BaRkInG sNoUt by DARK DAY FOR ANIME 7. BISHOUJO SENSHI SAILORPSYCHO One day, whilst walking to school, Usagi saw two young boys tormenting a cat. So she rescued the cat by SmAsHiNg ThEiR hEaDs ToGeThEr, ThEn RuNnInG tHeM tHrOuGh WiTh A lArGe AxE sHe FoUnD iN hEr DaDdY's GaRaGe. The cat seemed ever so grateful for being rescued, but had trouble getting off a bandaid that had been stuck to her forehead. So Usagi rEmOvEd It WiTh A hOt PoKeR sHe'D fOuNd In A nEaRbY fUrNaCe. The cat started to speak, telling her that it was ever so thankful for saving her from the young boys. Usagi, thinking the cat was possessed, SpReAd It LiKe A fInE pAsTe OvEr ThE rOaD! Then, realising that she was five minutes late for school, ran off before the cat had time to tell her she was supposed to be the princess of some ancient moon kingdom. When she got there, she found that she had once more come last in the latest mock exam. That Mizuno Ami girl had come first. So she went to Ami to congratulate her on her success by PlAnTiNg A bAsEbAlL bAt In HeR hEaD! Having had her intellectual capacity reduced to half, Ami thanked her, as she would now be able to enjoy life for once and not be such a miserable, grade-obsessed whimp. Usagi was always happy to help someone in a moment of crisis. During the lunch break, she saw that that Kino girl had once more gotten into a fight with a gang of boys. Naru and Gurio tried to stop her intervening, so she BuRiEd ThEm Up To ThEiR nEcKs In ThE gArDeNiNg MaNuRe and told them to stay there or else they might get hurt. As Makoto smacked the living bejeezus and begorrah out of the UsElEsS lItTlE bAsTaRdS, Usagi helped by ChOpPiNg Up ThE eXtRaS wItH a NiCe LiTtLe ChAiNsAw ShE kEpT iN hEr lUnChBoX. When they were all beaten up or dismembered, Makoto thanked her, took one of the better looking boys and proceeded to do unspeakable things to him behind a tree. Usagi liked Makoto, she was a girl of her own heart. After school, Usagi went to see her friend, Rei, who lived in a shrine on top of a hill. Rei went on and on and on about all the bad things that Usagi would do. So Usagi LiGhTenEd HeR uP bY hEaDbUtTiNg HeR. Rei was down for the count for a while, but then got up quickly and started crapping on about manga, boyfriends and the latest styles of meathooks from which to hang human bodies from. She was back to normal once more! After eating the raw flesh of an Amazonian Three Toed Sloth, they performed a Devil Worship ceremony and asked the Lord of Darkness what the results of next week's Japan Cup would be. "10, 17, 6, 9." He said. "And don't forget to bring me back some of those dumplings from the bakery. The last lot were delicious." After waving byebye to Rei and Lucyboy, Usagi wandered. It had been a tiring and stressful day, and she needed to relax. So she went over to Mamoru's house, BeAt HiM sEnSeLeSs, TiEd HiM uP aNd PeRfOrMeD uNsPeAkAbLe AcTs upon him for about an hour and a half until she was totally refreshed. "Same time tomorrow, then?" He asked as she was leaving. She nodded and wandered home. On her way, she was promptly attacked by Jadeite and a couple of Youmas. Police wondered who the gibbering, blond-haired man was when they picked him up on the sidewalk, next to the two piles of dust, the next morning.... Setsuna sat at the keyboard of her computer and giggled inanely as she typed the litany of disturbed rantings. But, unbeknownst to her, three figures crept up from behind, and grabbed her! After a short fight, she was tied up, gagged and put into a sack. Haruka, Michiru and Hotaru wiped their foreheads as muffled cries of protest emanated from the brown yarn bag. "Thank KAMI we caught her this time." Said Michiru. "She almost succeeded in changing time yet again!" "Next time..." Haruka pointed. "...Make sure she takes her medication!" ^_^ DDFA Ayanami^Rei, Asuka^Langley, PixyMisa, EvilMokona or Futaba^Aoi on DALnet #ajas ^_^