Submitted for your approval (or disapproval as the case may be) this is part 3 of my first attempt at a fanfic. This chapter takes place during and immediately after the battle with Queen Beryl. This is based on the DIC translation, as that is the only version I've seen (apologies to those fans of the original version). All names, places and events are copyright of DIC, Bandai, Toei, etc. except those I make up. Comments, praises and flames may be sent to: Andrew M. Hujsak Passageways-3 ...To Dream: Mina and Raye It was the middle of the afternoon, but there was an unearthly darkness settling over the city, as if a great storm was brewing. But it was a storm the likes of which the world had not seen in over a thousand years. At the Sacred Temple at Cherry Hill, Grandpa felt the unnatural chill go through him. "I sense a great evil coming upon the world. I must consult with the Great Fire. Where is that Raye?" he said aloud, but no one was there to hear him. Then he remembered that she had gone off earlier in the day with those friends of hers. What a strange bunch they were, all so very different from each other, on the surface they seemed like they shouldn't be friends at all, especially that Serena girl. She and Raye were always arguing with each other. But he could also feel that there was a greater bond between them, deeper than friendship, deeper than if they had been sisters, even. And there was a strength they had all together, a sense of power that he couldn't quite define. He shook his head in wonder. "I do wish Raye was here, she seems to have a closer link to the Fire than I do, better able to control the readings." As he approached the altar within which the Great Fire burned, he could sense the flame trying to reach out, to send some kind of message. "I'm going to need some help with this. CHAD!!" A few moments later, his student came in. "You called, Grandpa?" That caused Grandpa to smile, he liked being called that by Chad and by Rayes' friends. Ever since the death of Rayes' parents, his own son and daughter-in-law, there had been just Raye and him. It gave the sense of family. "Chad, I'm going to need your help in a fire reading," he said. "Raye isn't here right now, and there is a feeling of great evil. I need to find where it is coming from and try to dispel it." "But what can I do?" said Chad, "I don't have any experience in that area of the Temple rituals." "I know that, but with the training I have been giving you, you are starting to be able to control your own life energy. What I need you to do is to try to link your energy with mine and give a 'push' for lack of a better term. Sit beside me here and concentrate on me, focus your will and add it to mine. Can you do that, Chad?" "I'll try, Great Master," said Chad, seeing how serious his teacher was, "I will try, but I am...afraid." "That is good. Remember the first lesson I taught you? Use your fear, control it. It will make you that much stronger. Now let's get started." "Yes, Great Master." They both sat in front of the altar, assuming a Lotus position, the elder facing the Fire, the younger sideways facing his teacher. Grandpa started concentrating, reciting the ancient chant that established contact with the Fire. This was his Fire, his Temple. He was the Priest of the Temple. The fire burned brightly, but he could get nothing. "Chad, concentrate! Drive your will into mine." His student said nothing, eyes squeezed shut, his face wrinkled in concentration. For a few more moments, still nothing happened. *I...must...not...give...up!* Then he could feel the strengthening as Chad was starting to "tune in" to him, and felt his own life force increasing. The Great Fire flared up, and the vision came to him, just as clear as if he were there. He could see a frozen wasteland, and there were five evil entities there. He could feel their malevolence as if it were a solid thing. And there were five Others there, also. He directed his attention towards them. They were "The Sailor Scouts!" he breathed. As he watched in fascination, and growing despair, he saw the battle, he saw as each of the Scouts go down in defeat, saw them die. First there was Sailor Jupiter, "Something familiar about her, about Them" he thought. Then Sailor Mercury was taken down, not standing much of a chance, then Sailor Venus was gone, after pushing Sailor Moon out of the way. "At least they are taking those Evil Ones with them." Then it was Sailor Mars' turn, after saying to Sailor Moon that she was sworn to protect her, the Princess. Princess? He saw Sailor Mars go out to face the two remaining evil entities, saw as she was encased in a mountain of ice, saw as she used her Fire. Her Fire? The FIRE! "RAYE!!!... NOOOO!!!" His concentration broken, the Great Fire died down to a low level, and he collapsed in exhaustion. A short time later Grandpa started to come to. Chad was saying "Grandpa, Grandpa, wake up please, do you hear me? Please Great Master, come back!" "OK Chad, I'm OK. Help me up please." As Chad helped him up, Grandpa asked, "Tell me Chad, what did you see?" "I really didn't see anything, I was trying real hard to give my energy to you like you said to that I really couldn't look at the Fire at all. I felt *something*, then you yelled out Rayes' name and then fell over. You've been out for about twenty minutes. Has something happened to Raye?" He pondered this question for a moment, trying to decide if he should tell Chad what he saw. "Chad, what I am about to tell you, you must take an oath to never breath a word of it to anyone. Do you take that oath?" "This must be really heavy stuff, but yes, by all that I hold sacred and on the honor of this Temple, I do take that oath." "Very well. What I saw was a great battle. There were five creatures of great evil, and they were being fought by the Sailor Scouts..." "The Sailor Scouts! Whooa, that IS heavy" "It gets worse. The Scouts were getting badly beaten, they were being killed by these creatures. These evil ones were getting destroyed, too, but the price was very high to the Scouts. At the end of what I saw, there were only two Scouts left, Sailor Moon and...Sailor Mars. It would seem that the Scouts were trying to protect Sailor Moon mostly, that she is some kind of Princess, or something like that. Now, all of the Scouts had started to look a bit familiar to me, but I couldn't place where, not because they were the Sailor Scouts that everyone else knows, but as they are known to us as other people. The revelation came to me when Sailor Mars went to fight the two remaining creatures and she used a fire attack on them. It was at that point I realized that only one person that I know could handle and control fire in that way. Sailor Mars is...Raye. And I saw her die at the hands of those... creatures. And the other Sailor Scouts are, were her four main friends, Serena, Lita, Amy, and Mina. If you think about it, you can place each one to each Scout." Chad was silent for a bit, his eyes wide in shock. "Raye...dead? Oh Grandpa, I'm so sorry. And the others are all dead too?" Grandpa thought for a moment. "No, Sailor Moon, Serena, was still alive when I lost the vision. A moment, please." He furrowed his brow in concentration. "This is strange, I can still sense a powerful evil present, but it isn't advancing, it seems distracted, somehow. And even though I saw Raye die, I can still feel her presence, her spirit somehow." He glanced at the altar of the Great Fire and came to a quick decision. "Chad, we must do another Reading. Go get some more of the Sacred Wood and put it on the Fire!" "Grandpa, are you sure you want to do this, are you up to it?" "There isn't any choice, we must find out what is happening. Now don't argue and go!" As Chad went off to gather the wood, Grandpa thought, "If Rayes' spiritual energy is still present, perhaps there is a way to bring her back to us, and through her link with the other Sailor Scouts, help them come back, too. I don't know exactly what I can do, but I must try." Chad returned and soon the Great Fire was burning high once more. "Alright Chad, just like before, concentrate your will into mine." "Yes Grandpa." Once more he performed the ritual, this time the vision coming almost immediately, Chad having gotten the feel of his energy was able to synchronize quickly and smoothly. What he saw absolutely astounded him. A woman, all of forty feet tall, radiating a raw evil, the purest evil he had ever seen. He knew that this was the source of what was threatening the world. Not far away, standing on a pillar of ice, was a young girl with long blond ponytails and dressed in a pure white gown, and holding a small wand, the head of which was in the shape of a crescent moon, with a brightly glowing crystal inset within it. It was Serena, no longer as Sailor Moon but as a... a Princess! The great Evil had just launched a massive energy bolt at the Princess, and he heard the Princess say, "Cosmic Moon Power...Fight this Evil!" The Crystal glowed even more brightly and a powerful force barrier came into place, deflecting the energy bolt. "I'm not letting you win this one, you Witch! My friends are counting on me." Bolt after bolt of evil force was directed at the Princess, but none were able to get through, but neither was the power of the Crystal able to make any headway. It was a stalemate. Grandpa was trying to figure a way to help the Power of the Crystal when he heard Serena say, "I do need all of you. me!" as if she were answering someone. Then They appeared. Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus! They, their essecences, were still there, all of them, there was still a chance to save them! They placed their hands over that of the Princess and shouted out: "Mercury Power!" "Mars Power!" "Jupiter Power!" "Venus Power!" Then the Princess shouted out:"Cosmic Moon Power! Eliminate!" The Crescent Moon symbol on her forehead glowed brightly, and the Crystal absorbed a huge amount of surrounding energy, including that of the Evil One, then in a blinding flash, it launched a massive energy ball at the entity. She had time for one scream of disbelieving denial , then was totaly disintegrated. The pallor of evil over the world lifted, and Grandpa marveled at the immensity of Power these five young women held in their delicate hands. Then something else started to happen. The Crystal's glow changed and emitted a dazzeling rainbow of color, surrounding each of the Scouts and the Princess. Seeming to absorb them, Grandpa saw their Scout uniforms dissolve, being replaced by everyday street clothes. The physical bodies of each girl then appeared and the spririts were absorbed into each one. "Chad, do you see?" "Yes!" the one word was filled with a profound awe. The Crystal was bringing each of them back, returning life to the lifeless bodies. Serena was the first to go, as she had not actually died, she was the first to be ready. Then there was Lita and Amy, somehow linked perhaps because they were the first to perish. Grandpa *knew* they had returned, and he knew what he had to do. "Chad, shift your energy, focus on Raye and Mina! They are linked and we must get them to return to here." As Chad brought his attention to the two girls, Grandpa started to chant once again. "Great Fire, show these two the path, guide them to this place of sanctuary." He reached out with all his will, felt the direction change. The Fire flared up brighter than ever before, a tendril of flame reaching out to the spot in front of the altar, another stretching into that *other* place where the two girls were, taking hold, drawing them toward the Fire. A tremendous surge of energy, from the Crystal pushing and the Fire pulling, like a silent explosion, knocked Grandpa and Chad against the wall. A portal opened up at the same time in the spot where the flame reached the front of the altar. And it was over. Laying on the floor were Raye and Mina, unconcious but alive. Recovering from the impact with the wall, Grandpa and Chad went over to where they lay. Grandpa checked them over, turned to Chad and said, "Bring them to Rayes' room, They're going to be alright but they do need rest and some healing. The passage was not an easy one." Adreneline pumping, Chad easily lifted the two girls, one over each shoulder, like two bags of feathers, and carried them, Grandpa following. Upon reaching the indicated place, Chad placed Raye on her bed as Grandpa unrolled one of the spare sleeping mats she kept in there for her friends and had Mina placed there. "Chad, go to the storeroom off the main hall and bring me these items." He called off a list herbs and potions. As Chad left, he turned back to his Granddaughter and gently stroking her long black hair, he whispered, "I didn't know, would have never guessed and won't even pretend to understand, but I am proud, so very proud, of who you are and what you have done." Suddenly, Rayes' eyes flew open, a wild look in them. She sat up on the bed, her hands automatically coming into a defensive position. Grandpa said in a soothing tone, "Shhhhh, everything is going to be OK, your safe, home, you have won." Hearing the familiar voice, Raye glanced around and recognized where she was. The fire in her eyes died down and she relaxed her posture. Looking down, she saw Mina on the sleeping mat. Looking up at her Grandfather, she asked in a very concerned voice, "Serena, and the others, where are they? Are they OK, are they...?" the question died in her throat. "No, Granddaughter, they have all returned safe. They are not here at the moment, but I am sure they will get in touch shortly. Now, you should lie back and get some rest, the ordeal has been great." A strange look passed over her face as if she wanted to ask something, then she sank back down on the bed and said "Yes, rest, must get some r..." and was asleep. Sometime later, Minas' eyes slowly opened. Her vision was a bit fuzzy, and was experiencing some disorientation. "Wh...where am I?" she asked, "And" (sniff, sniff) "what IS that awfull SMELL?" "Whooa, your awake. You're at Rayes' Temple, Mina." "Chad? Is that you?" "That's right, and that smell is some herbs and potions Grandpa used on you and Raye. It is pretty bad, isn't it?" "Raye's here? We're at the Temple? How'd we get here? What happened to...?" she bit off the last question. "Yes, you're at the Temple, Raye's on her bed over here, and as far as the other questions go," Chad looked a bit uncomfortable, remembering his oath, "I think it would be best if Grandpa answered those." Mina glanced at Chad a little dubiously, then she started to get up to go over to Raye. As she stood, she experienced a wave of dizziness and started to black out. Chad was there immediately, and his strong hands steadied her until her head cleared. "Thanks, Chad, I...Think I'm OK now." She walked, a little unsteadily, over to where Raye lay. "Raye..." She was answered by a low groan and her eyes started to blink open. "She looks like she's about to wake up." said Chad, "I'll go get Grandpa." and he left the room. When Chad and Grandpa returned Raye had woken up and she and Mina were talking. "...know what's going on, how we got here?" asked Mina. "I'm not sure, but I've got a weird feeling we're going to find out." said Raye. She looked up and saw the two men standing in the doorway. "Uh, oh." Mina glanced up. "Raye, Mina, how are you girls feeling?" he asked, walking over to his Granddaughter. She got up and gave him a big hug. "Oh, kinda like being pulled through a knothole and riveted over at both ends, but I'll live." "Yeah, ditto."said Mina, "Which brings up some interesting questions." under her breath. Raye looked at Chad standing a few feet away, looking a little miserable. "Ohh, I'm glad to see you too, you big oaf. C'mer, you." and she gave him a no less enthusiastic hug, and a quick peck on the cheek, which brightened him up considerably. Mina just stared in semi-shock. A short, awkward silence followed, then Raye said, "Grandpa, when I...well, when I woke up the first time, you said something about *we won*? Won what?" she eyed him suspiciously. Grandpa gave a low chuckle, "The battle with the Evil One. I saw it all in the Great Fire...Sailor Mars," he turned to Mina, "and Sailor Venus." Both girls' hands flew to their mouths, their eyes wide, and Raye said in a small voice, "Chad...?" "Chad knows too. He was there helping me with the reading." he said. Then over the girls objections, he added, "Don't worry, he has taken an oath on the Temple not to talk about this to anyone, not even you, unless *you* want to." Raye visibly relaxed, but Mina wasn't so sure until Raye reassured her, "He would never break an oath on the Temple." She looked pointedly at her Grandfather. "Just how did we get here, anyway? You did say the others returned safely?" "Yes the other Sailor Scouts have returned to this world and are alive, and I think, well. The Crystal in the wand of Sailor Moon, er, Princess restored your spirits to your bodies and sent you back to this world. They seemed to go to random spots in the city, but Chad and I used the Great Fire to guide you here. By the way, just what kind of Princess is Sailor Moon/Serena?" Raye paused for a moment. "She is Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom... of a thousand years ago, and We, the Sailor Scouts, are Her sworn Guardians, to protect her at all times, and to protect the Imperium Silver Crystal, which is the Crystal you saw. Let me tell you a story." Then she went into the tale of the Moon Kingdom, the Silver Millenium and its destruction by Queen Beryl and the Negaforce. "This Queen Beryl, she is the Evil One that I saw?" "Yes, and the Negaforce her power." answered Mina Raye continued on, telling how Queen Serenity saved the Children of the Moon using the power of the Crystal and how they were reincarnated on Earth. "and that's the story, and by the way, Serenas' and Minas' cats, Luna and Artemus, they can talk." Chad and Grandpa, already reeling from the immensity of the story, at that last part, fainted dead away. Mina looked at Raye. "You rather enjoyed that, didn't you?" "Yeah, especially after the way he sprung knowing our Scout identities on us, but I am glad to have it out in the open. I hated keeping a secret like that from him, we've always trusted each other completely. And if I'm not mistaken, you hate hiding who you are from your parents just as Serena and Amy must hate doing the same with theirs." Mina looked down. "Yeah" she said simply. Chad and Grandpa were starting to recover when Raye had a thought. "Grandpa, you said all the Scouts returned safely. What about Darien/Tuxedo Mask? Did he return, is he alright?" A puzzled look on his face, he slowly answered, "I don't remember seeing anyone else, I was concentrating on you girls." Seeing her downcast look, he continued, "But there was a lot of energy from the Crystal flying around, he could have been returned and I just missed it." This brightened her up a bit, but he could she was still worried. "Just who is this guy, anyway?" "Tuxedo Mask/Darien is actually Prince Darien of the Earth from the same era as the rest of us. He is Serenas' true love from that time and now this time, and they are destined to be married some day. I used to have a humungous crush on him, before we knew who he really was, and I guess I still do, but I know he and Serena are meant for each other, and I'm glad that if I had to lose him it would be to one of my friends. There, now I've said it." she added fiercely, turning away so the others wouldn't see the tears streaming down her face. By the gods, it hurt to say that. After a few moments, she composed herself and said, "Mina why don't we try to contact the others. They don't have someone like Grandpa to tell them everyone is alright and must be worried sick." "Great idea, Raye." she said. "Uh, I don't seem to have my communicator with me," checking her pockets, "is yours nearby?" "Yeah, it's on my dresser over there." Just then they heard the channel on Rayes' communicator open up. "Mina, Amy, Lita, Raye, do you hear me? It's Serena, please answer, PLEASE..." End part three Authors' Note: As you may have noticed, I have diverged a bit on the return of the Sailor Scouts from the Negaverse. This was just the setup for a series of stories I am planning to do tentatively called "Darkstone" where there will be no Alan and Ann, though the NegaMoon Family may get into it, I'm not sure on that yet. I hope you enjoyed these three stories. Any comments, suggestions, flames or (I hope) praises may be sent to: Andrew M. Hujsak