my things to my room and--" "Oh, Lord Jaedite, you can go ahead and stay in the room with me.. I'll need you there when the baby is born, or to call Mercury-chan." she sa- id. "Ahh.... well, ok.." he said, picking up his 'luggage' and walking with Mars to her room. After setting the stuff down on the floor, the two sat on Mars's bed. "Oh, Mars-chan.." he said, brushing his hand lightly against her cheek. "How I've missed you so.." He brought his lips to hers and kissed her. "How I've missed your sweet kisses.. you're beautiful face.. and our soon-to-be-born baby.." he kissed her again. "When is the baby to be born?" he asked, putting his hand on top of her stomach again. "Mercury-chan says in a few days.. maybe 5 or 6 or so.." Mars replied, then yawned. "I'm tired.. the baby is so heavy and.. I need some sleep" she said, crawling into the bed. "And where am _I_ to sleep?" Jaedite asked, looking at her. "Go sleep in your room if you don't wanna stay here, but go ahead and stay here. I've only got one bed, so you're go- ing to have to learn how to share. We _ARE_ gonna be a family soon any- way!" she said, yawning again. "Hai.." he said. He went to her bathroom and dressed out of his cloth- ing except for his underwear (O.o) and got into the bed. "You sleep ju- st like that?!" Mars asked. "Uh, yeah." he replied. "Goodnight, my love and sleep well." he said, kissing her on the cheek, and then going to sleep. "Good night, Jaedite-san.." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ So anyway, a few more days pass by, Mars thinks that she's about to ha- ve the baby, but it's false alarm, until finally the day comes. Jaedite went and got Lady Mercury, and she helped Mars give birth to the baby. Jaedite, as he had promised, was standing right by Mars, holding onto her hand, and they were both very happy to find out that it was a baby girl. They thought for a while on what to name her, and Mars mentioned the name "ChibiRei". "ChibiRei? Where'd you come up with a name like that?" Jaedite had ask- ed, a but clueless. "Oh, I guess I must've forgotten to tell you.. the name is Hino Rei, Princess of Mars. So it'd be only right to name our little girl after the wonderful me!" Mars said, smiling. Jaedite laughed. "Ah, hai.." So they stuck with the name ChibiRei, and Jaedite had spent time play- ing with the little girl. He enjoyed having the baby around and knew that nothing in the world could be more important to him than his Mars and the child, but then the day came that they would have to leave.. Mars held the baby in her arms, still having a huge stomach, but she would 'work it off' with the daily work she did around the palace. Mars and Jaedite kissed one more time, then he kissed the baby softly on her forehead. "I love you, Mars-chan, love you ChibiRei, I'll miss you both and we'll ALL be back again before the Silver Millenium ends.. Prince Endymion decided on the wedding to happen then.. so we'll be sure to be back. Mars nodded, giving Jaedite a big hug, and one more deep kiss. "I love you, Jaedite-san.." she said, looking into his eyes. "I love you too.. my Lovely Lady of Mars.." he said, smiling as he said that name one more time. Mars then took hold of ChibiRei's small tiny hand. "Wave byebye to your otousan!" Mars said waving her small hand. Jaedite smiled. He would have to get used to being called that. "Bye musume.. bye Mars-chan.. See you again in a while.." He took hold of his things, then walked aboard the 'ship' with his friend Neflite... they would be back once again at the end of the Silver Millenium... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Okay, so that kinda sucked.. *L* Well, at least _I_ think so.. *sigh* Now I gotta write Venus's, Mercury's, and Jupiter's stories~! ACK~! I think I'll write Jupiter's next.. seems easiest.. *LoL* Ne-waise.. their stories happen during the same time as this story did, except that instead of almost-day-by-day-details and stuff about Mars, it's about [fill in senshi name here]! ^^ So instead, u hear about how they felt during the welcoming ball, Usagi's I-just-feel-like-it ball, etc. etc. etc... ^^ Then the next part will be the end of the silver millenium. Okiez? Now, blah blah blah.. have nuthin else to say.. lalalalalalalalala....~MeepMeep~ Jaa, Rei P.S. Yes, this was a rushed part. *L* But I wrote half of it LONG time ago'z~!!!! ^^ ,V..