Disclaimer: Sailor Moon, Sailor Senshi, and all terms, names, etc. associated with the series are copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. We make no claim to them and this work of fanfiction should not be seen as making a claim. Those characters that are original and the story "Chibi-Usa Times Two" are copyrighted (c) 1997 by Douglas Helm & Will Wolfshohl. This fanfic and over 300 other SM fanfics reside in "Tuxedo" Will's SM Fanfics Archive at http://log.on.ca/users/helm/anime/index.htm Send comments to: Douglas "Candle Light Author" Helm (dhelm@log.on.ca) or "Tuxedo" Will Wolfshohl (wwolfshohl@logicon.com) Chibi-Usa Times Two Part 11: Karaberas "Iie... Iie, leave her alone!" Chibi-Usa's eyes flew open at the shout. Fearfully looking around she saw that Usagi was tossing and turning. She pushed Usagi a little; this seemed to stop her motion. Slowly Usagi's breathing returned to normal and then she slipped deeper into slumber. Snuggling closer to Usagi, Chibi-Usa thought, Chibi-Usa was now fully awake remembering the exciting trip to the park, Chibi-Usa put a hand over her mouth to try and stifle the giggling, No matter how hard she tried Chibi-Usa couldn't stop herself from laughing, the vivid image came unhindered to her mind. Usagi had laughed along with Chibi-Usa admitting she probably did look silly. It had been a thoroughly enjoyable time for both of them. Chibi-Usa's laughter abruptly stopped as Usagi's door swung open and she saw a figure standing in the doorway. Giving a yelp of surprise Chibi-Usa tried to hide herself behind Usagi. This caused the now partially awake teenager to fully come awake. "What's going on in here?" Ikuko's sleepy voice demanded; she sounded irritated. Usagi just having woken up wasn't really sure herself, "I-I'm not sure..." Usagi said truthfully, "I just woke up." That's when she heard the whimper behind her; turning slowly she saw that Chibi-Usa was fearfully looking at the doorway. "I... I... Onee-san was having a bad dream. I tried to wake her up but she stopped having the bad dream and was still sleeping." Chibi-Usa's overly sensitive scale of right and wrong blew the situation out of proportion and she rushed on at warp speed, "I was wide awake and trying to be quiet but I thought about our trip to the park and when Onee-san got stuck on the slide and I just started to laugh and I couldn't help it and I'm really really sorry. Gomen nasai." Taking several deep breaths she looked at Ikuko hopefully. Ikuko looked at Usagi confused, "Did you catch any of that?" Usagi shook her head. The words had been traveling at a speed that her brain couldn't decipher at this early morning hour. Ikuko started to walk over towards the bed while saying, "Maybe you should stay in your own bed for the rest of the night, Chibi-Usa-chan." Chibi-Usa's reaction was immediate. She clamped onto Usagi's arm and whined out, "Iie... iie... please Ikuko-mama! I want to stay with Onee-san! I'll be good..." Ikuko looked at Chibi-Usa oddly. Nearing the bed she started to reach for Chibi-Usa but the little girl continued whining, "Ikuko-mama, please... Why are you being so mean? I'll go right to sleep. I promise." Ikuko stopped, gave a stern look at Chibi-Usa, and commanded, "Chibi-Usa, get out of bed..." Slowly, almost reluctantly, Chibi-Usa slipped out of bed and stood in front of Ikuko head bowed. Ikuko looked over at Usagi and asked, "Do you mind if she stay's with you the rest of the night, Usagi?" Seeing her daughter shake her head, Ikuko turned Chibi-Usa slightly gave her a couple of swats and said, "Chibi-Usa, into bed and right to sleep and no more nonsense." With that Ikuko left the room and the now crying child slowly climbed back into bed with Usagi. Settling Chibi-Usa back into bed beside her Usagi tried to soothe the crying child back to sleep. "Shh.... there... there... Imouto..." Usagi sleepily thought. ****** "Hi Minako-chan!" Usagi called out while waving to her friend, "Can I talk to you?" She'd started for Minako's place when she'd spotted her walking along the street window shopping. "Sure... what's up? Hey, you look... like you didn't get much sleep." Usagi only gave her a rueful grin before saying, "Yeah well... I wanted to ask you if Chibi-Usa could spend the night... I'm a little worried about the evil one coming to look for me and if she isn't at my house, then there's that much less chance." "Well Usagi-chan, I'll have to okay it with my parents but I think it should be okay... We can have fun. I have to go shopping for some new stuffed animals and that'll give me the perfect excuse if I take her with me. You know I kinda envy you." "Me?" Usagi asked surprised. "Hai... sure you fight with Shingo but at least he's a brother. And Chibi-Usa is your `imouto'. I don't have any brothers or sisters... All I got are cousins and most of them don't live in Tokyo." "Well... I need to ask Chibi-Usa. I haven't asked her yet. And given what happened last night, it's going to be a hard sell..." "What exactly did happen last night?" curiosity consuming Minako. "Iie, I better not say... Ja ne!" With that Usagi left Minako with a need to know. "Now just wait a minute, Usagi!" Minako called after her fleeing friend. ****** "Imouto?" Usagi asked as she came into the house. Chibi-Usa who was sitting at the kitchen table looked up from her coloring book, "Hai?" "Imouto, would you help me with a problem?" Chibi-Usa hopped up and went over to stand in front of Usagi and waited, "Imouto... would you help cheer up Minako?" Chibi-Usa gave Usagi a quizzical look, "See Minako-chan was telling me today that she doesn't have any brothers or sisters... All she has are cousins." "But I can't be her sister," Chibi-Usa reasoned, "I'm YOUR imouto." Usagi chuckled and patted Chibi-Usa reassuringly on the head, "Hai, you are... but I was thinking you could have a sleepover. See Minako-chan asked if you could come over for a special sleepover... Just you and her." "Just me and her?" Chibi-Usa questioned. "Hai... well Artemis will be there." Usagi smiled and gave a further push, "She could pretend you were her imouto for a little while and it would make her very happy. And she wants you to help her pick out a special bunny for her stuffed animal collection." "Really?" Crouching down and leaning closer Usagi whispered, "Hai... the naughty Chibi-Usa hurt Minako's stuffed animals so she wants you to help her pick out a special one... And maybe Minako-chan will buy you one too." Usagi was counting how much of her allowance this was going to cost. Chibi-Usa nodded, and said, "Hai Onee-san... would you please read me a story?" Usagi nodded and headed after Chibi-Usa who disappeared up the stairs in a flash, Just as she was heading up the stairs she heard Ikuko's voice say, "And when were you going to okay this sleepover with me, Usagi?" Usagi stopped dead in her tracks, She turned sheepishly around to see her mother looking at her arms folded across her chest, "Gomen, Mom, I was going to ask you... It just slipped my mind." Seeing Ikuko waiting expectantly Usagi said, "Mom would it be okay if Chibi-Usa slept over at Minako's for tonight?" "Now was that so hard?" Usagi shook her head. "Hai, Usagi, it's okay." Ikuko agreed. Usagi gave a sigh of relief before Ikuko continued, "And were you expecting Minako to pay for this toy you want her to buy Chibi-Usa?" "Iie... I have most of my allowance left. I was going to give it to Minako to buy one for her." The fact that Usagi actually had allowance left shocked Ikuko. What was even more of a shock was Usagi was going to give it up willingly so her friend could buy Chibi-Usa a toy. "Mom, I know you don't give advances on allowances but what if I did double chores? Could you maybe loan me some money? I don't think my allowance is big enough..." Ikuko smiled slightly and reached into her pocket she handed Usagi a few folded bills and said, "Don't worry about it, dear." Usagi was surprised, "But... but..." "Onee-san?" came the call from upstairs. "Go on... Go take care of YOUR `imouto'." Ikuko gave Usagi a wink. Usagi gave one more look towards her mother and then left the room shaking her head. A small frown creased Ikuko's face, ****** "Karaberas." "Hai, Rubeus-sama?" "Karaberas, I have a special mission for you. Not only will you help Princess Usagi but you will capture a Crystal Point. The Crystal Point comes first... We already have one; let's get another one." "Will she be patient?" Karaberas asked incredulously. Rubeus studied Karaberas closely before saying, "Hai... She understands the importance of it... She seemed to even take great pleasure in it." "As you wish, Rubeus-sama." ****** Chibi-Usa walked around her room on the UFO, Then a scowl crossed her face, "I wonder if `Chibi-Usa' will come there?" ****** Minako opened the door to see Chibi-Usa and Usagi. Chibi-Usa was carrying a small overnight bag with a kawaii set of rabbits hopping around decorating it. "Hello Chibi-Usa-chan, Usagi-chan... come in." Usagi greeted Minako as Chibi-Usa and herself entered the house. "Konnichiwa Minako-san, thank you for asking me to have a sleepover with you," Chibi-Usa said and bowed, "Hello Artemis, you're such a pretty kitty." Usagi quickly covered her mouth to hide the grin, <`Pretty kitty'... hahaha... I'll have to tell Luna that.> The look Artemis had on his face was rather sour. "This way, Chibi-Usa-chan," Minako said leading her guest up the stairs and into her room, "You can put your bag here." Chibi-Usa placed her overnight bag were Minako indicated and then turned to Usagi who crouched down. Walking over Chibi-Usa gave Usagi a hug and said softly, "I'll miss you, Onee-san." "I'll miss you too, Imouto. You be a good girl, okay?" Chibi-Usa nodded, Giving her a hug Usagi got up and said, "Minako-chan, can I talk to you for a second?" Nodding Minako suggested, "Chibi-Usa-chan, why don't you play with Artemis... He's been a lonely kitty." The expression of childish delight that spread across Chibi-Usa's face set the older girls giggling. Artemis got an even more sour expression when Chibi-Usa picked him up that just made the girls laugh even harder. ****** Slipping downstairs Usagi said, "Here Minako-chan," with that Usagi handed over the rest of her allowance and a little extra she managed to get from her mother, "Please take this and buy Chibi-Usa-chan a stuffed animal too." Usagi opened the door and slipped out, "Ja ne." "Ja ne," Minako said and pocketed the money. Walking back upstairs she found Artemis completely stretched out in Chibi-Usa's lap purring away. The little girl had chosen an excellent spot. It was right in the warmth of the sun and she seemed to know where that particularly hard place to reach was. To put it mildly Artemis was in cat heaven. ****** After supper when Minako and Chibi-Usa had left for the mall, Minako's parents sat around discussing the little girl. "What a vast improvement from the last time," Mrs. Aino started. "Hai, you can easily see that Usagi's parents took the little girl in hand and straightened her out." "Don't you think they might have straightened her out a little too much?" Mrs. Aino inquired, "I mean Minako's polite but to have a little girl THAT polite?" "I'll have to ask Tsukino-san what he did," Mr. Aino said and then turned back to his paper. ****** "Wow! Look at all the toys!" Chibi-Usa cried happily, "Where are the stuffed animals?" "Honey before we go in you have to promise me to hang onto my hand. If we get separated, I want you to stay right where you are no matter what." "But what if we do get sep... sep... I'm alone and I have to go to the bathroom?" "Well that's different," Minako said again, "If you wander off and I can't find you, I might worry." "And if I can't find you, Usagi-chan would be very angry with me." Chibi-Usa considered. She looked at Minako and then the toy store and then Minako again, "I promise." Taking Minako's hand they entered the store and were lost immediately in a multitude of color. ****** "Your Highness, how is the operation proceeding?" Rubeus asked. Chibi-Usa glanced over at Karaberas who nodded, "Real good. The Senshi haven't come and all the toys we're selling have Dark Energy." Karaberas broke in, "Hai Rubeus-sama, we are infecting the people with Dark Energy, capturing the Crystal Point, and when the toy store closes we will go and seek out this `Chibi-Usa'." "Excellent!" Rubeus said and then cut the connection. ****** "Oh look at all the bunnies!" Minako squealed in delight, "Aren't they just so kawaii!?" Minako was in paradise acting like a child Chibi-Usa's age. "Hai!" Chibi-Usa agreed, "What one are you going to buy, Minako-chan?" "All of them!" Minako squealed. Chibi-Usa gave Minako a funny look, "May I help you?" came a voice behind them. Minako turned to the voice to see Karaberas disguised as a sales clerk approaching them. As Minako moved Karaberas got a glimpse of someone who looked familiar. An unnoticed frown crossed Karaberas's face, "Is something wrong?" Minako asked. "Iie, Gomen... Was there something I could help you find?" Karaberas plastered a smile across her face. "Hai, I was looking for a special stuffed bunny rabbit for Chibi-Usa-chan here," Minako said indicating the little girl who was entranced with a large stuffed pink bunny. The bunny was almost as tall as Chibi-Usa and was plump and looked so cuddly! Chibi-Usa said with a large smile, "Could I please see that one?" Pointing to the overly large bunny. Karaberas smiled, that was one of her special droids, "Hai." Moving over she reached out and plucked the bunny off the shelf and handed it to Chibi-Usa. Chibi-Usa gave a sharp cry of pain and let the bunny drop to the ground. Tears welled up in her eyes as she clutched her hands together and started dancing around. Minako was surprised at first and went over to see what was wrong. "It hurts! It hurts!" Chibi-Usa screamed. Minako had never personally seen Chibi-Usa release her energy beam but as she was trying to get her still, there was a sudden swirl of light. The crescent moon on Chibi-Usa's forehead appeared and then suddenly an energy beam shot up into the sky. Karaberas was shocked, her mind was numb. Minako quickly went over to Chibi-Usa who was on the ground clutching her hands. Helping the little girl up Minako said, "Let me see honey..." Worry and gentleness she took Chibi-Usa's hands and opened them up to see that the palms and the fingers were a deep red and seemed to be throbbing. "Where have you been?! What caused that light!?" came a familiar voice. Karaberas, Minako, and Chibi-Usa who was still in tears all looked in the direction that the voice was coming from. There coming down the isle was another Chibi-Usa but dressed very differently. "NANI?!" Karaberas asked shocked, "How can this be?!?" "What are you..." evil Chibi-Usa started and then saw her other self. She stopped dead in her tracks and stared. "You dare copy royalty?!?!" Chibi-Usa yelled out while starting to stalk towards the good Chibi-Usa. "Konnichiwa, you must be my sister," Chibi-Usa reasoned out, "Maybe you should put on your school fuku and then we can play together. We should get our pictures taken. We'd look very kawaii." "You're NOT my sister..." Then Chibi-Usa saw something around the other girl's neck, "MY KEY!!! That damn baka took MY key and gave it to you?" Pulling herself up to the grand height of three foot eight, the evil Chibi-Usa said, "I'm the only Princess of Crystal Tokyo and I'm going to make sure that you pay for your lack of respect." "Nani? I've been extra good, even Rei-chan said I was," Chibi-Usa stated, "And don't you say I did bad things because Minako-chan might tell Onee-san." The advancing Chibi-Usa stopped again and said, "Onee-san?" "Hai, Usagi-chan. She's our onee-san and we're her imouto." Minako had quietly signaled the others that something was amiss and was trying to think of how to get out of this situation when Karaberas provided the distraction. "What's going on?!" Karaberas now thoroughly confused demanded. She didn't care what Rubeus said, it was getting way too weird for her. "Quiet!" evil Chibi-Usa snapped. Minako grabbed the good Chibi-Usa and placing the child under her arm she ran for the bathroom. "GET THEM!" evil Chibi-Usa raged far behind them. Only to glad to be in control Karaberas said, "Droid Flopp-alot come forth!" The pink bunny rabbit grew in size. It had some difficulty getting up but soon was on its hind paws. Its once blue eyes were now a violent purple color, two large fangs hung down from its upper lip. Its once floppy ears now hung down to the floor coming to a razor sharp point. "GET THEM! GET THEM!!" Chibi-Usa commanded. She was in a childish temper tantrum, "I'M THE ONLY PRINCESS OF CRYSTAL TOKYO!" She stomped her feet in anger. "Droid Flopp-alot get the humans," Karaberas indicated the fleeing forms of Minako and Chibi-Usa. "Hai, Karaberas-sama!" it boomed out and started to hop after the fleeing pair. Each mighty bound took it several meters. Each of its impacts made the ground shake and toys fall off the shelves. ****** "Honey, you stay right here," Minako ordered as she placed Chibi-Usa inside the bathroom, "If anybody comes in here but me or Usagi-chan, you hide." With that Minako started out the door. "But Minako-chan you can't go out there! You'll get hurt!" Chibi-Usa protested. Having no time to argue the point, Minako turned around and said in the most authoritative voice she could, "Chibi-Usa-chan, you will stay in here until I or Usagi come to get you or else." With that Minako left again. Chibi-Usa whimpered slightly, ****** Sailor Venus emerged to find Sailor Jupiter going hand to `paw' with the beast. Unfortunately every time Jupiter hit the bunny, her hand sank into the soft material seeming not to have any effect on the thing. Tiring of the game Flopp-alot swung its head around and brought both ears to bear on Jupiter. The impact flung the Senshi across the store out the door and skidding along the ground. Venus decided it was her turn, "Hey!" Venus shouted. Flopp-alot turned around to see who was yelling at it. Venus lifted her hand for her attack and shouted, "VENUS LOVE-ME CHAIN!" The chain flew out and wrapped itself around Flopp-alot's body and pulled. Flopp-alot snarled and reached down with its two large front paws grabbing the chain and giving a mighty yank started to spin Venus around. "Owww!!! Stop it please! I think I'm going to be sick!" Venus pleaded. All she could see was the store whirling around in front of her. "Toys are for the enjoyment of children, not to frighten them! I am still a child at heart and for ruining my fun you will pay! I am the Pretty Suited Senshi, SAILOR MOON! In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!" Flopp-alot gave one last twirl and then let go of Venus' chain. Venus had common sense enough to let the chain go. She tucked herself and waited. With a "flop!" she landed neatly in the giant teddy bear's lap that was at the entrance to the toy store. "Boy, am I glad to see you," Venus confided. "MOON PRINCESS HALATION!" Sailor Moon shouted wasting no time in finishing off the droid. Sailor Jupiter recovered and was walking toward Venus. Sailor Moon as well rushed over to Venus and asked, "Venus, are you okay?" "Hai... but we got a problem..." ****** "Chibi-Usa-chan?" Minako called out. She'd transformed back and now had went to pick up her charge. At the sound of her voice Chibi-Usa who had hidden behind a trashcan popped up and ran to Minako. Minako bent down and picked Chibi-Usa up, "I'm sorry for yelling at you Chibi-Usa-chan but it was very dangerous out there." Chibi-Usa gave Minako a hug and while whimpering slightly said, "I was scared... Can... can we go home now?" "Honey, what's the matter? I'm alright; I'm not hurt..." Minako drifted off for a few seconds before saying, "Oh! Your hands!" Minako set Chibi-Usa on the counter and looked at the little girl's hands, "Do they hurt?" "They're itchy," Chibi-Usa complained. "Well we'll go home and get some cream on them... I just wanted to make sure you were safe. That's why I told you to stay here... Chibi-Usa-chan, do you want to go back to Usagi's?" "I'm not mad at you, Minako-chan. I want to stay with you tonight!" Minako just smiled, reassured that Chibi-Usa wasn't mad at her. ****** "Damn those Senshi!" Chibi-Usa raged, "Every time!" As soon as the Senshi had shown up, Karaberas had teleported them to the UFO, "I'll get the Ginzuishou from you `Chibi-Usa' but now you'll have to wait... I have a bigger problem... that copy of me!" Then her rage turned on to a different topic. "MY KEY!!! That BAKA ODANGO ATAMA took MY KEY... maybe when she took Luna-P..." Then an evil thought occurred to her, "Luna-P... that `copy' must have Luna-P... and MY KEY!" The End Coming next in Part 12: Cooan