CWF RAW WEEK #34 RATING: TV-14 DVL E-MAIL:, WaSP, DISCLAIMER: You know THIS one! ______________________________________________________ ANNOUNCERS: Jim Ross Jerry "The King" Lawler BACKSTAGE: Lucas (from Kevin Kelly Michael Cole The New Guy RING ANN.: Lillian Garcia PLACE: Assembly Hall, Champlaign, Illinois WEB SITE: ______________________________________________________ [begin RAW opening] SINGER:..................IT'S THE LIFE IN THE BOX THAT DRAWS TO ME!! TAKE ME ON, IN THE ARM IS THE SOUL OF ME!! REAL FAR, YOU WOULDN'T SEE ME LAYIN' FACE DOWN!! ....................................................................... ......ONE WOULD HAVE A THORN IN YOUR EYE!! [end RAW opening] After the intro ends, the jakked crowd gets hyped, cheering as the pyros go off on the stage, and then it's all cheering. After about 30 seconds of this, Jim Ross begins talking. JR: WHAT HAS GOT TO BE ONE OF THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL ENDINGS TO A TITLE MATCH TOOK PLACE JUST ABOUT 24 HOURS AGO. WE WELCOME YOU TO THE ASSEMBLY HALL IN CHAMPLAIGN ILLINOIS, WHERE TONIGHT, WE HOPE TO GET SOME VERY MUCH NEEDED ANSWERS AS TO EXACTLY WHAT WENT DOWN LAST NIGHT AT WRESTLEMANIA!! JIM ROSS ALONGSIDE JERRY THE KING LAWLER, AND KING, THIS IS ABOUT TO BE AN EMOTIONAL NIGHT!! KING: TELL ME ABOUT IT, JR!! LAST NIGHT, SAILOR MOON RETAINED THE TITLE, BUT MAY HAVE LOST THE FANS RESPECT AFTER WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!! Sailor Moon's music starts, and she comes out to the ring with Tuxedo Mask. But now there are a sea of boos being heard from the crowd. JR: AND HERE SHE COMES!! CERTAINILY, WE HOPE TO GET SOME KIND OF AN ANSWER AS TO EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT AT WRESTLEMANIA. IF YOU MISSED IT LAST NIGHT, IT WAS SAILOR MOON THAT TRICKED HER OWN BROTHER, AS WELL AS HER OWN MOTHER!! KING: AND IT WAS MASK THAT HELPED HER DO SUCH A THING, JR!! I MEAN, THIS IS TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE HOW THEY TRICKED ALL OF US LAST NIGHT, JR!! AND TO ADD INJURY TO INSULT, SHE GAVE HER OWN BROTHER THE RUNNING POWERBOMB!! JR: Let's get some answers out of them, as they are ready to speak, and listen to the capasity crowd on hand tonight. KING: They are NOT happy. MASK: WHAT DID I TELL YOU, HUH?! LAST NIGHT, I TOTALLY KICK SAILOR VULTURE'S ASS LAST NIGHT!! Crowd boos. JR: OH YEAH, AND TRIPLE H WASN'T AROUND, WASN'T HE?! MASK: LAST NIGHT, CASTO, YOU GOT YOURSELF IN THE WORST POSSIBLE SITUATION!! I MEAN, WHO WOULD ACTUALLY CHALLENGE ME TO A MATCH OF ANY SORTS?! NO ONE IS THAT STUPID -- ---- ----- WITH ME!! CROWD: ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE, ASSHOLE... KING: OH, LISTEN TO THIS!! SHOW SOME RESPECT, WILL YA?! JR; KING, I DON'T THINK THAT HE DESERVES THE RESPECT!! MASK: YEAH, GO AHEAD AND CHANT THAT, BECAUSE YOU CANNOT AMIT THAT I HAD ALL OF YOU GUYS TALKING OUT OF YOUR OWN ASSES LAST NIGHT!! [crowd boos] BUT, ENOUGH OF ME, LET'S GET TO THE BAD ASS BIACH OVER HERE!! SHE IS STILL THE CWF CHAMPION, BEATING HER OWN MOTHER'S ASS, SERENA, BUT YOU SHALL KNOW HER AS SAILOR MOON!! Crowd boos as he hands the mic over to her. JR: This will be interesting to hear what SHE has to say. MOON: FIRST OF ALL, MOTHER, YOU SLUTTY BITCH... JR: [as crowd boos] OH COME ON!! MOON: HOW DARE YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN ACTUALLY WIN A MATCH AGAINST ME, HUH?! WHERE DO YOU GET THAT NOTION THAT I CAN ACTUALLY LOSE TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU?! BECAUSE IT CERTANILY AIN'T ME!! YOU SEE THIS [holding the belt up high]?! THIS THING IS STILL MINE, AND IT'LL STAY MINE TILL I DIE!! JR: THAT'S A PRETTY BOLD STATEMENT THERE, MS. MOON!! WHY DON'T YOU TRY TO PROVE IT TONIGHT?! MOON: BUT ENOUGH OF MY BROKEN-ASS MOTHER!! LET'S GET TO THAT NO GOOD SORRY EXCUSE FOR A BROTHER, AND YES, I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU, CASTO SOMMERS!! JR: UH OH!! KING: HERE WE GO!! MOON: [starts laughing] YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT I CARED ABOUT YOU!! YOU ACTUALLY THINK THAT WE WERE THIS UNSEPERABLE SIBLING RELATIONSHIP?! THAT IS A BUNCH OF BS AND YOU KNOW IT!! KING: WOW!! MOON: YOU THINK THAT ME AND DARIEN ARE ACTUALLY SEPERABLE?! THINK AGAIN!! AND WE ARE GOING TO... Reenie's music starts up, and here she comes. JR: WAIT A MINTUE!! KING: THAT'S REENIE!! SHE'S SERENA'S FUTURE DAUGHTER THAT'S COMING OUT HERE!! WHY?! JR: HOPEFULLY TO PUT SOME SENSE INTO SAILOR MOON'S MIND AS TO WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!! REENIE: HEY...MOMMY!! [crowd cheers] HOW COULD YOU?! HOW IN THE HELL COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY GRANDMOTHER, HUH?! I NEVER KNEW THAT YOU WERE THIS WAY!! MOON: HEY, REENIE, COME HERE FOR A MOMENT!! JR: UH OH KING: UHH, JR, I DON'T LIKE THE LOOKS OF THIS!! JR; ME EITHER, BUT REENIE IS GOING INTO THE RING!! MOON: NOW, REENIE, YOU KNOW THAT I WOULD NEVER, EVER..TOLERATE THAT KIND OF BEHAVIOR FROM MY DAUGHTER, NOW DO I?! JR: WHAT?! REENIE: I THINK THAT I NEED TO TELL YOU WHAT I THINK!! MOON: WELL, I DON'T THINK THAT I NEED TO TELL YOU WHAT I THINK!! HERE, I'LL SHOW YOU EXACTLY WHAT I THINK!! With that...SHE KICKS REENIE IN THE STOMACH!! JR: WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT IN THE HELL?! KING: WHAAA...?! JR: AND SHE HAS HER OWN DAMN DAUGHTER SET UP FOR...RUNNING POWERBOMB, PLANTED RIGHT ON HER OWN DAUGHTER!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! MOON: THAT'S WHAT I SHOWED YOU, YOU LITTLE BITCH!! GO AND CRY TO YOUR BOYFRIEND, GOHAN!! I'LL GET THAT STUPID LITTLE SOB, AS WELL... All of a sudden, MISTY'S MUSIC STARTS UP, AND HERE SHE COMES!! JR: OH WAIT JUST A MINUTE!! THAT'S MISTY!! SHE IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY SAILOR MARS IS GOING FOR THE TITLE TONIGHT!! MISTY: HEY, MS. MOON, YOU HAVE ENOUGH GUTSTO BEAT UP YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!! ONLY SIX YEARS OLD!! WHY DON'T YOU TRY TO DO THE SAME TO ME, HUH?! WAIT, I KNOW!! BECAUSE YOU KNOW FOR A FACT THAT I CAN KICK YOU BITCH ASS JUST AS FAST, AND YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT FACE, AS UGLY AS IT IS, GET BUSTED OPEN BY ME!! Crowd cheers. JR: YEAH!! WHY DON'T YOU TRY DOING THAT TO MISTY?! MISTY: LAST NIGHT, I SAW SOMETHING VERY, VERY HORRIBLE, WHICH WAS IN THE FORM OF, FIRST OF ALL, CALLING YOUR OWN MOTHER A BITCH!! SECOND OF ALL, STICKING YOUR TOUNGUE DOWN THAT ASSHOLE'S THROAT THAT YOU HAVE, AND BY THE LOOK OF THINGS, YOU AREN'T MUCH OF A MAN TO BEGIN WITH!! Mask gets irate. JR: OH MAN!! KING: LOOK AT TUXEDO MASK!! MISTY: BUT WHAT REALLY GOT TO ME WAS THE FACT THAT YOU BETRAYED YOUR MOTHER, BROTHER, YOUR FANS, AND MOST OF ALL, YOUR FRIENDS!! AND IT JUST SO HAPPENS THAT ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS THAT YOU STABBED IN THE BACK IS ALSO A BIG HUGE FRIEND OF MINE, AND THAT FRIEND HAPPENS TO BE SAILOR MARS, AND WHEN THAT MATCH IS OVERWITH TONIGHT, YOU WILL BE A SHEAR SHELL OF YOUR FORMER SELF!! AND WHEN MARS IS THOUGH WITH YOU, YOU'LL WISH THAT YOU NEVER DID CROSS PATHS WITH HER!! AND AS FAR AS YOU GO, MASK, IF YOU TRY ANYTHING TO SCREW RAYE HINO TONIGHT, SO HELP ME GOD, YOU'LL HAVE ME DOWN YOUR ASS VERY MUCH SO, SO I SUGGEST THAT YOU KEEP YOUR DISTANCE!! IN FACT, MAYBE I'LL ACCOMPANY MARS TONIGHT!! JR: Misty is going to accompany Sailor Mars in that title match tonight. MASK: Wait a minute, Misty, you're saying that you want to accompany Mars to something in which YOU shouldn't even be a PART of?! MISTY: That is correct. MASK: Well, it seems that you have a problem with the way me and Sailor Moon are going to take over this match tonight, and how we are going to take over this entire company. MISTY: Hey, Mask, you should be known that you are NOT going to be the owner of this company, as long as Darkpower has anything to say about it. MASK: Oh really. I think that you may have some sort of threesome between you, Mars, and that stupid CEO of this stupid ass company... MISTY: SHUT YOU!! SHE'LL MEET YOUR ASS IN THE RING, MOON, AND MASK, IF I EVEN SUSPECT YOU TRYING TO INTERFERE, YOU WILL PAY A PRICE DEARLY, BY ME!! Her music plays. JR: Heated words exchanged by Misty to that pair, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, but King, I am still in shock at what Sailor Moon did to her own damn daughter, Reenie. KING: I'm still in shock TOO, JR!! I didn't think that she would DO anything like that. But she DID. Switch to the back, where Molly Cannon is coming out. JR: Coming up next, the Hardcore Title is on the line. It's Molly Cannon versus Krillin. Hardcore title on the line, NEXT. [start CWF promo] ANN.: A NIGHT OF SURPRISES!! JR: I CAN'T BELIEVE MY EYES!! MIA POWERBOMBED FARROOQ!! ANN.: A NIGHT OF RETURNS KING: THAT'S....MISTY!! JR: MISTY, WHO HAS BEEN MARS' FRIEND FOR MONTHS, IS BACK!! ANN.: AND A NIGHT OF BETRAYL!! KING: SHE'S SETTING HER BROTHER UP, AND... JR: RUNNING POWERBOMB... Then, in a blink of an eye, SHE KISSES MASK, WITH TOUNGUE GOING DOWN THEIR THROATS!! ...KING: SHE TRICKED HER BROTHER!! SHE TRICKED HER OWN FAMILY!! ANN.: CWF WRESTLEMANIA 2000!! DON'T MISS THE ENCORE PRESENTATION TOMMORROW NIGHT, AND ONLY ON PAY PER VIEW!! [end CWF promo] They then go to a break, then come back in the locker room of Sailor Mars. DARKPOWER: Listen, Mars, you need to tell Sailor Moon why you don't put up with traidors like that. MISTY: Yeah. I mean, you saw her do what she did to her own DAUGHTER. God knows what she will do to everyone ELSE if no one does anything about it. MARS: HEY, DON'T YOU WORRY, Misty. Hey, you worry first of all, about that Intercontinental Title match tonight. JR: What?! MISTY: All right, Raye. Go ahead and kick her ass, for everyone that she stabbed in the back, K!! MARS: Sure thing. Switch back to ringside, where Krillin's music starts up, and he comes down to the ring. KING: Did I HEAR that right, JR!! IC Title match right here tonight. JR: You heard right, King. I can't believe it either, and you know what kind of match we are going to see. Ash vs. Misty. KING: Yeah, but I don't think that Misty will win that match, as she is too much worried about Sailor Mars' match tonight for the title. JR: I have this gut feeling that tonight is the night in which Sailor Mars will win that title. I any case, tonight, CWF RAW is brought to you by, 10-10-220. Dial it, and talk for up to 20 minutes for only 99 cents. KING: And by Snickers. Hungry?! WHY WAIT?! Grab a Snickers!! JR: And by Fram Oil Filters. How long has it been since YOU'VE changed your oil filter?! Krillin, set to try to get this Hardcore Championship into his hands, but he will need to go though Molly Cannon to do so. KING; I think that this will be pretty easy for Krillin. JR: And here she comes. Molly loves these types of matches. Molly, now takes Krillin to the ropes, and DOWN WITH THE FRONT FACE DDT!! KING: And she isn't wasting any time. She's going under the ring, JR. JR: Molly, now, trying to find something, and she has found something. KING: A STEEL LADDER!! JR: My God, Molly has GOT to be crazy to use THAT thing, and...SHE RAMS KRILLIN WITH THAT THING, AND SHE'S SETTING UP THAT LADDER HERE!! KING: Oh no, JR!! Remember what was seen last night at the WWF WRESTLEMANIA 2000!! JR: Senton Bomb by Jeff Hardy off of the ladder, but that has nothing on what we could see here tonight. Molly, up that ladder, and..HERE COMES KRILLIN, AND HE DROP KICKS THE LADDER AND..DOWN IT COMES, AND THAT LADDER COLLAPSED ON THE BACK OF MOLLY HERE!! KING: And here comes Krillin now, trying to get back into this fight. JR: And he's got a steel chair. And...DOWN ON THE HEAD OF MOLLY, AND AGAIN, AND THIS TIME, YOU COULD FEEL THAT IMPACT..WAIT A MINUTE, KING, I'M NOW GETTING WORD THAT THERE IS A SEA TITLE MATCH BEING SIGNED RIGHT HERE TONIGHT, MORE ON THAT IN A MOMENT. MEANWHILE, MOLLY IS GETTING BACK UP, AND BLOCKS THAT STIFF RIGHT HAND, AND GETS HIM WITH SOME RIGHT HANDS OF HER OWN, AND WHIPPED...RIGHT INTO THAT LADDER THAT IS STILL IN THE RING!! KING: Who is Gohan facing, JR?! JR: Well, we now know that it's going to be Gohan going against Todd right here tonight, South East Asian Title on the line here tonight. Molly, now sending Krillin to the outside, and it is no safer than in that ring, and Molly...SENDS KRILLIN TO THE POLE...WAIT A MINUTE!! THERE'S THE BOSSMAN AND PAT BUCHANIAN!! KING: WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE?! JR: I DON'T KNOW, BUT THEY ARE BEATING DOWN ON MOLLY, AND MOLLY CANNOT FIGHT BACK!! SHE WAS ATTACKED FROM BEHIND, AND KRILLIN IS STILL OUT, AND BOSSMAN WITH...A SIDEWALK SLAM RIGHT ON THE CONCRETE, AND HIM AND BUCHANAN RUN RIGHT INTO THE CROWD LIKE A PACK OF THEIVES, AND KRILLIN IS SETTING UP A TABLE FOR..BALD BOMB OFF OF THAT TABLE!! ONE, TWO, THREE!! WE HAVE A NEW HARDCORE CHAMPION, BUT I'LL TELL YOU KRILLIN SHOUDL GIVE THANKS TO THE BIG BOSSMAN AND PAT BUCHANIAN, AS THEY HELPED OUT, WETHER HE WAS AWARE OF IT OR NOT, OF HIM BEING THE NEW HARDCORE CHAMPIONSHIP!! KING: WELL, I SAID THAT KRILLIN WAS GOING TO HAVE AN EASY TIME, BUT I WASN'T EXPECTING THAT TO HAPPEN TONIGHT!! I MEAN...UH OH!! JR: MOLLY IS STARTING TO COME TO, AND I DON'T THINK THAT SHE IS ALL TOO HAPPY!! SHE IS PISSED, AND SHE IS GOING TO BE ANGRY AND IRATE WHEN SHE GOES BACK TOT HE LOCKER ROOM, BUT THE BIG THING IS, WE HAVE A NEW CWF HARDCORE CHAMPION, AND WE MAY HAVE THREE OTHER NEW CWF CHAMPIONS BY THE TIME RAW IS OVER, AND... BG: G-TV!! G-TV!! G-TV!! G-TV!! G-TV then goes into a hotel room, where Val Venus is at. JR: UH OH!! KING: It's Val, and there's someone knocking on the door of his hotel room. Val answers the door. It's Mia in the attire she had on last night. JR: OH MY!! KING: WOOOO-HHHOOOOOO!! JR, IT'S MIA IN THAT LETHER SUIT THAT SHE HAD ON LAST NIGHT!! MIA: Hey, Val. I heard that you need someone new to have a good meal with. [rubbing her whip down the chest of Val] Well, let me just say that I'm the one that you should have for that decision. JR: OH MY!! KING: HA HA!! VAL: Well, Mia, the Big Vawbowski will have the honors of giving you nothing less o the pure, BONE, HEH HEH HEH!! Mia gets on the bed, and Val comes to join here when G-TV cuts off, and there is nothing but static. They then switch to the back, where The First Family is coming into the arena. KING: JR, I THINK I MAY NEED A COLD SHOWER AFTER THAT ONE!! THAT WAS GREAT!! JR: Well, in any event, the First Family has arrived, and I'm wondering what is going to happen with that IC Title match, as well as that SEA Title match here tonight. Switch to another part in the back, where Al Snow and Steve Blackman are arguing yet AGAIN on this gimmick thing. AL: Okay, Blackman, I know that you may not have like that last idea of Sailor Head, but look at this. What we can do is take these paper hearts into the ring, and when we get into the ring, we can eat them. You know, swallow pure HEARTS!! JR: OH PLEASE!! BLACKMAN: Al, let's just go out to the match, and try not to bring those stupid ass things to the ring, okay. [he walks away] AL: HEY, I STILL HAVE THOSE CANDY HEARTS FROM VALENTINES DAY!! KING: WHA...?! JR: Al and Steve vs. Sailor Uranus and Neptune, NEXT!! KING: EAT PAPER HEARTS!! They go to a break, then come back. Uranus and Neptune's music comes on, and out they come, surrounded by boos. JR: Welcome back to RAW... KING: Al Snow was going to eat PAPER in the RING?! JR: I don't want to think about if he was or NOT. In any event, it's going to be Al Snow and Stele Blackman vs. Uranus and Neptune, and something tells me that this is going to be a hell of a match, King. KING: Well, JR, we know the kinds of trouble that the Sailors HERE have had with the Cardians, Alan and Ann, and that has taken a TOLL on these two. JR: It definitly has, but you cannot count out their strength. They have supurb agility and strength, as well as that Final Justice move that CERTAINLY takes it's toll on the opponents for the pin. But they have their hands full tonight against Steve Blackman and Al Snow, and [Blackman's music starts playing, and they come out to the ring] here they come into the ring, and they aren't wasting any time going and getting any of the job done, as Blackman and Uranus start things off for this match. Blackman sends Uranus to the ropes, and tilt-a-whirl INTO a backbreaker, nicely done, and Blackman goes to the top. KING: Thank GOD that Al Snow didn't bring either those paper hearts or that stale candy that he was talking about. JR: That CANDY would be anything BUT pure, and Uranus getting back up, and PERFECT MARTIAL ARTS KICK TO THE STERNEM OF URANUS, and she is now tagging in Neptune, her confidone, as well as her LOVER!! KING: Hakura and Michuru are kind of, well... JR: Well, we'll leave THAT to the IMAGINATION..UH OH!! KING: THOSE TWO ARE IMAGINARY!! JR: ALAN AND ANN OUT HERE AGAIN TO POSSIBLY RUIN ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE SAILORS' CHANCES AT A WIN HERE TONIGHT!! Blackman tags in Al Snow, and Snow now, to the ropes, and NEPTUNECAUGHT HIM IN THE MIDSECTION WITH A ROUNDHOUSE KICK, AND TO THE ROPES AGAIN!! SNOW DUCKS UNDERNEATH OF HER, AND...WAIT A MINTUE!! THE CARDIANS PULLED THAT ROPE DOWN, AND ARE NOW STARTING TO GET SOME RETROBUTION FROM THE PAST COUPLE OF WEES!! INTO THE RING!! TIM WHITE HAS CALLED FOR THE BELL, AND ALAN AND ANN...DOWBLE RUSIAN LEG SWEEP ON NEPTUNE, AND ALAN IS GOING TO DO THAT LIMB BREAKER ON URANUS, AND...NAILS IT...UH OH, ANN HAS NEPTUNE IN SOME AMOAN DROP SETUP!! KING: I WAS WAITING FOR A NEW MOVE FROM ANN!! JR: SPINS HER AROUND, AND...INVERTED STUNNER TYPE MOVE, SHE CALLS IT THE DOOM TREE SNAP, AND THAT HAS TAKEN IT'S TOLL OUT OF THOSE TWO SAILORS AGAIN!! KING: THEY ARE NOT GONNA BE HAPPY... Switch to the back, where Gohan is getting ready for his SEA Title match. GOKU: Okay, Gohan, you ready to win this thing against that jerk, Todd. GOHAN: Sure thing, dad. GOKU: All right. Come on. They exit. JR: The SEA Title match is coming up next... Switch to another part in the back, where it's showing Queen Serenity coming into the building. JR: UH OH!! KING: WAIT A MINTUE!! JR: Queen Serenity is in the building. She has just arrived in the building, and what is on her mind tonight?! They go to a break, then come back. BG: (D-GENERATION!) THE KING OF ROCK, WHO? THE KING OF ROCK, WHAT? THE KING OF ROCK, WHO? THE KING OF ROCK, WHAT?! THE KING OF ROCK, WHO? THE KING OF ROCK, WHAT? THE KING OF ROCK, WHO? THE KING OF ROCK, WHAT?! Todd comes out to the ring. JR: THAT IS RUN DMC DOING DX, AND YOU CAN FIND THIS TRACK AS WELL AS OTHERS ON THE WWF AGRESSION CD, IN STORES NOW, AS TODD COMES OUT TO THE RING, AND GOHAN AND TODD ARE BOTH READY TO RUMBLE IN THE SEA TITLE MATCH, BUT KING, WE JUST SAW QUEEN NICOLE SERENITY COME INTO THE ASSEMBLY HALL, AND NOT ONE PERSON DOESN'T KNOW THAT SHE HAS A LOT ON HER MIND!! KING: Oh man, JR, she probably wants to know EVERYTHING about what happened last night. JR: She has a lot of questions, I am sure about THAT!! BG: ATTENTION ALL PARENTS! REPORT TO YOUR LOCAL THERAPIST! REPORT TO YOUR LOCAL CHURCH! REPORT TO YOUR LOCAL POLICE DEPARTMENT! IT'S GOIN' DOWN!!! JR: And here comes Gohan, and here we go. It's going to be Gohan vs. Todd, and Gohan is going right to work on the DX member. Gohan takes Todd to the turnbuckle, and pounds away at him. Inrish whip, and..RIGHT INTO THE TURNBUCKLE FOLLOWED UP BY ONE HELL OF A CLOSELINE BY GOHAN!! KING: Gohan is a fighter, and...uh oh, look whos out here. JR: Heather. Sailor Saturn had her eyes on Gohan LAST week, and this is just about to turn interesting. KING: That's Reenie's man, though. JR: Oh, that reminded me of what happened earlier tonight with Reenie, and folks, something is going to happen here, but Gohan, in the meantime, is still going to work on Todd, and meanwhile, Heather is looking at Gohan with that winkle of the eye. And Gohan with the VERTICAL..NO, REVERSAL, AND TODD IS NOW..OH WAIT A MINUTE, TODD IS LOOKING RIGHT AT SATURN HERE!! KING: AND LOOK AT THIS!! JR: HE'S TRYING TO HIT ON HEATHER HERE, AND HEATHER IS BACKING AWAY!! KING: This is turning scary, JR...WHAT THE...?! JR: WAIT A MINUTE!! WHO THE HELL IS THAT PERSON?! KING: I DONT KNOW, BUT THAT GREEN SHIRT IS VERY NOTICABLE!! JR: WHOEVER THIS GUY IS, HE'S DOING A NUMBER ON TODD, AND GOHAN COMES OUT HERE, AND GOHAN IS NOW GETTING TODD BACK INTO THE RING, AND...ACID DROP ON TODD!! COVER, COUNT, VICTORY!! GOHAN HAS WON THIS THING, THANKS TO WHOMEVER THAT GUY IS!! KING: I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THAT GUY IS OR WHAT HE'S DOING HERE, BUT HE CERTANILY MATCHES HIS CLOTHES CORRECTLY!! GREEN SHIRT, AND RED SHORTS!! JR: Who is this guy?! Switch to the back, where Kevin Kelly is standing by with Sailor Uranus and Neptune. KEVIN: SAILORS, YOU HAVE... URANUS: SHUT UP, KEVIN!! ALAN, ANN!! YOU WANT A FIGHT!! WE'LL GIVE YOU ONE!! THIS THURSDAY, WINNER GETS A TAG TEAM TITLE SHOT AT BACKLASH!! COME AND GET SOME, BECAUSE WE ARE READY TO KICK SOME ASS!! NEPTUNE: AND ONCE WE'RE DONE WITH YOU, YOU WILL DEFNINTLY GET SOME FINAL JUSTICE!! Switch to the back, where Queen Serenity is coming out to the ring. JR: Here we go. Queen Serenity is coming out here right NOW!! KING: What does she have on her mind?! JR: Obviously a LOT. What is she GONNA SAY, though?! End first hour. ______________________________________________________ CWF WAR ZONE WEEK #34 RATING: TV-14 DVL E-MAIL:, WaSP, DISCLAIMER: You know THIS one! ______________________________________________________ ANNOUNCERS: Jim Ross Jerry "The King" Lawler BACKSTAGE: Lucas (from Kevin Kelly Michael Cole The New Guy RING ANN.: Lillian Garcia PLACE: Assembly Hall, Champlaign, Illinois WEB SITE: ______________________________________________________ They come back, and Queen Serenity's music starts, and she comes out to the ring. JR: Here she comes. We are about to hear from the woman who last that title match last night to Sailor Moon on a contreversial account. KING: Yeah, but that wasn't ALL that happened. What a MATCH that was, but it ended in such turnmoil, and the torture wasn't stopped when the match was over. JR: Serena betrayed all of the people in which she cared about, except for Tuxedo Mask, and God KNOWS what kind of torment he has PUT people though in the past few weeks, especially with Serena's brother, Casto. KING: He cared so MUCH for his sis. He wanted his sis to be HAPPY. But INSTEAD, HE was the one who got doofed, and his mother, and HER mother, is in the ring. JR: Serenity is one HELL of a mother to her children, I can give you THAT much. SERENITY: Last night, I think I had to witness the..**sob** the worst thing that ever happened to me. [she breaks down crying] JR: Oh my God. KING: This remind you of something, JR!! JR: Queen Beryl one night removed for No Mercy. She was heartbroken, and now we are seeing Queen Serenity go though some similar feelings. SERENITY: [through her sobs] Princess Serena, why?! Why did you have to do that to me?! I loved you. You were my daughter. I would've done ANYTHING to keep you safe. But I can't believe of what you did to me...[she cannot speak out of all of the sadness]. JR: This is totally sad. Who in their right mind would put their own MOTHERS though... Negamusic starts, and Queen Beryl comes out. JR: UH OH!! KING: You know what happens when Beryl sees Serenity like THIS, JR!! JR: Oh, we know her temper flares all too well. And ESPECIALLY when she sees SERENITY hurt like this. Beryl gets into the ring, and Serenity falls right into her arms without even thinking twice. KING: Serenity is just profouncly crying, and FINALLY, she has SOME comfort out of Queen Beryl. JR: And now SHE has the mic. BERYL: HEY, SERENA, WHY DON'T YOU COME OUT HERE, AND TELL HER WHY THE HELL YOU DID THESE THINGS TO HER!! I WANT TO KNOW MYSELF, BECAUSE I SAW WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT, AND TO BE HONEST WITH YOU, I DISLIKED...NO, HATED WHAT YOU DID LAST NIGHT TO CASTO, WHAT YOU DID TO YOUR OWN MOTHER, AND, IN A WAY, TO ME, BECAUSE I WAS IN FACT ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS!! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW, AND TELL ME WHAT YOUR DAMN PROBLEM IS!! Crowd cheers. JR: YEAH!! I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THAT!! KING: SHE CONSIDERED SERENA HER FIREND?! JR: YOU BET TO HELL SHE WAS SERENA'S FRIEND BEFORE LAST NIGHT, AND SHE WANTS SOME ANSWERS... Sailor Moon's music starts up, and she comes out. KING: AND SHE'S ABOUT TO GET SOME!! HERE SHE COMES!! JR: FINALLY, WE MAY GET SOME ANSWERS HERE TONIGHT!! MOON: BERYL, FIRST OF ALL, YOU WERE NEVER, EVER MY FRIEND!! I MEAN, I DON'T WANT A LOSER TO BE MY FRIEND!! TUXEDO MASK IS MY FRIEND, AND HE WILL ALWAYS BE WITH ME!! HE IS A WINNER, UNLIKE THAT BITCH THAT IS MY MOTHER!! JR: OH MY GOD!! KING: OKAY OKAY, THAT'S ENOUGH!! BERYL: [yelling at the top of her lungs] MAYBE YOUR MOTHER CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU'VE MADE HER FEELINGS INTO, BUT I CAN!! SERENA, SAILOR MOON, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL YOURSELF, IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS, GET INTO THE RING WITH ME SOMETIME, AND LET'S GET IT ON!! IN FACT, IF YOU MANAGE TO GET OUT OF THAT MATCH WITH SAILOR MARS TONIGHT, I WANT YOU TO HAVE TWO MATCHES AT BACKLASH!! THE OTHER MATCH IS AGAINST ME!! JR: ALL RIGHT!! KING: NO WAY!! MOON: YEAH, I WANT TO KICK YOUR ASS!! MAYBE THEN, YOU WILL FIND OUT JUST HOW MUCH OF A LOSER YOU HAVE BECOME!! I'M GETTING THIS MATCH DOWN PAT TONIGHT, AND THEN, YOU AND ME, ONE ON ONE!! Beryl's music plays. JR: WHAT A NIGHT THIS HAS BEEN!! WE NOW HAVE A MATCH SET FOR BACKLASH!! COULD BE THE BIGGEST OF THE DECADE!! SAILOR MOON VS. QUEEN BERYL!! I DON'T BELIEVE IT!! [start CWF promo] ANN.: A NIGHT OF SURPRISES!! JR: I CAN'T BELIEVE MY EYES!! MIA POWERBOMBED FARROOQ!! ANN.: A NIGHT OF RETURNS KING: THAT'S....MISTY!! JR: MISTY, WHO HAS BEEN MARS' FRIEND FOR MONTHS, IS BACK!! ANN.: AND A NIGHT OF BETRAYL!! KING: SHE'S SETTING HER BROTHER UP, AND... JR: RUNNING POWERBOMB... Then, in a blink of an eye, SHE KISSES MASK, WITH TOUNGUE GOING DOWN THEIR THROATS!! ...KING: SHE TRICKED HER BROTHER!! SHE TRICKED HER OWN FAMILY!! ANN.: CWF WRESTLEMANIA 2000!! DON'T MISS THE ENCORE PRESENTATION TOMMORROW NIGHT, AND ONLY ON PAY PER VIEW!! [end CWF promo] They then go to a break, then come back. Misty's music starts, and she comes out to the ring. JR: What a night we have seen so far. We now have three matches on the card for Backlash, one of the bieng a World Title Match, one being a Tag Team Title Match, and we already got what could be the biggest match in the CWF YET!! If you thought that mother vs. daughter last night was something, this is THE match, folks. Sailor Moon vs. Queen Beryl, who would've thought that we would see such a match, King. KING: I STILL can't believe what we will see at Backlash, OR what we are going to see here and NOW!! Misty vs. Ash for the Intercontinental title. JR: ANOTHER extrodinary matchup coming up in that ring. Misty will be up against Ash for the Intercontinental Title. KING: Right, and get this., Castroil GTX presents CWF Backlash. Live from the sold out Joe Louis Arena in Detriot Michigan, May 21st and only on Pay Per View. JR: Misty is in the ring, and if this isn't enough for HER tonight, she will be with Mars in the next match, which is for the World Title. Sailor Mars vs. Sailor Moon, and something tells me that Mars can get it done tonight. I have this gut feeling that she will become the new CWF Champion here tonight. But here comes Ash Kertchum, the IC Champion, and we are set to go here in this matchup. KING: How much do you want to bet that neither Ash nor Misty want to fight each other here tonight. JR: I don't know if that is going to be true or not, we will find out, as he enters the ring. He is a part of that First Family that has been on a rampage in the CWF, doing VERY well. We already saw ONE title change hands, but that's because of the Bossman and Pat Buchanian. And here we go, and Ash and Misty...ARE GOING RIGHT AT EACH OTHERS THROATS!! KING: I DON'T BELIEVE IT, JR!! ASH KETCHUM AND MISTY IN A SLUGFEST! JR: Misty now, with a couple of chops to the throat of Ash, and now to the ropes, ducking under the closeline, and FULL MOMENTUM RIGHT INTO A SNAPMARE SUPLEX MOVE!! KING: Misty had the strength to pull that OFF?! JR: I guess so, as she rams that knee right into Ash's sternem, and now to the ropes again, this time it's Misty, and..FEET ON TOP OF ASH'S SHOLDERS HERE!! GREAT BALANCE HERE, AND FLIP, AND...ASH MET HER, AND GOT THE FIST DOWN RIGHT INTO HER STOMACH..DDT!! AND NOW A COVER, TWO, AND A KICKOUT...WAIT JUST A MINUTE HERE!! KING: THAT'S SAILOR MARS, JR!! JR: I KNOW FULL WELL WHO THAT IS, AND SHE'S COMING OUT HERE, AND NOW MISTY IS TRYING TO GET BACK TO HER FEET, AND ASH IS CONTINUING THE PUNISHMENT, AND SAILOR MARS IS RIGHT AT THE RING, LOOKING OVER THIS MATCH, AND MISTY, SENDS ASH TO THE ROPES, AND...MARS HITS ASH IN THE BACK!! KING: NO WAY... JR: MARS JUST GOT TO ASH, AND NOW ASH IS LOOKING RIGHT AT SAILOR MARS, WHILE MISTY IS LYING IN WAIT FOR ASH, AND...GOT HIM STRAPPED, AND...SPINNING POWERSLAM!!! ONE, TWO, WE HAVE A NEW CWF IC CHAMPION!! KING: SHE BETTER GIVE CREDIT FOR SAILOR MARS FOR DOING THAT!! JR: WE HAVE A NEW CWF INTERCONTENTIAL CHAMPION, AND ASH CANNOT BELIEVE THAT THIS IS HAPPENING, AND...WAIT A MINUTE, ASH HAS THE MIC!! ASH: MISTY, YOU KNOW, MAYBE I DON'T AGREE WITH THE WAY THAT YOU WON THE MATCH, BUT I THINK THAT NO MATTER HOW YOU WON THE MATCH, YOU DESERVED THIS WIN!! JR: AND...[Ash hugs Misty, and Mars gets in the ring to join in] THIS IS INCREDIABLE!! KING: I DON'T BELIEVE IT!! ASH, MISTY, AND SAILOR MARS, TOGETHER, AND WHAT IS THIS GOING TO SPELL FOR WHAT IS COMING UP NEXT... Switch to the back, where Sailor Moon is coming out to the ring. JR: And coming up next, it's that biig championship match, and if what we have seen already is a sign for what is to come, we will have a brand new CWF Champion. KING: Earlier tongiht, I may have not agreed with you there, but now I have to think that that is possible. JR: CHAMPION MATCH, NEXT!! They go to their final commercial break, then come back. Moon's music hits, and she comes out to the ring. JR: Mars was already in the ring, and decided to stay here for this match, as we have taken all of our commercial breaks, we are staying here, and here we go. Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars, and Tuxedo Mask is with Moon. Mars and Moon in a hell of a slugfest, and to the ropes goes Sailor Moon, and CROSS FACE SUPLEX!! MARS NOW, WITH A LEGDROP, AND BACK TO THE ROPES, DUCKS UNDERNEATH A CLOSELINE, AND SPINNING NECK BREAKER BY MOON, COVER, TWO, AND KICKOUT BY SAILOR MARS!! KING: This started as soon as we got from the break, JR!! JR: And this is begginning to be a hell of a match as it is. Mars, now, trying to get back up, as Moon, with a couple of kicks to the midsectoin of Sailor Mars. Remember that Misty is in Sailor MARS' corner, and Mask is in Moon's corner. To the ropes again, and Moon lowers, and MARS TELEGRAPHED IT, AND KICK FOLLOWED BY A HELL OF A DDT!! KING: Sailor Mars may do it, JR!! JR: Mars, looking to..AND MOON CAUGHT HER BY THE THROAT, AND UP..CHOKESLAM, AND MOON SAYS THAT THAT IS IT!! SHE'S SETTING UP MARS FOR THE RUNNING POWERBOMB, AND...MARS COUNTERED WITH A BACK BODY DROP!! KING: THIS IS GETTING INTERESTING, JR!! JR: WHO IS GOING TO BE THE CWF CHAMPION?! THAT IS THE QUESTIONED BEING ANSWERED HERE TONIGHT, AS SAILOR MOON, NOW, TRYING TO GET BACK INTO THIS MATCH, AND IRISH WHIP, NO REVERSAL, AND..TUXEDO MASK PULLED THE ROPE DOWN JUST IN TIME FOR SAILRO...UH OH!! KING: HERE COMES MISTY!! JR: REMEMBER WHAT MISTY SAID ABOUT MASK BEING OUT HERE, AND SHE...DOES A HELL OF A CLOSELINE, FOLLOWED BY A KICK STRAIGHT TO THE JAW OF MASK, AND IN THE MEANTIME, SAILOR MOON IS GOING TO WORK ON THE OUTSIDE ON SAILOR MARS HERE, AND... KING: BOUNCED HER HEAD RIGHT OFF OF OUR TABLE HERE...OH LOOK OUT.. JR: REVERSAL RIGHT INTO THE STEEL STAIRS GOES SAILOR MOON, AND MARS IS ONCE AGAIN IN CONTROL, AND..MOON TRIPPED UP MARS, AND SENDS HER FACE RIGHT INTO THAT STEEL BARRICADE, AND NOW BACK INTO THE RING GOES MOON AND MARS, AND NOW IRISH WHIP, NO REVERSAL, AND...RIGHT INTO THE REFEREE EARL HEBNER, AND THIS IS ABOUT TO TURN UGLY, AND SAILOR MOON...UH OH!! KING: THIS TIME SHE IS GONNA GET THAT RUNNING POWERBOMB!! JR; AND MARS IS UP, AND...NAILED THE RUNNING POWERBOMB, AND NOW A PIN, BUT THERE IS NO REFEREE!! KING: GET UP, YOU STUPID REF!! MAKE THE COUNT!! JR: EARL HEBNER HAS BEEN KNOCKED COLD, AND...WAIT A MINTUE, HERE COMES MISTY FROM THE TOP ROPE, AND...ELBOW RIGHT INTO THE BACK OF SAILOR MOON, AND TO THE ROPES GOES MISTY, AND NOW...PERCHED STANDING ON MOON'S SHOLDERS, AND...DOWN WITH THAT FLIP PUNCH OF HERS, AND THE REFEREE IS STIRRING, AND THIS MAY BE WHAT SAILOR MARS NEEDS, AS SHE GETS UP FROM THAT RUNNING POWERBOMB OF MOON!! KING: MISTY IS GETTING OUT OF THE RING, AND...OH NO!! JR: SAILOR MARS HAS MOON UP, AND... Mars then does a move similar to Farrooq's old "Dominator" on Moon. JR: THE FIREBIRD ON SAILOR MOON!! FIREBIRD!! PIN HER!! KING: WHAAA...?! JR: EARL HEBNER, GOING OVER TO MAKE THE COUNT!! 1................................2.............................3!!! 3, 3, 3!! WE HAVE A NEW CWF CHAMPION!! GARCIA: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, YOUR WINNER OF THE MATCH, AND NNNNEEEEEWWWW CWF WORLD CHAMPION, SAILOR MARS!! JR: SHE HAS DONE IT!! KING: I DON'T BELIEVE IT, JR!! YOUR GUT FEELING WAS RIGHT ON THIS!! SHE'S DONE IT!! JR: MISTY RETURNED THE FAVOR!! SHE'S THE NEW IC CHAMP, AND SAILOR MARS HAS GOTTEN THE BIGGEST PRIZE IN THIS BUSINESS!! CARTOON WRESTLING FEDERATION WORLD CHAMPION!! KING: AND SAILOR MOON CANNOT BELIEVE IT, EITHER!! JR: SHE'S GONNA HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT!! THIS IS THE BIGGEST EGO CRUSHER THAT THERE CAN BE!! SAILOR MARS IS THE NEW CWF CHAMPION!! AND MISTY IS CELEBRATING IN THE RING, AND THE FANS ARE AT STATIC!! WHAT A WAY TO CLOSE OUT A NIGHT!! KING: MARS IS IN TEARS OF JOY!! JR: AND SHE DESERVES IT!! WE HAVE A NEW CWF CHAMPION, AND HER NAME IS SAILOR MARS!! They go off the air.